1、消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)(文檔含英文原文和中文翻譯)消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)心理因素影響購買行為Geoff Lancaster心理因素是第四重要影響消費者的購買行為(除了文化、社會和個人因素)。一般來說,一個人的購買選擇受心理因素例如動機、認(rèn)知、學(xué)習(xí)、信仰和態(tài)度的影響。知曉顧客動機的重要性,理解客戶的動機營銷的任務(wù)是要準(zhǔn)確的識別出消費者的需求和欲望,然后開發(fā)滿足他們的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù),。市場要想成功, 只是發(fā)現(xiàn)客戶需要是遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠的, ,而是為了找出為什么這是必需的。只有通過獲得一個深入的和全面的了解買方行為才可以使?fàn)I銷的目標(biāo)成真。只有理解顧客的購
3、個人有很多需求。有些需要是生理上的,從生理狀態(tài)產(chǎn)生的張力如饑餓、干渴、不適。其他需求心理;他們引起的緊張心理狀態(tài)如需要識別、尊重、歸屬感。當(dāng)一個人的動機強烈到足夠的等級就會產(chǎn)生需求。一個動機是一個需求,也就是說他能夠驅(qū)使人去積極的采取行動。購買動機是使消費者做出購買某種商品決策的內(nèi)在驅(qū)動力,是引起購買行為的前提,也就是引起行為的原由。具體包括以下幾個方面:(一)理智動機理智動機就是消費者對某種商品有了清醒的了解和認(rèn)知,在對這個商品比較熟悉的基礎(chǔ)上所進(jìn)行的理性抉擇和做出的購買行為。它包括:1. 適用1消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)適用表現(xiàn)為一種求實心理,消費者所看重的是產(chǎn)品最基本、最核心的功
4、能。在選購商品時,對其技術(shù)性能格外關(guān)注,而外觀、價格、品牌等產(chǎn)品的附加價值放在其次。2. 經(jīng)濟經(jīng)濟表現(xiàn)為一種求廉心理。幾種商品經(jīng)對比后,在其他條件基本相似的情況下,這類顧客對價格顯得相當(dāng)敏感,他們一般會以價格的實惠作為選擇的首要因素。3. 可靠優(yōu)質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品是顧客可以放心消費的基礎(chǔ)。可靠實質(zhì)上是消費者追求上乘質(zhì)量的體現(xiàn)。因此名牌商品之所以倍受人們的信任,就在于它的質(zhì)量可靠。(二)感情動機感情動機不能簡單地理解為不理智動機。它主要是由社會的和心理的因素產(chǎn)生的購買意愿和沖動。感情動機很難有一個客觀的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),但大體上是來自于下述心理。1. 炫耀心理這種心理在高收入階層比較常見。豐厚的收入使他們擁有炫耀的資
5、本,所以在購物上他們要展現(xiàn)自己的身份地位和欣賞水平。許多高檔品牌的制造商正是看準(zhǔn)了這一群體的心理傾向,紛紛推出各種昂貴的奢侈品。2. 攀比心理攀比是一種比照的心理。在同一個社會群體里面,各個成員之間相互比拼,誰都不想落后別人。這種心理在消費上表現(xiàn)為一種動機,別人有什么高檔的商品,自己也一定要有。3. 從眾心理這種心理反映在生活圈子中,人們希望跟著圈中大多數(shù)人的步伐。因此其他人認(rèn)為不錯的產(chǎn)品,自己也跟著認(rèn)可;其他人買什么商品,自己也會跟著買。心理學(xué)家們已經(jīng)研究出人類動機理論。三個最好的原理創(chuàng)造者西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的理論,亞伯拉罕馬斯洛,弗雷德里克赫茨伯格從完全不同的角度對消費者的行為進(jìn)
6、行分析,并制定出相應(yīng)的的營銷策略。弗洛伊德的理論。西格蒙德·弗洛伊德認(rèn)為,塑造人的心理力量的行為在很 2消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)大程度上是無意識的,一個人不能完全理解他或她自己的動機。一種叫階梯的方法可以從用來描述一個人的動機向更高的層次發(fā)展。然后賣方可以決定在哪個層級上發(fā)布具有吸引力的信息。根據(jù)弗洛伊德的理論,消費者的所反應(yīng)能力不僅針對具體的品牌,而且也針對其他,不甚清楚的提示。成功的商人也因此留意到形狀、大小、重量、材料、色彩、品牌都可以觸發(fā)某些聯(lián)想和情感。馬斯洛的理論。亞伯拉罕馬斯洛試圖來解釋為什么人們被特別需要驅(qū)動在特定的時期。他的理論是把人類需求排列在一個層次,從
7、最最緊迫到最基本。按重要性的順序來排列,這五個層次分別是是生理、安全、社會、尊重、和自我實現(xiàn)的需要。首先消費者將盡力滿足最重要的需求,當(dāng)這種需要的得到滿足后,人會盡力滿足處于第二個階段的需要。馬斯洛的理論幫助商家了解各個產(chǎn)品并制定具有針對性的計劃、目標(biāo)來滿足消費者的生活。赫茨伯格的理論。弗雷德里克赫茨伯格開發(fā)了一種雙因素理論即不滿意的因素(原因的不滿)到滿意(滿意的原因)。不滿足的因素是不充分的;滿意者現(xiàn)在必須積極鼓勵購買。 例如,一臺計算機,它沒有保證將來是一個不滿足。然而存在的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量保證不會作為一個滿意引子或動力來促使人購買,因為對電腦而言它不是一個來源的內(nèi)在滿意的引子。然而使用方便,
9、大量的刺激例如廣告。而大部分刺激是經(jīng)過篩選的,這個過程叫做選擇性注意。這個最終結(jié)果導(dǎo)致市場營銷者必須努力工作來吸引顧客的注意。通過研究表明,商家已經(jīng)明白,消費者更可能注意和他們現(xiàn)在的需求有關(guān)的刺激,這就是為什么汽車購買者注意汽車廣告而不 3消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)是注意器具廣告。此外,消費者更可能注意到和他們所期望的東西有關(guān)的刺激,例如對食物的需求促使他們關(guān)注食物網(wǎng)站。人們更可能去接受感知偏差大的刺激相對于正常大小的刺激,如廣告提供100美元(不是產(chǎn)品價格表上的5美元)。選擇性扭曲。即使注意刺激也不是市場營銷者所要傳遞的意思,在消費品的購買中,受選擇性扭曲的作用,人們會忽視所喜愛品牌
12、信任,他們可能或不可能帶有情感變化。當(dāng)然,制造商們對人們的信念是非常感興趣的,這關(guān)系到他們所提供的產(chǎn)品和服務(wù)。這些信念構(gòu)成對產(chǎn)品和品牌形象的構(gòu)想,和人們行為的自己的偶像。如果一些信仰是錯誤的,消費者會抑制購買,制造商會希望通過舉辦一個活動來糾正這些信仰。對全球性的制造商尤其重要的事實是,買家對他們 4消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)是品牌或產(chǎn)品通常持有不同的信仰,這主要是基于一個國家的文化起源。研究發(fā)現(xiàn),例如產(chǎn)品的類型隨著產(chǎn)地的不同而發(fā)生變化。消費者想要知道這些汽車在哪里生產(chǎn)而不是潤滑油是來自哪里的。另外,原產(chǎn)地的態(tài)度可以隨時間變化;比如日本,在第二次世界大戰(zhàn)前其汽車質(zhì)量是很差的。一個公司有
15、了25年,因為一般的認(rèn)識是牛奶是不健康的,過時了,僅僅是為了孩子,然后全國流體牛奶處理器教育計劃引發(fā)了數(shù)百萬美元的印刷廣告展示牛奶,非常受歡迎的活動已經(jīng)改變了態(tài)度,并且在這個過程中,牛奶消費迅速提高。牛奶生產(chǎn)商也建立了一個在線牛奶俱樂部,成員承諾每天和三杯牛奶。5消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)Source:Geoff Lancaster“consumer behavior:the psychology of marketing” University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0443, USA (213) 740-749Ps
16、ychological Factors Influencing Buyer BehaviorGeoff LancasterPsychological factors are the fourth major influence on consumer buying behavior (in addition to cultural, social, and personal factors). In general, a persons buying choices are influenced by the psychological factors of motivation, perce
17、ption, learning, beliefs, and attitudes.Importance of understanding customer motivesThe task of marketing is to identify consumers needs and wants accurately, then to develop products and services that will satisfy them. For marketing to be successful, it is not sufficient to merely discover what cu
18、stomers require, but to find out why it is required. Only by gaining a deep and comprehensive understanding of buyer behaviour can marketings goals be realised. Such an understanding of buyer behaviour works to the mutual advantage of the consumer and marketer, allowing the marketer to become better
19、 equipped to satisfy the consumers needs efficiently and establish a loyal group of customers with positive attitudes towards the companys products.Consumer behaviour can be formally defined as: the acts of individuals directly involved in obtaining and using economic goods and services, including t
20、he decision processes that precede and determine these acts. The underlying concepts of this chapter form a system in which the individual consumer is the core, surrounded by an immediate and a wider environment that influences his or her goals. These goals are ultimately satisfied by passing throug
21、h a number of problem-solving stages leading to purchase decisions. The study and practice of marketing draws on a great many sources that contribute theory, information, inspiration and advice. In the past, the main input to the theory of consumer behaviour has come from psychology. More recently,
22、the interdisciplinary importance of consumer behaviour has increased such that sociology, anthropology, economics and mathematics also contribute to the science relating to this subject.6消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)MotivationA person has many needs at any given time. Some needs are biogenic; they arise from ph
23、ysiological states of tension such as hunger, thirst, discomfort. Other needs are psychogenic; they arise from psychological states of tension such as the need for recognition, esteem, or belonging. A need becomes a motive when it is aroused to a sufficient level of intensity. A motive is a need tha
24、t is sufficiently pressing to drive the person to act.Purchasing motivation is to make consumers to buy a commodity decision-making internal driving force, is a cause of purchase behavior of the premise, also is the cause of her behavior. Specific include the following aspects:(1) rational motivatio
25、nRational motivation some goods to consumers is a clear understanding and cognitive, of the goods in more familiar conducted based on the rational choice and make the purchase behavior. It includes:1. ApplyApply for a realistic performance psychological, consumer products is important to the most ba
26、sic, most core functions. In the choose and buy goods, pay close attention to its technical performance, and appearance, the price, the brand of the added value of products on the second.2. The economyEconomic performance as a cream for psychological. By the comparison of several kinds of goods, in
27、other conditions basic similar circumstances, this kind of customer to price appear quite sensitive, they are generally by price material benefit as the first element of choice.3. ReliableHigh quality product is the customer can rest assured the basis of consumption. Reliable is in essence a pursuit
28、 of high quality consumer reflect. So the brand name products has the trust of the people, just because it is reliable in quality.(2) feeling motivationFeeling motivation can't simply understand for not rational motivation. It is mainly composed of social and psychological factors arise willingn
29、ess to buy and impulse. It is difficult to have a feeling motivation objective standard, but is substantially from the psychology.7消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)1. To show off psychologyThis kind of psychological in high income levels, more common. Income that they have the capital to show off, so in shopping on
30、 they will show their status and appreciate level. Many luxury brand manufacturers is seize the group psychological tendency, have introduced all kinds of expensive luxury goods.2. Compare psychologyComparison is a kind of psychological mutatis mutandis. In the same social groups inside, each member
31、 lists each other, who don't want to lag behind others. This kind of psychological on consumption appears to be a motive, others have what high-grade goods, own also must have.3. Conformity psychologyThis kind of psychological reflected in life circle, people want to follow in the circle the pac
32、e of most people. So that others think good products, own also followed approval; Others what to buy goods, oneself also can follow to buy.Psychologists have developed theories of human motivation. Three of the best knownthe theories of Sigmund Freud, Abraham Maslow, and Frederick Herzberg carry qui
33、te different implications for consumer analysis and marketing strategy. Freuds theory. Sigmund Freud assumed that the psychological forces shaping peoples behavior are largely unconscious, and that a person cannot fully understand his or her own motivations. A technique called laddering can be used
34、to trace a persons motivations from the stated instrumental ones to the more terminal ones. Then the marketer can decide at what level to develop the message and appeal. In line with Freuds theory, consumers react not only to the stated capabilities of specific brands, but also to other, less consci
35、ous cues. Successful marketers are therefore mindful that shape, size, weight, material, color, and brand name can all trigger certain associations and emotions.Maslows theory. Abraham Maslow sought to explain why people are driven by particular needs at particular times. His theory is that human ne
36、eds are arranged in a hierarchy, from the most to the least pressing. In order of importance, these five categories are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs. A consumer will try to satisfy the most important need first; when that need is satisfied, the person will try
37、to satisfy the next-most-pressing need. Maslows theory helps marketers understand how various products fit into the plans, goals, and lives of 8消費者行為學(xué)中英文對照外文翻譯文獻(xiàn)consumers.Herzbergs theory. Frederick Herzberg developed a two-factor theory that distinguishes dissatisfiers (factors that cause dissatisf
38、action) from satisfiers (factors that cause satisfaction).the absence of dissatisfiers is not enough; satisfiers must be actively present to motivate a purchase. For example, a computer that comes without a warranty would be a dissatisfy. Yet the presence of a product warranty would not act as a sat
39、isfier or motivator of a purchase, because it is not a source of intrinsic satisfaction with the computer. Ease of use would, however, be a satisfier for a computer buyer. In line with this theory, marketers should avoid dissatisfiers that might unseal their products. They should also identify and s
40、upply the major satisfiers or motivators of purchase, because these satisfiers determine which brand consumers will buy.PerceptionA motivated person is ready to act, yet how that person actually acts is influenced by his or her perception of the situation. Perception is the process by which an individual selec
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