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1、自制的電火花穿孔機轉(zhuǎn)貼的,我也回答不了具體總體。感謝 Zhang56 網(wǎng)友提供的電路圖。電火花打小孔工具擺輪是手表最重要部件, 其上下兩個軸尖因不停來回轉(zhuǎn)動, 在潤滑不良情況下, 很易磨損 , 一些老舊表特別是無防震功能的老懷表更是主要損壞件之一,修復(fù)方法主要有:1; 更換整個擺輪有原廠擺輪最好, 但要注意其慣性距要一樣, 不然在調(diào)整走時快慢會有麻煩, 最好是連游絲( 整個震蕩系統(tǒng)) 一同更換 2; 錫焊擺軸尖,早年有配件廠專生產(chǎn)一種軸尖, 狀如鉚釘 , 先將舊軸適當磨短, 然后將軸尖大頭與擺軸錫焊接 , 但焊后很難達到同軸度要求, 擺輪容易變色不是好辦法 3; 碰焊法 ; 該法除要求焊接規(guī)范

2、( 壓力 , 電流 , 時間 ) 參數(shù)適當外, 還有一大缺點 , 就是擺軸材質(zhì)為炭素工具鋼(相當于國內(nèi)牌號T10A)由於含炭高,焊核因急劇冷卻導(dǎo)致晶粒粗大,內(nèi)應(yīng)力增加 , 硬和碎都給后期修磨軸尖帶來困難 , 該法在工業(yè)中只適用於低炭鋼和鎳合金如不銹綱等材質(zhì)4; 只更換擺軸 , 此法更多缺點 , 由於擺軸除與擺輪配合, 還要與游絲, 下擺碟配合 , 在沖下舊擺軸和鉚合新擺軸時, 極易將擺輪弄變形, 給后續(xù)調(diào)較帶來更多問題 , 如果不是原廠配件, 則更不宜采用 5;裁軸尖 (廣東人叫種車芯)方法是在已斷軸尖根部打鉆一小孔, 壓打入小鋼絲, 有時孔深不夠還要焊錫以求牢固 , 優(yōu)點是影響部位小 , 原

3、斷處下部凸臺可作參考點 , 手藝好的師傅修后一般難以看出差別 , 缺點是需對擺軸退火, 溫度不足難鉆孔, 溫度過高鍍金擺輪將變色, 鉆頭難磨 , 如果折斷鉆頭則麻煩大了 !早年搞了個電火花打孔工具, 上圖與朋友交流由于要打之孔很小,又是盲孔,不能用晶體管電路,只能用原始的RC電路,變壓器功率為10W輸出電壓40VDC,50VDC§擋,電容為金屬化紙介電容,分0.01nF.0.22nF.0.47nF 按要求組合工具1基座為后置導(dǎo)柱.周界為80x80模架,穩(wěn)定性高可保證電極與擺輪工作時的垂 直度和平行度要求1;為電極頭,用DQKt磁先導(dǎo)伐改裝,線圈不變由220VAC供電,下部靜鐵芯長度比


5、前后移動4;為修正電極,實為一廢手鋸片,電蝕不平時可折下重磨5;為擺輪調(diào)正對中器,裝于上模扳并與之絕緣,可水平擺動和固定,旋動手輪帶動一刀口片,推動擺輪軸頸以調(diào)節(jié)同軸度6;為電容插座,實為IC測試座,不同電容量組合均裝夾干此,此種布置不同于常規(guī),如將電器元件均裝于電箱內(nèi)通過電線引出,則因電容量少,電壓低而放電回路長,電阻大,放電電流下降不陡,火花效率就差,所以一定要將電容盡量靠近電極,減少回路電阻很關(guān)鍵,否則必失敗7;為上模扳升降旋紐,旋紐下部有刻度,分為100格,每格0.01mmB IjWiTi使用方法先將擺輪軸尖根部園弧處端面稍磨平,放置于平臺上,由重力壓塊將擺輪輕壓于平臺注意要導(dǎo)電良好將

6、紫銅電極裝夾于電極頭,盡量調(diào)少旋轉(zhuǎn)偏擺,電箱右上角選擇旋紐置于(修極)位,電容量選0.47nF,電壓選高,左下邊開關(guān)打向上,將電極修正器置于適當位置并固定,打上電源開關(guān),此時電極又旋又震,轉(zhuǎn)動各旋紐,用反烤法燒蝕電極,當直徑接近要求時,改用精規(guī)范,以提高電極表面不平度,可降低打孔時電極損耗見圖三電極修正后關(guān)電源, 將電極升高, 不使影響調(diào)中工作, 移開電極修正器, 將擺輪調(diào)中器5 調(diào)到適當位并固定之 , 電箝右上角旋紐置于 ( 調(diào)中 ) 位 , 電壓開關(guān)打向低端, 旁邊開關(guān)置於中間位置, 調(diào)節(jié)旋紐 7 和擺輪調(diào)中器5 上白色手輪, 使刀口接近已斷擺軸下凸臺,電箱內(nèi)通過分壓器取得的2VDCS串入

7、蜂鳴器后加于刀口與軸頸之間,一邊慢漫轉(zhuǎn)動平臺 2, 通過聽聲音確定擺軸對中與否,( 見下圖 )對中后關(guān)電源, 移開調(diào)中器, 電箱右上角旋紐置於 (打孔 )位置 , 電壓開關(guān)扳向下方 (低)此時電壓為40VDC,電容取0.022-0.22nF,頻率取高點,規(guī)范取精,左下邊第三個開關(guān)扳向下方 ( 銘牌有誤 , 應(yīng)為震動 ) 此時打孔電極只震動不旋轉(zhuǎn), 調(diào)節(jié)旋紐 7 使電極接近擺軸 , 開始打孔 , 可通過電壓表指示協(xié)助進級, 無火花時指示最高, 當電壓低于 25VDC時應(yīng)停止進級, 到指針上升后再進級( 圖五 )在修電極和打孔時應(yīng)用毛筆粘媒油濕潤火花處, 打孔直徑大可用粗規(guī)范反之則取精規(guī)范 , 孔

8、深可由旋紐 7 之刻度讀取, 由于電極也損耗, 實際深度約為刻度值0.6, 一般孔深為孔徑 2.5-3 倍即可 由于有可重置的規(guī)范, 減少個人手藝因素, 免去磨鉆頭, 斷鉆頭的麻煩, 加上無需退火 , 擺輪不會變形變色, 巳用十數(shù)次, 不失為較好的修復(fù)方法一點個人心得, 算是拋磚引玉a365打孔恒電根門中4口甲3出22CVAC3g歐1 rV口址域圖 了做法雅如轉(zhuǎn)前9.假歐電窸就電虢5 0做法附4Q0V,麻小金除調(diào)中電標電機®06 路圖修電極時先用粗規(guī)準,40V,0.22-0.47 微法,精修電極時用30V,0.01-0.047 微法,打 孔時只用精規(guī)準,孔徑大電容取大,反之取小.電容

9、器安裝盡量靠近電極和工件處,以 減少放電回路的電阻!A Mini-EDM SystemOverviewI built a small EDM system, primarily for burning out broken-off taps in aluminum parts. But, now that I see how easily it works, I can see many other things that it could be used for. I built this whole system over a weekend, entirely out of parts

10、I had laying around. (I do have a lot of pieces, both electronic and mechanical.)ElectrodeThe electrode I made up consisted of a piece of .060 brazing wire soldered into the socket of an 8-32 socket-head cap screw. I threaded this into a nylon spacer that I happened to have, that already had an 8-32

11、 threaded hole in it. I put the spacer into the drill chuck on my mill. The nylon spacer is the insulator that prevents the electrode from grounding out to the chuck, and the rest of the milling machine. I connected the power supply to the electrode by way of a soft stranded wire, so that the wire w

12、ouldn't deflect the brazing rod. The end of the wire was stripped back about one inch, and the wire strands were loosely wrapped around the brazing rod. This made a remarkably good electrical contact, while allowing the brazing rod to turn freely. I could put just a slight bend in the rod so tha

13、t it would make a very slight (ie. .010") orbit if the spindle were rotated. This seemed to get the best metal removal and depth progress before the hole got filled with removed metal and shorted out.A view of the EDM electrode assembly in a Jacob's chuck.Power SupplyThe power supply I thre

14、w together was quite simple. A variac (variable autotransformer) is used to adjust output voltage. A 200 Watt variac (1-2 Amps at 110 V) is quite adequate. A step-down transformer, which provides isolation, is the next component. The one I used was center-tapped, allowing the use of 2 rectifiers. If

15、 your choice of transformer does not have the center tap, or the voltage is too low when using it, you could use a bridge rectifier on the two outer connections of the secondary to get higher voltage. A filter capacitor provides smoothing of the DC voltage produced. A resistor allows the electrode t

16、o short to the work without blowing fuses, and also moderates the flow of current from the raw DC supply to the EDM capacitor and electrode. Choose a resistance that will cause a short circuit current at least twice the desired EDM current at the selected voltage. Then, make sure the wattage is suff

17、icient to prevent the resistor burning up during a few seconds of short circuit. With the DC supply set to 30 Volts, a short would draw approximately 1 Amp, and since P=IAA2 * R, that is about 30 W, using a 30 Ohm Resistor. The ammeter shows current into the EDM capacitor. The EDM capacitor delivers

18、 short bursts of very high current whenever the insulating film of the EDM fluid gets very thin between the electrodeEDM FluidNot having distilled water around, I tried tapwater. It was boiled away very quickly by electrolysis, and didn't do much good even when it was there (perhaps all that bub

19、bling got in the way of the EDM process). I then tried the nearest thing at hand, which was "Alum-Tap", a light, clear tapping fluid for aluminum. It must be pretty close to EDM fluid, because it worked so well! It lasted a long time before being spattered away by the gases generated by th

20、e EDM action. Most of the time, I only had to add a few drops before the hole became filled with removed metal.OperationThe way I set this up was pretty much by trial and error. But, here are my settings: I set the power supply for 30 Volts. This seemed to give a very strong discharge action without

21、 producing too much gas or heat. I lowered the electrode with my NC control's jog buttons until I got electrode contact (indicated by about 1 Amp current suddenly appearing on the ammeter). I then raised the electrode with a very slow jog until the current dropped to zero. I then entered a manua

22、l command to advance the electrode at a rate of about .010" / minute, and after a few seconds, the ammeter would show a current of 1/4 to 1/2 amp. I would modulate the feedrate with the feedrate override controls, attempting to keep the current within these limits. By bending the electrode just

23、 a tiny bit, and running the mill's spindle at the slowest speed (80 RPM), I could get any diameter hole I wanted. I set it to just keep a tiny bit of the flank of the tap, but to burn out the entire web (central portion) of the tap. This allowed me to pick the remaining part of the tap's cu

24、tting edge out of the aluminum easily with a fine needle when the EDM electrode had cut all the way through. Progress all the way through was evident when the tool was still advancing with no EDM current.Since I didn't have a means of providing a flow of EDMfluid through such a small electrode,

25、I had to pull the electrode up every .025" or so, wipe out the contaminated fluid with a paper towel, and then drip a few drops of the Alum-Tap into the hole.電火花;穿孔機 '- - <.上海儀表廣瀛二一 、<? .TJjH、,引曹一 |中 . . .當電器的插頭插到電源插座里時,或者在工思里合試 斷伸J刀時,在一剎那間,會看到一些火花發(fā)出。穹心觀察一 在火花出垣的地方,例如嗣刀的末端和其他接觸部分上,可看出

26、有毛刺剌凸出的金屬瘤或表面上形成了凹穴。如果這應(yīng)流電源情況下(如蓄電池或整流器等)所產(chǎn)生的火花,那4正極(或叫陽極)的一端上形成凹穴,接翼極(或叫陰極)的一上成為有凸出的金屬瘤狀。于是,電入花的作用使正極上的一部分金屬移向負極.時又積集右極上這是被公就為電侵n境象在一般情龍下有害的,在開關(guān)、接觸頭等方面有捅壞作用,而應(yīng)盡力免??苫饘俚碾娀鸹庸s正好利用效個電0小羽象來工的*辰內(nèi)及.裁量旃將疝,以呼 財邛&篇的網(wǎng)小于J D x他通i,E巾代之WJ的 一跖;0.FK#山嵐度人中,“生溫皮昂舟(1°,歐 舞:i火.,jma沿山火也對叱極.也”用,ttrtitt 味鼎I明火化加

27、方” 力般的&屬觸博化、氣化,fti分做判 二用的介取中;“W ”牙觸化的命覆也因高溫在液體中產(chǎn)蝕 侑川田皮曲佻刀入為收引”幺m于冷神向東充令明內(nèi)的康內(nèi) 在比火正加rw.陽極破電火改力金舄,一皎K人在人依的金叢為九甥此花也火花施工中,總卷以J:件 "加仁以,仆川大作信化中,出燃"棋件常和發(fā)). 討 *”也派肺葉枚電后,h件(照根,上就產(chǎn)生號工乂,陰ro 0版九J"編* 供網(wǎng)-注 lt 1: n z 匚處.» M怔L 2川發(fā) M一定4/IM /斯麻X«<1£=蝕J 口 初於此 懦、K 80 個用呢的法性以第的,大及可分為拉動沙發(fā)門必m Y.讓 網(wǎng) 年 漸甘思希FT",或工件)以一怯解班及 定投例徒功 因 M 仔我掖動小,肝為兩次機會使工A與工件問曲問原達 例蜜京的段他,而工JI及1:件的疑見則可用于前進靜 仃動8 替法船利用自動器玲騫來便工典與工件間的用麻梆常保持 定 n中可能發(fā)生損為.你可求注避也的)。刖小而流市動也來 用5蛤城由勸到節(jié)法5的一種,它的工作危網(wǎng)


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