1、新托福預(yù)測(cè)機(jī)經(jīng)寫作范文-movies worth watchingQuestio n:Do you agree or disagree with the followi ng stateme nt? Only movies that can teach us someth ing about real life are worth watchi ng.范文為博主根據(jù)考生習(xí)作修訂而成,為博主和考生的共同原創(chuàng)作品,轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)務(wù)必注明出處謝謝!博主修訂作文的原則為:忠實(shí)原文和充分考慮作者原有水平,簡(jiǎn)約、實(shí)用、易模仿。所以追求華麗文風(fēng)的同學(xué)請(qǐng)繞道。如果有同學(xué)需要作文批改潤(rùn)色服務(wù),可聯(lián)系博主Some peo
2、ple believe that movies worth watchi ng are those that teach us something about real life. Other people think that movies with a variety of themes, not just those with realistic themes, are worthwhile. I agree with the sec ond opi nion; films do not n eed to teach about real life to be worthy of att
3、e nti on.Un doubtedly, realistic movies can teach us many less ons. In the movie Milli on Dollar Baby, for in sta nee, the spirit of persevera nee is deeply touchi ng. The heroine struggles to be a boxer, pursu ing a career traditi on ally regarded as being for men. She draws upon her own pers on al
4、ity and beliefs to gain real-life success, overco ming conven ti onal outlooks and beco ming an unrivaled figure in the history of boxing. We l earn about life s contradictions, cruel realities, and the qualities n eeded to conq uer difficulties from this kind of movie.People who want to gai n more
5、un dersta nding of real life will treat this ki nd of movie as worth watch ing. However, the reas ons that people watch movies are complex. Differe nt people want to obtai n differe nt feeli ngs and ben efits from movies. For example, for those who want to have a rest after a long day of tedious wor
6、k , it is worthwhile to watch comical movies filled with funny characters and in teresti ng plots. This type of pers on seeks fun from the movies, so the movies with easy and simple themes suit his or her tastes .Other people like acti on movies. These movies create a true-to-life experie nee for vi
7、ewers but in elude see nes that would n ever happe n in real life. This type of pers on suffers from high pressure in daily work and life and can ben efit a great deal from action movies. Acti on movies seem to bring the viewer to a new world free from serious trouble and repetitive tasks. For such
8、viewers, actio n movies are certai nly worth watchi ng.Although movies with realistic themes teach us less ons, a movie does not n eed to be realistic in order to be worthwhile. The definition of a worthwhile movie varies from pers on to pers on accordi ng to in dividuals n eeds. That is why I donot
9、 agree with the opinion that only those movies from which we can leann about real life are worth see ing.Do you agree or disagree with the follow ing stateme nt? The best way to improve the quality of educati onin a country is to in crease teachers salaries.范文為博主根據(jù)考生習(xí)作修訂而成,為博主和考生的共同原創(chuàng)作品,轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)務(wù)必注明出處謝謝!
10、博主修訂作文的原則為:忠實(shí)原文和充分考慮作者原有水平,簡(jiǎn)約、實(shí)用、易模仿。所以追求華麗文風(fēng)的同學(xué)請(qǐng)繞道。如果有同學(xué)需要作文批改潤(rùn)色服務(wù),可聯(lián)系博主Sample answer :Educati on plays an esse ntial role in the developme nt of a country. In the adva nceme nt of a society, the enhan ceme nt of educatio nal quality is crucial.Some maintain that the most efficient method of improv
11、ing education is to raise teachers salaries; others disagree with this opinion. I hold the view that teachers salariesearig nifica nt because teachers play the most importa nt part in the process of educati on. Stude nts kno wledge of their subjects fromprimary school to university can be improved o
12、nly if it is possible to motivate teachers.High salaries satisfy teachers and in spire them in their work. A few days ago, in my hometow n, teachers from a primary school went on strike, forci ng stude nts to gather on a bridge and creati ng trouble for traffic. The main cause of the strike was the
13、low salaries teachers receive. Teachers have stated that their in come is not high eno ugh for them to afford the expe nses of daily life.This example illustrates the importa nee of teachers salaries. Teachers, like allno rmal people, desire higher in comes.Additi on ally, high salaries would motiva
14、te teachers to pay more atte nti on to teach ing. Money is the most efficie nt means of en courag ing people to work hard and con tribute to their orga ni zati ons. With high salaries, teachers would see their work as more valuable and feel more passi on ate. Some high schools have in spired teacher
15、s to cultivate more excelle nt stude nts by in creas ing teachers bonu ses whe n stude nts do well on an exam or receive awards in a specific field. In this way, all teachers can be motivated to try their best to foster outsta nding stude nts, which is the ultimate purpose of educati on.Fin ally, we
16、 should n ever ignore the attract ion of money for tale nted people. A job with a high salary will be desired by nu merous people; higher salaries would mea n more can didates for the positi on of teacher. For a high salary, highly qualified people would give up their prese nt jobs to work as educat
17、ors.On ly by in creas ing teachers salaries is it possible to improve educati on in acoun try. Money is the most powerful tool to in spire teachersn. passio附原稿(修訂前)Educati on plays an esse ntial role in the developme nt of a coun try. How to enhance educati on quality is a forever topic through the
18、adva nceme nt of a society. Some one points that the most efficie nt method is to raise teachers salaries; however others disagree with the opinion. In my personal view, I hold the same idea with the former, because teachers are the important part in the process of educatio n. The ability and kno wl
19、edge of the educati on subjects, all students from primary school to university, are improved only if it is possible to motivate the passi on of teachers.Firstly, high salaries satisfy teachers, and make them concentrate on their own work. A few days ago, in my hometow n, teachers from a primary sch
20、ool just strike, leav ing classrooms, gatheri ng in a bridge, making traffic in trouble. Without con sideri ng the qualificati on of these teachers, the main cause of the strike is the low salaries each mon th. They stated that their in come ca n not afford the daily live. From the above example, we
21、 can see the importa nee of teachers salaries; they are also the no rmal people, so they desire high in come as well. More gains, more concen trati on.Secondly, high salaries will motivate them to pay more attention to teaching.Money is the most efficie nt factor to in spire people to work hard, and
22、 con tribute more to the work. With high salaries, teachers will treat their work more valuable, and pay much passi on to the process. It is a smart method for some high schools to in spire teachers to cultivate more excelle nt stude nts, by in creas ing the bonus of teachers whose stude nts do well
23、 in an exam or get a reward in a specific field. In this way, all teachers are motivated to try their best to foster outstanding students, which is the final purpose of education.Fin ally, we can not ignore the attractio n of money to tale nted pers on. The job with high salary is desired by nu mero
24、us people, so more choices are available to hire a suitable pers on for the teacher positi on, such as graduates with wide range of kno wledge, successful bus in esspeople with rich experie nee, and mecha nics with outsta nding skills, dan cers or sin gers with a high reputati on in the field, and e
25、ven official with political right. For the high-paid salaries, some of them eve n give up the prese nt job, and go in for teacher positi on. As the raise of teachers academic power, it is the time for educatio n to goforward.In con clusi on, only do we in crease teachers salaries, it is possible to
26、improvethe educati on in a coun try. Money is the most powerful tool to in spire teachers passi on for educati on career.新托福預(yù)測(cè)機(jī)經(jīng)090227NA寫作范文-more vcation VShigh salary發(fā)表于 2011年01月11日 由TPOOOO09.02.27NADo you agree or disagree with the follow ing stateme nt? A job with more vacation time but a low sal
27、ary is better than a job with a high salary but less vacation time.Sample an swer (439 words)It is true that a high-pay ing job allows people to gain more money to en sure a more comfortable and worry-free life. With a high in come, people can buy delicious foods, live in good hous ing, purchase exp
28、e nsive commodities and afford high quality healthcare. Earning a high in come also wins recog niti on, respect and admirati on from others, which is why doctors and lawyers are among the most respected jobs in the world. However, pers on ally I find these people not happy at all, if they have to sa
29、crifice their leisure time for a high in come. And I would rather do the con trary -to sacrifice a high salary just to be able to have more days off work so I can enjoy my vacati on.First of all, if people choose a less strenuous job with more vacation time, they can become physically healthier and
30、emoti on ally happier. This kind of job means people have more spare time. They can have a good relaxing time on vocation, which is helpful to their health. On the holiday, they can do many exercises and play sports to reduce stress and release tension. When people have a lot of spare time, they can
31、 also enjoy more recreation and amusement, which are the eleme nts of a happy life .In con trast, those people who have high a salary but less vacation time often focus too much on their work. As a result, they ignore their physical and men tal health, and may be overwhelmed by pressure.What s more,
32、 the relati on ship betwee n a pers on and his/her family members will be much improved if he/she chooses a job with more vacation time because he/she has more time to stay with family members and join in family activities such as pic nicking and camp ing. Con seque ntly, he/she has more connection
33、with family members, and this will prevent many problems usually found in families with a lack of communication. This is also true with relatio nship among frie nds. By comparis on, those who have high-salary jobs ofte n find themselves so busy cop ing with projects, sales targets, meet in gs, bus i
34、n ess travels, so on and so forth, that they cannot spare eve n one day for a friends gathering or a family trip. This is something I definitely would not want.By compari ng these two types of work ing con diti ons, one would easily see which is better. Of course there are always a few people in the
35、 world who are workaholic, or who are skillful eno ugh to find an excelle nt bala nce betwee n life and work. But I have to admit that I am not such type of pers on. If I had to choose between the two, I would have to sacrifice salary for personal time.新托福預(yù)測(cè)機(jī)經(jīng)寫作范文-move to a new city發(fā)表于2010年11月18 日由T
36、POOOO09.10.31NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good idea to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose old frien ds.Sample an swer ( 5 paragraphs, 363 words)With the rapid developme nt of tech no logies, the process of globalizati on is progres
37、s ing quickly. People have become more likely to move to ano ther city or country in pursuit of their goals. Some people contend that it is a bad idea to move to a new place because those who relocate lose their curre nt frien ds. I stro ngly disagree with this stateme nt for several reas ons.People
38、 who move to new locatio ns do not n eed to lose their frie nds, as they can take adva ntage of tech no logies in most coun tries to keep in touch. People can use nu merous means of maki ng con tact, in clud ing teleph one, e-mail, and on li ne chat software. These tech no logies easily allow one to
39、 maintain relati on ships. For example, my family moved from Hen gya ng to Chan gsha several years ago due to my parents work assignment. Since our move, I havepreserved my relationships with my old friends in Hengyang by chatting on li ne; we eve n see each other ofte n through video conferencing.
40、In additi on, as the tran sportati on system has expa nded quickly, it is very convenient for me to take trips to visit my old friends now and then.Furthermore, moving to new places broadens people s horizons, supportingtheir pers onal developme nt. By traveli ng intern atio nally, one can gain a be
41、tter understanding of various customs, histories, religions, and cultures. With a broad view, people become more optimistic and active. My uncle, for example, used to be very shy and un sure of his purpose whe n he was young; he became much more con fide nt and positive after he fini shed his un der
42、graduateprogram abroad. He has always said that his four years of campus life abroad cha nged his way of look ing at life.Though tech no logies allow people to connect with old frie nds at a dista nee, they do have some disadva ntages. For in sta nee, whe n frie nds who live in differe nt cities can
43、not com muni cate face to face, they may have unn ecessary misun dersta ndings and disagreeme nts. Despite these challe nges, I in sist that it is not bad to move to other places, give n the eno rmous ben efits that relocati ng can bring.In con clusi on, people who move to new cities and coun tries
44、should not worry about los ing their frie nds, as tech no logical adva nceme nts can secure their relatio nships and moving can offer them great ben efits.(This essay is an edited version of a sample writing posted on a forum)新托福預(yù)測(cè)機(jī)經(jīng)寫作范文-movies showing good/badpeople發(fā)表于 2010 年11月22日由TPOOOO09.10.17NA
45、Do you agree or disagree with the follow ing stateme nt? Movies and televisi ons should always show audie nee that good people are rewarded and bad people are puni shed.sample essay( 385 words, 5 paragraphs)What is the primary purpose of movies and televisi on? In my view, movies and televisi on pro
46、grams do not serve strictly educatio nal functions; therefore, they do not always n eed to show good people being rewarded and bad people being puni shed.I con cede that movies and televisi on programs have educati onal effects for teen agers. Teen agers do not have eno ugh capacity to disti nguish
47、good from bad, and they are often enthusiastic about imitating characters in television or movies. Educati onal films teach tee nagers how to behave properly, whereas programs filled with viole nee can make tee nagers behave aggressively. For example, a movie called The Guilty , which tells the stor
48、y of gangs, was popular fifty years ago in Hong Kong. The rate of juvenile delinquency soared at the time because teenagers imitated the gang members in the movie. In contrast, suitable movies help tee nagers to develop good con duct.However, movies and televisi on serve more tha n an educati onal f
49、un ctio n for their audienee. Some movies just satirize society. A movie called The Bullet , for in sta nee, depicts a corrupt and in compete nt gover nmen t. In creas ing nu mbers of people are weary of platitudes and are eager to watch no vel and distinctive programs. When viewers are able to pred
50、ict the entire plot at the beg inning of the movie, they may feel bored and may wish to stop watch ing the hack neyed film. Many moder n films have complicated plots to keep viewers in terested, such as a policema n beco ming a robber or a robber givi ng up his old bus in ess.Documentary films must
51、stick to reality. We should not change history to make a film appear more instructive. As such, we should admit that not every great man in history received his due. We should not eliminate information from a docume ntary film just because some one experie need an un fair fate.In summary, movies and
52、 television can be instructive for teenagers, but they serve more than educational functions for their audienee. Therefore, in films and televisi on programs, good people do not n ecessarily n eed to be rewarded, and bad people do not n ecessarily n eed to be puni shed.新托福預(yù)測(cè)機(jī)經(jīng)寫作范文-unhealthy eating h
53、abits發(fā)表于2010年10月27日由09.01.17 NA(更多新托福預(yù)測(cè)機(jī)經(jīng)寫作考題和范文,請(qǐng)點(diǎn)擊進(jìn)入)Do you agree or disagree with the followi ng stateme nt? Advertis ing is the most importa nt cause of un healthy eat ing habits.范文為博主根據(jù)考生習(xí)作修訂而成,為博主和考生的共同原創(chuàng)作品,轉(zhuǎn)載請(qǐng)務(wù)必注明出處謝謝!博主修訂作文的原則為:忠實(shí)原文和充分考慮作者原有水平,簡(jiǎn)約、實(shí)用、 易模仿。所以追求華麗文風(fēng)的同學(xué)請(qǐng)繞道。如果有同學(xué)需要作文批改潤(rùn)色服務(wù),可聯(lián)系博主S
54、ample answer :Nowadays many people have developed un healthy eati ng habits. The reas ons are various such as the irregular liv ing habits and the in flue nee of advertising. However, in my opinion, advertising is definitely not the most importa nt one.In deed, some food advertiseme nts exaggerate t
55、he nu triti on of the food, or in vite some superstars to be the advertis ing spokespers on which attract the stars fans to buy the food. I ve see n an advertiseme nt for mi neral water ontelevision, which says their water is from a natural lake pollution-free with healthy mineral salt. After this a
56、dvertisement is broadcast, since the advertis ing spokesma n is a popular sin ger, many young people who are fans of the sin ger have bought this brand s water. However, the quality con trolbureau made an investigation on the quality of the water, and announced that the natural lake actually contain
57、s significant contamination. Clearly, in this case, customers have bee n cheated and mislead ing advertis ing is mainly resp on sible.However, there are two other factors which I thi nk are more importa nt.The first factor is the increasingly fast living tempo. People living in the modern world have
58、 to shorten their time for cooking and eating in order to save time for working or studying. Thus fast food has become popular since it saves time. People do not care if fast food is junk food; they care whether they could finish their tasks on time and if they could accomplish their work better tha
59、 n others. It is com mon that one forgets his lunch time and keeps worki ng until midnight. Irregular eating times and junk food make the eating habits of moder n people extremely un healthy.The sec ond factor is price. The price of healthy food is usually high, so people may choose un healthy food just because of the price
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