Hyatt Regency Hotel Walkway Collapse Engineering Failure凱悅攝政酒店人行道坍塌的工程失敗_第1頁
Hyatt Regency Hotel Walkway Collapse Engineering Failure凱悅攝政酒店人行道坍塌的工程失敗_第2頁
Hyatt Regency Hotel Walkway Collapse Engineering Failure凱悅攝政酒店人行道坍塌的工程失敗_第3頁
Hyatt Regency Hotel Walkway Collapse Engineering Failure凱悅攝政酒店人行道坍塌的工程失敗_第4頁
Hyatt Regency Hotel Walkway Collapse Engineering Failure凱悅攝政酒店人行道坍塌的工程失敗_第5頁
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1、By: Julee Christianson, Mike Cruz, and Katie NolanHYATT REGENCY HOTEL WALKWAYS COLLAPSEENGINEERING FAILUREWHERE: KANSAS CITY, MISSOURIDATE: JULY 17, 19813rd Floor Walkway Still IntactOUTLINEqThe Hotel and the IncidentThe Hotel and the IncidentqThe Causes and the ProblemsThe Causes and the ProblemsqC

2、ontroversy and ConclusionControversy and ConclusionqReferencesReferencesPEOPLE INVOLVEDThe owner - Crown Center Redevelopment CorporationCrown Center Redevelopment CorporationThe fabricator - Havens Steel CompanyHavens Steel CompanyThe engineering design team - G.C.E. International, Inc. G.C.E. Inte

3、rnational, Inc. - -Professional Consulting Firm of Structural Engineers-Previously known as Jack D. Gillum & Associates, Ltd.Main People involved in the Design The PrincipalsJack D. GillumJack D. Gillum, P.E., P.E. - structural engineering state licensed since February 26, 1968Daniel M. Duncan, P.ED

4、aniel M. Duncan, P.E. . - structural engineering state licensed since February 27, 1979WHO AGREED TO WHAT?Crown entered into a standard contract with G.C.E. G.C.E. International, Inc. International, Inc. on April 4, 1978G.C.E. agreed to provide, allall structural engineering services for a 750-room

5、hotel projected located at 2345 McGee Street, Kansas City, Missouri.”In December 1978, Eldridge Construction Company, the general contractor on the Hyatt project, entered into a subcontract with Havens Steel Company Havens Steel Company Professional Fabricator, who agreed to fabricate and erect the

6、atrium steel for the Hyatt project. HOTEL FEATURESThe hotel had a grand lobby which featured a multistory atrium crossed by three concrete walkways on the second, third and fourth floorsThe hotel advertised to have many parties and events TEA-DANCE PARTY LEADS TO DISASTERA party was held in the lobb

7、y Over 2,000 people were in attendancePeople crowded the walkways and the lobby below to watch the dance competition The excess weight caused the fourth floor walkway to fall onto the second floor walkway and both walkways collapsed onto the crowded first floor The collapse left 114 dead and more th

8、an 200 injuredThis was the United States most devastating structural failure of the timeTHE CAUSEThe reason for the collapse was determined to be in the engineering engineering designdesign for the suspended walkwaysThe original box beam design (which was not actually used) did not meet the requirem

9、ents of the Kansas City building codeHowever, the design that was used was even lessless safe than the originalOriginal DesignOriginal DesignModified Design (Modified Design (was used)On a preliminary design a note was made that the hanging rods needed to have strength of 413 MPa, but that note was

10、left out on the final design and so the fabricator used hanger rods with only 248 MPa of strengthThe 2nd and 4th floor walkways were originally supposed to be suspended from the same rod and held in place by nutsThe fabricator had modified the design to use two hanging rods and the engineers approve

11、d the change without checking itDESIGN PROBLEMSHavens Havens proposed the modified design to simplifysimplify the assembly task and to eliminate the need to thread the entire length of the rodsHowever, the change in the design doubleddoubled the stress put forth on the nut which was under the fourth

12、 floor beam and with the change the nut had to support the weight of two walkways to support the weight of two walkways instead of just oneinstead of just one“The ultimate capacity actually available using “The ultimate capacity actually available using the original connection detail would have been

13、 the original connection detail would have been approximately 60% of that expected of a approximately 60% of that expected of a connection designed in accordance with AISC connection designed in accordance with AISC Specifications” Specifications” according to the National Building SpecificationsFAI

14、LURE WHAT WENT WRONG?The box beams resting on the supporting rod nuts and washers were deformed because of the stress that was exerted on themThe box beam resting on the nuts and washers on the rods could no longer hold up the load. The box beams (and walkways) separated from the ceiling rodsThe sec


16、HETHE BEAMBEAM TOTO SLIPSLIP CLOSE-UPS OF SOME OF THE 4TH FLOOR BEAMSINTERESTING FINDINGSOn October 14, 1979, part of the atrium roof collapsed while On October 14, 1979, part of the atrium roof collapsed while the hotel was under constructionthe hotel was under constructionOn October 16, 1979, G.C.

17、E.s GillumOn October 16, 1979, G.C.E.s Gillum wrote the owner, stating wrote the owner, stating that he was undertaking both an atrium collapse that he was undertaking both an atrium collapse investigation as well as a thorough design check of all the investigation as well as a thorough design check

18、 of all the members comprising the atrium roof. G.C.E. members comprising the atrium roof. G.C.E. promised to promised to check all steel connections in the structures, not just those check all steel connections in the structures, not just those foundfound in the roof in the roofReports were sent to

19、 the owner assuring the overall safety of Reports were sent to the owner assuring the overall safety of the entire atriumthe entire atriumSeeing that G.C.E. said the atrium was safe, the hotel was Seeing that G.C.E. said the atrium was safe, the hotel was opened in July 1980opened in July 1980The Ho

20、tel had only been in operation for about one year at the The Hotel had only been in operation for about one year at the time of the collapsetime of the collapseCONTROVERSYAfter the change in the design, the Havens Steel Company claims that they informed G.C.E. International Inc. of the alteration, b

21、ut the engineering firm denies ever receiving such a call for change approvalHowever, Jack D. Gillums seal of approval was attached to the revised design drawingsENGINEERING ETHICSDaniel M. Duncan, Jack D. Gillum, and G.C.E. International, Inc., were charged by the Missouri Board of Architects, Prof

22、essional Engineers and Land Surveyors of gross gross negligencenegligence, incompetence, misconductincompetence, misconduct and unprofessional conduct unprofessional conduct in the practice of engineering in connection with their performance of engineering services in the design and construction of

23、the Hyatt Regency Hoteland later they were found guiltyguiltyIN CONCLUSIONThe two structural engineers lost their The two structural engineers lost their Professional Engineering licenses and are no Professional Engineering licenses and are no longer able to practice in the states of Missouri longer able to practice in the states of Missouri and Texasand TexasBoth are now practicing in other statesBoth are now practicing in other statesA number of firms were bankruptA number of firms were bank


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