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1、word版-精品資料-2021年天津市南開區(qū)高考英語模擬試卷二第一局部:英語知識運用共兩節(jié),總分值45分1. 1 分 Unfortunately, stone hit him onhead and he gotinjured.A. the; a B. a; 不填 C. a; the D. the; the2. 1 分to Anne's birthday party, Mr. Brown is now searching shop aftershop for a nice present for her.A. Having invitedB. Having been invitedD.

2、Being invitedC. Have been invited3. 1 分 The activities orga ni zed by our school really gave us a platformwelearned team spirit.A. that B. where C. whichD. when4. 1 分I say Cla ncy is a smart bqyhe still n eeds to work hard to achievehis goal.A. ThenB. WhenC. WhileD. As5. 1 分 The new buyer identified

3、 a dozen new sources for the material proved to be reliable.A. most of them B. most of whichDC. most of whom. most of those6. 1 分 The old woman whoin the deserted house alone for ten years havebeen settled in a nursing home now.A. lived B. have livedC. had lived D. has been living7. 1 分 - I phoned y

4、ou yesterday morning. A girl an swered, but I did n't recog nize the voice .-Oh, itmy younger sister. She was in my room at that moment.A . must have bee n B. should have bee nC . could have bee n D. may have bee nword版-精品資料-8 . 1 分- Do you mind if I look at your new mobile phone?-Of course not.

5、A . Please don't B. It depe nds C. Be my guest D No way9. ( 1 分) In the reading room, we found herat a desk with her attentionon a book ()A. sitting ; fixing B. to sit ; fixedC. seating; fixing D. seated; fixed10. (1 分) How long do you thinkthe computer company brings out a newproduct ?()A. will

6、 it be whenB. will it be untilC. it will be before D. it will be that11. (1 分)-Monitor ?-rm not monitor of our class. Iwith the teacher until the monitor iselected.()A. will just help B. am just to helpC. am just helping D. have just helped12. (1 分) How could they reach an agreemen? Some said one th

7、ing but others.()A. otherB. another C. the otherD. others13. (1 分) It is important to pay your electricity bill on time , as late payments mayaffect your.()A. conditionB. in come C. creditD. status14. (1 分) Bless your heart I know you did n't break the vase. Don't cry!()A. on purpose B. by a

8、ccide nt C. on bus in ess D by mistake15. (1 分) Had the governments and scientists not worked together; AIDS- relateddeathssince their highest in 2005 ()A. had not fallenB. would not fallC. did not fall D. would not have fallenword版-精品資料-第二節(jié)完形填空(總分值30分)16. (30分) My heart beat with that feeling,pumpi

9、ng it like blood to my body as my fin gers flew across the pia no keys As the piece n eared the end, I (16)upto take my final bow. For a second, the room was (17). Yet, even in thatone sec on d, I had eno ugh time to (18)whether I had done perfectly. Then,.(19), the applause came.Thank youso much. I

10、 said, (20)to the person standing on my other .side. Olga, my piano teacher for six years smiled back at me. You've been an (21) student all these years. She saicj I hope that whatever you do, you never stop(22).I leaned forward, (23)I would keep playing because I loved piano andhugged her.It (2

11、4)to be that the promises were n't as meanin gful as rd hoped.,Right after the (25), I kept up my strict practicing schedule every .day. (26), it began slipping away from me. The reason I had stopped taking(27)was because of my busy schedule with homework Not long after, Istopped practicing alto

12、gether. It was (28)not to have to stress about .pia no anym ore.But someth ing was (29)in side of me. I was empty in side.One day I met Michelle, who had also taken piano lessons from Olga Are you (30)taking lessons from OlgK she askedUm, no Actually I just quit a while ago, I replied.That's a (

13、31), she responded, You used to be so (32). Iremember your performa nee a year ago; it was breathtak ing.Two days (33)talking to Michelle, I subconsciously sat down on the benchand started play in g. I was n't eve n tryi ng to make the no tes sound musically correct- Iwas simply doing what I sho

14、uld have been this entire time playing, (34)tobe play ing.As the music spread a (n)(35)feeli ng rose in side me.word版-精品資料-16. A. stoodB. satC. showedD. lookedD. A. light. C. B. nervouscolorfulquiet17Dremind. doubtC. A. expectknowB. 18.Dhopefully. successfuB immediately. suddenlyC. A19. lly20. A. ru

15、nningB. wavingC. turningD. pointingDB. imaginative. amazing. honest21. A. easy- goingC DCB. training22. A . practicing. competing. gainingD . 23 . A . admitti ngB . telli ngpromis ing . speak ingCD . brought upB . turned outshowed . 24A . carried onC. off25 . A . playB . fin alC . prese ntati onD .

16、performanee26 . A . Soo nB. BesidesC ThusD. I nsteadD27 . A . less ons. Bparts . piecesC. lecturesD28 . A . disappo in ti ng . B . puzzli ng. in spiri ngpleas ingCD. BrisingC. A. beatingshining. changing. 29D. Bstill. Cmuch. yet. 30. AevenDB. C. relief. 31A. shamepleasuredealD. 32ApoorCniceold. Bgoo

17、dD33. . C. Bbeforewhe nun til. . AafterD. Bstill. . 34Aalways. Calso. justDC.emptyfamiliar. B. A. 35unknown. awful第二局部閱讀理解總分值40分36. 10 分Acting&Musical TheaterThe Summer Acti ng&Musical Theater program which starts on Friday, July 3and ends on Thursday July 23, is created for tale nte

18、d stude nts who have bee n in spired by musical theater.The program develops the abilities of experie need performers who are serious aboutword版-精品資料-the field and eager to work hard. Our goal is to help you grow creatively through full -time, college - level theatre trai ning un der the direct ion

19、of popular professi onal performers and teachers.The stude nts can improve their performa nee skills and can get the kno wledge about the history of theater, the style of theater and so on. Students will complete the program with improved auditi on 試演skills.Classes aim to improve your comma nd of bo

20、dy mind and voice. Stude nts will take a trip to see at least one professi onal product ion with program teachers. An exhibiti on of the stude nts'class work will be prese nted at the con clusi on of the program to family, friends, students from other Summer College programs and the University c

21、ommunity.Program CostsAccommodation: 3, 359; Traffic: 2, 234.Auditi on requireme nts:Auditi ons should in clude the follow ing video materials: Two differe nt songs; One age- suitable monologue 獨白; One short dance part; A personal statement regarding your background and training experienee in perfor

22、mances, and personal goals in theater; Each part of the auditi on should be about one minute in len gth; You should be the only pers on show n in the audition The audition is given online with your application.Typical day9: 00am to noon classes focus on musical theaterincluding acting,voice, movemen

23、t, dance and sce ne study1: 00 to 4: 00 pm classes invoIve additional work in acting movement, and voice,along with rehearsals 排練for public performances.word版-精品資料-36. What do you know about the program ?A. Students can have chances to audition in filmsB. The program helps students grow healthily.C.

24、 The program will last for three weeks.D. The program provides accommodation for free.37. The un derl ined wordproduct ionin Paragraph 4 refers to .A. writingB. performaneeC. conferenceD. guidanee38. It can be learnt from the passage that studentsA. seldom attend classes in the morningB. cannot be t

25、aught by well - known actorsC. will get some information about theaterD. will usually perform for college students39. The audition materials include the following EXCEPTA. a performanee with your partnerB. a short dance part in one minuteC. an online introduction of yourselfD. a suitable monologue i

26、n one minute40. What is the purpose of the passageA. To tell us how to hold a musical theater program successfullyB. To call on more and more students to pay attention to theater.C. To introduce the development of the Summer Acting program.D. To attract more students loving performances to attend th

27、e program.41. 10 分 After a terrible electrical accident, which caused him to become both blind and deaf, the whole world became completely dark and quiet for Robert Edwards for almost ten years The loss of sight and hearing threw him into such sorrow that he tried a few times to put an end to his li

28、fe. His family, especially hisword版-精品資料-wife , did their best to tend and comfort him and fin ally he rega ined the will to live . One hot summer after noon, he was tak ing a walk with a stick n ear his house whe n a thunderstorm started all at once. He stood under a large tree to avoid getting wet

29、, but he was struck by the lightning. Witnesses thought he was dead but he woke up some 20 minutes later lying face down in muddy water at the base of the tree. He was trembling badly, but when he opened his eyes he could hardly believe what he saw: a plough and a wall. When Mrs Edwards came running

30、 up to him, shouting to their neighbors to call for help, he could see her and hear her voice for the first time in n early ten years.The n ews of Robert rega ining his sight and heari ng quickly spreada nd many doctors came to examine him. Most of them said that he regained his sight and hearing fr

31、om the shock he got from the lightning. However, none of them could give a convincing an swer as to why this should have happe ned The only reas on able expla nati on give n by one doctor was that,s ince Robert lost his sight and heari ng as a result of a sudde n shock, perhaps, the only way for him

32、 to regain them was by another sudden shock41. The reason for Robert's attempts to kill himself was that . A. he had to live in a dark and silent worldB. a terrible traffic accident happened to himC. he was struck by the lightning once moreD. nobody in the world cared about him42. What was Rober

33、t doing when he was struck by the lightningA. Taking a walk with a stickB . Drivi ng a car.C . Sheltering from the rain under a tree .D . Lying on the ground.43 . What did Robert see first whe n he rega ined his sight after the shock.A . A plough and a wall .B . His n eighbors.word版-精品資料-C . His wif

34、e who called for help to save himD . Many doctors surro unding him .44 . Which of the followi ng stateme nts is NOT true accordi ng to the passageA . Robert had bee n deaf and bli nd for n early ten yearsB . Robert hid himself un der the tree for 20 minu tes .C . Robert could hear his wife's sho

35、uting for help when he woke upD . The family's love helped Robert rega in con fide nee to live45 . We can infer from the text that . A . many doctors came because Robert was badly injuredB . a sudden injury in the head led to Robert's recoveryC . Robert's wife sent for doctors immediatel

36、y after the shockD . there was no accurate expla nati on for Robert's recovery46. 10 分 The temperature is sharply rising with each pass ing dayPeople, in clud ing many experts, find it difficult to slow down the process . However, leaving coal and major fossil fuels in the ground could help to l

37、imit climate cha nge in the future, according to a new study. That is to say, a third of oil reserves on the earth, half of gas reserves and over 80 perce nt of curre nt coal reserves should not be used before the year 2050. If we are to preve nt global temperatures from rising above 2 degrees Celsi

38、us in the near future, we ought to carry some measures to severely control the emissions from factories vehicles and even our daily life cooking. However, it is a goal that seems to be impossible in our eyesPolicy makers in differe nt coun tries must realize that their attempt to completely use the

39、fossil fuels within their coun tries is wholly in compatible 矛盾的 with their hope to reach the 2- degree goal, Dr. Christophe Mc Glade at University College London's Energy Institute said in a statement If they go ahead with developing their own resources, he added, hey must be asked which reserv

40、es elsewhere should rema in un bur ned in order for the carb on budget not to go bey ond the limit.It's not surpris ing to see how tapp ing into these unu sed reserves would be attractive. En ergy- related in dustry is a big bus in ess all over the world There areword版-精品資料-many coal reserves in

41、 China Russia and the United States along with over 260 thousand million barrels of oil reserves in the Middle East Not to mention that oil is currently being developed in the Arctic. Companies spent over $670 billion last year in the expansion of fossil fuels but according to the new model used in

42、this latest study, developers may need to rethink their plans to develop these underground resources so as to make some con tributi ons to con trol the world temperature from rising high in the future.We've now got practical figures of the quantities and locations of fossil fuels that should rem

43、a in unu sed in trying to keep with in the 2 - degree temperature limit, added Mc Glade. World leaders and policy makers should take the advice to heart, because a recent IPCC report warned that if immediate and great actions are not taken soon, climate change will cause irreversible 不可逆轉(zhuǎn)的impacts on

44、environments worldwide , leaving the world an unsafe place for us to live in46. According to Paragraph 1 our goal is to . A. discover more fossil fuels for the future gen eratio nB. slow down the climate changeC. refuse to use reserves on the earthD. keep the temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius

45、47. The underlined wordemissionsin Paragraph 1refers to . A. things that are sent out into the airB. products that are made from fossil fuelsC. factors that cause the climate changeD. changes that happen after temperature rise48. According to what Mc Glade said in Paragraph 2 all countriesshould .A.

46、 make full use of their fossil fuelsB. work together towards the 2 - degree goalC. find better ways to dig out the coalD. in crease the global carb on budgetword版-精品資料-49. We can infer from Paragraph 3 that great efforts have been madein .A. digging out the oil in the Middle EastB. getting people to

47、 rethink their fuel plansC. developing fossil fuels around the worldD. developing energy related industry worldwide50. What is the author's attitude towards the future of temperature control ?A. Con fide nt.B. Negative.C. Satisfied.D. Un clear.51. 10 分 It's hard to find Alice Munro in the me

48、dia. Even after she won the 2021Nobel Prize in Literature the Canadian writer just appeared for a quick th, she still did n't seek sight. On Dec 29the in terview and the n dropped out of spotlight when she was named one of the five Women of the Year by the Financial Times.In Munro's eyes, or

49、dinary lives always hide larger dramas So she records what we casually think of as the everyday actions of normal people She often focuses on life in her hometown , a small village in Ontario which she is most familiar with. She writes about the ordinary things in the village trees in the Ontario wi

50、lderness, poor country schools and long last illnesses Above all, she talks about girls and women who have seem in gly ordinary lives but struggle aga inst daily misfort une She has a special tale nt for un coveri ng the extraord inary in the ordinary These are ordinary people, ordinary stories, but

51、 she has the magic Her precise Ianguage depth of detail and the logic of her storytelling have made her stories inviting.Run away, one of Mun ro's represe ntative works, is a good example of her writi ng style . One of the stories centers on the life of an ordinary woman Carla who lives in a sma

52、ll Can adia n tow n with her husba nd Clark The story slowly forms a picture of Carla, trapped in a bad marriage, her un happ in ess build ing into desperati on un til she decides to flee . The story of Carla is a story of the power and betrayals of love It isword版-精品資料-about lost childre n and lost

53、 cha nces that we can all find in life There is pain ben eath the surface, like a needle in the heart .Si nee she published her first collecti on of short stories in 1968 Munro has won many th, 2021, the Nobel awards, with the Nobel Prize being her biggest honor. On Oct 10牐穩(wěn)?潣浭瑩整?慮敭?畍牮?桴履慭瑳牥漠?桴?潣瑮浥潰

54、慲祲猠潨瑲猠潴祲.51 . We lear n from Paragraph 1that Alice Munro . A . did n't get on well with the mediaB . was surprised at wi nning the Nobel PrizeC . did n't value the title of Wome n of the YearD . rema ined modest though very successful52 . Many of Alice Mun ro's works . A. center on the h

55、appy life of country womenB. are about betrayals of love and violeneeC. focus on everyday life of ordinary peopleD. are romantic stories setting in her hometown53. What makes Alice Mun ro's stories fasc in at ing accord ing to the tex?A. The complicated plots.B. Her rich imagination.C. The humor

56、ous IanguageD. Her writing techniques.54. In her represe ntative work Run away Carla .A. tries to run away from her husbandB. is a faithful wife to her husbandC. leads a happy life with ClarkD. loses all hopes for a better life55. What is the text mainly about ?.A. Alice Munro and her hometown.B. Al

57、ice Munro and her writing style.word版-精品資料-C. Alice Munro's representative works.D. The awards Alice Munro won.第三局部:寫作 第一節(jié):閱讀表達 閱讀短文,按照題目要求用英語答復(fù)以下問題.56. 10 分 Science has a lot of uses It can uncover laws of nature, cure diseases make bombs, and help bridges to sta nd up. In deed scie nee is so g

58、ood at what it does that there's always a temptatio n 誘惑 to drag it into problems where it may not be helpful. David Brooks author of The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love Character, and Achievement, appears to be the latest in a long line of writers who have failed to resist the temptati on.Brooks gained fame for several books His latest book The Social Ani


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