1、iEmployment Contract勞動雇傭合同BetweenAnd21ContractContract partnerspartners合同雙方CompanyCompany FluggerFlugger CoatingsCoatings (Shanghai)(Shanghai) Co.Co. Ltd.Ltd. , (hereinafter referred to as The Company) a wholly foreign owned enterpriseorganized and existing under the laws of the P.R.C., with its leg
2、al address at Room 1806, TomsonInternational Trade Building, No. 1 Ji Long Road, Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, representedin this contract by Mr. Henrik Larsen甲方 業(yè)。法定地址:。在本合同中以先生為公司代表EmployeeEmployee(hereinafter referred to as The Employee ), ID Number:乙方(以下稱作“乙方”)身份證號碼:2EmploymentEmployment
3、雇傭關(guān)系2.1The Company hereby offers formal employment to the Employee, and the Employee hereby agrees to beemployed by the Company, with the work area of technical support, in accordance with the terms andconditions set forth in this Contract, theJob Description and the Remuneration Scheme annexed to t
4、his Contract and the Employee Handbook. Aclean release from the Employees previous employer is required; otherwise the Company holds the rightto revoke this offer.依照本合同及其附屬的工作描述與報酬表以及公司員工手冊中所列的條款和要 求,甲方正式雇傭乙方,乙方同意接受雇傭。乙方的工作范圍屬于技術(shù)服務相 關(guān)的各種事務。乙方必須與前雇主完全脫離雇傭關(guān)系,否則甲方有權(quán)撤回要約。3DurationDuration andand probati
5、onprobation periodperiod合同期和試用期3.1This Contract, signed by the Company and the Employee, shall continue from , for a period ofyears(hereinafter referred to as The Term ), unless the Contract is earlier terminated in accordancewith its provisions.本合同由甲方和乙方共同簽訂。除非其因合同相關(guān)條款的規(guī)定而提前終止,合同有效期(以下稱為“合同期”)將從 年
6、月日起持續(xù)至年 月 日,為期 年。3. 2 The Employee shall be required to undergo a period of probation of 3 months. (Employees who renew contractsare exceptions if agreed to by the Company).乙方應當履行為期三個月的試用期。(乙方經(jīng)甲方同意續(xù)簽合同的情況除外)3.3The Company may dismiss the Employee at any time during, or at the end of, the probationar
7、y periodif the Company considers that the Employees performance cannot satisfy the recruitment conditionsor the standards in the job description during the probationary period. If the Company considers thatthe Employees performance has been satisfactory during the probationary period, the Employee s
8、hallbecome a regular employee of the Company in accordance with the terms of this Contract, and the probationperiod will be within the contract term.在試用期中的任何時間或試用期末,甲方如果認為乙方的表現(xiàn)沒有達到雇傭的條件或工作描述的標準,可以隨時解雇乙方。如果甲方對乙方在試用期間的表現(xiàn)滿意,則根據(jù)合同條款乙方將成為甲方的正式員工,并將試用期計入合同期 內(nèi)。3.4Execution of this Labor Contract shall term
9、inate at its expiration. At least 30 days prior to the3scheduled expiration of the Term, the Company shall offer the Employee a renewal of the Contract ifthe Company intends to renew the Contract. If the Company offers to renew the Contract, the Employeeshall accept or refuse the renewal prior to th
10、e expiration of the Term. In the event that the Employeefails to respond prior to the expiration of the Term, the Employee shall be deemed to have refusedto renew the Contract.合同期滿后本合同將終止。如果甲方打算續(xù)簽合同,應當在本合同期滿之日至少30天前向乙方發(fā)出續(xù)簽的要約。在甲方發(fā)出續(xù)簽合同的要約后,乙方應當在 合同期滿前接受或拒絕該要約。如果乙方在本合同期滿前沒有表態(tài),視為放棄 續(xù)約。4WorkWork scopes
11、cope andand workwork timetime工作范圍與工作時間4.1The scope of the Employee duties shall be determined from time to time inaccordance with the needs of the Company by the deputy general manager or a manager of the Companydesignated by the deputy general manager. The Company has the right, after consulting wi
12、th the Employee,to adjust the scope of the Employee s duties in terms of the Company administrative requirements,and the Employee professional capability and working performance. The Employee shall diligentlyperform his/her duties to the best of his/her ability in accordance with the instructions of
13、 his/hersupervisors, work in co-operation with his/her supervisors and colleagues, and observe the term ofthis Contract and the work rules of the Company contained in the Employee Handbook of the Company orotherwise issued by the Company.乙方的職責范圍由甲方的副總經(jīng)理或指定的管理人員根據(jù)甲方的需要隨時進行 規(guī)定。在與乙方商議后,甲方有權(quán)根據(jù)甲方的管理需要、乙方
14、的專業(yè)能力與工作表現(xiàn)調(diào)整乙方的職責范圍。乙方應當按照上級的指示勤勉地履行職責并發(fā)揮 最大能力,與上級和同事通力合作,遵守本合同的條款以及包括在甲方員工手 冊或甲方發(fā)布的其他文件中的工作規(guī)章。4.2The Employee shall be entitled to legal holidays, annual leave, and other paid leaves of absence inaccordance with applicable law and the Company s work rules, which are in force from time to time.The t
15、erms of leaves of absence at the date of commencement of the Term is described in the RemunerationScheme attached to this contract.乙方有權(quán)享受法定節(jié)假日、年假和其他不時生效的相關(guān)法律及甲方工作規(guī)章所 規(guī)定的帶薪假期。有關(guān)合同生效日起假期的條款請參照本合同所附的報酬表。5RemunerationRemuneration勞動報酬5.1The monthly salary of the Employee during his/her probationary perio
16、d shall be as set forth in theRemuneration Scheme. After the satisfactory completion of the probationary period, the Company willconduct an assessmen of the Employee s technical level, work attitude and efficiency etc. Thereafterthe Company may change the wage of the Employee from time to time based
17、 on the performance of the Employee.4乙方在試用期內(nèi)的月薪將在報酬表中列明。如果乙方在試用期的表現(xiàn)令甲方滿 意,甲方將對其技術(shù)水平、工作態(tài)度、效率水平等進行評估。此后,甲方可根 據(jù)乙方的表現(xiàn)適時對其工資進行調(diào)整。5.2It is stipulated that during period of legal holidays and Marriage or Bereavement Leaves and legal participation in socialactivities, the Company shall pay the wage.乙方在法定休假日
18、和婚喪假期間以及依法參加社會活動期間,甲方依法支付工 資。5.3As for other subsidy and allowance of the Employee, the Company shall conduce according to relevant regulations of P.R.Cor the Companys own remuneration system.乙方的其它津貼、補貼等待遇,甲方按國家和本單位有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。5.4The Company will pay all remuneration directly to the Employee in cash, les
19、s any amount required to be withheld by theCompany as individual income tax. The Employee shall, however, have sole responsibility for any individual income taxand any other charges or taxes imposed on the Employees remuneration.甲方將所有報酬在扣除依法由甲方代扣的諸如個人所得稅等費用后以現(xiàn)金形式 直接支付給乙方。乙方將對繳納個人所得稅以及與報酬相關(guān)的其他任何費稅義 務
20、承擔全部責任。6SocialSocial insuranceinsurance andand welfarewelfare社會保障和彳鬲利6.1According to the stipulations of P.R.C, the Company shall pay Social Insurance Fund for the Employee, the Employee shallundertake his own part of Social Insurance Fund.甲方按國家規(guī)定為乙方繳納社會保險金,乙方按規(guī)定繳納個人應當承擔的部分。6.2In case the Employee i
21、s ill or injured for non-work reasons, the Company shall offer the Employee a period of medicaltreatment according to the patient s circumstances and the length of his/her service in the Company. The living expensesand medical fees are paid in accordance with relevant regulations of P.R.C.乙方患病或非因工負傷
22、,甲方按其病情及在本單位工作時間長短,給予一定的 醫(yī)療期。醫(yī)療期間的生活費用和醫(yī)療費用,按國家有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。6.3As for other items of insurance and welfare, the Company shall conduce according to relevant regulations of P.R.C.乙方的其他保險和福利待遇,甲方應將按國家有關(guān)規(guī)定執(zhí)行。7WorkWork conditioncondition andand laborlabor protectionprotection勞動條件與勞動保護7.1The Company shall stric
23、tly observe rules and standards of P.R.C on occupational safety and hygiene and regulations onworking hours, rest and holiday system as well as special protections on female employees; and provide occupational safetyand health conditions conforming to relevant provision of P.R.C and necessary articl
24、es to ensure the Employee will besafe and healthy during process of production or work. If the Employee is to be engaged in work with occupational hazards,regular medical check should be provided.甲方嚴格執(zhí)行國家勞動安全衛(wèi)生規(guī)程和標準、工作時間和休息、休假制度及女職工特殊保護規(guī)定,為乙方提供符合國家規(guī)定的勞動安全衛(wèi)生條件和必要的勞 動保護用品,保障乙方在工作( 生產(chǎn))過程的安全和健康。如安排乙方從事職
25、 業(yè)危害的作業(yè),需對乙方定期進行健康檢查。7.2The Employee must strictly abide by rules of safe operations during working process, and has the right to refuse peccantcommand.乙方在生產(chǎn)過程中必須嚴格遵守安全操作規(guī)程,并有權(quán)拒絕違章指揮。8LaborLabor disciplinediscipline勞動紀律58.1The Employee shall comply with all aspects of the Company s rules relating to
26、 labordiscipline and other work rules and procedures of the Company contained in theEmployee Handbook or otherwise issued by the Company from time to time.乙方應遵守甲方包括在員工手冊或甲方不時發(fā)布的其他文件中的所有有關(guān)勞動 紀律、工作制度與程序的規(guī)定。8.2The Employee is required to devote his/her full working power and ability to the Company, and
27、 is not allowed to performwork in his/her leisure time for other employers or him/herself during the term of this Contract.乙方應向甲方貢獻他全部的工作能力和才干,在合同期內(nèi)不得利用工作時間為其他雇主或自己本人服務。8.3The Employee is not allowed to accept gifts or loans from any person or organization commercially related or in otherways relate
28、d to the Company.乙方不得從與甲方有商業(yè)或其他往來的任何個人或組織處接受禮物或貸款。8.4The Employee shall not accept gifts, loans or other benefits from other company or persons because of his/her work inthe Company either directly or indirectly,乙方不得利用其在甲方的工作關(guān)系直接或間接從其他任何組織或個人處接受禮 物、貸款或其他好處。8.5The Employee shall not behave exceeding
29、the Employee s authority or abuse theEmployees power, obey arrangements and orders from the Employee s supervisor,and maintain good relationship with the Employee s colleagues.乙方不得越權(quán)行事和濫用職權(quán)。乙方應遵循上級的安排和指示行事,并與同事 保持良好的工作關(guān)系。8.6The Employee shall protect the assets of the Company. The Employee shall nev
30、eruse the assets of the Company for the purpose except for the Employee s work.乙方應當保護甲方資產(chǎn),不得將甲方的資產(chǎn)用于工作以外的其他目的。8.7Any violation of the above mentioned articles shall constitute a serious violation of disciplines and cause the terminationof this Contract by the Company in accordance with Article 9.1.2
31、 and 9.1.3 of this Contract.如果乙方違背了以上任何一條都將視為嚴重違紀,甲方將以此根據(jù)本合同9.1.2條和9.1.3條之規(guī)定終止合同。9TerminationTermination ofof ContractContract byby thethe CompanyCompany甲方單方面解除合同9.1The Company may dismiss the Employee at any time without further notice if the Employee:乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可以不發(fā)出通知而隨時直接解雇乙方:9.1.1Is proven to
32、 be incompetent for the employing requirement during his/her period of probation;在試用期內(nèi)被證明不符合錄用條件的;9.1.2Seriously breach labor disciplines or regulations as stipulated by the Company;嚴重違反勞動紀律或甲方依法制定的規(guī)章制度的;9.1.3Seriously neglects his duty and engages in malpractices for selfish ends, thus causing sign
33、ificant harm to the interestsof the Company; or嚴重失職、營私舞弊,對甲方利益造成重大損害的;9.1.4is found guilty according to the laws of P.R.C.6被依法追究刑事責任的9.2The Company may dismiss the Employee with 30 days prior written notice if:乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方應提前30天以書面形式通知乙方解除合同:9.2.1the Employee suffers from a disease or has sustained
34、 an injury that is not work related,and is unable to resume his/her original work upon the expiration of the medical treatment period, and continues to beincapable of achieving an adequate level of performance after transfer to a different position;乙方患病或非因工負傷,經(jīng)治療不能復工或調(diào)整工作崗位后仍不能從事正常工作的;9.2.2the Emplo
35、yee is incapable of performing the duties of his/her position and continuesto be incapable of achieving an adequate level of performance after training or transfer to a different position;乙方不能勝任本職工作,經(jīng)培訓或調(diào)整工作崗位仍不勝任工作的;9.2.3a major change in the objective circumstances pursuant to which this Contract
36、was entered into has rendered the Contractincapable of being carried out and the Company and the Employee have failed to reach agreement on the amendment of theContract; or合同訂立時所依照的客觀環(huán)境發(fā)生重大改變使合同無法正常履行,并且甲方和 乙方對合同的修改無法達成一致的;9.2.4the Company needs to reduce the number of its personnel in order to avoi
37、d serious economic problems or as a result ofthe occurrence of major production oroperational problems, and has consulted with the Company s trade union or theEmployee.為避免嚴重的經(jīng)濟問題或作為甲方生產(chǎn)、運行上出現(xiàn)重大問題的結(jié)果,甲方經(jīng)與工會或乙方本人協(xié)商后需要裁員的;9.3If the Company dismisses the Employee pursuant to Article 9.2, the Company sha
38、ll pay compensation to the Employee in accordancewith applicable law.如果甲方依照9.2條解雇乙方,甲方將根據(jù)相關(guān)法律向乙方支付補償金。9.4The Company can not take Article 9.2 as basis to terminate the Contract, if one of the following cases occurs to the Employee:乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方不得依據(jù)本合同9.2條解除合同:9.4.1the Employee suffers from occupatio
39、nal disease or is injured from work, and loseshis labor capacity or part of the labor capacity, the fact of which is approved by the relevant government organization;乙方患職業(yè)病或因工負傷,經(jīng)相關(guān)政府機構(gòu)確認喪失或部分喪失勞動能力的;9.4.2the Employee is ill or injured and is within the stipulated medical treatment period;乙方患病或者負傷,在
40、規(guī)定的醫(yī)療期內(nèi)的;9.4.3female staff during her pregnancy, puerperium or breast-feeding period; or乙方在孕期、產(chǎn)期、哺乳期內(nèi);9.4.4under other conditions stipulated by laws and regulations.法律、行政法規(guī)規(guī)定的其他情形;10TerminationTermination ofof thethe contractcontract byby thethe EmployeeEmployee乙方單方面解除合同10.1The Employee may at any t
41、ime resign from employment with the Company with 30 days written notice. If the Employee does so resign,7the Company shall have no obligation to pay any compensation to the Employee in respect of the termination of the Contract.乙方可以在任何時間辭退工作,但應提前30天以書面形式通知甲方。如果乙方主動辭職,甲方將對合同的解除不承擔任何賠償義務。10.2If an Emp
42、loyee who has received training from the Company resigns pursuant to Article10.1before the end of the term of the Contract, the Employee shall, on resignation, repay to the Company training expensesaccording to the relevant Company rules.如果乙方在合同期滿前依照10.1條辭退工作時已經(jīng)接受了甲方培訓,則乙方必須依照甲方相關(guān)規(guī)定向甲方償還該培訓費用。10.3No
43、twithstanding the provision of Article 10.1, the Employee may resign at any time without notice:盡管合同10.1條有所規(guī)定,但存在下列情形之一的,乙方可以隨時解除勞動合同:10.3.1during his/her period of probation;在乙方試用期內(nèi);10.3.2if the Company fails to pay remuneration or provide working conditions in accordance with the terms of this Con
44、tract;甲方?jīng)]有按照合同規(guī)定向乙方支付報酬或提供工作環(huán)境的other cases governed by applicable laws or regulations of P.R.C.中華人民共和國的相關(guān)法律或法規(guī)列明的其他情形。11ConfidentialityConfidentiality保密10.3.3811.1The Employee agrees to maintain the confidentiality of this Labor Contract and all information which may be disclosedto the Employee conc
45、erning manufacturing and management processes and technology, marketing or financial information ofthe Company or any business entity affiliated with the Company, information relating to the products, procedures, businessand services of the Company, in the strictest confidence and agrees not to disc
46、lose, directly or indirectly, in any manner,any such information to any person inside or outside the Company without the prior written consent of the Company or forany purpose other than the Employeeof his/her duties and obligations under this Contract. The Employee specifically agrees that this obl
47、igation will survivethe termination of the Contract.乙方應允諾對本合同以及所有可能向乙方披露的有關(guān)甲方的生產(chǎn)和管理程序與 技術(shù),甲方或甲方的關(guān)聯(lián)經(jīng)濟實體的營銷或財務信息,甲方的產(chǎn)品、工藝、經(jīng)營、服務信息等進行嚴格保密。事先未經(jīng)甲方書面允許或出于履行合同規(guī)定 的職責或義務之外的任何其他目的,乙方均不得直接或間接以任何方式向甲方的內(nèi)部或外部的任何人員透露相關(guān)信息。乙方同意上述義務在合同終止后仍然 有效。11.2Upon termination of the Contract, the Employee shall promptly return
48、to the Company all drawings, blueprints, memoranda,client lists, business cards both personal and those collected during the time of employment, keys, computer disks, clothing,formulae, financial statements and marketing information of the Companyin the possession of the Company.在合同終止時,乙方應當立刻向甲方歸還工作
49、中占用或掌握的所有圖紙、藍圖、備忘錄、客戶名單、個人名片和在工作期間收集的名片、鑰匙、計算機磁盤、 制服、配方設(shè)計及甲方的財務報表和市場營銷信息。11.3In the event of violation of duties of confidentiality, the Employee shall pay penaltyto the Company for breach of contract equaling to the Employees one-year incomefrom the Company. If the penalty for breach of contract ca
50、nnot cover the losses of the Company caused by the Employee,the Employee shall compensate all losses of the Company.如果乙方違背了保密職責,其應當向甲方支付相當于其在甲方一年收入數(shù)額的罰款。如果該罰款不足以彌補乙方給甲方帶來的損失,乙方應當賠償支付甲方的全部損失。12 InventionsInventions發(fā)明創(chuàng)造12.1If, during the term of the Contract, the Employee performs work that results in
51、 the development of any inventions relatingto processes, products or formulations (theaInventions ), such Inventions shall be the exclusive property of the Company, andthe Employee shall promptly disclose the Inventions to the Company, and shall take all necessary steps, including the execution ofdo
52、cuments, to vest title and ownership of the Inventions in the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Employee shall have theright to retain ownership of all patents obtained on any Inventions made by the Employee during his/her non-working hours, and withoutuse of or reference to the Company s
53、facilities, information or materials.在合同期內(nèi),乙方如果在工作過程中創(chuàng)造了任何與生產(chǎn)工藝、產(chǎn)品或配方設(shè)計有關(guān)的發(fā)明(以下稱為“發(fā)明”),則這些發(fā)明應歸甲方獨有。乙方應當 迅速把發(fā)明透露給甲方并采取必要步驟(包括文件制作)使甲方獲得專利的所有權(quán)。除如前所述外,乙方對其在非工作時間不借助甲方設(shè)備或參考甲方信s performance9息材料所創(chuàng)造的任何發(fā)明,均擁有全部專利所有權(quán)。13 TrainingTraining培訓13.1It is the policy of the Company to provide continuous on-the-site training. The Company may also requirethe Employee to undertake an off-site training p
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