



1、i關于運動的英語文章1, ziyu of thebadm inton as a recreatio nal activities, the participa nts hitthe ball on the process, through the non-stop running and physicalchanges, hard to hit the ball to each other venues. whenever hit a batterin winning a strike or a ball can make their own exciteme nt, and toachiev

2、e a successful joy. at the same time ano ther flight of the ball speedand severity, high and low, near and far, the relentless substanee, suchas changes to the float, so that the movementitself is full of awealth of fun.2, orn ame ntalas badm intonever-cha ngingtech no logy,so that thegame can be a

3、high watch. tigers dow n as the in ter net tech no logy, likethe water drago n tiaoqi bats are as full of arch smash, like rhinocerosmochizuki搶to fight the blaze the ball,attack from a strategic height, like, shirupozhu,when thedefense, followed by drizzle, guruojintang.all these displaythe game in

4、the li yumei, so that viewers like yin read a moving poem,such as a pleas ing view of the pain ti ng is delightful, andfrom wan deri ng.2sec ond, the exercise of1, enhan ced physiquebadminton sport can enhance the overall physique.before the courts, fast-m oving field after batt ing in the str ong f

5、ield afterthe smash the ball and passive to fight the blaze at the ball, hitt ingdoubles tran spositi on of all practiti on ers n eed a better quality of theforce, the quality of speed, en dura nee quality, sensitive quality, flexibilityand quality of the rapid response capability. smash need to for

6、ce bothsides to pull round in the process, in order to achieve the in itiative n eedto have a comparatively high speed, en dura nee and speed en dura neein the fighti ng whe n the ball (mostly passive) also n eed to have goodagility and flexibility; doubles of the n eed for fast resp onse and judgem

7、ent. therefore, the regular sports activities can be engaged in thedevelopmentof the bodysflexibility, coord in ati on, can improve people on the lower limbs and trunkcapacity of the activities to improve the respiratory and cardiovascularsystem fun cti on,impro vingaerobic and an aerobic en ergy su

8、pply for en ergy the ability to regulatethe n ervous system andin crease the capacity of itsanti-acid, but also a healthpromotion,disease-resistant fangcui, regulate the role of the spirit.2, will train3badm intoncompetiti onof their sport, confron tati on al,the stre ngth of many factors, such as t

9、he requireme nt so that the qualityof the sport will play a very importantposition.badmintoncompetitionsoften come across such cases, theathletes a pole: surge not of gas, and physical weak ness, black eyes,feel that they no Ion gerin sist on not go on. thisphenomenon is not a party to, in equal cir

10、cumstancesareofte n two sides will appear one after ano ther, or eve n almost at thesame time (for example, a round ball a lot), the n click on to see who couldpersist, victory ofte n in sist on re - the way. * what the n to in sist that wemust * in domitable will and a firm belief in quality. even

11、if notcompetition, this activity alson eeds strong will, otherwise you will not be very good to the completionof the exercises, the exercises should be the joy, fun and exercise valuedisappear.3, cultivate psychologicalbadm inton activities in clude the inten ti on of each others tacticsfigured out

12、later, the various fighters of the grasp of what their use oftactical opti ons, such as in tellige nee, ofte n in the campaign can makequick thinking. at the same time,because of the tense competition,the fierce competition, tomake practiti oners of the psychological quality of the trai ning4very well, in the competiti on, and stre ngthe n en trepre neurialspirit, thepeoples wisdom,courage andskills inthecompetiti onand confron tati onby sublimationafterthistemper, canbe critical chaos,the departme


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