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1、1.1 Working life1What does this quotation mean to you?Life is what happens to you while youre busy making other plans. john Lennon, English singer& song writer (1940-19830)2Discuss these questions.1How many jobs do you expect to have in your life ? 1-34-78or more2 Would you prefer to be self-employe

2、d or an employee? Why ?3 in fifteen years time, do you expect to work more or less than now ?4 at what age do you expect to stop working ? 5565753Underline tire best word to complete each sentence.1At the moment, people generally retire/resign at 652I joined/applied for the company when I was 25 and

3、 have worked thereever since3 Whats the best way to pay/reward our employees for good performance?4 About 700 staff were laid off/dismissed when the company lost the contract to supply Toyota5 We have educated/trained our staff in the use of laser equipment.6 Im going to leave/change the company at

4、the end of the year.7 E and C Consultants recruits/employs from the top business schools.8 Companies need to offer parents of young children more flexible/overtimehours-9 they used only to offer permanent posts, but now most new contracts are temporary/part-time ones.10 I have one day off/ holiday a

5、 week to attend a course at college.4 Make sentences with the words you didnt use in Exercise 3.5 Make nouns from thefollowing verbs.verbnounverbnoun1 employ6 recruit2 promote7 apply3 retire8 dismiss4 resign9 pay5 train10 reward1Attitude to work6 Do you think that people starting work now have a dif

6、ferent attitude to work than their parents did? if so, in what ways?7 Look at the newspaper article and read the title. What does the title suggest to you?Read the article arid check if you were r fight.Young workersWant it all, nowOh, and theyll need to take next Friday off ,tooTETROIT 一 Kurt Jenni

7、ngs, hoping to start a career in radio sales, thought hewas prepared to answer any question during his recent interview. Then the radio executive opened the interview with, So, we call you guys the Entitlement Generation. You imagine youre entitled to everything.There is an impression that the curre

8、nt generation of young workers has highexpectationsforsalary,responsibilityand job flexibility, but little appetitefor hard work and little sense of loyalty to a companyAlot of twenty-somethings have a hard time making the transition towork typically Kids whove had success early in life and whove be

9、come used to getting instant gratification, says Dr. Levi Cohen, a peadiatrics professor. He says that coddling parents and colleges often fail to prepare students for the realities of adulthood and working life.Manyemployers,fromcorporate executives to restaurateurs, agree.It seems they expect to h

10、ove in then first week everything that the veteran has worked 20 or 30 years to earn, says Mike Amor, the owner of a Salt Lake City chain of restaurants.Kurt had this reply for his interviewee at the radio station: Maybe we were spoiled by your Generation. But entitled is too strong a word, he said.

11、 Do we think were deserving if were doing to go out there and break our backs for you? Yes.He ended up getting the-job.But some experts say that having highexpectations, and tellin your boss what they are, isnt necessarily a bad thing. Its true theyre not all rushing to bury themselves in a cubicle

12、a 記 followorders for the next 40 years, but why on earth should they? asks .leaf Bartlctt, a University of Carolina psychologist8 Do you think the younger generation is spoiled and expects too much? .or do you think the older generation sacrificed their lives (and fun in their lives) for work?9 What

13、 do the following phrases from the text mean?1 little appetite for hard work2 twenty-somethings3 instant gratification4 coddling parents and colleges5 we were spoiled by your generation6 break our backs for you7 bury themselves in a cubicle2Gerund and infinitive1 Which of the verbs or phrases in the

14、 box take the gerund (-ing) and which ones take to infinitive (to do)?Be good at plan/intend /aim be worth fail be reluctant have trouble/difficulty hope/expect manage succeed in decide think about/consider enjoy avoid involve have be used to/accustomed to be willing/prepared2 Which of the following

15、 pairs of phrases is the odd one out grammatically?Why?1 be good atbe bad at2 be willingbe reluctant3 succeed infail4 enjoydislike3Complete these sentences.0 when I retire, I plan to do some voluntary work for charity1When I retire, I plan2I think Im quite good at3Before attending a job interview, i

16、ts worth4My job involves5When speaking English, I often have difficulty6At work I feel satisfied if I manage7For my summer holiday this year, I am considering8If I was offered more money, I would be willing9The hardest thing about starting a new job is getting used to10I get annoyed with colleagues

17、if they fail4 Choose five of the phrasesworking life.in exercise 1 and make sentences about your own working life3The future of human resources5 You will hear five human resources (HR) manages0s talking shout the key issues in human resources facing companies today.The first time you listen, indicat

18、e which employee group in the workforce they are talking about.The second time you listen indicate what actions they propose to take to deal with each issue.TASK ONE 一 EMPLOYEE GROUPA older employees (50-GO)B new recruitsC traineesD senior managementE young highly qualified employeesF womenG retired

19、 employeesH disabled workersA efforts to retain good employeesB the introduction of more flexible workingarrangementsC linlting salaries more closely to resultsD more focus on job training for employeesE encouraging people back from retirementF more support for working parentsG developing a more pos

20、itive attitudetowards older workersH reducing staff costs6 Youve heard the priorities of HR managers. What are your priorities for your working life? Consider the following:.flexible hoursworking environment.pay。 training.career prospects.retirement4CDs and personal summaries1 What do you call someo

21、ne who0 employs people1 is employed by a inn2 applies for a job3 is interviewed for a job4 is seeking (looking for) a job5 participates in something6 has left university with a degree2 Do this exercise from an online guide for employers. Guide for employersCVs and covering letters are essential tool

22、s in the search for the right candidate for the job and you should use them as asnapshot of a potential candidate. Being able to read between the lines will help you in your task of putting the right person in the right job. Look at these three examples of personal summaries from first- time job app

23、licants received by a leading consultancy firm. Which applicant would you employ and vvhy?1 A dynamic and knowledgeable IT graduate who can bring success to your business, I have excellent interpersonal skills and considerable experience of designing software solutions. Whether working as part of a

24、team or independently, I have the ability to come up with the goods.2 I am a successful business entrepreneur seeking to return to a large organisation after years of running my own company. I have experience of all aspects of business and would welcome the chance to share this expertise with client

25、s of a forward-looking consultancy firm.3 A self-motivated graduate with a masters in economics, I have pre-course experience in the Economic Studies department of a subsidiary of Exxon Mobil, where I enjoyed six months working with the back office team. Adaptable, efficient and keen to learn.The an

26、onymous CD3 Underline which elements should definitely he included in a CV (the other are optioagal c:xtra).1name11goads and objectives52address12education一 primary, secondary, higher education3telephone number13other skills or qualifications (membership ofassociations, driving licence, etc)4 email

27、address5 age/date of birth6 sex7 marital status8 nationality9 personal summary10 personal qualities14 employment history 一 company, job title responsibilities, results15 hobbies and interests16 languages17 references18 personal achievements4 Read the first part of the text. what is the idea behind a

28、n anonymous CV?Geneva fights prejudice with anonymous CVsProspective employees in Geneva are to sendin anonymous job applications as part of apilot project to tackle discrimination.The trial, the lust of its kind in Switzerland,has been launched by the cantons integrationoffice and involves three ma

29、jor employers.Retailer Migros, energy provider SIG andthe commune of Vernier have all signed up toparticipate in the scheme.Under the terms of the project, which willlast for three months, job-seekers will send inCVs detailing their skills and experience butomitting their name, address, age, sex, an

30、yreligion or disability and photoThe aim is to give all applicants an equalchance of being called up for interview.It is impossible to quantify but we knowthere is much more discrimination than we areaware of. There are some unemployed peoplewho are not abetting interviews because theyareofadifferen

31、tnationality,colourorreligion, Andre Castella, head of the project,Cold Swissinfo.The important thing is that candidates who6have the right skills for a job should be seen,and we want to give them the chance to beheard. There are employers out there whorefuse to consider Africans5 Read the second 1art of the text and put one word in each space.Castella said another aim of the trial was toencourage employers (0)and the public tot


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