1、Unit 11. 等我趕到頂樓會議室時,他們已經(jīng)離開了。(by the time(By the time I got to the meeting room on the top floor, they had already left.2.這一節(jié)目迎合大眾的許多不同的興趣和品味。(cater(This programme caters for many different types of interest and taste among the public.3.這首老歌使人想起了過去那些美好的日子。(bring back(The old song has brought back mem
2、ories of those good old days.4.他們比預期提前一個星期完成了這項工程。(expect(They finished the project one week earlier than they had expected to.5.最后陪審團終于確信,這個中年男子與這件謀殺案無關。(convincing(At last the jury was convinced that the middle-aged man had nothing to do with the murder.6.這是我第三次到上海來,我發(fā)現(xiàn)了上海已呈現(xiàn)出一副新的面貌。(the third tim
3、e(This is the third time I have been in Shanghai, and Ive noticed that Shanghai has taken on a new look. unit 27. 你知道哪個隊贏了那場足球比賽嗎?(use a nominal clauseDo you know which team won the football match?我一點都不知道。你可以去問問小李。他是球隊隊員。(ideaI have no idea. You may ask Xiao Li. He is a member of the team./ He is on
4、 the team.8. 說這部電影樣樣都好或是一無是處,都是不太合適的。(eitheror(It is not proper to regard this film either as totally good or as completely bad.9. 我在想是否應該把這次考試不及格的事告訴父母。(wonder(I wonder if I should tell my parents that I failed in the examination.10. 當然,他是表現(xiàn)得很差,但畢竟他只有六歲。(after all(Of course, he behaved dreadfully,
5、but after all, he is only six years old.11. 一看見老板,他就全身發(fā)抖,好象見到了鬼一樣。(as if(The moment he saw his boss, he trembled as if he had seen a ghost.12.我認為即使我們每一分錢都節(jié)省下來,我們也買不起這幢房子。(afford(I dont think we can aff ord the house, even if we save every penny we have.unit 313. 有沒有可能說服他戒煙呢?(possible( Is it possible
6、 to persuade him to give up smoking?14.如果你來電話時我不在,請給我的秘書留個口信。(available(If I am not available when you call me, please leave a message with my secretary.15.這本書幾乎涉及了關于語言教學的所有重要論題。(cover(This book covers nearly all the important topics on language teaching.16.從我們已收集的信息來判斷,這家公司極可能在下星期宣布破產(chǎn)(declare bankr
7、uptcy。(judge from (Judging from the information we have gathered, this company is very likely to declare bankruptcy in the following week.17.她把一生都獻給了無家可歸的孩子。(devote(She devoted her whole life to homeless children.18.只有高級官員才能接觸到這些機密檔案。(access(Only high-ranking officials have access to these confident
8、ial files.unit 419. 我是否一定得參加秋季運動會?(have toDo I have to take part in the Autumn Sports Meet?不是一定得去, 但我想最好還是參加。(had betterNo, you dont. But I think youd better take part in it.20.如果我在大學里努力學習,那么四年后我將能夠自如地使用英語.(be able to ( If I study hard in college, Ill be able to use English freely in four years.21.左
9、鄰右舍每一個人都在試圖幫助這個可憐的小女孩,只是方式不同而已。(in different ways (Everyone in the neighbourhood is trying to give their help to the poor little girl, but in different ways. 22.會議主席提議休會(adjourn一星期,這樣每一個人都能有更多的時間,為討論作好充分的準備。(suggest(The chairman of the meeting suggested adjourning the meeting for a week so that ever
10、yone could have some more time to get fully prepared for the discussion.23.他不得不將所有的證券(securities兌換成現(xiàn)鈔來還債。(convert(He had to convert all his securities to cash to pay his debt.24.重要的是你做了什么,而不是你說了什么。(count(It is what you did, not what you said, that counts.unit 525.要分辨人工養(yǎng)殖的(cultured珍珠和自然的(genuine珍珠需要敏
11、銳的眼力。(distinguish(It took a sharp eye to distinguish cultured pearls from genuine pearls.26.對于一個在戰(zhàn)爭中經(jīng)歷了這么多苦難的人來說,這件事真是小事一樁。(go through(To a man who has gone through so many hardships during the war, this was really a small matter.27.那是我第一次與雇主發(fā)生這么大的糾葛。(trouble(That was the first time I had had seriou
12、s trouble with an employer.28.那個新來的人問做在他身邊的那個中年男子是否很熟悉這個地方。(if(The newcomer asked the middle-aged man sitting next to him if he knew the place very well.29.這次調查中發(fā)現(xiàn)的新證據(jù)對他相當不利。(emerge(The new evidence which emerged from this investigation was quite unfavorable to him.30.如果必要的話,他會努力勸說父親賣了這幢房子以抵債。(Shoul
13、d (Should it be necessary, he would try to persuade his father to sell this house to pay the debt.unit 631.這個年輕人的粗心使他陷入了嚴重的麻煩之中。(involve(This young mans carelessness involved him in serious trouble.32.據(jù)我所知,這么可怕的事情從未在我們鎮(zhèn)上發(fā)生過。(as far as(As far as I know, such a terrible thing has never happened in our
14、 town before.33.他為人隨和,興趣廣泛,這使他結交了許多朋友。(variety(He is easy-going and has a variety of interests, which has enabled him to make a lot of friends.34.這個湯是女主人的拿手菜(speciality,是用番茄、肉和豌豆做成的。(consist of (This soup, which is the hostesss speciality, consists of tomatoes, meat and peas.35.早在九世紀時,印刷術就已被中國人所了解。(
15、Printing was known to the Chinese as early as the 9th century.36.你的判斷應建立在你的觀察所見之上,而不是你的道聽途說。(You should base your judgment on your own observation rather than on gossip.unit 737.他騎車花了兩個小時才到達那個新建的博物館。(take(It took him two hours to get to the newly-built museum by bike.38.這個女孩對她的新娃娃如此著迷,她日日夜夜都抱著她。(obs
16、ess(The girl was so obsessed with her new doll that she held it day and night.39.他這么粗心,竟然沒告訴我們什么時候去機場接他。(when+ infinitive phrase(He was so careless that he didnt even tell us when to meet him at the airport.40.看見火車轟隆隆地向他開去,他即刻做出的反應就是要跳離鐵軌,但他的雙腳卻不聽使喚。(refuse (When he saw the train roaring towards him
17、, hiss immediate response was to jump off the rail, but his legs refused to move.41.他那么聰明,而且又用功,毫無疑問,他將來會成功的。(doubt (He is so clever and he works so hard. No doubt he will be successful in the future.42.當著兩個證人的面,他在遺囑上簽上了自己的名字。(presence(He signed his name on his will in the presence of two witness.Un
18、it 8(suspect。(use two relative clauses (The police wanted to find out whether the man who telephoned her just now was the suspect they were after.44.上海的交通問題相當嚴重,世界上的其它大城市也都這樣。(true of(Traffic in Shanghai is quite a serious problem. The same is true of other big cities in the world.45.今年我們有這么多的工作要做,我
19、們不得不取消假期了。(do without(We have so much work to do this year that well have to do without a holiday.46.他不給學生一個發(fā)言的機會。(deny(He denied his students a chance to speak.47.日語和漢語的語法在許多方面是不同的。(differ(Chinese grammar differs from Japanese grammar in many aspects.48.有些學生在設法消磨時間,而另一些學生卻總是覺得時間緊迫。(while(Some stude
20、nts are trying to kill time while others feel pressed for time.unit 949.如果這個偉大的作曲家現(xiàn)在還活著,他必將會創(chuàng)作出更多美妙的作品。(conditional sentenceIf the great composer were still alive, he would surely compose many more wonderful works.50.如果你在這座城市里迷了路,你最好向警察求助。(conditional sentence (If you lose your way in the city, youd
21、 better ask the police for help.51.他過于自信了。事實上,他還沒有他所自認為的一半那樣能干。(asas(He is overconfident. Actually he is not half as capable as he thinks of himself.52.作為外國人,他無法與當?shù)厝诉M行交流。(no way(Being a foreigner, he had no way of communicating with the local people.53.使用新的教學方法后,教師們發(fā)現(xiàn)學生在課堂上更積極(motivated主動了。(with the
22、 use of (With the use of the new teaching method, teachers have found that students have become more motivated and active in class. 54.54.他真夠幸運,能夠及時趕到車站,坐上了回家的末班車。(adjective + enough(He was lucky enough to get to the bus stop on time to catch the last bus home.unit 1055.對不起,我今晚不能來。我將去機場接一位來自加拿大的教授。(
23、use future progressive tense ( Im sorry I cant come tonight.Ill be meeting a professor from Canada at the airport.56. 到下星期六,他將已經(jīng)完成了他的工作回國了。(by(By next Saturday he will have finished his work and returned to his own country.57.她已經(jīng)三個多月沒有收到兒子的來信了,她非常擔心他的安全。(concern(Since she hasnt received any letter f
24、rom her son for over three months, she is deeply concerned about his safety.58.我們都認為他是這一地段最風趣幽默的人。(think of(We all thing of him as the most interesting and humorous person in the neighbourhood.59.她的演唱極大地促進了晚會的成功。(contribute to(Her singing contributed greatly to the success of the party.unit 1160.每個人
25、都很清楚,他不愿意讓那個新來的人與他和用他的辦公室。(Itthat(It was plain to everyone that he was unwilling to share his office with the newcomer.61.當我們有客人時,那間多余賭東道房間就顯得非常有用了。(prove(The extra room proved very useful when we had visitors.62.女主人非常的細心周到,我們一到,她就提供給我們一切所需物品。(provide(The hostess was so considerate that we were prov
26、ided with everything we needed the moment we arrived.63.這個小男孩通過嫌疑犯(suspect臉上的傷疤而將他從人群中認了出來。(identify(The boy identified the suspect among the crowd by the scar on his face.64.正如他的朋友們一致公認的,史密斯先生特別仁慈慷慨。(as(Mr. Smith is unusually kind and generous, as all his friends agree.65.沒有人能確切地說出世界是何時開始存在的。(exist
27、ence(No one can tell for sure when the world came into existence.unit 1266.你聽說了嗎?星期五下午將舉行一場辯論。(be going to(Have you heard that a debate is going to be held on Friday afternoon?67.科學領域的發(fā)現(xiàn)常常被運用到工業(yè)生產(chǎn)上去。(apply(Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production.68.我本來可能忘了那事,多虧他的提醒,這樣省了我好多麻
28、煩。(otherwise(He reminded me of what I might otherwise have forgotten and thus saved me a lot of trouble.69.要參軍的話必須符合一定的體格上的標準。(meet(To join the army, one must meet certain physical standards.70.杰出的語言學家史密斯教授的講座使學生們受益匪淺。(benefit(Students benefited a lot from the lecture given by Professor Smith, an ou
29、tstanding linguistunit 1371.每當他遇到經(jīng)濟困難時,他總是向父母求助。(run into(Whenever he runs into financial difficulties, he turns to his parents for help.72.他不顧妻子的勸阻(dissuasion,沖出家們與鄰居爭吵了起來。(DespiteDespite his wifes dissuasion, he dashed out of the house to quarrel with a neighbour.73.小孩子們應該花更多的時間在戶外玩,而不是在室內看電視。(ins
30、tead of(Young children should spend more time playing outdoors instead of watching TV indoors.74.這份新工作使她能夠定時地每月寄500元回家以養(yǎng)家糊口。(enable(Her new job enabled her to send home regularly five hundred yuan a month to maintain the family.75.他寧愿聽別人說話,而不愿自己多說。(would rather (He would rather listen to others than
31、 talk himself. unit 14 76.他們門口的狗是如此的兇猛,以至于沒有人敢走近他們的屋子。(sothat (The dog at their gate was so fierce that no one dared to go near their house. 77.盡管他很年輕,他竟通曉七種語言。(asas (Young as he is, he knows as many as seven languages. 78.一些學生在教室里忙于準備考試,而另一些仍在操場上玩。(while (Some students are busy preparing for the ex
32、am in the classroom, while others are still playing in the playground. 79.這些措施對于解決交通問題是很有幫助的。(go a long way (These measures go a long way towards solving the traffic problem. 80.我認為這項提議很可能在明天的會議上遭到否決(veto。(likely (I think it highly likely that this proposal will be vetoed at the meeting tomorrow. un
33、it 15 81.這一事故并不是在星期一下午三點發(fā)生的,而是在星期三下午四點。 ( Itthat,but) (It wasnt at three on Monday afternoon that this accident happened, but at four on Wednesday afternoon. 82.我們打算在本星期五把這項工作完成,除非有意料之外的事情發(fā)生。(unless (We are going to finish the task this Friday unless something unexpected happens. 83.如果我的講話中有什么錯誤,請隨時
34、打斷并糾正我。(put right (If there is anything wrong in my talk, please dont hesitate to stop me and put me right 84.除了折磨和威脅,他們再沒有其它的辦法讓這名青年說出真相。(means (They had no other means of getting the truth out of the young man but by torturing and threatening. 85.他們試圖找出這些問題的答案的努力白費了。(attempt (They failed in their
35、attempt to find the answers to these questions. unit 16 86.由于缺錢,他們暫緩修理屋頂,盡管它漏得很厲害。(delay (For lack of money, they delayed repairing the roof although it leaked badly. 87.當然他今天早上對你是太嚴厲了,但是他畢竟是你的父親呀。(after all (Of course he was too severe on you this morning, but after all, he is your father. 88.他老是上班遲到,結果他被解聘(lay off了。(as a result (He was always late for work, as a result, he was laid off. 89. 讓我們再來談談剛才我說過的出生率問題。(go back to (Lets go back to what I said just now about birth rate. 90.把房間里塞滿了太多的家具是不明智的。(to crowd (It isnt wise to crowd the room with too much furniture. unit 17 91.上個月全家出去度假時
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