1、沃爾瑪乙與業(yè)主甲維保合同空調系統(tǒng)1、如果一套獨立的空調系統(tǒng)專給沃爾瑪自行使用,由沃爾瑪負責設備的日常保 養(yǎng)及運行管理并承當費用;設備的維修保養(yǎng)和設備更新由業(yè)主負責并承當費 用。其中主要的維修和保養(yǎng)內容詳見附件A。2、如果沃爾瑪使用的空調系統(tǒng)只是業(yè)主空調系統(tǒng)的一局部,整個空調系統(tǒng)由 業(yè)主負責維修保養(yǎng),如沃爾瑪發(fā)現(xiàn)空調系統(tǒng)設備故障,業(yè)主應在兩個小時內 到現(xiàn)場進行維修直至設備恢復正常,如業(yè)主不能及時維修或拒絕維修,沃爾 瑪將委托第三方進行維續(xù),產(chǎn)生的維修費將從單月租金中扣除。沃爾瑪租賃 區(qū)內所使用空調的能耗將根據(jù)沃爾瑪與業(yè)主簽署的?房屋租賃協(xié)議?的約定 進行計算并計量。3、由業(yè)主提供的空調系統(tǒng),室外
2、冷凝設備的噪音達不到當?shù)丨h(huán)保的要求,如由 于設備質量及安裝原因,由業(yè)主負責做環(huán)保工程以便到達環(huán)保要求。、供暖鍋爐系統(tǒng)1、如果一套獨立的供暖鍋爐系統(tǒng)系統(tǒng)專給沃爾瑪自行使用,由業(yè)主負責包括但 不限于設備的日常維修保養(yǎng)及運行管理并承當費用;設備的維修和設備的更新由業(yè)主負責并承當費用。沃爾瑪負責設備系統(tǒng)的運行費用。2、如果沃爾瑪使用的供暖鍋爐系統(tǒng)只是業(yè)主供暖鍋爐系統(tǒng)的一局部,供暖鍋爐系統(tǒng)的主機以及其它外圍設備由業(yè)主負責運行及維修保養(yǎng);房屋內沃 爾瑪所使用的末端設備由業(yè)主進行保養(yǎng)并承當費用。房屋內沃爾瑪所使用供 暖鍋爐系統(tǒng)的能耗將根據(jù)沃爾瑪與業(yè)主簽署的?房屋租賃協(xié)議?的約定進 行計算并計量。三、消防系統(tǒng)
3、1、如果業(yè)主提供的消防系統(tǒng)專給沃爾瑪使用,應由業(yè)主委托第三方有資質的消防公司負責消防系統(tǒng)的日常維護保養(yǎng),檢測及維修工作并承當相關費用,并且每月向沃爾瑪提供由第三方有資質的消防保養(yǎng)公司岀具的月檢測報告,以確 保沃爾瑪使用的消防系統(tǒng)正常運作。系統(tǒng)設備的維修及設備更新工作由業(yè)主 負責并承當費用。其中設備大修主要包括:1消防控制中心主機正常使用及保養(yǎng)情況下需要的維修更換,程序的更新直至系統(tǒng)恢復正常工作;系統(tǒng), 產(chǎn)品的更新和技術改造。2排煙風機的電機,消防水泵及消防電機,室外消火栓及室外相關的一些配套消防設備。2、沃爾瑪使用的消防系統(tǒng)只是業(yè)主消防系統(tǒng)的一局部由業(yè)主負責消防主系統(tǒng)的維修保養(yǎng)和檢測工作包括消
4、防水泵的用電,沃爾瑪負責房屋內消防設備 的日常檢查及保管工作。由業(yè)主負責包括沃爾瑪租賃區(qū)在內的消防系統(tǒng), 應由業(yè)主委托第三方有資質的消防公司負責消防系統(tǒng)的維修保養(yǎng),并每月 將向沃爾瑪提供由第三方消防保養(yǎng)公司出具的月檢測報告,以確保沃爾瑪 使用的消防系統(tǒng)正常運作。3、如果沃爾瑪新增局部的消防系統(tǒng),由業(yè)主負責消防監(jiān)控中心主系統(tǒng)的維保,檢測,值班工作,沃爾瑪負責新增局部的維修保養(yǎng)和檢測工作并承當相關責 任和費用,其他局部按第 2條履行。業(yè)主允許沃爾瑪工作人員到主機房做 月檢。4、上述三種情況消防控制室均應由業(yè)主安排人員值班并承當費用。四、供電系統(tǒng)1、變電所含高壓開關柜,變壓器,低壓配電柜,饋岀電纜及
5、相關變電所內設備均由業(yè)主負責維修保養(yǎng)工作,由業(yè)主安排人員值班并承當費用。2、柴油發(fā)電機:1與業(yè)主共用。由業(yè)主負責維修保養(yǎng)并保障平安正常運行。2假設為沃爾瑪專用,那么在維保期內通常是1年或1500小時,由業(yè)主負責維修保養(yǎng),沃爾瑪出運行費用。1年或1500小時后假設柴油發(fā)電機處于良好正常狀態(tài),沃爾瑪負責日常維 修并承當運行費用。未到達使用壽命前出現(xiàn)的非運行故障 仍由業(yè)主負責。3、業(yè)主必須確保沃爾瑪高壓線路的平安使用,不得搭載其它用戶,確保沃爾 瑪直接向供電部門繳費,直接抄表到戶。五、電梯1、如果業(yè)主提供的電梯專供沃爾瑪使用,在保修期內由業(yè)主負責維修保養(yǎng)并承當 維修及年檢費用;保修期后由沃爾瑪負責日
6、常的清潔和日常保養(yǎng)工作,負責設 備的年檢工作并承當費用,設備在正常使用及有專業(yè)保養(yǎng)的情況下的維 修及設備更新,由業(yè)主負責。其中設備維修的界定詳見附件B。2、如果電梯是和業(yè)主共用,業(yè)主負責維修保養(yǎng)及年檢工作并承當維保及運行 費用。六、供排水設施1,如果沃爾瑪與業(yè)主或其他用戶共用供水設施:1、業(yè)主負責維護從沃爾瑪?shù)慕o水總表包括給水總表到市政管道局部。2、供水設施維護保養(yǎng),生活及消防水池的清洗工作。2,如果沃爾瑪屬于市政直接供水:1、沃爾瑪負責從市政給水總表至房屋內局部的一切供水設施設備的維護保養(yǎng)及運行費用。2、室外局部的污水管道,檢查井,污水處理設施和生活用水池的清洗、清通、 維護由業(yè)主負責。每年
7、室外管道由業(yè)主至少清通一次。七、供氣設施:業(yè)主負責:1、燃氣總表包括總表至市政管道局部,包括燃氣調壓站、燃氣計量表。 沃爾瑪負責:1、燃氣總表至房屋內局部。八、其他公共區(qū)域及外圍的設備設施維修保養(yǎng)及用水用電由業(yè)主負責,如沃爾瑪 工作人員需巡檢設備等業(yè)主需提供方便與配合??照{機組檢修要求附件A一、 檢修的定義:水冷機組:每年保養(yǎng)一次,沃爾瑪負責更換潤滑油、油過濾器及枯燥過濾器等易耗件,業(yè)主 負責對整機進行檢查,保證機組正常運行及發(fā)現(xiàn)潛在的隱患,到達節(jié)約能源和延 長機組使用壽命。假設不對機組進行保養(yǎng),有可能造成故障隱患。檢修分大修和中修,又分機組檢修和壓縮機檢修。將壓縮機解體,檢查清洗其內 部,不
8、用更換零件的,這種情況一般稱為壓縮機的中修或檢查;如內部運動部件 磨損程度嚴重,需要更換的,這種情況一般稱為壓縮機的大修;而對整機而言, 如維修時,需要將制冷劑導出至機外才能進行維修處理的,一般稱為機組的大修, 此外的維修處理一般稱為中修或維修。業(yè)主負責風冷活塞機組:保養(yǎng)情況同上:業(yè)主負責中修情況一般這樣:將壓縮機從機組移出,翻開缸蓋及電機進行清洗,檢查曲軸、 連桿、活塞等的磨損情況,如不需要更換,再重新進行裝配并恢復運行,這種情 況一般稱為壓縮機的檢查或中修。如零件磨損嚴重且需要更換的,這種情況一般 稱為壓縮機的大修。二、保養(yǎng)的定義水冷機組供冷季節(jié)的檢查A供冷季節(jié)啟動前的準備和檢查供冷季節(jié)運
10、油系統(tǒng);檢查電機和啟動器的運行;記錄運行狀態(tài)參數(shù),分析確認機組運行正常,必要時通知業(yè)主進行機組檢修 ;記錄和報告要求的備件C一年一次設備停機檢查和預防性保養(yǎng)業(yè)主負責停機期間,每年一次進行以下各項檢查,以便能正確評價設備的狀態(tài),為下一個供冷 季節(jié)的運行作好準備:檢查壓縮機-電機組件的以下各項,完成預防性保養(yǎng)的各項任務:記錄電壓;用兆歐表測量和記錄電機繞阻的絕緣電阻;潤滑開式電機;檢查開式電機驅動裝置的定位狀態(tài);檢查聯(lián)軸器;檢查入口導葉操作機構和聯(lián)接機構;潤滑需要潤滑的部位檢查壓縮機潤滑油系統(tǒng)的以下各項:根據(jù)需要更換潤滑油,油過濾器和枯燥過濾器;檢查油泵,密封和油泵電機;清潔排污管;檢查加熱器和恒
12、冷季節(jié)的檢查A供冷季節(jié)啟動前的準備和檢查供冷季節(jié)運行前須進行以下各項檢查和準備,以確保機組可靠配合檢查輔助設備的運行狀況;更換潤滑油;檢查曲軸箱加熱器,油溫和潤滑系統(tǒng);檢查和測試所有的運行和平安控制;檢查確認電壓和啟動器運行正確;啟動機組,標定控制和變送器;檢查確認過冷器和過熱器配置正確;機組穩(wěn)定后,記錄運行條件;同操作人員一起,溫習操作步驟對風冷冷凝器須增加以下各項檢查:去除機組周圍和內部的臟物 ;檢查冷凝器盤管是否堵塞,建議清潔盤管;檢查并擰緊電氣接頭;檢查及潤滑風機及電機軸承 ;啟動后,檢查風機和風機電機的運行狀態(tài)B運行季節(jié)檢查進行以下各項檢查,確保機組在整個供冷季節(jié)都運行高效 檢查確認
13、通常的運行條件和運行狀態(tài);,平安和高效運行,可靠:記錄運行狀態(tài),并進行數(shù)據(jù)分析,找出不合理的地方;按要求調節(jié)運行控制;檢查確認油位和制冷劑量充注正確;檢查油溫和曲軸箱加熱器;檢查啟動器,繼電器和控制元件;檢查風冷冷凝器風機和電機運行狀態(tài);與操作人員一起溫習操作步驟,查看用戶記錄C一年一次的設備停機檢查和預防性保養(yǎng)業(yè)主負責停機期間,每年一次進行以下各項檢查,以便能正確評價設備的狀態(tài),為下一個供冷 季節(jié)的運行作好準備:用兆歐測量電機繞阻電阻,并記錄好;檢查壓縮機的油位,按要求補充潤滑油;檢查曲軸箱加熱器,確認運行正常;更換枯燥過濾器;擰緊接觸器和電機端子箱內的電源線;清潔所有連接接頭,如有必要按要
14、求更換;檢查所有繼電器,運行控制裝置和平安保護裝置;檢查確認所有控制裝置,平安保護裝置,卸載裝置和外部聯(lián)鎖跨接裝置;檢查確認壓縮機的吸氣和排氣閥完好空調系統(tǒng)直燃機空調機組檢修要求1、業(yè)主負責直燃機定期維護保養(yǎng)內容直燃機維護保養(yǎng)次數(shù)效勞內容效勞時期內容每年1次制冷開機檢查5月份2次制冷停機后檢查保養(yǎng)10月份3次采暖開機檢查11月份4次采暖停機后檢查保養(yǎng)3至4月份5次溶液取樣檢驗機組運行期間2、直燃機定期保養(yǎng)主要檢查的工程有:1 全裝置的檢查的測試;2運行分析和測量;3吸收劑和制冷劑的管理;4燃燒器的管理及燃燒室內的煙塵的清潔;5 真空泵的維護;6泵的診斷和修理;7吸收器、冷凝器內部傳熱管的清洗;
15、3、負責及時聯(lián)系設備廠家對直燃機運行期間岀現(xiàn)的突發(fā)性故障進行檢測及解決制冷設備,中央空調主機機組專業(yè)等級保養(yǎng)工程一覽表一、一級保養(yǎng)運行時間在4000小時以內業(yè)主負責1、 主機內外外表除銹,清潔,上漆,緊固主機外表內外螺絲,螺帽,修補主機上的保溫 層,安裝防鼠網(wǎng)2、清潔制冷系統(tǒng)外表,清潔主機電控柜箱內外及電控系統(tǒng),檢測電控系統(tǒng)各零配件,風機馬達,壓縮機馬達的阻值,絕緣值,靈敏度,精確度,消除電控系統(tǒng)各零配件的異聲,異味及隱患,并清潔外表和緊固3、 檢測制冷系統(tǒng)各閥件 保護器,過濾器,探頭的工作狀況,消除隱患4、 制冷系統(tǒng)全面檢漏 檢堵.全面檢測制冷系統(tǒng)各部位溫度包括壓縮機,檢測冷凝 壓力,蒸發(fā)壓
16、力,吸氣壓力,排氣壓力,油溫,油壓,冷凝溫度,蒸發(fā)溫度,冷凍水進 出溫度和溫差,冷卻水進出溫度和溫差,消除隱患5、檢測各儀器,儀表的精確度,靈敏度,并校正和清潔6、 對主機進行全面工況調節(jié),調試,并適當加補制冷劑或適當回收制冷劑,使主機處 于最正確工作狀態(tài)7、 進行一級保養(yǎng)后,使設備內外觀潔凈,感受良好,設備運行狀況佳,無后顧之憂二、二級保養(yǎng)運行時間超過4000小時業(yè)主負責1、 拆卸制冷系統(tǒng)各閥件、過濾器進行檢測、清洗、排除隱患,更新過濾器或濾芯、清洗壓縮機油箱、油過濾器、更換冷凍機。2、 拆卸電控系統(tǒng)各零配件、各保護器,進行內外清洗、除銹、除塵、消除氧氣層,消除各種隱患,拆卸風機馬達,內外清
17、洗干淨含軸、軸承進行檢測,軸承上油, 消除各種隱患,裝配復原,檢測各電線,消除隱患,檢測壓縮機馬達阻值和絕緣狀況及運行電流。3、 全制冷系統(tǒng)檢漏、檢堵。全面檢測制冷系統(tǒng)各局部溫度包括壓縮機,檢測冷凝 壓力、蒸發(fā)壓力、吸氣壓力、排氣壓力、油溫、油壓、冷凝溫度、蒸發(fā)溫度、冷凍水進出溫度和溫差、冷卻水進出溫度和溫差,消除隱患。4、保養(yǎng)前須轉移回收制冷劑,完畢后進行壓力測試、檢漏、檢堵、真空度測試。 將冷凝劑輸回系統(tǒng)。5、 檢測各儀器、儀表的精確度、靈敏度,并校正和清潔。6、 對主機進行全面工況調節(jié)、調試,并適當加補制冷劑或適當回收制冷劑,使主機處于良好工作狀態(tài)。7、進行二級保養(yǎng)后,消除各種隱患,設備
18、運行工況良好。三、三級保養(yǎng)運行超過5000小時業(yè)主負責1、 對冷凝器、蒸發(fā)器內部進行化學 或人工除垢、除菌、除藻、去除各種污垢,清洗干淨。清潔劑、保養(yǎng)劑采用蘭州緩蝕技術研究所生產(chǎn)的格瑞牌清洗劑、保養(yǎng)劑,時目前世界上制冷設備、中央空調、鍋爐等熱交換設備唯一的綠色環(huán)保型清洗劑、保養(yǎng)劑,平安、徹底,無腐蝕、無污染、無毒。2、冷凝器、蒸發(fā)器進行壓力測試、檢漏、檢堵、真空度測試。在清洗前,須轉移回收制冷劑,完畢后再輸回系統(tǒng)。四、特級保養(yǎng)累計運行時間超過 6000小時業(yè)主負責1、 拆卸壓縮機全部零配件,全面檢測其光潔度、精度、配合間隙精度,清洗、適當研磨、疏通壓縮機內的油路系統(tǒng)和外油路系統(tǒng),清洗壓縮機殼內
19、壁,消除各種隱患,製作石棉橡膠密封墊,裝配復原,安裝到位。2、壓縮機運行壓力檢測、檢漏、真空度測試。3、 全密壓縮機進行內部清洗換油,無需解體,實踐證明,清洗后潔凈度可達 80%左右,大大減低累壓縮機的故障率延長壓縮機的使用壽命3-5年。清洗前須回收制冷劑,將壓縮機取出至工作場地。4、全面檢測制冷系統(tǒng)各部位溫度 包括壓縮機,檢測冷凝壓力、蒸發(fā)壓力、吸氣壓 力、排氣壓力、油溫、油壓、冷凝溫度、蒸發(fā)溫度、運行電流、冷凍水進出溫度和溫差、冷卻水進出溫度和溫差,消除隱患。5、 對主機進行全面工況調節(jié)、調試,并適當加補冷卻劑和回收冷卻劑,使主機處于良好的工作狀態(tài)。6、 進行特級保養(yǎng)后,消除了壓縮機及制冷
20、系統(tǒng)的各種隱患,確保了良好平安的運行 大大降低設備的故障率,延長故障率的周期,延長設備的使用壽命,提高設備功 效。附件B電梯設備維修保養(yǎng)的界定保養(yǎng):是指電梯交付使用后,為保證電梯正常及平安運行,按方案進行的所有必要的 操作,如潤滑檢查,清潔,調整,更換易損件。維修:是指根據(jù)客戶使用要求,雙方簽定合同或約定,由供方提供的電梯產(chǎn)品維修服 務。如改變額定速度,額定載重量,轎箱質量,更換曳引機、轎箱、控制柜系統(tǒng)、導 軌等部件。業(yè)主負責改造:是指全面地或局部地改良在用電梯的功能,性能,可靠性,平安性。維修改造項目分類表NO項目類別1YPVF、VFMG加裝停電柜r大修2GVF-FX、GH98加裝停電柜大修
21、3YP加裝停電柜大修4YP梯單控改并聯(lián)大修5YPAF、FVF單控改并聯(lián)大修6加裝GMS電梯群控系統(tǒng)大修7加裝CIP電梯群控系統(tǒng)大修8更換曳弓鋼絲繩1: 1大修9更換曳弓鋼絲繩2: 1大修10更換對重架繩輪軸承大修11更換轎頂反繩輪軸承大修12處理TYS主機側蓋漏油.大修13更換曳引機減速箱大修14更換蝸桿軸承客梯F-10, B-10大修15更換蝸桿軸承客梯F-20, F-30大修16更換軸架體軸承TYS主機大修17曳引機間隙尺寸調整大修18修正轎架、轎頂大修19加裝遠距離遙監(jiān).大修20轎箱各部調整,緊固水平、卡膠大修21檢杳、調整各平層調整中修22改造轎頂及轎頂裝飾中修23YPVF、VFMG加
22、裝消防迫降及反應信 號中修24GVF、YP、F、B梯加裝消防迫降及反 饋信號中修25YP、F、B梯加裝消防功能中修26YPVF、VFMG、GVF加裝消防功能中修27加裝轎內報站鐘中修28更換轎內裝飾吊頂中修29更換轎箱壁板、頂板中修30更換主機推力軸承中修31更換蝸桿主軸油封中修32更換曳引輪主軸骨架油封中修33更換曳引輪中修34制動器解體檢查,清理,調整中修35更換電動機中修36更換電動機軸承前中修37更換電動機軸承后中修38轎箱、對重導靴、修正、更換中修39轎架、轎底尺寸檢查,修正中修40調校門頭,門扇,門鎖立柱尺寸中修41更換廳門踏板F梯中修42更換廳門踏板客梯鐵牛腿中修43更換廳門踏板
25、操縱箱檢修,更換零部件小修87層指、召喚、信號檢修小修88檢杳門電動機轉子,定子及軸承小修89井道線路檢修或更換添加:小修90檢修線路絕緣小修91更換鋼片帶小修92緩沖器加油、調整小修93電梯加層改造94電梯移裝改造95拆裝電梯改造96更換電梯轎門改造97更換電梯控制屏改造98更換主機改造Responsibilities of Maintenance and Repair between Wal-Mart (“Party B ) and Landlord (“Party A )1. A/C system1.1 A set of in depe ndent A/C system is provi
26、ded for Wal-Mart only, Wal-Mart shall be resp on sible for daily clea ning and operati onal man ageme nt with own charges. The owner shall be resp on sible for equipme nt maintenance and updat ing with own charges. Please refer to the Appe ndix A for details.1.2 If the A/C system used by Wal- Mart i
27、s just part of the owner s, the owner shall beresp on sible for maintenance of the main equipme nt of A/C system and any otherreleva nt equipme nt. If there is malfu nction in the A/C system, the owner shall come and fix within two hours. If the owner refuses to fix or fails to fix in time, Wal-Mart
28、 will en trust the third party to fix, and the caused cost will be charged to the owner by deduct ion of the curre nt mon thly rent. There is a clear calculati on or measureme nt method for en ergy con sumpti on described in the Lease Con tract and PropertyMan ageme nt Con tract. The en ergy con sum
29、pti on of A/C system within the Premises shall be measured accord ing to the provisi ons of this Premises Lease Agreeme nt betwee n Wal-Mart and Lan dlord.1.3 The outdoor condenser of A/C system provided by the owner produces a big noise, which fails to meet the requireme nt of local en vir onmen ta
30、l protectio n. The owner shall be resp on sible for the no ise protecti on work if it is caused by the quality of equipme nt and in correct in stallati on._ .二 2. Heating system 但oiler)A set of in depe ndent heat ing system (Boiler) shall be provided for Wal-Mart only.The owner shall be resp on sibl
31、e for, i ncludi ng but no t limited to, daily clea ning and operati onal man ageme nt with own charges. And the owner shall be resp on sible forequipme nt maintenance and updati ng with own charges. Wal-Mart shall be resp on sible for the heating system s operational fee.2.2 If the heating system is
32、 just part of the owner s, the owner shall be responsible formaintenance of main equipme nt of heat ing system and any other releva nt equipme nt.Wal-Mart shall be resp on sible for clea ning and operatio nal man ageme nt of the term inal equipme nt in the Premises at its sole cost. The owner shall
33、be resp on sible for maintenance of term inal equipme nt of heati ng system. The en ergy con sumpti on of heat ing system with in the Premises shall be measured accord ing to the provisi ons of this Premises Lease Agreeme nt betwee n Wal-Mart and Lan dlord.3. Fire fighting system3.1 The owner shall
34、entrust the third independent and qualified Fire Fighting Company to take charge of daily maintenance, exam in ati on and repairs with own charges if the fire fighting system is provided for Wal-Mart only, and the owner shall provide Wal-Mart a mon thly exam in ati on report issued by the third part
35、y to en sure WalMart s fire fighting system in a normal condition. In addition, the owner shall also be resp on sible for equipme nt overhauli ng and updat ing with own charges. The overhaul covers:* Maintenance and replaceme nt of main equipme nt of the fire fighti ng con trol cen ter on no rmal op
36、eratio n and upkeep basis.* Program updating, system and product updating as well as technical renovation of equipme nt.* Maintenance and repair of the motor of smoke exhaust ing fans, fire pump and motor, outdoor fire hydrants as well as some outdoor attached fire fighting facilities.3.2. The owner
37、 shall be resp on sible for maintenance and exam in ati on of the main fire fighting system including power supply of the fire pump if the fire fighting system is just part of the owner-MartsshWhbe respon sible for daily in specti on andprotection of the fire fighting facilities in the Premises. The
38、 owner shall entrust the third independent and qualified Fire Fighting Company to take charge of maintenance of the fire fighting system which also includes the leasing area of Wal-Mart, and shall provide Wal-Mart a mon thly exam in ati on report issued by the third party to ensure Wal- Mart s fire
39、fighting system in a normal condition.3.3 If Wal-Mart adds another fire fighting system, the owner shall be in charge of maintenance and exam in ati on of the mai n system of the fire fighti ng mon itor cen ter and assig n associates to be on duty. Wal-Mart shall be resp on sible for maintenance and
40、 exam in ati on of the added equipme nt with own charges and liabilities. As for others, it shall be fulfilled accord ing to clause two of the con tract. Wal- Mart s associates can be allowed to access to the main equipme nt room for mon thly in spect ion.3.4 The owner shall assign associates to be
41、on duty in the fire fighting control room for the above-mentioned three situations. The owner shall pay for it.4. Power supply system4.1 Tran sformer stati on: the owner shall be resp on sible for maintenance of the releva nt equipme nt in the stati on, in cludi ng HV switch cab in et, tran sformer,
42、 LV distributi on cab in et, feeder and the related facilities. The owner shall assig n associates to be on duty in the HV switch cab in et, tran sformer and LV distributi on cab inet room. The owner shall pay for it.4.2 Diesel gen erator: a) Shari ng with the owner. The owner shall be resp on sible
43、 for maintenance of the diesel gen erator and en sure it is always in a safe and no rmal running con diti on. b) If it is provided for Wal-Mart only, there is one year or 1500 hours guara ntee period for the diesel gen erator, i.e. with in this period, the diesel gen erator shall be maintained by th
44、e owner, and Wal-Mart shall only bear the operational fees. If the generator is in a good condition beyond the guarantee period, Wal-Mart shall be resp on sible for its daily maintenance with own charges. If it breaks dow n before the service lifetime due to other reas ons in stead of operati on, th
45、e owner shall take the full resp on sibility.4.3 The owner shall en sure that the HV cables are in a safety con diti on without conn ect ing to other circuits used by other users .In additi on, Wal-Mart will pay the Power Bureau directly accord ing to in depe ndent power meter.5. Elevators5.1 If the
46、 elevator is only for Wal- Mart s use, the owner shall be responsible for its maintenance and ann ual in specti on with own charges withi n guara ntee period. And Wal-Mart shall take over daily cleaning work, operational protection and annual inspection beyond the guarantee period with own charges.
47、The owner shall beresp on sible for elevators maintenance and updati ng un der the no rmal runningcon diti on and professi onal upkeep con diti on. As for defi niti ons ofmaintenance, please refer to appe ndix two for details.5.2 If the owner and Wal-Mart share the elevators, the owner shall be resp
48、onsible formaintenance, upkeep and annual inspection. The owner shall take the maintenance and operati onal fees.6. Water supply and drainage facilitiesIf Wal-Mart shares the water facilities with the owner or other users, the owner shallbe resp on sible for the follow ing: Maintenance of water faci
49、lities from the general water meter to the citygovernment s main water pipe. Maintenance and upkeep of the water supply facilities, cleaning work of livingwater tank and fire water tank.If the city gover nment directly supplies water to Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart shallbe resp on sible for the follow ing:* M
50、aintenance of all water-supply facilities between the general water meter andthe Premises with own charges.The owner shall be resp on sible for maintenance and block treatme nt of outdoorsewage pipes and well chambers. The owner shall also be resp on sible for blocktreatme nt of outdoor water pip in
51、g at least once a year.7. Gas supply facilitiesThe owner shall be resp on sible for:* Gas supply facilities between the general gas meter and the city government smain gas pipe, including gas pressure adjustment station and gas meter.Wal-Mart shall be resp on sible for:* Gas facilities from the gene
52、ral gas meter to the Premises.8. The owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of surrounding facilities and the ones in other public areas, and for the water and power supplies. And the owner shall provide support whe n Wal-Mart associate n eeds to in spect the facilities.Appendix A: Requireme
53、nts for overhaul of A/C units1. Definition of overhaulWater-cooling unit:It must be maintained once a year. Wal-Mart shall be resp on sible for replaceme nt of lubricating oil, oil filters and drying filters. The owner shall be responsible for in spect ion of the whole unit to en sure it is un der a
54、 no rmal running con diti on and find out hidde n dan ger and pote ntial risks in order to save en ergy and prolong service lifetime. It is possible to cause potential troubles without appropriate maintenance.Overhaul covers importa nt overhaul and medium overhaul; it is also divided into un it over
55、haul and compressor overhaul. Medium overhaul refers to disma ntl ing the compressor to check and clea n internal surface without replaci ng any comp onen ts. And importa nt overhaul refers to replac ing the seriously worn internal parts. Un it overhaul refers to maintenance can be done only after in troduci ng the coola nt out of the un it, which is also called importa nt overhaul. Other maintenance treatme nts are called medium overhau
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