1、情態(tài)動詞練習(xí)b It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it A mustB canC shouldbe rather cold sometimes.D would2. Yoube hungry alreadyyou had lunch only two hours ago!A wouldntB can*tC mustntD needift3一Whal do you think we can do for our aged parents?Youdo anything except to be with them and be yours
2、elfA dont have to B. oughliVt to C. mustn*tD cant4. John promised his doctor heA might B. shouldnot smoke. And he has never smoked ever since.C couldD wouldbetter5 What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, heA need have doneB. must have done C can have done D might have done6 LizaA will7
3、SheA can*t well not want to go on the trip she hates traveling. B. canC mustD mayhave left school, for her bike is still here.B wouldntC shouldntD. needift& According to the air traffic rules, youA mayB. canC would9I cant find my purse anywhere.-Youhave losi it while shop ping.B canC shouldswitch of
4、f your mobile phone before boarding.D. shouldA. may10 Im sorry. Iat you the other day.Forget it. I was a bit out of control myselfA. shouldn*! shout B. shouldnt have shoutedD wouldC. mustnt shout D mustnt have shoutedH What sort of house do you want to have? Something big? Well, itbe big thats not i
5、mportant.A mustntD wontB. neediftC cant12What does the sign over there read?“No personsmoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.work at inconvenient.A willB. mayC, shallD must13 Some aspects of a pilots jobbe boringiand pilots often _D ought to; mustA can: have to B. may; canC h
6、ave to: may14. My MP4 player isnt in my bag. WhereI have pul it?A canB mustC shouldD would15 The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. Ithe (rouble to carry my umbrella with me.A. should have taken B. could have taken C. nccdnl have taken D. mustnt have takenANSWERS: 15BBADD6lODADAB1115BCAAC16. I
7、n crowded places like airports and railway stations, youtake care of your luggage.A canB mayC mustD. willB may17 She looks very happy. Shehave passed the exam1 guess so Ils not difficult after all,A shouldB. couldC. mustD. mighthave driven her there.18.1 told your friend how to get to the hotel, but
8、 perhaps IA couldB. mustC mightD. should19.Mr Gordon asked me to remind you of the meeting this afternoon. DoiVl forget it!-OK. IA wolf IB. dontC cantD. neednt20How is your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful? 11be, but it is now heavily polluted.C shouldA willB wouldD must21 The biggest pro
9、blem for most plants. which is that animals like to eat them.just get up and run away when threatened.A shantB cantC neednt22Where is my dictionary? I remember I pin it here yesterday.Youit in the wrong place.A must pul B should have pin C might put D. might have pul 23Whals the name?Khulaifi.A Shal
10、l_ I spell that for you? B WouldC CanD Might24Who is the girl standing over there ?- Well, if youknow; her name is MabcLA mayB canC mustD shallhome without a word.25 I was really anxious about you. YouA mustnt have left B. shouldnt have left C couldnt have left D. neednt have left26 My sister met hi
11、m at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he lecture.have attended yourA. couldntB. needntC. mustntD shouldnt27Arc you coming to Jeffs party?A must Im not sure. Igo to the concert instead.B. wouldC shouldD. might28. Johnny, youplay with the knife. Youhurl yourselfA wont cantB. mustnt: may C sho
12、uldnt; must D. can; shouldnt29 Youpay too much attention to your reading skilL as it is so important.A shouldn*! B. cannotC. mustntD necdnl30 Is John coming by train?He should, but henotA mustB mayANSWERS: 1620 CCD AC He likes driving his car. C canD need2125 BDACB2630ADBBB31. Will you stay for lunc
13、h?-Sony I My brother is coming to see me.A mustntB. cant C neediftD wont32 Sir. yoube sitting in this waiting room It is for women and children only.stay here until the rain slops. C have toD are able toA oughlnl toB. cantC. wontD nccdnl33. It is raining very hard. WcA dareB mustD shall we34 Ils a f
14、ine day Lets go fishing.?A wont weB will you C dont you35 When he was there, hego to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.A wouldB shouldC mightD had better36 My brothercome to your party tonight because heprepare for tomorrows exam.A can*t; should B mustnt: can C. cant; mustD mustnt:
15、 had to37 English is a language that many people around (he worldnot speak perfectly butat least understand.A. would: mightB. will; must C. might; could D. can; may38 I book a table for dinner a few days ahead of time?-Yes. you. The restaurant is always full especially during the holidays.A Must: wi
16、ll B Must: can C Shall: shall D. Shall; must39Itbe Mary in the office. Im sure itbe her I saw her off at the bus slation just ten minutes ago.A. must: shouldnt B. should: can*t C. must: can*t D. can: muslnl40 Their answers are exactly the same one of themfrom the otherA. must copy B. must have copie
17、d C should copy D. should have copied41 I tell John about it? No. you neednt. I have told him already.A Shall B. WillC Can42A WouldB. Willyou please help me with my English?C ShallBDo43Must I start at once?No. youA needntB. muslntC. cant44- Need I hand in my exercise book at once?Yes, youA mustB nee
18、d C. can45 Could I borrow your dictionary?Yes, of course youA mightB. willC. canANSWERS: 3135 BACDA3640 CCDCB46Listen! Someone is knocking at (he door ID. MayD CanD willD wontD. should4I5AAAACbe Fatherbe him: he is supposed to be back home tomorrow.A may; mayB. must: cant C can; cantD could; musi47
19、Twenty minutes have passed; the buscome at any moment.A shall B shouldC canD. must4& Shehave flown to Beijing last night, for I stayed with her all the time.A mustnt B may not C shouldnt D cant49. Youthe work better but you didnt iry your best.A must have done B. will have done C could have done D c
20、an have done50 The light is on. Wehave forgotten to turn it off before we went out.A should B mustC couldD might11D canl51 May I slop my car here? No, youA. cantB. mustntC needntD dont have to52 Must we clean the house now? No. you.B may notC nwslnThis father about his failure in the examA neediVl53
21、 JohnA dares not tellC dare not tellB dares not telling D dares not to tellreturn the book now. You can kecp it next week if you like. B. mustntC needntD. may not55. Johnny, you play with the knife, you hurt yourselfA wont: cantB mustnt: mayC shouldnl must56 The fire spread through the hotel very qu
22、ickly but everyoneA had toB. wouldC could57 Would you go out for a walk with me? No. I . My girl friend is coming.A wouldntB shall notC wont54 YouA cantD cant: shouldntgel out. D was able toD shouldnt5& Mandie without waterA willB. can59. If he started at 9 Oclock, heC needD shallA needB shall60 I m
23、ailed the letter iwo weeks ago. SheA must receiveB. cant receivebe there by now.C ought toit.D mustANSWERS: 4650 BBDCBC might receive51-55 BACCBD must have received56-60 DCADD6LThc professor gave orders that the experiment before 5:30p.m.A be finishedB will finishC must be finishedD would be finishe
24、d62 There was plenty of time. YouA mustnt hurryC neednt hurryB. mustnt have hurriedD neednt have hurried63 Tom was a diligent boy. Hego to school though it was raining hard.A Avas able toB couldC couldntD. wasnt able to641 go back before lunch? No. I dont think you.A Need: mustB. Do; need toC Must;
25、have toD. May: ought to_ do ail the exercises, but a pupil B. may not: must66, Would you open the window please ? Yes. IA will65. The teacherA neednt: mustC neednT; neediVtD cant: mustB wouldCdoD can67 A lionA shouldonly attacks a human being when it is hungry. B. canC willD. shall6&Must I finish th
26、is novel this morning ?No. youA mustntB might notC dont have toD cantC canD. should69 The taxionly hold six passengers. It is full You_A may.mayB canmayC. may.xan70.1 a little earlier, but I met a friend of mine on the way.A. may come B. may have come C. could have come71 I wish to go home now,I?A.
27、mayB. cantC must72 He must have finished his homework.he?take the next one.D must canDdoA. musiiVlB didntC neednt73 This pen looks like mine, yet it isnt. WhoseA. mustB. canC. mayD. might74 He didnt do well in the exam. He hard at his lessons.A. must have workedB ought lo have workedD has worked tha
28、t to the teacherC would have worked75 I wonder how heit be?D hasntA. dare lo sayB. dare sayingC not dare sayD. dared sayANSWERS: 61-65 ADACA66-70 ACCBC7175 ADBBDthey wait here or outside?D Are76 Mr Baker a number of students want lo see you.A. ShouldB WillC. Shall77 Youthe trees. Look, it is raining
29、 now.A mustnT have wateredB. neednt have wateredC could have wateredD. might have watered78 Igive you an answer tomorrow. I promise!A mustB. willC. may79 As a soldier youdo as the head tells you.A willB. shallC. mayduring the night.B. must have rainedD shallought to80. The streets are all dry. It A
30、cant have rainedC couldnt rainD. shouldnt have rainedin her classroom.D should be81 .Mary was not in her bedroom yesterday afternoon. SheA. should have been B. must have beenC must be82 Eve was laic for class again. SheearlierD. should have got upTom to go withA. should gel up B must gel up C need t
31、o get up83 Walking alone in the descried village. John was scared. He thought he him.A might have askedB. should askedC must have askedD should have asked84 When I got lo the cinema, the film had already started; Ithere earlierD. must getA ought lo get B ought to have got C must have got85 She can s
32、peak quite fluent English. She.A. must been in the U.S.A, for some time B. must have been in the U.S.A, for some timeC should have been in the U.S.A, for some time D. May be in the U.S.A, for some time86 Marymy letter otherwise she would have replied before now.A. should have receivedB. has received
33、C Couldnt have receivedD. ought to have received87 When we got to the cinema, the film hasnt started yet. so weA neednt hurryB. didnt need hurryC nccdnl to hurrvD. neednt have hurried88 Jt was really very dangerous; youhim seriously.A might have injured B could injure C. should have injured D must i
34、njure 89 I cant find the recorder in the room. Itby somebody.A may have been taken awayB may leaveC may lake awayD. must have taken away90 Hethe 9:20 train because he didnt leave home till 9:25.A can reachB. could catchC may not catchANSWERS: 76-80 CBBBA81-85 BDDBBD. couldnt have caught86-90 CDAAD91
35、Isnt that Ann*s husband over there?No. itbe him Fm sure he doesnt wear glasses.A mustntB won*tC may not92Theres somebody at the door. WhoNo. it _A can: cant93 She stood by the door.A. not daring say94 The big fire last night,D can*lit be? Is it the postman?be him Its just seven oclock. Ils too early
36、.B. will: wontC may: mustnta word.B daring not say C daring not to say D not to dare saythe whole building. But the heavy rain helped it.B. could have burned downD must have been burningbe under adult supervision when in aD must; may notA might be burning downC should have been burning95 Children un
37、der 12 years of age in that countrypublic library.A. mustB. mayC. canD. need96 My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Whohave taken il?A shouldB. mustC. would97we go to the park this Sunday-Good idea!A WillB. CanC Must9& -He darent climb the tree, dare he?D couldD ShallA Yes, he dareB No. he
38、 dareC Yes, he darent99 Even the top students in our class cant work out this problenh so itA mayB mustC can100. I feel a bit worried. No. you Nothing serious.A haventB nccdnlC. cantD. Yes, he dares _ be very difficult.D. needD may notIOLA com pu icrthink for itself it must be told what to do.A can*
39、tB couldntC may notD. might not102. Could I borrow your dictionary?Yes, of course you.A mightB will103 Peter_ come with us tonight, but he isnt very sure yet. B mayC canD. will104,1 told Sally how to get here, but perhaps IA. had to write it outA mustfor herB must have written it outC should have wr
40、itten it outD ought to write it out105.Shall I tell John about it? No. you.Ive told him alreadyA nccdnlB. wouldiftC. mustn*tD shouldntANSWERS: 9195 DAABD96-iOODDABBJOI105 ACBCA106. Tliere were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. - Ita comfortable journeyA can*t beB. s
41、houldnt beC mustnt have beenD. couldnt have been107 hs nearly seven oclock. Jackbe here at any moment.A mustB. needC shouldD would10& Johnny, you A won*l; canthurt yourself C shouldnt; must.piay with the knife, youB muslnt may109 The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyoneget out.A h
42、ad toB. wouldC. was able toD couldD cant: should110.- When can I come for the photos? I need them tomorrow afternoon. Theybe ready by 12:00,A mustB. shouldC mightHI. I stayed at a hotel while in New York. Oh. did you? Youwith Barbara.A. could have stayed B. could stay112.Will you stay for lunch?Sorr
43、y,. My brother is coming to see me.A I mustntB I cantC. I needntD. needC. would stayD. I won*tD must have stayed113Arc you coming to Jeffs party? Im not sure. Igo to the concert instead.C shouldA mustB. wouldD mightH4- Write to me when you get home.A I mustB. I shouldC I willD. I can115.1 was really
44、 anxious about you. YouA mustnt leave B. shouldnt have lefthome without a word.C couldnt have left D nccdnl leaveH6Is John coming by train? He should, but henot. He likes driving his car.B canC needD. maybe left for a short time, especially at aA must117. A left-luggage office is a place where bags
45、railway station.A. shouldB. canC needD. mayreturn the book now. You can keep it till next week if you like.B. niusiiflC needntD. may notto the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A neednt to come B. dont need come C. doiVl need coming D neednt come go the that coffee shop at
46、 the corner after work every day.C. had betterD might116120 DBCDAH&YouA can*tH9 You120. When he was there, heA wouldB shouldANSWERS: 106110DCBCB情態(tài)動詞和虛擬語氣試題精選1 I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think IA shouldB mayC will2- The room is so dirty.we clean it ?OK.report it to the police ?D c
47、anA WillB. ShallC. WouldD Can3-Darc your little daughter slay at home alone at night ?B No. she dare notA Yes, she docs4. It is suggested that a doctorimmediatelyA be sent for B send for C is send forC. No. she doesntD Yes. she dares toD. should send for5 When he was there, heA. wouldgo to that coff
48、ee shop at the comer after work every day. B should C had betterD. might6 There is no light on: theyA cantB. muslntbe at home.C. needntD. shouldnt7. Mr Smith.he have all these papers typed for you right away ? He They should be ready by 10 oclock this morning.A will; must B shall; has to C need: wil
49、l D would; ought to& Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we during the day.A may have doneB. can have doneC must have doneD. should have done9Dont press the button. John.Whal if IA didB. wouldC, willD. shall10 Their basketball team has lots of excelle
50、nt players, so if there is no unexpeeled thing to happen, their teamwin the championship.B. may11 .Jennyher word. I wonder why she changed her mind.A must have keptB. can have kept C should have kept D. would have kept12 My mother stared at me as if sheme before.A. didifl see B. hasift seenA. wouldC
51、 shouldD needC. hadnt seenD. doesnt seecome with us tonight, but he isnt sure.B mayC can14 Could I use your computer while you are out?13. PeterA mustD willC. mustD. canOf course youA couldB. should15 I、c changed to take the job and I A mustntB. cantC won*lANSWERS: 115ABBAAABAACchange my mind.D may notCCBDC16- Is John coming by bus ?He should, but heA mustB cannot. He likes riding his bike.C needD may17I heard they went skating in the mountains last winicr-Itbe true because there was little snow there.B wontC couldnlD mustntA may not1 & I was really a
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