1、<A>a or an(1) one; (2) any; (3) eachWould you give me a sheet of paper? (1)A triangle has three sides. (2)He comes to see his grandmother once a week. (3)ablehaving the power to do somethingAre you able to speak English?about (1) almost; (2) of or having a relation toHe completed about half of
2、 his work. (1)We talk about the weather. (2)aboveat a higher placeHis head was above the water. accept to agree to receivePlease accept my thanks.accident (1) something that happens by chance or mistake; (2) an unplanned eventShe was injured in the accident. (1)We met again by accident after sevente
3、en years had passed. (2)accuse (1) to say a person is responsible for an act or crime; (2) to make a statement against someoneHer friend accused her of breaking his heart. (1)The lawyer accused the suspect of lying. (2)across (1) from side to side; (2) to the other sideThe box was ten centimeters ac
4、ross. (1)The dog ran across the road. (2)act to do somethingHe acted immediately to stop the fight.activistone who seeks change through actionThe activist worked hard to change the law.actorsomeone acting in a play or showThat actor frightened me.add(1) to put (something) with another to make it lar
5、ger; (2) to say morePlease add my name to the list. (1)She told him to leave, but added that she would like to see him again. (2)administrationthe executive part of a government, usually headed by a president or prime ministerThe new administration starts work in January.admit (1) to accept; (2) to
6、express one's guilt or responsibilityWhen was the country admitted to the United Nations? (1)He admitted that what he did was wrong. (2)adulta grown personOnly an adult can sign the document.adviseto help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decisionDid you advise him to leave?affect
7、 (1)to influence;(2)to produce an effect onA lack of sleep affected the singer's performance. (1)Mr. Nutley's belief in my talent greatly affected my life. (2) afraidfeeling fearI am afraid of guns.after(1)later; (2)behindShe arrived after the lesson started. (1)In the alphabet, B is after A
8、. (2)again(1) another time; (2) as beforeSam played the song again. (1)I found my book in the same place again. (2)against(1) opposed to; (2) not agreeing with something They marched against the war. (1)He agreed to most of the plan, but was against starting it now. (2)agehow old a person or thing i
9、sThe legal age for voting is eighteen.agency an organization that is part of a larger groupUNICEF is an agency of the United Nations.aggression(1) an attack against a person or country; (2) the violation of a country's bordersThe surprise attack was an act of aggression. (1)The country committed
10、 aggression when it crossed the border of the other country. (2)ago(1) of time past; (2) before nowHe was my friend long ago. (1)I saw her two years ago. (2)agree(1) to have the same belief as someone; (2) to be willing to do somethingWe agree about politics. (1)Both sides agree to meet again next w
11、eek. (2)agriculturefarmingJohn studied agriculture because he wanted to be a farmer.aid(1) to help; (2) to support; (3) help, assistanceHe offered to aid the victims of the fire. (1)Did you give money to aid the Democratic or the Republican candidate? (2)Congress voted to provide aid to the flood vi
12、ctims. (3)aim(1) to point a gun at; (2) a goal or purposeYou cannot hit the target if you do not aim the gun. (1)The aim of the reformers is to improve government. (2)airthe mixture of gases around the earth, mostly nitrogen and oxygen, that we breatheThe air is clean in the mountains.air forcea mil
13、itary organization using airplanesThe air force wants more airplanes and missiles.airplanea vehicle with wings that fliesI flew home on an airplane.airporta place where airplanes take off and landThe airplane landed at the airport in Washington.albuma collection of recorded musicHe recorded the song
14、 from an old record album.alcohola strong, colorless liquid, usually made from grain, used as a drug or in industrial productsThe man fell because he drank too much alcohol.alive(1) having life; (2) not deadThe flowers become alive in the spring. (1)The accident victim was seriously injured but is s
15、till alive. (2)all(1) everything; (2) everyone; (3) the complete amountShe ate all that she wanted. (1)All were invited to speak on the proposal. (2)She spent all her money for a new car. (3)ally a nation or person joined with another for a special purposeBritain is a military ally of the United Sta
16、tes.almosta little less than completelyMy dog is almost five years old.aloneseparated from othersSome people enjoy eating alone.alongnear or onWe walked along the road.already(1) before now; (2) even nowShe was already there when we arrived. (1)It is already too late to take the train. (2)also(1) ad
17、ded to; (2) tooPlease bring me the fish dinner and coffee, and also some water. (1)She said she also wanted to go home. (2)althougheven if it is true thatAlthough he was tired, he kept walking.always(1) at all times; (2) every timeThis street is always busy. (1)We always study together. (2)ambassado
18、r a nation's highest diplomatic representative (to another government)Foreign ambassadors live in the capital city.amendto add to or to change (a proposal or law)The committee refused to amend its proposal.ammunitionthe bullets or shells fired from gunsThey could not fight without ammunition.amo
19、ngin or part of (a group)She was among the students who left the school. amountthe number, size or weight of anythingThe doctor gave him only a small amount of medicine.anarchy(1) a lack of order; (2) lawlessnessThe peaceful protests blocked the streets and produced anarchy. (1)Anarchy resulted when
20、 the city could not stop the riots. (2)ancestora family member from the pastMy ancestors came from Switzerland in 1742.ancient(1) very old; (2) long agoScientists discovered the ancient knife in a cave. (1)They read the Iliad while studying ancient Greece. (2)and (1) also; (2) in addition to; (3) wi
21、thMy dog likes to run and jump. (1)Five and three equal eight. (2)Do you like rice and black beans? (3)angera strong emotion against someone or somethingThe protester's voice was full of anger.animala living creature that moves, such as a dog or catThe kangaroo is a strange animal.anniversarya y
22、early celebration or observance of an event that happened in the pastWhen is your wedding anniversary?announce(1) to make known publicly; (2) to declare officiallyWho announced the VOA news last night? (1)The president announced a tax cut. (2)another(1) one more;(2)a different oneMay I have another
23、kiss? (1)Let's do this another way. (2)answer(1) a statement produced by a question; (2) to make a statement after being asked a questionThat was my final answer. (1)She answered the question with a smile. (2)anyone or more of no special kindI do not have any plans to leave town.apologizeto expr
24、ess regret for a mistake or accident for which one accepts responsibilityDo not apologize for someone else's mistake.appeal(1) to take to a higher court, person or group for a decision; (2) to call on somebody for helpI have appealed the decision to a higher court. (1)The aid organization appeal
25、ed for more food and water for flood victims. (2)appear(1) to show oneself; (2) to come into sight; (3) to seemThe actor appeared on television for the first time. (1)The ship appeared as the fog lifted. (2)The farmer appeared to be very tired. (3)appoint(1) to name; (2) to chooseThe owner appointed
26、 John to head the new business. (1)The president can appoint a judge to the new court. (2)approve(1) to agree with; (2) to agree to supportThe bank approved my loan. (1)I approve of your proposal. (2)archeologythe scientific study of past human life and activitiesHe studied archeology in college.are
27、aany place or part of itMy friend lives in this area.argue(1) to offer reasons for or against something; (2) to dispute; (3) to disagreeThe President argued for more aid to schools. (1)They argued all day but could not find agreement. (2)George and Al love to argue about politics. (3)arms(1) militar
28、y equipment; (2) weaponsThe rebels got most of their arms by taking them from soldiers. (1)We are very concerned about the spread of nuclear arms. (2)armymilitary ground forcesThe army fights on the ground.aroundon every side (of)She drove around in her new car.arrest(1) to seize a person for legal
29、action; (2) to take as a prisonerThe judge ordered police to arrest him because he refused to come to court. (1)The police arrested the violent demonstrators. (2)arriveto come to a place, especially at the end of a tripThe president arrived in Tokyo for an official visit.artexpressions or creations
30、by humans, such as paintings, music, writing or statuesMuch of the art included paintings stolen during World War II.artillerybig gunsArtillery destroyed most of the buildings in the town.as(1) equally; (2) when; (3) whileThe wild fire spread as fast as the wind behind it. (1)As he heard the gunshot
31、, he looked at his watch and saw it was almost five o'clock. (2) He watched the animal as it ran across the field. (3)ash the part left after something burnsOnly ashes were left when the fire passed.ask(1) to question; (2) to say something is wantedWe ask the teacher questions every day. (1)The
32、candidate asked the people for their votes. (2)assistto helpThe doctor asked the medical student to assist him.astronauta person who travels in spaceAstronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.astronomythe scientific study of stars and the universeI study astronomy because I like
33、to look at stars.asylumpolitical protection given by a government to a person from another countryThe refugee asked for political asylum.at(1) in or near; (2) where; (3) whenShe saw the bear at the edge of the forest. (1)Look at the bear. (2)We must go home at noon. (3)atmospherethe gases surroundin
34、g any star or planetThe atmosphere of Venus is mostly water and carbon dioxide.attach(1) to tie together; (2) to connectPlease attach this name card to your coat. (1)He attached himself to our group. (2)attack(1) a violent attempt to damage, injure or kill; (2) to start a fight The war started with
35、a rebel attack on government troops at Charleston, South Carolina. (1)Several men attacked him on the street. (2)attempt(1) to work toward something; (2) to try; (3) to make an effortHe attempted to change his life one step at a time. (1)Do not attempt to drive through the flood waters. (2)You will
36、never write your book if you do not attempt it. (3)attendto be present atThe president will attend the meeting.automobile(1) a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; (2) a carIs a bus an automobile? (1)Who invented the automobile? (2)autumnthe time of the year between summer and winterThe trees o
37、f autumn are bright red and yellow.average(1) something (a number) representing the middle; (2) common; (3) normalThe average of daily high temperatures in Washington in January is zero degrees, Celsius. (1)The average amount spent for lunch was two dollars. (2)John is an average student. (3)avoidto
38、 stay away fromAvoid meat and milk products to prevent a heart attack.awakenot sleepingThe storm kept everyone awake for hours.awardan honor or prize for an act or serviceLast night, we saw the movie that won the best picture award.awaynot nearThe old man came from far away, but his home is here now
39、. <B>babya newly born creatureMary had a baby last night.back(1) the part behind the front; (2) the other way from forwardThe writer's picture is on the back of the book. (1)She stopped walking away and looked back at me. (2)bad(1) wrong; (2) acting against the law; (3) not goodBill made a
40、 bad decision. (1)The prisoner was a bad man for most of his life. (2)The water was dirty and had a bad taste. (3)balanceto make two sides or forces equalI balanced my budget by not spending more than I earned.ballsomething roundThe earth is shaped like a ball.balloona device of strong, light materi
41、al that rises when filled with gas lighter than airMany hot air balloons race in New Mexico each year.ballota piece of paper used for votingI was asked to count the ballots and announce the winner.ban(1) to not permit; (2) to stop; (3) an official restrictionRunning is banned at our swimming pool. (
42、1)The curfew bans all night time travel. (2)The protestors called for a ban on smoking in public buildings. (3)bankan organization that keeps and lends moneyThe man said he robbed banks because that is where the money is.barto prevent or blockHe was barred from competing in the games because he used
43、 illegal drugs.barrieranything that blocks or makes an action difficultThe voting rights law removes most racial barriers to voting.base(1) a military center; (2) to establish as a fact My brother is at a military training base. (1)Her research was based on experiments. (2)battlea fight between oppo
44、sing armed forcesSouthern forces won the battle but lost the war.be(1) to live; (2) to happen; (3) to existThe man is very sick and will not be here much longer. (1)The wedding will be soon. (2)Washington, D.C., has been the capital for 200 years. (3)beat to hit again and againThe prison guards deni
45、ed they beat the prisoner.beautythat which pleases the eye, ear or spiritAll fell silent at the beauty of the mountains.becausefor the reason that He left because he was sick.becometo come to beWhen did he become sick?beda sleeping placeThe bed was so hard that I could not sleep.beforeearlierBill at
46、e before he went to work.begin(1) to do the first part of an action; (2) to startHe began to laugh when he saw me. (1)A long walk begins with one step. (2) behind(1) at the back of; (2) in back ofOur fastest runner was far behind the leader. (1)I live behind that hill. (2)believe(1) to think; (2) to
47、 feel sure of; (3) to accept as true; (4) to trustI believe it may rain tonight. (1)Jim believes his friend is a good writer. (2)The lawyer believed the suspect's statement. (3)We believe in God. (4) bellan instrument that makes a musical soundJim says he likes the sound of a church bell.belong(
48、1) to be owned by; (2) to be a member ofThat book belongs to my sister. (1)My brother belongs to the Boy Scouts. (2)belowlower thanThe temperature outside is below freezing.bestthe most goodAll of our singers are good but Lisa is best.betray(1) to turn against; (2) to be false toThe spy betrayed his
49、 country. (1)The boy betrayed his mother's trust in him. (2)bettermore good thanZach is a better baseball player than Al.between(1) in the space or time that separates; (2) from one to the otherI would like to meet with you between two and three o'clock. (1)Secret talks between the two natio
50、ns produced an agreement. (2)big(1) of great size; (2) not smallTexas is a big state. (1)Melissa was a big baby. (2)billa legislative proposalTo become law, a bill must be approved by both houses of Congress and signed by the President.biologythe scientific study of life or living things in all thei
51、r formsMy school requires one year of study each of biology, physics and chemistry.birda creature that fliesI watched the bird fly away until I could no longer see it.biteto cut with the teethMy dog sounds aggressive but he will not bite you.black(1) dark; (2) having the color like that of the night
52、 skyI first saw him on a black and stormy night. (1)The doctor arrived in a big black car. (2)blame(1) to accuse; (2) to hold responsibleThe police blamed him for the crime. (1)Don't blame me for your bad decision. (2)blanketa cloth cover used to keep warmThe flood refugees needed food and warm
53、blankets.bleedto lose bloodDo you know how to stop your nose from bleeding?blindnot able to seeBeing blind did not keep him from becoming a famous singer.block(1) to stop something from being done; (2) to prevent movementHe blocked any attempt to become friends. (1)A truck accident blocked the road
54、for an hour. (2)bloodred fluid in the bodyA blood test is usually part of a yearly medical examination.blowto move with force, as in airThe wind blows the autumn leaves.bluehaving the color like that of a clear skyMy son has blue eyes.boatsomething built to travel on water that carries people or goodsI like to fish from a boat.body(1) all of a person or animal; (2) the remains of a person or animalExercise can improve anyone's body. (1)Police found five bodies buried beneath the house. (2)boilto heat a liquid until it becomes very hotBoil one cup of water, add frozen
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