



1、 12 彈 道 學(xué) 報(bào)第10卷 參 考 文 獻(xiàn) 1 B ronn i m ann E. I m p rovem en t of ballistic p erfo rm ance w ith su rfaced coated doub le2base p rop ellan t. T he 8th In 2 ternational Sym po sium on Ballistics, 1985 2 M ann C. D evelopm en t of a deterred p rop ellan t fo r a large caliber w eapon system. AD P000451

2、3 M o rrison W F. T rend s in gun p rop u lsion fo r tractical arm y app lication. P roceed ing of the 13th In ternational Bal2 listics Sym po sium , 1992; 3 4 羅運(yùn)軍1低溫感鈍感火藥的理論與實(shí)驗(yàn)研究1南京理工大學(xué)博士學(xué)位論文, 1994 THE COM BUST I O N AND BALL IST IC PRO PERT IES O F ENERGY - INCREASED D ETERRED -COATED PRO PELLANT

3、L uo Yun jun ( Schoo l of Chem ical Eng ineering and M aterials Science, BU ST , Beijing, 100081 Yu Yonggang ( Pow er Eng. Co llege, NU ST , N an jing, 210094 Abstract In th is p ap er, the h igh 2n it rogen sing le 2ba sed p rop ellan t (HN S2 B P energy w a s increa sed by ab so rb ing n it rog ly

4、cerin and coa ted a t first, then, the com bu st ion and ba llist ic p rop ert ies of th is energy 2increa sed coa t2 ed p rop ellan t ( E ICP w ere stud ied. T he resu lt s show ed tha t the fo rce of p rop ellan t w a s increa sed by 5. 4% , the bu rn ing ra te coefficien t w a s de2 crea sed, and

5、 the p ressu re index of bu rn ing ra te w a s increa sed w hen the HN SB P ab so rbed n it rog lycerin by 14. 2% , and the bu rn ing ra te coefficien t and p ressu re index of bu rn ing ra te of the E ICP w ere a ll decrea sed. T he bu rn ing ra te coefficien t and p ressu re index of bu rn ing ra

6、te of the E ICP w ere a lso decrea sed after ag ing. T he ba llist ic exp eri m en ta l resu lt s p roved tha t the E ICP cou ld i m p rove the m uzzle velocity, reduce the ba llist ics tem 2 p era tu re coefficien t and cu t dow n the p robab le erro r of the m uzzle veloci2 ty. Key wordsh igh n it rogen sin


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