



1、IASC GNC-CDWG Teleconference: Thursday, November 4 2010Participating: Kate Saddler, Kate Golden, Josephine Ippe, Carmel Dolan, Rachel Lozano,Hedwig Deconnick, Mark Phelan, Marie McGrathApologiesPaul Rees Thomas, Jackie Frize, Anne Walsh, Valerie Gatchell1. Update on the revision process of the Harmo

2、nized Training Package (HTP):Four modules are being copy edited. NutritionWorks is still aiming for 15 copy edited modules by the endof the year. Some reviewers have not completed the revision process on time. Carmel has finished writinga 3 page introduction for the modules. This introduction explai

3、ns how to use the modules. It is simplywritten and aims to address some of the misunderstandings about the HTP in terms of its utility.Carmel mentioned that the revisions of modules 2 and 21 have been updated very well andcould provide valuable content for the nutrition cluster handbook.Questions/Co

4、mmentsJosephine questioned if the format of the modules was consistent a few of the reviewers raised theconcern of not having access to the other modules thus not knowing if the styles and the ways sectionsare written are all the same. The answer was yes, there is a standard format for all modules,

5、including afactsheet which summarizes the key points in each module.Josephine asked about the review process for the modules. Carmel explained that there are 2 peerreviewers per module. Once the reviewers make comments and the author makes revisions, the reviseddraft is sent back to the peer reviewe

6、rs. Then the editorial staff makes a final review before copy editing.If there is module specific questions for reviewers please email Carmel.2. Update on the OFDA Pre/In-service training projectThe Pre-service training program work in Kenya was recently completed. A report of the work completedto d

7、ate is ready for dissemination. Follow-up of the lecturers and faculty staff who participated in thetraining is scheduled for early 2011. This process will assess how participants incorporated nutrition inemergencies into their curriculum. The Pre-service training program will continue in 2011, focu

8、sing onSoutheast Asia. Bangladesh will be the likely target of the training program.Josephine requested that updates on upcoming training program be shared widely and early in an effortto improve access to training as in the case of the Uganda Training, most participants thought thistraining was bei

9、ng run directly by UNICEF, thus the GNC team in NY had to respond to manyapplicants and directed many people to the right site to get application. (This comment is in response tothe NIE trainings)Kate Saddler: Pre-service training on HIV and nutrition was completed at Awassa University inEthiopia Ka

10、te will circulate the report.Tufts has been working with Save the Children on integrated CMAM in Bangladesh and this linksclosely with the proposed Pre-service training in Bangladesh. Kate will circulate the 2 page briefingpaper prepared on the program.3. Global Nutrition Cluster UpdateStaffing: Edi

11、th Cheung started as nutrition specialist on October 4th. She replacesLeah Richardson.-Geneva- The position was advertised on the GNC mailing list and internally within UNICEF andon Reliefweb. Interviews were conducted and an offer is expected to be issued within the next 2 weeks.The candidate has a

12、 commitment through the end of November and therefore the start date is January 1,2011. Until the post is filled the capacity development activities will be filled by Edith and Josephine withassistance from the CDWG. The post is a Special Service Agreement for 11 months, but the contract isrenewable

13、 pending funding.The GNC is working to fill a post previously filled by Josephine R. This post includes informationmanagement/ knowledge management in addition to project support. This includes management of theone response website, reporting for the GNC, dissemination of cluster related jobs, publi

14、cations etc. ATOR has been drafted and will be posted soon. The post will be at a lower level (at a general Servicegrade 7 level), compared to the Professional L2 position Josephine R used to hold.Tri-cluster TrainingWASH, Child protection, and Nutrition held a joint cluster coordinator training in

15、Tunisia.Josephine Ippe facilitated the technical component for nutrition. Selection of candidates was doneby the region (Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Iran, Iraq). The balance of UNICEF versus non-UNICEFstaff was poor, as the majority of candidates were UNICEF staff members. Josephine felt that thecriteria

16、 used for selection of candidates was inadequate and some candidates did not have theappropriate skill set. 30 candidates attended the training. There were 10 potentialnutrition cluster coordinators of which 2 were already acting as cluster coordinators. Josephine sassessment of the candidates was t

17、hat only 2 were could be deployed as coordinators, inaddition to the 2 already filling those positions. Some of the candidates may have been suitablefor national posts, but could not have been deployed for international positions. A discussion onthe key tools and resources needed to facilitate clust

18、er coordination at country level was held.Josephine has circulated the list of indentified tools. Most of the tools were consistent with thelist generated during the GNC meeting in Geneva, however there were additions of verypractical tools. A future discussion should be held to discuss these tools.

19、4. GNC September meetingThe outcome of the meeting was circulated prior to the call- the matrix for country selection and theworkplan with ECHO funded activities. The activities and budget are concrete. The GNC has shared theselection criteria and revised budget with ECHO and are waiting to hear if

20、further revision of theproposal will be necessary. Edith will work on a draft timeline next week and will share this with theCDWG.Country level activities need to be incorporated into country level workplans which are underdevelopment in October and November. The workplan has been shared with both t

21、he regional andcountry offices so that the activities can be reflected in the 2011 plans.Allocation of funds to country offices has not started. More Consultants will need to be identified for thevarious training activities. Josephine requested assistance from the CDWG and agencies on how tomove for

22、ward. Support for review of TORs will be needed. Once concrete activities and priorities havebeen identified for 2011, the CDWG can review and offer assistance as needed.The GNC will investigate single sourcing justification for the final modules of the HTP. Josephine willexplore and update the CDWG

23、 on next steps.Josephine has drafted a TOR for a consultant to draft the nutrition cluster handbook. Josephine willshare the draft TOR with the chairs of the AWG and CDWG for comment. The draft TOR will becirculated within each working group as well, and comments should be provided to the chairs.Jos

24、ephine is also drafting a TOR for the capacity mapping consultant and a TOR for the consolidation oftraining package. The same process for comments will be followed.-Training Resources- In regard to the compilation of existing training materials based on the HTPand other content, it was decided that

25、 the CDWG/GNC should not wait until the Geneva post is filled.Edith Cheung can identify existing training resources and compile. The CDWG could then review andidentify gaps in training materials.-Cluster Coordinator Training Package- A 6 day package exists, but needs to be condensed into asmaller pa

26、ckage for those who cannot attend an official training before deployment. Josephine will drafta TOR for the development of an orientation package. The course facilitators of the 6 daytraining program could easily draft a package.5. AOBKate Golden enquired about the NAFT meeting in Sweden and the fut

27、ure of the IRA. Edith Cheung andKate Ogden (WFP) attended the meeting. A briefing on the meeting should be planned. It wasdiscussed that the NAFT will eventually replace the IRA, however the IRA has been somewhatincorporated into the NAFT.Josephine Ippe brought up the recent experiences of Vicky Sibson on the integration of CMAM intogovernment structures in Niger. We need to think as a group how we can inform ourselves aboutexperience of integration. FANTA just finalized review of CMAM in Niger. Three other countryreports are al


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