



1、教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點2* 課堂管理 Classroom management (P334)(1)概念課堂管理是指教畀為了有效利川時間、創(chuàng)設艮好的學 月壞境、誠少不良行為血處取的齊種活動和措施n(5 )課堂紀律classroom discipline1概念:為了維持止常的教學秩序,協(xié)調學生的行 為,保證課堂目標的實現(xiàn)而制定的要求學生共同遵 守的課堂行為規(guī)范。3.課堂中教師角色(選擇、簡答.情器分析)(P336)指導者(Instructor):指導學坐自主學習,描導學 先評價控制f (ComroUer):控制課堂進度*活動方向* 課燈紀律.3

2、評價舌(Assessor):糾止措法 給予反謝。4組織者(Organizer):交代任務*發(fā)出指令5促進者(FacilitatorPrompter):創(chuàng)造審習壞境,激 發(fā)學習動機.捉供仃效信息等6參與若(Panicipant):普通人另.參與活動 研究?;(Researcher):研丸教抵寫論丈(J)提問方式(選樣、簡答、情境分析)1展示性問題(displayquestion):答案唯 , 教師知 逍答案,通常用來檢測學生對知識、文章內容的理解。也in対It問AM (close question)2參考性Mffl(refrren11alquestiou):沒有周址答案.需婆總結.歸納或分析 那

3、察學生分析問臥 輔決問 題的能力也叫開放性問I (openqucstloD) 教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點2)課堂提問的作用(簡答、教學情境分祈)1壇進師生交流2集中學牛注倉引起學丄興越4促進思纜發(fā)展5鍛煉衣達能力檢齡學習效杲O課堂提問翌冇計對性(網繞目標)2課堂提問要有啟發(fā)性(引導學生)3課常提問要有趣味性(說活毎樣)4課堂提問些有廣泛性 (面向全體)課議提問婆有積極性(M引導(3)反饋件用* (前答.教學怕境分析)1糾正學生的錯課。2激發(fā)學生的興趣.維持課堂交流.便教學活動能夠順利進行。強調關進信息.(2)反饋形式:1口頭反饋VS書iflf反饋5al VS Written)(課卓

4、追問;批改作業(yè)等)2耳接反飲VS間接反饋(Dir理I VS Tiidrt?cl)No, this is not (he light answer.He is a gil l? Aic you sure?( $ 讀* 升調等、(3)教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點氐糾錯 Correcllon (P342)在課堂活動中#糾諸可視為反饋的種方式。(1)分類(D直按糾潔 打斷學生的活動,說岀止確的答案*井讓學生改正.間接糾tn (Implicit correction)學生出現(xiàn)借課時.教師并不立即糾直而咼間接 提醒學生.使其意識到錯課并改正。糾錯包括 :耍求RV救師啦述、強調晤示二種方式。教學設

5、計理論:3設計三維目標的原則(簡答/教學情境分析)(P271)1.以學生為屮心N 板書的作用:簡答/情境分析)2符合教學規(guī)怦和課標1)吸引學生注意力。S.全面、具體.可掾作(2)加強學生記憶。4一階段性和叮測性(3)幫助教師示范舟第一節(jié)導入(P279)1.目的/作用星(簡菩/悄境分析)(1激發(fā)學習興趣創(chuàng)設課堂氛IS(3)建立新舊知的聯(lián)爲(4引出本節(jié)課的主題內容教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點二、作業(yè)的布置(P283)書面作業(yè)5口頭作業(yè)針對性作業(yè)VS開放性作業(yè)1一常見的作業(yè)形式;完成訝題,聽錄音,編寫燉話或 作文*調査.査劇資料,手T制fh課后活動等綱

6、2作業(yè)的作用簡答/情境分析)(1)學生鞏固所學知識的重要途徑:(2)訓練學生運用知識解決問S的方法;d)教師檢査學生學習效果的臺要乎段.教學設計理論知識點回顧:L教學設計(救案寫作)的主耍內容:教學目標.內容、戟難點、步服1三維目標的具體內容及設計注意事項。3教學步曝導入.新授、鞏固竦習.總結作業(yè).4.導入的活動和注意事項。5一新授的模式:3P和PWPo&作業(yè)的形式刖作用??颇咳鲱}順序:教學設計一一情景分析一一簡單一一客觀題(保持清醒的頭腦做大分題,閱讀理解容易讓人混亂,最后寫) 教學設計模板:聽說課模板:3.導入注意事頂(簡答/情境分折)Teacher shows some pho

7、tos of people on the PowerPoint. Sliidentsrecognize them and teacher iniroduces their relationsliip. (Justificatio口:Tliis step can make students focus on Oie topic of this Lesson )2 Teaching contents: This is a listening and speaking lesson, whichmainly introduces friends appearances and things they

8、 do-Teaching difficult points;(1) Key point: Guide students to grasp details ot the passage.教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點Step 2: While-Ustealng (10 min)(1)1 tensive Ji&tningAsk hidents to listen l訂the passage for the finii time Then students find out lhe main idea of the passage, and tell how manyfriends

9、are mentioned in the passage.Teacher will help to summarize give some suppleiDentsH (Justification;StudeDl ill get the ujieral idea of tliis pjssuge, and their listening abilitycan be practiced.)(2) Intensive listen incAsk studenh io listen Lu llie Uuet paa屮aphis carefully and find thespecilic chara

10、cters of each tri end. Later students should give theiranswers; teacher shows some details on the PuwerPojut.Students fill in the chan on the blackboard.(Justificaiion: Students wilL urdcrstaiid jnorc about the passage andimprove their lisrening abilityjBJnckbonrd d&siu4* Major (entiling pivcedu

11、reiStep 1: Pre-listening (3 min)Teacher shows some phoios of people on the PowerPuim. Students recognizeilieiu and teacher introduces theii relationship. (Justification: lLis step can makestudents fbcus on the topic of ihig lesson.)AameoffrifndsT onispAlanAppears nres教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點閱讀課模板:1, leac

12、hing objecthres(1) Knowledge objective:Students will understcind the dcvanta呂營and diadvaiitge of online chopping Through the text(2) Ability objectives:a. Students are able to find out the main idea and the details cf a passage.b. Students will analyze the advantage and disadvantage in theirown word

13、s(3) Emotional objective:Students will be interested in discovering moreLiiiormation about online shopping.2* Teaching contents:This is a reading lesson which introducessome fucts aboui online shopping.教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點3 Teaching key& difficult points:I) Key point: Make shiderts grasp theof th

14、e passage.(2) Difficult point: Improve students reading cdpacity and try to use it intheir daily life.4. Major feacliin pnjeeduresStep 1: Pre-reabing (3 min)Teacher shows some cnliiie shopping websites on the PowerPoint. Stucents are aked to introduce they know about them.仃usiiGcatioa; In tliisway s

15、tudents interest will be aroused and it s connient for teacher to goon talking aboxit the main topic JStep 2:Whilereading (10min)(1) Fast rendingStudents read tile passage us soon aspossible, mid find out the main idea.Teacher will also liclp to conclude.(Justification: Students will get the genoral

16、 idea of this passage and lheirreading ability of skimming and sctinning can be pRicticeil.)(2) Carefill readingStudents read the paraeraplis again car已hilly and find the specificadvantage iuxi disadvantage of onlint shopping. Later shidents should givetheir answers.Tcachei CQCouiages some students

17、to fill in. the blanks oil theblackboard(JusTihcaiion; Shi dents will understand more about the passage andimprove their reading ability.)Step 3: Po5it-rending (7 min)Stvdenk; finish the exercise on their textbook, mid leather help tocheck theLIIISWCI,Students will talk about a question in groups: A

18、re there any otheradvantages and disadvantages of online shopping? Then shnre their ideas toI he whole class.UustificationExtend the topic and helpsludenlslo have more confidencein speaking English.)教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點Blackboard designAjdantacresOnline shopping讀寫課模板:初中考查頻率低,高中???,留到最后背教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必

19、背知識點L Teaching objectives(1)Knowledge objective; Students will understand the facts about dinosaursand Diogenes, and learn some elements of writing.(2) Abilityobjectives:a Shideivs are able to find dur rhe main itiea slid the rietai of a passage.hLStudents can describe people or object in wiTing(3)

20、Emotioual objective:Students will be more carefulinohsening anddescribing things.3. Teaching key&difllcult points:(1) Key point: Hew to make students grasp the details of the passage.(2 ) DifHcult point: I low to improve stiidentsfreading capacity and try tnuse it in wriring,4, Teaching procedur

21、esStep 1: Lead In (2 min)Teacher shows some pictures of dinosaur oti the PowerPoint.Snidents are aked to introduce what they know aboin it (Justification: hi thisway; students interest will be aroused and ifs convenient for teacherTOgoon歯Iking about tlie main topic.)2. Teachiug contenis: This is a r

22、eading and wriiing lesson, vvhivhjiiiroduces duiosnurs and Diegenoj;,Step 2: Pre reading (S min)Students are shown訐picture of Diogenes and tljey aie asked to guesswho he is Teacher will offer some cues such Plato and Aristotle,(Justification: This will make students to guess the person on their owna

23、nd feel the main idea of the passage nhead of time.)教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點Step 3: Wblk-readtug (15 mlu)(I) Fast readingSludenu lead (be passage asSOUJIpussiblt and find uut die main idea,leacher will a ho help to conclude,(Justification: Students will get the general idea of this passage, andtheir read

24、ing ability of skimming and scanning can practiced.)(2) Carefiil readin呂Stiidenrs rend the paragraphs again carefiilly nd fitiri the specificdescription of dinosam s iind Diogc口CM1 eacher will guide them to pay ahention to lhe structure and words intlx passage(Justification: Snidenrs will nnderstand

25、 mere about the passage and getivady to write the artKk.)Step 4: Post-reading (15 min)Students work in groups and talk about the famous animals oi peop lethey kn owStudents nte their own adicles. They are encouraged to offer help (oeach otherIcacher will encourage soint? of them to share dicir own c

26、omposition tothe whole class.(Justiikation: Students will leant more elecnentsof writing according to thepassage.)Step 5: Sutinimry atwi Honwviork (5 tnhiStudents will summanz whai they have learned today by IheniseKes.Teacher stresses the necessity of obsening und describi口g differentthings and per

27、sons.Stndetits need to titiish the exercise oti Ibeir textbook and tind moreinfonntion about dinosaur and Diogenes after class.(Justification: Students should learn knowledge actively, and itsessential to learn after class as well.)教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點口語課模板:L Tearliin objectives(1 Knowledge objective

28、:Sludpiits will get to know basic elements in speaking(2) Ability- objective:tiuknls CHHJeply a lei ter in超proper way.(5) Emotion 角 I objective:Students will be methodicalinspeaking.3,leiching key& difficult Points:(1) Key point How to make students giasp the dut型k of the passage.(2 Difficult po

29、int: How to imp rove students speaking capacity and tryto use it.4* Miijor sUps11 Pr speaking (3 min)Teacher shows the schedule of next week on the PowerPoint.Smderits are asked to describe whar they are going to do.(Jusuficntioiir血this ay, students interest will be aroused nnd itsconvenient for tea

30、cher to go on talking abnur rhe main topic.)St*p 2; While peakiiLg (7 min)(1) Fast readingStudents read Uic passage a$ soon as possible* and iind out ilie mainidea. Teacher will also help to candude.i Justification: Students will gel the general iden of tins passage, andtheir reading ability of skim

31、ming and scanning can be practiced.)2. Teaching contents:Tliis is a speaking lesson一a letter about theclasses of a Yu Mei. Students need to reply the letter orally教師資格證考試初中英語科目三必背知識點(2) SpeakingTeacher will guide them to think the possible ways to reply the letter.Students work iugioups and sliaie t

32、he scmences they prepared,(Justification: Sturienrs will understand mor about the passage and getready to write the iiitickjStep 3; Post spefldQg (5 niin)Students ar? enconraged to share their own reply Io the whole class.Icachcr helps to correct die pronunciation and expression.Teacher will go on asking: Why do you like the subject? students have afree talk.(Justification: Extend the topic. Students will lear


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