1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上中考英語專項練習 完成句子(一)1這些用石頭砌成的橋非常美觀。These bridges which are _ _ stones look very beautiful. 2雨下得越大, 他跑得越快。_ _ it rained, the faster he was running. 3他年輕時喜歡游泳勝過爬山。He _ swimming _ climbing when he was young. 4這個國家的四分之三由森林覆蓋。Three fourths of the country _ _ by forests. 5沒有什么能阻止他去那兒。Nothing can
2、_ him _ going there. 6這臺電腦她買三年了。She _ _ the _ _three years ago. 7中國的人口比日本的多得多。The _ of China is _ _ than _ of Japan. 8我發(fā)現很難對物理產生興趣。I find _ hard _ become _ _ physics. 9他直到病重才戒煙。He didnt _ _ smoking _ he was _ ill. 10這兩棵小樹必須每周澆一次水。These two _ trees must _ _ _ a week. 11因為中國是個大國, 不同地方的人們用不同的方式慶祝春節(jié)。Bec
3、ause China is a big country, people in _ _ _ the Spring Festival _ _ _. 12大雪連續(xù)下了三天, 登山隊員被困在山上了。The heavy snow _ _ _ for three days and the climbers _ _ _ the mountains. 13寵物可以幫人減少寂寞。A pet can _ a person _ _ _. 14不管他說些什么, 你都不要信任他。Dont trust him, _ _ _ he _. 15這部電腦看來價廉物美。This computer seemed to _ _ _
4、at the price. 16使用信用卡在網上購物應小心謹慎。It should be very careful to use credit cards to _ _ _. 17他的體溫好像完全正常。His temperature seems to _ _ _. 18去年我們差一點就是學校的冠軍。We were _ _ _ our school last year. 19孩子們對周圍世界的認識在不斷地增加。The childrens_ of the world around is growing _ _ _. 20我不喜歡光說不做的人。I hate people _ speak _ but
5、do _. 21我們不知道100年后世界會發(fā)生什么變化。They never knew _ _happen _the world _a hundred years. 22他們在來到旅館前就已經吃過早飯了。They _ already _ breakfast before they _the hotel. 23他說英語而沒有說漢語。He spoke English instead _ _ Chinese. 24地球上將沒有足夠的空間供人們居住。There _ be _ room for people _ _ _. 25我們認為學好所有的學科是我們的責任。We think _ our duty _
6、 _ hard _ all subjects. 26中國是發(fā)展中國家之一, 并且是世界上人口最多的國家。China is one of the _ _. And it has _ _ _ of people in the world. 27他的鞋穿舊了, 需要買一雙新的。His shoes are _ _. He needs a new _. 28她決定買一個漂亮的手提包, 這樣就能在她媽媽生日那一天送給她。She _ _ _ a nice handbag so that it _ _ _ to her mother on her birthday. 29我寧愿呆在家里度周末, 而不愿開車出去
7、。I prefer to _ the weekend at home _ _ _ out. 30他下決心不犯錯誤。He has made _ his _ not _ make any _. 31我認為按時吃藥是很必要的。I think _ _ to _ _ on time. 32從現在起, 你們要一直傳球。From _ _, you must _ _ the ball. 33當我到收銀臺時, 發(fā)現我把錢包丟在家里了。When I got to the _, I realized I _ _ my _at home. 34她感覺好像他們在經歷海上風暴。She felt _ _ they were
8、 in a storm _ _. 35我忙于閱讀一本小說, 結果忘了看時間。I was _ busy _ a novel _ I forgot to look at the time. 36在那場交通事故中, 沒有人傷得太重。No one _ _ _ in the traffic accident. 37他沒有到達珠穆朗瑪峰山頂。He had _ _ _ the top of Mount Qomolangma. 38警官在尋找鸚鵡住的籠子。The inspector was looking for the cage that the parrot _ _. 39我們都開始生李莉的氣。We ar
9、e all _ to get _ _ Li Li. 40他坐在那兒, 一小時接一小時地看電視。He sat there, watching TV _ _ _. 41在這三個國家中, 澳大利亞人口最多。Australia _ _ _ people _ the three countries. 42人們說, 到2010年人口將有70億。People say that _ _ _ 2010 the population will be seven billion. 43恐怕我們沒有那種型號的鞋了。Im afraid we have _ _ _the size. 44獨木不成林。A tree does
10、 not _ a _. (二)1我們堅信什么也不能阻止歷史的車輪滾滾向前。Were sure nothing can _ the wheel of history from _ .2. 無論刮風下雨,我們的老師總是第一個到校。_ windy or rainy, our teacher is always the first _ school.3. 必須采取措施使地球免受污染。Something _to_ from being polluted.4. 我們都堅信臺灣遲早會回歸祖國。We are all sure that Taiwan will _the motherland 5. 正是團隊協(xié)作
11、使我們越來越自信。It is _that makes us_ .6.臺灣島是中國第一大島,其美麗的風光每年都有吸引了大量的游客。Taiwan Island is _ _ one in China and its beautiful scenery_ _every year.7.提醒年輕人網上慎重交友是必要的。Its _the young people _online carefully. 8. 在這么好的天氣里被鞋絆倒你真粗心。Its _you to _ your shoes_ weather.9. 至今為此似乎已有五起搶劫案發(fā)生,如果你被搶劫,可以撥打“110”求助。So far, ther
12、e seem to_. If you _, you may call “110” for help.10. 當記者到時,音樂會已結束二個半小時。By the time the _, the _.11. 我們每個人都對通過入學考試充滿信心,但我們不能有所謂的“驕傲”。We _,but we shouldnt have _.12. 記住不要沉湎于打橋牌,你最好每兩小時停下來休息一下。Remember not _bridge. Youd better stop _.13. 年青人應當珍愛自己,遠離毒品。Young people should _ themselves, and _ from drug
13、s.14. 四分之三的地球表面被水覆蓋。_of the surface of the earth _ water.15. 蘇州產的絲手感好也好賣。Silk _ Suzhou _.16. 吐魯蕃的葡萄和山東的不一樣。The_ in Turfan _in Shandong.17. 今天我以我們的祖國而自豪,明天我將是祖國的驕傲。Today I_our country, in the future, Im_it.18. 是團隊精神使那些病人存活了下來。他們將不斷嘗試直到成功為止。It was teamwork that_. They would _.19. 你寫得越認真,犯的錯誤越少。The _,
14、the _ youll make.20. 大量的共產黨員為新中國的成立作出了巨大貢獻。_of Party members _ New China.21. 去年二月他們寧可把羊扣到樹上也不喂草給他吃。_, they _ the sheep to the tree to _.22. 京劇很值得聽,它是我們的驕傲。Peking Opera is _. It is the _.23. 所有數碼相機上都沒有寫上英文單詞。English words _ on _.24. 不管花費多少,我也要請人把那臺現代化的電腦修一下。No matter _, Ill have the _.25. 仔細檢查以便你盡量少犯
15、錯誤。_. so _.26. 清潔工的工作是清理垃圾,他們美化了環(huán)境理應受到高度贊揚。_is _. They _ and they _.27. 孩子們經常被鼓勵在汽車上給懷抱嬰兒的婦女讓出空間。Children are often _.28. 他花了一整天描述了上周某個時候發(fā)生的搶劫案。He spent the whole day _which _last week.29.住院期間他每兩天量一次體溫。He _ during _ in hospital.30. 應該教育好小孩子如何與別人相處好。Children should _.31. 全中國人民期盼臺灣盡快回歸,我們認為沒必要學會等待。Tai
16、wan is _ by people_. We dont think there is need to _.32.歷史表明臺灣是中國不可分割的一部分。 The history shows Taiwan_ a part of China.33. 你在上海買房子有困難。You _in Shanghai.34. 在電腦房不許吃喝或吸煙。No _, _ in the computer room35. 她是個只說不做的人,我很生她的氣。She is a person who _ much but _. Im angry_ _.36. 他們說的話多少有些幫助。What he said will be _
17、useful.37. 我們將不得不請王先生代替你去那兒了。Well _ ask Mr. Wang_ you.38. 在男子400米賽跑中吳鵬跑得比其他男生快得多。Wu Peng ran _ than the other boys during _.39. 后來,當風越來越大,浪越來越高的時候,他放慢了速度。Then he _ as the wind became _.40. 每當有人扔進一些垃圾時,它就放一段音樂。Whenever someone _, it _ a piece of music.41. 1943年雅克和他的朋友發(fā)明了水下呼吸器,才使這成為可能。In 1943 Jacques
18、and his friend made it _.42. 你的書到處都是,請放好。Your books are _. Please _.43. 在中秋節(jié),家家戶戶歡聚一堂慶祝豐收。_, families _ the harvest.44. 他厭倦反復演奏相同的曲子。He was _ music _.45. 雪太小了,我們不能堆雪人。 The snow is_ for us_.46. 你遲早會用新方法解決這個問題。 You can_in new ways.47. 我將積極參加即將到來的運動會。 Ill_ the _.48. 藏在抽屜里的信是一個愛搗亂的男孩寫的。The letter _ in t
19、he drawer _ by a boy who _.49. 我想知道微軟公司創(chuàng)辦于哪一年。 I wonder which year _.50. 由于大雨,探險家們被困在沙漠里了。_ heavy rain, the explorers_ in the mountain.(三)1.時間檢驗真理。 Time _.2.活到老,學到老。 Youre _.3.知足常樂。 _ a feast .4.人各有價。 Every man _.5.作最壞的準備,懷最好的打算。 Prepare for _ and hope _.6.人生必須永遠前進。 Life _ always _.7.做事切勿半途而廢。 Never
20、 do things _.8.事實勝于雄辯。 Actions _. 9.滴水穿石。 _ outwear the stone .10.我思,故我在。 _, therefore _.11.樣樣皆通,樣樣疏松。 _ is _.12.有志者,事竟成。 Where _ , _. 13.舉止見人品。 Manners _. 14.凡事要一分為二。 Theres _ the picture.15.智者亦有一失。 No one is wise _.16.美的事物永遠是賞心悅目的。 _ is a joy _. 17.天無絕人之路。 When one door _, another _.18.凡事適可而止
21、。 _ is too much.19.人定勝天。 _ can conquer _ .20.豁達者長壽。 A light heart _ . 21.大千世界,千奇百怪。 It _ all sorts _ .22.沒有一個勝利者相信機遇。 No victor _ .23.多問多知道。 Ask _ , _ much .24.驕者必敗。 _ a fall .25. 三思而后行。 _ you act .26.光陰不等人。 Time and tide _.27.無風不起浪。 _ without fire .28.人人為我,我為人人。 _ one , one _.29.遠行者見聞多。
22、He _ much .30.千里之行始于足下。 A long journey_ the first step. 31.愛屋及烏。 Love _, love _.32.虎毒不食子。 Dog _ dog. 33.凡人皆有出頭日。 Every dog _ .34.殺雞駭猴。 _ the lion .35.別惹是生非。 Let _ lie .36.人貴有自知之明。 _ is _.37.讒言可畏。 Give a dog _ and _ him .38.老虎不在家,猴子稱霸王。 When the cat _ , _ .39.不要本末倒置。 _ the cart _ the horse .40.人靠衣裝,佛
23、靠金裝。 make _ _ .41.騎虎難下。 Have a wolf _ .42.付出總比得到好。 Its better _ .43.人無完人。_ is _ .44.識時務者為俊杰。 Its better _ .45.勤奮是成功的關鍵。 _ is the _ .46.謹遵醫(yī)囑。 To do _ is important .47.世上無難事,只怕有心人。 Nothing in the world is _ , if you _ it .48.今日事,今日畢 Never _ till tomorrow _ today .49.捷足先登。 The early bird _ .50.亡羊補牢,猶未為
24、晚。 Its _ .參考答案(一)1made of2The harder3preferred; to4is covered5stop/keep/prevent; from6has had; computer since7population; much larger; that8it; to; interested in9give up; until; badly10young; be watered once11different places celebrate; in different ways12continued to fall; became trapped on13help;
25、feel less lonely14no matter what; says15offer the most16buy things online17be all right18almost top of19knowledge/understanding; all the time20who/that; much; little21what would; to; in22had; had; reached23of speaking24wont; enough; to live in25it; to work; at26developing countries; the largest numb
26、er27worn out; pair28decided to buy; would be sent29spend; rather than drive30up; mind; to; mistakes31it necessary; take medicine32now on; keep passing33checkout; had left; purse34as if; at sea35so; reading; that36was badly hurt37failed to reach38lived in39beginning; angry with40hour after hour41has
27、the most; of42by the year43no shoes in44make; forest(二)1 stop / prevent / keep , going on 2. No matter whether its,to get to 3 must be done ,stop the earth 4 come back to, sooner or later 5 teamwork, more and more confident 6 the largest, attracts large numbers of tourists 7 necessary for ,to make f
28、riends 8 really careless of, trip over, in such fine 9 have been five robberies, are a robber 10journalist arrived, concert had been over for two and a half hours.11each have confidence in passing the entrance exam, the so-called pride 12 to lose yourself in playing, to (have a ) rest every 2 hours.
29、 13 Take care of , keep away 14 Three quarters(fourths), is covered with 15 produced in, feels good and sells well 16grapes , are different from those 17am proud of, the pride of 18kept the patients alive, keep on trying until they made it 19more carefully you write, fewer mistakes 20Large numbers,
30、made a great contribution to founding 21last February, preferred tying, feeding grass to them 22well worth listening to, pride of us 23are written , none of the digital cameras 24how much it costs, modern computer mended/ repaired 25Check carefully, that youll make as few mistakes as possible. 26A c
31、leaners job, to clean up rubbish, make the environment beautiful, deserve to be spoken highly of 27encouraged to make room for the woman with a baby in her arms. 28describing the robbery , happened sometime. 29 had his temperature taken every two days, his stay 30 be taught how to get on well with others 31 expected to return as soon as possible, all over China, learn to wait. 32 deserved to be 33 have problems/ difficulty/triuble buying a house 34 eating, drinking or smoking is allowed 35 talks, do
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