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1、汽車維修中英文對照表作者:日期:汽車維修專業(yè)術(shù)語的英語對照表1汽車維修養(yǎng)護(hù)專業(yè)英語對照表,學(xué)汽車維修的英語都不太好 汽車維修管理 Admi n i s tra tio n,搞來個對照表可參考一下of Vehi cl e Mai ntenan c e汽車維護(hù)方法 Metho d of V ehiclemai n te n ance汽車維護(hù)流水作業(yè)法 Flow m ethodofvehicle mainte n anc e汽車維護(hù)定位作業(yè)法M et h od o fvehic l e maint ena nce o n汽車修理方法Me t h od of vehi cr e p a i r ?汽車

2、修理流水作業(yè)法Flo wersal p o st m e t hodve hicle r e pai r ?汽車修理定位作業(yè)法Me thodof ve hi c l erepa lonun l v er sap os t?總成互換修理法Unit周轉(zhuǎn)總成 Reve rsi b le un就車修理法P e r sonalizede X c ha nge r e pa i ri ng met hod t ?昆裝修理法 Deper so nalized ep airmethod?汽車維修指標(biāo)Indirep airc esmet hodvehi c le maienance and r e pair汽車

3、維護(hù)生產(chǎn)綱領(lǐng)P roductionr o gram o f v e hicle m aintenan ce?汽車修理生產(chǎn)綱要Pr o ducti o n p r ogram汽車維修周期Per1 od汽車診斷周期P eriodvehicr e pai rof veh icleof vehi c le汽車維修竣工輛次 Numb er of v ehe p a ir ?汽車大修平均在廠車日 Ave ramai nt e nancedi a gnosisicl e being r eceived g e d ay s inp Ianr omduringmain ten an ceor rmajor o

4、f v e hicl es?氣車大修平均在修車日Ave ra ge day s du r ing major汽車大修平均工時 A ve r age ma n -h o u r s of vehicl e 修平均費(fèi)用 Ave r age c o sts of 汽車大修返修率 Ret urning r ateve h icle mainte n anceofp ai rvehiclesmai n te nanceandrep air ?汽車維f cur re nt r e pa ir o f v ehi cmajorrep airof1 es?氣車大修間隔里程a nd re p airveh i

5、cle ?氣車小修頻率Av erage intervalFr e quen c y om ileage of major rep a ir of v e汽車修理工人實物勞動生產(chǎn)率La bo urprodu c ti V ity ofrepai r-man汽車維護(hù)企業(yè)Ente r p 汽車維護(hù)場 車修理廠V(站)M a ie h icl er isentenanrepa iV eh1 c le mainte n ance a n dd e pot ( s tat i o n )nt ?汽車總成修理廠of ve h icrep air1 es?汽車停車場(庫)P a r k?氣laUn it r

6、ep a irplan t forveh i cl e汽車診斷站Veh i cld i agnosstati o n汽車檢測站Dete c tites t s tati on of v ehic le?氣車維修網(wǎng)點(diǎn)Netwo r k ofveh i cle mai n tenanc eandr e p air汽車維修工具和設(shè)備Instrue nt a nd Dev i c er Ve hicleMain t enan ce a nd Repai螺絲刀 Sc rewd r iver花扳手Ring sp a n n er?銼刀Fil e雙頭扳手Double- ende d鯉魚鉗 Comb i n

7、ation pilers p anne rs ?輪胎螺栓扳手Wheelw ren c h?厚度規(guī)Feeler g a uge?桿式氣缸量規(guī) Ba r -type c ylin der g auge氣缸壓力表 Cyl in d e r c o mpr e ssor活塞臺鉗Pis t on vicegauge活塞加熱器Pi s ton heater ?活塞環(huán)工具P iton ring t o ol活塞環(huán)鉗(活塞環(huán)拆裝鉗)Piston r ingliers ( p ist o n ri ng t ong s )壓環(huán)器 Pi s t on rin g com p re s sor活塞環(huán)銼 P i st

8、on rin g f i 1 e?活塞銷拉器 Piston pin extractorValve g ri nd in g tool (valv e lapp e r)連桿校正器 Connec ti n g rod a lignmen t fixture ?氣門座刀具 Valve seat cutter ?氣門彈簧壓 縮器V alv espringcompr e s sor?氣門研磨工具調(diào)整氣門間隙扳手Tapp etwr ench?孚子室液面儀F 1 oa t 1 ev el gauge?歧管壓力表 Man i f old pr ess u r e ga u g e set點(diǎn)火正時燈(正時觀測

9、燈)Ignit i on timing lig h t (strobosc o pe)燃燒分析儀Combu st lo n斷電器觸點(diǎn)閉合角 Dwell mee r ?火花塞間隙量規(guī)Plug gap ga uge火花塞套筒扳手Sparkplu g蓄電池液體比重計 Bat ter yspa nnerb o x (so c ket)h ydrome t er?氣車架 Car stand (jack s t and) ?輪軸架A xle stan前束量尺T oe-i n gau g e?外傾測量器 Cam bergau ge ?制動踏板壓下器B rake d e pr ess制動器放氣軟管 Hose

10、for br ak e blee d ing ?車架量規(guī)Fra me g a uge?輪轂拆卸器Hubpulle r車輪拆卸器Wheel wren ch拆裝輪胎用撬杠T ire l ev er?丁氣筒Tire pump螺旋千斤頂Sc r e w j a c k ?輪胎壓力計P ress u re gauge?油壺Oil ca n?手油泵M anua 11 p u m p?黃油槍G rease gun ?起動搖把 St a rt i ng cran k ?工具袋Tool ba g?車身修整工具 Bodfueybumpi ng t ool發(fā)動機(jī)測功機(jī) Engi n e dy n am omet發(fā)動

11、機(jī)綜合試驗機(jī)E n gi neyzer發(fā)動機(jī)示波器Engine scopeic e ng in e te ste滾筒式測功試驗臺 Ro 11 er(o scit yp e1 lo gra ph) ?電子診斷式發(fā)動機(jī)試驗儀Electronic- d iagn o s td y n amoma er (t estbed)?發(fā)動機(jī)加速測功儀 F r ee a cce le r at lo n en gine 容積式油耗計Volume tr icteste rfue 1m et e r紅外線廢氣分析儀I n f r arana 1 yzer ?異響診斷儀 A bn o rmal engi ne noi

12、se diag n os i 發(fā)動機(jī)分析儀Enginee d ra y s e xh a ust ga ss equ ip me nt ?氣缸漏氣率檢驗儀analy s is a ppa ratus ?進(jìn)氣歧管真空度表 I nt ake mani f o ld vacuu m mCy 1 inder l ea k t estere te r氣缸壓力表Cylinde rp r essuregauge調(diào)整用的試驗檢測儀Tune-up teste s lubri c ator ?曲軸箱竄氣量測定儀r ?底盤測功機(jī)Ch assis dyna mo met er?底盤潤滑機(jī)C ha s si反作用力制動

13、試驗臺 Reac t io nty P ebr a ke te st er ?慣性式制動試驗臺In e rt i atypebr ak e te s ter轉(zhuǎn)向盤間隙測量儀 S t ee r in gw he e lf r ee p 1ay gauge?測滑試驗臺Sid e sli pch eck i ng s t an d ?前照燈檢驗儀 Headli g htcheckingeq u i pm ent氣缸孔垂直檢驗儀 Cyl i nd e rperpe n di cul a rityg a u g e主軸承座孔同軸度檢驗儀 Main bea ri nga1 ig n ing gaug e

14、?移動式車輪平衡機(jī) Portab1ewheel ba 1 an c e r?固定式車輪平衡機(jī)Whe elb a lancer?車輪動平衡機(jī)D yna m icwhe e 1bala nc e rBlow-by met er鏜缸機(jī) Cy 1 inder bo ring m ac hi n e?氣缸珩磨機(jī) Cyli n der honingma chine直線鏜削機(jī)Line borer ?氣門修整機(jī)V a 1 v e r e s e ater(活塞)銷孔珩磨機(jī) Pi n hol e hon e r?曲軸磨床C rankshaf t gr indingmac hine ?氣門研磨機(jī) Va1 ve g

15、r indi ng m achi n e氣門面磨光機(jī)V a 1 v e re f a c er氣門座磨光機(jī) Va lve s eat gr in d e r氣門座偏心磨光機(jī) Ecc ent r ic va lv e s ea tgr inder研磨機(jī)L appingmach1 ne?電子點(diǎn)火試驗器 El e c t驗器 I gnitior t ester ?電樞試驗器 A r maturer on 1c 1 gn1 t i o n t est e r ?點(diǎn)火線圈試n coi l t e s ter ?氖管火花試驗器teste r ?制動盤專用車床Neonsp arkDi s cte ster

16、?電容器試驗器C on d enselathe制動蹄片磨削裝置 Bra ke sh oegri n der制動鼓車床 B r ak e dr u m lathe制動液自動更換裝置B r ake flu sher ?(液壓)制動系空氣排除器Brake bl ee d er汽車維護(hù) Veh 1 cle mai n ten a nce汽車修理 Vehicle r ep a ir汽車維修制度Sys t em汽車維修性Mai n tainabof vehiclemai nte n ance a n d r ep a ir11 1 ty ofhicle汽車技術(shù)狀況Tech n iCond 1ti oo f

17、 Veh icle汽車完好技術(shù)狀況G oodcon di t ionofve h1cl e?汽車不良狀況 Badcondit 1 on o f v ehicl e汽車工作能力Workingabi l1 ty of veh1 c le ?汽車技術(shù)狀況參數(shù)P aramet e rsfort echnica1 condit 1o n o fveh 1cle汽車極限技術(shù)狀況L 1 miti n gconditi onof ve hi c l e ?汽車技術(shù)狀況變化規(guī)律Regla r ity for ch ang e o f te ch nic a l condition of vehicle ?運(yùn)行缺

18、陷 Oper at 1o制造缺陷Ma nu f a c turing defect ?設(shè)計缺陷 Desi g n defect ?事故性缺陷 Accid e nta l 汽車耗損 V e h 1 cl e w ear-o u t?汽車零件磨損 Wear o f v e hic l 磨損過程W ea r p r o ces s ?正常磨損 Normalwe ar?極限磨損L imi1 blewear?磨損率 Wear ratena ldefectdefe c te p artt in g we a r?允許磨損 P ermiss機(jī)械磨損 Me c h an 1 calwea r ?化學(xué)損耗 Ch

19、emical we a r熱磨損 Ther m i cwear?疲 勞磨損F atig ue wea r腐蝕性磨損 Corr o s 1on wea r故障磨損Failure wear故障 Malfunc t i o ni ng ?斷裂 Bre ak dow n?損壞 Da mag e?汽車維修專業(yè)術(shù)語的英文對照表2?更換(零件)Rep lac 1 ng?擦傷 Scr 點(diǎn)蝕燒傷老化at ch 1 ng?刮傷 S c oring Pi tt i n g?粘附 Adh es 1 on?咬粘 Se i z ur e Bu r ning ?穴蝕 Ca vi t ation AgingFatigue 汽

20、車故障Vehicle疲勞?變形 Deformatio n ?缺陷 Defec tfa 1 lure ?完全故障 Com plete f a il u re局部故障Partialfailure致命故障Criticalfa 1 lure ?嚴(yán)重故障Majorfa 1 lure ?一般故障M1no r fa 1 lure汽車故障現(xiàn)象Sym ptom o f vehicle 搶氣 Ml xt u rer ob ber y ?嗆油 Fuelf ai lfouling盤車 Tu r ning飛車R u n way 工作粗暴Ro ugh 回火 Back f irerunn 1 ng?早燃 Preign?自燃

21、現(xiàn)象D ieselingSparkkn oc k ?燃料爆燃 Fue l1 ti o n(a f t err un)?爆震(爆燃)Detonati o n?火花(點(diǎn)火)爆燃k n oc k (gas kno ck) ?不發(fā)火(不點(diǎn)火)Misfirin g調(diào)速不勻Hunting過度停頓F lats pot ?調(diào)速器工作不勻 Go v e rnor 竄氣Blow-by?稀釋D i lu 潤滑超量 Ove rl u b r ica (柴油噴射系)滲漏滴油Af(燃料系)氣阻Vahunt 1 ng?回流 Backf l ow拉缸 Cyl ind er 拉瓦 Bearin g s c 活塞敲缸Pis t

22、ontion ?濾清器阻塞Clog get io n ?(氣缸)上油Ol lt e rd rippi n gl oc k?結(jié)膠 Gu mdepo se ?咬缸 C ylind e rstic 1d f 1 Iterp u mpi ngit ?敲缸 Kn ockp o rscor?軸頸擦傷J ourn a lore?(化油器)汽濕現(xiàn)象 Per c ol a tion ?化油器結(jié)冰Ca r bsco re ?刮傷 Scuf furetor iciknock (pi s t on 活塞裙部擠扁 Collapse o f pist o n 氣門彈簧顫動 Valve s p ring s ur ge h

23、 a rg e?(火花塞)鉛沉積Lead f o ulins l ap)s k ir t ?氣門挺桿發(fā)響 Tappet noi?(蓄電池)硫化S ulp hat io ng蓄電池)過度放電Os e (valvverg ?(火花塞)積碳C arbon fo u li n g?真空提前失效De v e v a cu um ad v a nce?高壓線跳火錯亂 Seco ndar yw ir e cr o ssfir i ngk nock) ?diecti轉(zhuǎn)向反沖 Stee r ing k ick b ac k 離合器炸裂 Clutch e x pl o s i on 制動踏板發(fā)軟 Spongy b

24、 rake p eda l ?制動踏板費(fèi)力 Hard 制動器發(fā)響No IS y brake制動踏板過低Low b ra ke peda l ?制動盤擺動Di sc r up edalno u t ?制動失效 Bra k e fade減振器失效 De f e ctiv es hock ab so rb e r?輪胎燒耗B urn rubb e r?輪胎急速磨耗Peelrubbe r瀬滑效應(yīng) Hyd r o- p I充氣不足Un der inf l a過熱Overh e a t ?失控Outa nning (a qu a - p lannin g )?(由于緊急制動)緊急滑行 Imp ending

25、 ti on?異響 Abnormal knock ing ?泄漏 Leakageof con t rolskid乏力 Lac k o f p o w er污染超限 I l le g a l exhau st al and oil ?振抖 Fluttering?故障率平均故障率的觀察值 Obse r v e d men d n oise ?費(fèi)油 Ex ce s s i v e co n sum p ti on ofFailureratef uea n fa1 ure rate故障樹型分析法Fa ultree an al y sis汽車維護(hù)類別C la s sof ve hi cl e maint

26、nanc e ?定期維護(hù) Peri odic main te n anc e季節(jié)性維護(hù)Sea so n alm a 1 ntenance ?技術(shù)保養(yǎng)Tec h n ical service清洗Washing?技術(shù)檢查保養(yǎng)里程 Mi l e a ge b et w een se r vi c e s 每 日保養(yǎng)D ai l y service 防護(hù)PreChe ck-up ?保養(yǎng)周期 Servic e cyclech e ck u p?夏季保養(yǎng) Sumne r cheng- 1 n汽車大修s e rv ing ?冬季保養(yǎng)W in t ermaintenance ?汽車修理類另 U Cl ass

27、o f vehicle repa irc k-u p ?走合維護(hù)Run niMajo r rep ai r of vehicle汽車中修Me diumr ep airo f vehi c le汽車小修Cu r r e nt零件修理Parts rep apair o f v e hic l e?總成修理 Un it rep a ir?計劃修理S c h eduled repa ir定期修理Regulat視情修理R ep airo ningr epa i rtec h ni c al condition ?非計劃修理 Unsch ed u ledrep air ?修復(fù) Re cond itio n

28、 in g ?修理里程 Mileage bet w e e n rep a ir拆開 Sep aratin g ?拆下 Wi th drawin g ?拆卸 D i sas sembl ing 校正 A li g nin g ?裝配 F i tting重新裝配 Reass e m b l i n g調(diào)整 A d j us t i n g單獨(dú)修理I ndivid u alrep air ?氣車報廢 Mot o r vehicle liq u id a tion報廢Sc ra ppin g ?汽車維護(hù)工藝Tech noIo g y ofV ehicle Ma inten a n c e汽車維護(hù)作業(yè)

29、 Oper a tio n of es s of vehicl e mainten avehiclemaintenan ce ?汽車維護(hù)工藝過程 Tech n olo gl calnce汽車修理工藝Technol o gy of汽車修理工藝過程 Te ch nologiV ehiclepairal p rocessveh ic ler ep air ?技術(shù)檢驗T echnicalcheckl ng檢視 Ins pec t ion零件檢驗分類Inspecti o nanc 1 a s sif l c a tion ofpa rts走合,磨合Ru冷磨合Coldnning- l nr unn l n

30、g- l n熱磨合Hot ru nni n g-in修理尺寸 Repa ir s ize走(磨)合期Runn 1 ng i n走(磨)合過程R u n ni n g in走(磨)合工況 Running-inprricondic esst ion s ?加速磨損期Periodo f a cc ele rat ed wea r極限間隙 Limi tl ng c 1e arance ?允許間隙 Permi s s lb leleara nc e?汽車維修工藝設(shè)備clearanc e ?裝配間隙 A s s emblinTechnol ogl calequi pm entvehiclema inten

31、ance and repai r汽車修理技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) Tech n l汽車診斷V ehicle d iagncal s t an d ardos i s ?氣車檢測Dofete診斷參數(shù) Di a gnost lcp arameter s ?診斷規(guī)范Divehiclec tingagnos ticestairof vehicleo rms汽車維修專業(yè)詞匯中英文對照表3core?管 -片式散熱器芯re l e ase valve?散 熱器護(hù)罩?radiat o r cowl ?散熱器散熱器芯?radiator core?之字形管散熱器芯? f i Imf l n a n d tube cor e ?散

32、熱器加水口蓋 r a d l ator f i lter cap?壓力式水箱蓋rad l ato r-pressu re cap?蒸氣空氣泄放閥 ?vapor-air 百葉窗?radiator s h u t t er散熱器保溫簾?rad i a tor ro 1 ler b lind散熱片coo 1 in g fin ?缸蓋散熱片?cylinder h e ad f i n缸體散熱片?cy 1 in d er bl o ck fi n控溫裝置?te mp eratu re re gu 1 ati ng d evl ce?恒溫器?th e r m o s t a t恒溫器主閥t h erm o

33、st a t mai n v a1 v e恒溫器旁通閥t h e r m ost a t by -p a ss val v e?恒溫器撓性波紋筒 ? th erm ostat fl e x l ble bell o ws 液體冷卻設(shè)備liquid c ooli n g eq uip me nt?水泵?water pump水泵體pump ca sl ng ?水泵葉輪?wa t er pump i m pell e r旁通進(jìn)水口wate r by pa s s i nle t n eck?循環(huán)泵circ u latin g pump?主進(jìn)水口 ?w a ter m a in in 1 e t p

34、o r t ?出水口 wate r out 1 et p o rt自調(diào)式水封? s elf- a djusting s ea1 un i t?溢流管?over f1 ow p i pe ?導(dǎo)流板 def 1e ctor?風(fēng)扇?fa n (blower) ?軸流式風(fēng)扇?axial f low f a n離心式風(fēng)扇?centrifu g a 1 f a n風(fēng)扇殼體?bl ow er casin g風(fēng)扇導(dǎo)流罩?fan c owl?風(fēng)扇轂?fan hu b風(fēng)扇葉片fa n blade?風(fēng)扇葉輪?b 1 ower i m pelle r ?風(fēng)扇導(dǎo)流定子?b lowe r stato r 風(fēng)扇皮帶輪?fa

35、n pu 1 l e y三角皮帶v- b elt?風(fēng)扇護(hù)罩?fan shro ud風(fēng)扇葉輪葉片im p ell er vane?冷卻用空氣 c o o li ng ai r風(fēng)扇導(dǎo)流葉片?st ato r V ane強(qiáng)制風(fēng)冷? f orce d -air cool i ng自然風(fēng)冷n atural a i r coo l i ng ?風(fēng)道 ai r ductin g潤滑系1 u b ricat i on s ystem潤滑lubricat i on?氣缸上部潤滑 upp er cy lind e r lubricat i on壓力潤滑pre ssure- fe ed lu br icati o

36、n ?壓力潤滑法 forced l u bricati o n自動潤滑?au to matic 1 ub r ic a t i on飛濺潤滑?spl a sh lubr ic a t i o n潤滑周期lu b rication i nterva 1 ?邊界潤滑?b orde rl in e lubr i cati on ?曲軸箱機(jī)油油盤 crankcase oil pan?油底殼?o i I pan?機(jī)油盤放油塞 sum p p lug?集油器o i l c o1 lector?機(jī)油泵o il p ump?計量式機(jī)油泵?me te r i n g oil pump齒輪式機(jī)油泵gea r t

37、yp e o l l p u mp轉(zhuǎn)子式機(jī)油泵r o tor-1 ype oi 1 pu mp?機(jī)油泵出油管? o il p ump ou tl et pi pe?放 油口 oi l d ra in h ole油道oi 1 d uct?斷油開關(guān)c u t-off co c k機(jī)油散熱器oi 1 c oo ler?機(jī)油濾清器 o i l fi Iter機(jī)油粗濾器p ri ma r y oil filt e r?機(jī)油精濾器? se con d a r y o i 1 分流式機(jī)油濾清器fil t er?全流式機(jī)油濾清器?ful 1 -f 1 ow oil f i It e rby-pa s s oi

38、l filter離心式機(jī)油濾清器c e n trifug a l ol l fi 1 ter整體式濾芯?i n tegr a l filterin g elem ent細(xì)濾器濾芯filt e r elem en t濾清器殼?fi 1 ter bo x濾片?filt e ri ng dis c機(jī)油減壓器oil pr e s s ur e relie f valve旁通閥by pass o il f i 1 te r機(jī)油濾網(wǎng)o i 1 str a iner?加機(jī)油孔?oil f il t er ca p 濾芯軸? fi l t er shaf t刮片組件cleaning e d g e機(jī)油量尺di

39、 p st i ck?機(jī)油濾網(wǎng)?oil straine r ?增壓器 su P er ch argerg l ng u n i t增壓和掃氣裝置 ?p ressur e ch ar g i ng and scaven增壓裝置?super charging de v i c e汽車維修專業(yè)詞匯中英文對照表4力口機(jī)油孑L ?tank-moun t ed e 1e tri c fue 1 pum p機(jī)械式燃油泵mechani c al fue Ip um p?膜片式燃油泵 ?dia phragm f u e ppi y p ump?活塞式輸油泵 ?p iston type fuel su pp ly

40、 pump 齒輪式輸油泵?ge ar fuel su電動燃油泵?e1e tr i c fupp 1 y pumpe I pump1 supply p ump?葉片式供油泵 ?vane fue l s uu mp ?起動加油器帶真空泵的汽油泵vac u um p u mp with fuel p p r imer起動給油桿?pr i m e r 1 ever?燃油泵上體?fuel p ump b o dy?燃油泵下體fu el p u mp b as e燃油泵蓋bo wl cov e r進(jìn)油口接頭f U el inle t nec k出油口接頭f uel discharge po r t?輸出閥

41、?delive r y v alv e泵油元件pump eleme nt回油閥部件?fu el return v alve as s embly化油器?c arburetor ?化油器系統(tǒng) ca rbure t o r circu i t?簡單化油器 element ar y ca r bu re t or?單腔化油器?s i ng le - ba rrel carb u retor?雙 腔并動化油器tw o-bar r el d ual ca r bure to r雙腔分動化油器two-b a r re l duplex ca rburet o r?四腔化油器f our ba rrel ca

42、rb uretor?上 吸式化油器?u p dau ght carbu retor?下吸式化油器 d ownd ra u gh t carburetor?平吸式化油器? h or i z o ntal carbur etor 側(cè)吸式化油器?side-draft-c a r bu r eto r高海拔補(bǔ)償式化油器 ?alti tud e comp ens a t i n g ca rburet o r?化油器附加器a d a pt or carb u r e t o r雙腔式化油器?tw in choke car bu r etor固定喉管式化油器fi X ed ven tur i carbur

43、 etor?可變喉管化油器 ?v a r i ab l e v enturi c arbu reto r 化油器接頭?ca rb ureto r adap tor?阻風(fēng)門 choke va 1 ve?阻風(fēng)活塞 choke pi s ton?阻風(fēng)板?c h oke plate自動阻風(fēng)門?au to matic chok e ?阻風(fēng)門拉鈕?ch ok e b utton電控自動阻風(fēng)門?e lectric- a ss i ste d choke?阻風(fēng)管 cho k e tube?喉管? ve nturi ?雙重或三重喉管d o u bl e & t r iple ven t uri阻風(fēng)門拉線

44、choke cab 1 e?化油器小喉管 boos t er ven t u r l ?浮子系?fl o at sys tem 浮子? f1 oat環(huán)形浮子?annular fl o a t同心式浮子?co ncen t r ic float浮子支銷fl oa t hl nge p in?浮 子針閥fl o at n ee dl e val v e閥針?valve needle ?浮子油面f lo a t l ev el ?浮子臂? flo at arm ?側(cè)置浮子室式?si d e f loat t y pe?怠速閥 idle v a lve怠速針閥id 1 e needl e省油器econ

45、om i zer省油器閥?ec onom i zer va Iv e輔助空氣閥?auxi 1 ia r y ai r - v alve?加速油井?a c celerati n g w e ll加速泵accelerating pump?加速泵噴嘴?a ccelerat in g p ump n ozz 1 e 油門?thr ot t le手油門han d t hrottle?節(jié)氣門操縱手柄 ?throttle con tr o 1 lever?真空加濃器 vac u u m boost e r加濃器exces s f uel d e vic e量孔體je t b l oc k怠速量孔id 1 e

46、 met eri n g je t主量孔ma i n m e t e ring je t劑量閥活塞?d o sage v a l v e pis t on空氣量孔? a ir jet燃油濾清器?fuel f i 1 ter沉淀杯sediment bo w 1 ?串聯(lián)過濾器 i n -line f i1 ter燃油箱內(nèi)裝過濾器? in ta nk filt e r?調(diào)速器?g o v e rn or飛球式調(diào)速器f 1 yba 1 l go verno r調(diào)速器?g o ver n or?飛球式調(diào)速器 fl yb al 1 g ove mor?液壓調(diào)速器 hydraulic governor真空轉(zhuǎn)

47、速調(diào)速器v a cu um sp e ed g o verno r慣性調(diào)速器l ne r tia go v e r nor離心調(diào)速器?centrifugal g ove r n or?調(diào)速器重錘?go v ern o r we ig ht ?空氣濾清器及進(jìn)排氣系統(tǒng) air c1ea ner an d intak e and exh aus t sytem 空氣濾清器?ai r filter沖壓式空氣濾清器r am air c learner?恒溫控制式空氣濾清器?therm o st atic con t r o lle d a i r cl ean e r ?油浴式空氣濾清器?oil bat

48、h al r cl e a n er紙質(zhì)空氣濾 清器?pap e r air clearner?旋流管式空氣濾清器s wirl t ub e ai r filter濾清器濾芯?filt e r elemen t空氣濾清器殼體?ai r filt e r housin g ?空氣濾清器蓋 air fi 1t er cov er ?濾清器密封圈 filte r s ea l r in g濾網(wǎng)?sie ve?濾紙盤或膜 filter pa p er disc or m e m b ra ne?進(jìn)氣和排氣系統(tǒng) ?i n tak e a nd exhaust system 排氣管?ex hau s t pi p e排氣抽氣管ex haust ext racti o n duct掃氣泵scaven g ing pu mp進(jìn)氣預(yù)熱裝置intake p reheate r ?進(jìn)氣歧管l ntake man if ol d進(jìn)氣歧管真空度i nt a k e manifo l d va c uum?冷式進(jìn)氣歧管?cold mani fo ld?沖壓式進(jìn)氣歧管 ? r


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