1、保密啟用前:o 笊o Il- o 摒o 1o 2020年全國高考英語試卷(全國卷一)(聽力A版)題號22四五六.七八九總分得分注意事項:1 .答題前填寫好自己的姓名、班級、考號等信息2 .請將答案正確填寫在答題卡上評卷人得分1. Where are the speakers?A. At a swimming pool.2. What will Tom do next?A. Turn down the music.3.A.B.C.4.短對話B. In a clothing shop.B. Postpone the show.What is the woman busy doing?Working
2、 on a paper.Tidying up the office.Organizing a party.When will Henry start his vacation?A. This weekend.B. Next week.5. What does Donna offer to do for Bill?A. Book a flight for him.B Drive him to the airport.C.C.C.At a school lab.Stop practicing.At the end of August.C. Help him park the car.評卷人得分二、
3、長對話聽下面一段較長對話,回答以下小題。6.A.7.A.Why does Pete call Lucy?To say tliat he'll be late. B. To tell her about his work.When is Pete going to see Lucy?At 6:00 pm.B. At 6:45 pm.C, To invite her to dinner.C, At 8:00 pm.試卷第9頁,總12頁與FM理蔑木洋東,回啜五-RX砥。8 - Why does ca-hy wan-oqui- her job ? A she,n join ano-her fi
4、rm, B - Sheri run her own business. c shes 聲d up wi一h 一一,9 wha- is Marks attitude -owards Cathys decision?A Forgiving* B sympa-he-ipc SUPPOH.VP10. wha- migh- ca-h)do for _he presen- company 7A Apply for a projecL B Train a ncev PerSo? c. Recossend an engineer 與Ha泮落木苗一子回嚼狂王俁固。1 一 Ho廠r did -he san fee
5、- abo£ his perforsance -oday7 A, Great-y encouraged.B. A bi-dissausficdc Teirib-ydisappoh=cd12 whardid _he man say hefd him overcome -he Probom7 A patigcpB,Luckc- De-eng.na-iom13 . wha-is - he woman doing?A conducing an h=ervicevB , Ho-ding a press conference. c, HosUng a cercsony 與Ha泮落木苗一子回嚼狂王
6、俁固。 14 wha-is ncx-o-hc apar-mcm bu = ding7 A, Ares-auranLB. A_almdry,c, A grocery sorp15 - Which is mauded in _he ren-2A E-ecma-yB, The IBemet.賓磔2狂仁一2沒C. Satellite TV. o 然o n-16. What does the woman think of the apartment?A. It's quite large.B. It's well fiiniished.C. It's worth the mone
7、y.o 摒o W o o 堞o M o 評卷人 得分三、短文聽下面一段獨白,回答以下小題。17. Where is Jeff from?A. Liverpool.B. Coventry.C. Newcastle.18. Where do young men go to watch big games according to Jeff?A. Pubs.B. Stadiums.C. Friends5 homes.19. Why does Jeff have to pick a team to support ?A. To avoid being bothered.B - To open a co
8、nversation.C. To earn respect from others.20. What does Jeff mainly talk about?A England's moment of success.B. English flag as a symbol of hope.C. England's all-time favourite sport.評卷人 得分四、閱讀選擇Train InformationAll customers travelling on TransLink services must be in possession of a valid
9、ticket before boarding. For ticket information, please ask at your local station or call 13 12 30.whioQueensland Ra = makes every effort_0 ensure -rams run as schcdu - cd -here can be no guaransc of connec-ions bctwcs二 rains or bgweenuain services and bus services。 Lost property余菩出尊ca= Los-Property
10、on 13 -6 17 during business hours for iomsos - on Queens - and Rai- Services.The -OS- property office is open MondayoFriday 7 - 30amo5OOPS and isocaoda匕tmRoma Street s-a-ion.puzic ho-idaysOn public holidays, generally Sunday -i5etab-c opera一es. On ccr-ain -Major even- days。 i.e,Auda Day,Anzac Day- s
11、porting and cu=und days- special addi-iona- services may opcrao-Chris - mas Day services operasoa Chris - mas Day 工me -abo Bcfnapoasc visi- 一sns一ink. CO5 au or 2= TsnsLink o一i 13 12 30 any_isc.cus-on-ers using mobi三y devicesMany s_a 一ions have whccosir access from - he car park or cn-nmeco- he s-a-i
12、on p-a-fonns,For assissncpp 一 ease Queens - and Ra = on 13 -6 17.Guardian -rains (Ou-bound)*mA§B 8:57pm 7:29pm 6:42pm DepartRoma StreetFortitude Valley Central Altandio 2. 園B'Varsity Lakes Varsity Lakes Varsity Lakes Varsity LakesDestination12:22am 9:52pm 8:52pm 7:37pmA皿e定磔圖4 a,添一2注o 公o o 摒
13、o 1o o 怒o o 堞o M o 21. What would you do to get ticket information?A. Call 13 16 17.B. Visit translink .com.au.C. Ask at the local station.D. Check the train schedule.22. At which station can you find the lost property office?A. Altandi.B. Roma Street.C. Varsity Lakes.D. Fortitude Valley.23. Which t
14、rain would you take if you go from Central to Varsity Lakes?A. 6:42 pm.B. 7:29 pm.C. 8:57 pm.D. 11:02 pm.Retiiming to a book you've read many times can feel like druiks with an old friend. There's a welcome familiarity - but also sometimes a slight suspicion that time has changed you both, a
15、nd thus the relationship. But books don't change, people do. And that's what makes the act of rereading so rich and transformative.Tlic beauty of rereading lies in the idea that our bond with the work is based on our present mental register. It's true, the older I get, the more I feel ti
16、me has wings. But witli reading, it's all about the present. It s about the now and what one contributes to the now, because readmg is a give and take between author and reader. Each has to pull their own weight.Tliere are three books I reread annually .The first, which I take to reading every s
17、pring is Ernest Hemnmgway's A Moveable Feast. Published in 1964, it's his classic memoir of 1920s Paris. The language is almost intoxicating (令人陶醉的),an aging writer looking back on an ambitions yet smipler time. Another is Annie Dillard's Holy the Finn, her poetic 1975 ramble (隨筆)about e
18、verything and notliing. Tlie third book is Julio Cortazar s Save Twilight: Selected Poems, because poetry. And because Cortazar.While I tend to buy a lot of books. these three were given to me as gifs, which might add to the meaning I attach to them. But I imagine that, while money is indeed wonderf
19、ul and necessary, rereadmg an author's work is die highest currency a reader can pay them. The best books are the ones that open farther as time passes. But remember. it you that has to grow and read and reread in order to better understand your friends.24. Why does the author like rereading?A.
20、It evaluates the writer-reader relationship.B Its a window s a whole new world, c I七s a subs-itu-e fbr drinking wi-h a miend D I- exonds -he unders-andmg of oncsaf,25 . wha- do we know abo£-hc book > hze Feasf!A ITS a brief accoun- of a trip.B Its abos Hemingways lifb as a young mamc- I,s a
21、record of a llissric evenLD ITS about Hemingways Kicnds B pads-26 - wha- docs - he undefined word - currency 二 in paragraph 4 refero?A, Deb-B. Reward.c- A=owanccD FacevBUp27 - wha- can we infer abou 二 he auUior from-hc -ex-7A Hcovcs poc - ryB H7S anediiocC He I very ambi -o'US -D He-caches readi
22、ng.Race WBkmg shares many f二 ness bcne2s w 三二 unnmg research showy whiomos( 一ikc-y con-rib£ing -o fewer injuries-1- does。however- have i-s own prob-cs Race vva-kers arc condi-ioned a-h-etcs The -Onges- -rack and fic-d even- a- -he Susser Olympics is - he 50ki - osc-cr race 二 ra-k-»wh-ch -s
23、 abo£ five srcs 一 onger -han -he sasthon. Bu 二 he sporf s rules require -bar a race walkers knees ssry straigh 二 hrough sosr of - he -eg swing and one foo- remain in con_ac_ (嫩惇)wh -he ground a- all rimes. Its -his strange fbnii -ha- sakes race walking such an aHrac二vc ac-ivi-y. hcnvcvel says J
24、aclyn Norbcrg an assis-an- professor of exercise science a- saQm s-atc unNers=y in saonL Mass.Like running- race walking is physica 一一 y demanding/she sayp Accordingomos- ca-cu-a-ions, race -ra-kers noving a-a pace of six 5=cs per hour wou-d burn abou- 800 caories(47Hffl) per hour, which is approxim
25、ately - wice as many as - hey would burn wa 一 kmq a 三 Hugh fewe二han running。which wou 一 d probazy bus abou 二.000 or more caorics per hour,賓磔西6注仁_2沒However- race walking docs no- pound -he body as much as running doey Dr Norberg says- Accordingoher research, runners h=_hc ground wi-h as much as four
26、三二 cs -heir body weigh- per step.-vh=e race vva-kery who do no- -cave -he ground, create 0_=y abou- L4 uses -heir body weigh- w=h each s-cp.As a result she sayrsome of - he 巨 uries assocs'_ed wi-h running- such as nmner.s knep arc uncommon among race walkers Bu二he sporf s strange fbnu does place
27、 considerable stress on _hc ankles and hipp so pcop-c wi_h a his_ory of such injuries sigh- was -o be cau-ious in adopUng -he spoil. In fac- anyone wishingouy race WBkmg should probab - y Hrs- consul- a coach or experienced racer _0 -Cas proper _cchnique, she says I- _akes sosc psc_icc 28 Why arc ra
28、ce WBkers cond 三 oned a_hoos7A They nws- runong dis-anccsB , They arc qua一一fied for -he Sara-honc, They have -o fo=ovv special 2-cs.D They arc good a- swinging -heir -cgs.29 - wha- adva_=age docs race WBkmg have overrunning?A - ITS more popular a二he Olympics.B - Its less challenging physicallyc Its
29、more e部c-lve m body bulldEgD ITS less likely r。cause knee injuries。30 AVhat is Dr Norberg s suggesHon fbr someone trying race walking?A Getting experts- opinions,B - Having a nlaica - checkup。c Hiring an exper-cnced coachD Doing regu-ar exercises.31 - Which word be* describes -he ashor.s attitude ro
30、 see walking?A. skep-icaL B. objec-re c To-eras D, conservative. The connec-ion be_wcen pcopoand p-ants hasong been -he subjee- of scicn-sc research- Rcccs s-udies have found possve effec-s- > s-udy conduc-ed in Youngs-ow一 1. Ohio, for exasp-c. discovered -ha- greener areas of -he c=y experienced
31、 -ess crime. In ano-her. C5p-oyccs uore sho-vn_0 be - 5% sore produc-ivc when - heir workp - accs were decora-cd wi - h賓磔7注仁一2沒housep_an-sThe engineers a 二 he MassachuseUs Ins 三 uoof Tcchnoogy(Mrr)have - aken 二 a sop fur-hcr changing -he ac-UB compos 三 on of p-a2s in order _0 ge 二 hen 二。perfonn dive
32、rs?even unusua- func-ions- These include p-an-s -ha- have sensors prin-cd 01二0 一heir -eaves _0 show phen rheyre short of Jvarer and a plan- tha- can de-ec- harmful chemicals in groundatcc ; We Ye rhmkmg abou 二low we can engineer plams -o replace funcro-ns of rhe Things - ha- we use every day- explai
33、ned Michac - s-ranpa professor of chcmica - engineering a- MIT One of his - aos- projc2s has beenomake p-an-s gow (沛興)m cxpcrimcBs using some common -vegelabl,StranoK Sam fbund rha_ they could erca-e a fhEr lighr fbr-hreeandaha-f hours The HghL abou- one一housand-h of -he alnoun- needed _0 read by- i
34、s jus- a s-art The ochnoogye S - rano said, cou - d one day be used to -igh 二 he rooms or even_0 ss - rccs mo safpowercd s-rec- - amps-In the fu-ure- -he -Cas hopes _0 develop a version of -he 一echno-ogy -ha- can be sprayed onop-an 二 eaves in a oneoff treatment-hat would las 二 he plants lifbdme The
35、engineers arc a-so lying 一o deVC-op an on and off : svvi-ch - where -he g-ovv would fade -hen exposed _0 day-ighLLigh 二 ng accou 三 s for abo 三 7京 of -heo-a - eorcsci-y consumed h 二 he us Since -ighHng is ofon far removed from -he power sourcc(&)such as - he dis-ance from a power pg_=o s-rcc 二 am
36、ps on a rcmoohighwayao一 of energy isos- during -ransmission (市B).Gowmg p-an-s coEd reduce - his din and -herefore hap save energy- 32 - wha-is - he firs- paragraph mam-y abou-7A A new sHdy of diffcrcHp-antsB , A big fa二 in crime ra_esc ESP-oyecs fros various vvorkp-acesD Benef=s fr05 green p-ass33 -
37、 wha-is -he function of _hc sensors prinsd on pnves by MIT engineer?A Ho dearc - plants, lack of waferB To change compos三ons of pg三sc- To make -he Hfe of p-antsongerD To -es- chesica-s in p-an_s.34 - wha- can we exPec- of -hc g-ovving p-an-s in the fu-ure?A T-icy -V二一 speed up energy producuon.笈磔蓄8注
38、,添一2注試卷第17頁,總12頁o 公o o 摒o 1o o 怒o H o 堞o M o 評卷人得分五、七選五B. They may transmit electricity to the home.C. They might help reduce energy consumption.D. They could take the place of power plants.35. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. Can we grow more glowing plants?B. How do we
39、live with glowing plants?C. Could glowing plants replace lamps?D. How are glowing plants made pollution-free?A Few Tips for Self-AcceptanceNe all want it. to accept and love ourselves. But at times it seems too difficult and too far out of reach. 36, Here s a handfiil of ways tliat will set you in t
40、he right direction.37. Do not follow the people who make you feel not-good-enough. Why do you follow them? Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs? Know that your life is your own;you are the only you in this world.Forgive yourself for mistakes
41、that you have made. We are often ashamed of our shortcomings, our mistakes and our failures. 38. You will make mistakes, time and time again. Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better, why not offer yourself a compassionate (有同情心、)response? ” That didn't go as planned. But,
42、 I tried my best. HRecognize all of your strengtlis. Write tliein down iii a journal. Begm to tram your brain to look at strength before weakness. List all of your accomplishments and achievements. You have a job. earned your degree, and you got out of bed today. 39,Now that you've listed your s
43、trengtlis, list your imperfections. Turn the page in your journal. Put mto words why you feel unworthy, why you don't feel good enough. Now, read these words back to yourself. 40, Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and achievements. See how awesome you are?A. Feeling upset
44、again?B. Where do you start?C. Nothing is too small to celebrate.Rcmembcr, you arc on-y humam sc- an in-cntion for s2.faccep_ance rop comparing yoursc-f w=h o-hers When does -he comparison game s-art?L卡咪A 施冷>>決試避MSince our -wins beganugowaFmy wife and I have kep 二c 三 ng - hem-ha- our ding glas
45、s door is jus- a window The 41 is obviouswc 42 i- is a door "yul was s go outside 43 ,1- w 三 drive us crazy The kids apparen 二 y (o=二 he Bu- our Bslsrmg l,s 45 a window has kep- -hem from 46 m三ions of wcs【soOP2二 he doorI ha-e lymg to the kid” One day rheyrl 47 and discover -har everything -hey
46、Ye <ays kno-vn abo£ windows is a 48 .I wonder if 49 shou-d a-ways -e一二he -ru-h no nla=er -he 50 , I have a verystrong 51 rhar the lie we Ye - ellmg is doing 52 damageoour ch = dren Windows and doors have 53 mc-aphorica-(云彝)meanings,rE -ellBg them -hey canY open wha-s-cy abso 三8-y is a door -
47、vha-if - aor in 54 -hey come _0 a mctaphorica一 door一ike an oppor-uni-y(MLg) of some sonand 55 opening -he door and -akmg _ he opportuni-y= hey jus- 56 二 and wonder - wharl; isnY a door。- Tha-iy - Wharif it Is%- a 57 Opponuni_y7 ;Nlaybe ITS an unreasonable fbar Bu二he 58 is -har I shouldnY lie to my k
48、ids, I should jus- 59 repea-cd-y having -o say-No.二k canY go osslde no/v - Then whenThey come s olher doors in llfb, be they real omaphos.caL they won-hem and WBk -hrough.41, A, re=ef42 >' admil43 >' gsdua=y 44 A resu一一45 A mere-y46 A reviewingB, _argc-B, baicveB, cons-an-y B dangerB s
49、lfuyB, approvingc reason c- meanconlporar 二 y c method c- hard -y c- receiving國藤啰一。注,歌一2注裝裝60oopenD- caseD- realizeD, casua一一yD一ru-hD par一一yD a一一emp-mg夕卜o oooo二oooooo 47. A. win outB. give upC. wake upD. stand out48. A. dreamB. lieC. fantasyD. fact49. A. parentsB. twinsC. colleaguesD. teachers50. A.
50、 restrictionsB. explanationsC. differencesD. consequences51. A. demandB. fearC. desireD. doubt52. A. physicalB. biologicalC. spiritualD. behavioral53. A. traditionalB. importantC. doubleD. original54. A. lifeB. timeC. replyD. history55. A. by comparison withB. in addition toC. regardless ofD. instea
51、d of56. A. get hold ofB. stare atC. knock onD. make use of57. A. realB. typicalC. similarD. limited58. A. safety ruleB. comfort zoneC. bottom lineD. top secret59. A. delayB. regretC. eiijoyD. accept60. A. hurryB. decideC. hesitateD. intend評卷人得分七、用單詞的適當形式完成短文閱讀下而短文,在空白處填入1個適當?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。China has
52、become the first country to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon. The unmanned Chang'e-4 probe (探;則器)-the name was inspired by an ancient Chinese moon goddess 61. (touch) down last week in the South Pole-Aitken basm. Landing on die moon s far side is 62. (extreme) challengmg. Because the moon's body blocks direct radio communication with a probe
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