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1、A good han dwriti ng will surely con tribute to a higher mark.Unit 1 句型 1: Undoubtedly, people pay/attach more and more attention tohealth.There is little doubt that the development of economy in the USA has slowed sharply.句型 2 : I think it good manners to say hello to your teachers whenever you mee

2、t them.The development of scienee has made it quite convenient for us to get in touch with others.句型 3 : It is worth remembering that compared with many countries, the UKis an expe nsive place to live.It is worth rememberi ng that team spirit is a difficult thing to replace whe nit is lost.段落 1 Some

3、 people un doubtedly con sider it troublesome to recycle their rubbish, as it takes a good deal of time, but it is worth rememberi ng that it can make a great con tributi on towards solvi ng the en vir onmen tal problemswe face today.Persist to succeed !There is no denying that wome n are playi ng a

4、n importa nt role in the worldThere is no denying that successful bus in ess lies in a healthy body and mind. 句型 5 : Si nee we are trapped here, why don ' t we make the most of it andenjoy the city? Since life is short, why don' t we make the best of our time?句型 6 : It is high time that we p

5、ut an end to the trend.It is high time that we should urge an immediate end to this deplorablephe nomenon.句型 7 : Only in this way can you make progress in English.Only by press ing this butt on can you switch it on.段落二: Si nee there is no denying that we are all aware of the problem, whyshould n t w

6、e act to solve it? Its high time the gover nment bega n to take the matter seriously. On ly by in troduc ing measures aimed at the reform of the education system can we make sure that students from across the countrycan enjoy equal opportunities.Unit 3 句型 8 : Sitting up late last night, Tom finished

7、 not only the assignmentbut also man ypoems by his favourite poet.Not only did I hear the car, but also I saw it crash.句型 9 : Keep in mi nd that n either success nor failure is ever fin al.Such people do not have a strong sense of family. Nor do they rememberimporta nt dates.段落 3 : Not only was it a

8、 cold and wet day, but I also felt extremely tired.I had remembered to bring n either my coat nor my umbrella, and soon, I was shiveri ng with the coldUnit 4 句型 10: It is the first time in Olympic history that five mascots havebee n chose n.If the two marry, it will be the first time in history that

9、 a future ki ng has married a com moner who is not an aristocrat.句型 11: She was reading quietly when she heard a knock on the door.We were hav ing a class whe n a bird flew into our classroom.如果你的書寫規(guī)范美觀,那么你的作文就可多得3-5分/篇句型 12 : It seems normal for the professional workers these days to prefer to live

10、 in the coun tryside.It is rude of you to speak to your pare nts like that.句型 13 : His English is so limited that he couldn ' tunderstand what the nativespeakers said.He is so devoted to his stude nts that he ofte n fell ill from overwork ing.It was such warm weather that we went swimmi ng.Tenni

11、s is such a popular sport that people all over the world play it.段落四:It was the first time that I had bee n in the city alon e. I was walk inghappily along the streetwhen I saw an old man with no arms lying on the ground. It appeared not only that he was very cold, but very hungry as well. So sorry

12、did I feel that I gave him the money with which I had inten ded to go shopp ing.句型 14 : Along the bank of Huangpu River, there stands the famous OrientalPearl TV Tower.There seems to be much hope of our team beati ng theirs.句型 15 : Not until we watched the Earth Day program on TV did we know more ab

13、out global warm in g./ We did not know more about global warm ing un til we watched the Earth Day program./ It was not un til we watched the Earth Day programme on TV that we knew more about global warmi ng.Not un til he failed in the exam did he realize that he had wasted too much time play ing com

14、puter games.He did n ' t realize that he had wasted too much time play ing computer games un til in the exam.It was not until he failed in the exam that he realized he had wasted too much playi ng computer games.段落五: There stands a mysterious old building on a hill near my home, and one day I de

15、cided to find out what was in side. It was not un til I approached the house that I bega n to regret my decisi on, feari ng what might lie withi n. 句型 16 I was about to leave whe n the teleph one rang.I was about to get un dressed whe n there was a knock on the door.句型 17 It was that he was chose n

16、that made us very happy.句型 18 He does look tired.She did at least write to say tha nk you.句型 19 The compa ny pla ns to inv est 5 millio n yua n in a new pla nt with an annual product ion capacity of 3 un its.The old man sat on the chair with a pipe in his mouth.段落六 At that time, I was about to give

17、up when I remembered the words of en courageme nt my father had said to me many years before. It was the n that I realized that only through persevera nee could the problem be solved.With new determ in ati on fill-i ng my heart, I ope ned my book and bega nstudying.句型 19 : Either you must improve yo

18、ur work, or I shall dismiss you.You will either behave yourself, or youll n ever go out future with me aga in.句型 20 : The higher up you go, the more you can see.The more books we read, the more lear ned we become.段落七: Many people oppose the pla n, argu ing either that it is too expe nsive or that it

19、 would not be effective. However, the more determ ined we are to solve the problem, the brighter our future will be.Unit 8 句型 21:lt appears that there has been a change in the plan.It seems to me that you dont have much choice.Unit 9 句型 22: Tom is very good at scienee while his brother is absolutely

20、hopeless.The south of the country grows richer, while the n orth grows poorer. 段落八:It seems short-sighted of thegover nment to place so much emphasis on the developme nt of the economy while n eglect ing of the citize ns whom itis its duty to protect.Unit 9 句型 23: To my complete shock, I was always

21、one of the last to beasked in the party. Capta in Cook was the first to map the east coast.段落九:In the en d, I was the last to finish the race, but my friends still con gratulated me, say ing that it was not winning that was importa nt, buttaking apart. Not un til that day did I un dersta nd the mean

22、ing of sport.句型 24 I don ' t want to go to the con cert this weeke nd. For one thing, Ihave no mon ey; and for ano ther I am too busy.They all like her, for one thi ng, she teaches well; for ano ther, she iskind-hearted.句型 25: It is reported that more and more teenagers are trying cigarettes.It

23、is hoped that every stude nt in our country will read such a good book. 段落十:In the en d, I was the last to finish the race, but my friends still con gratulated me, say ing that it was not winning that was importa nt, but taking apart. Not un til that day did I un dersta nd the meaning of sport.Unit

24、11 句型 26 For me, age is irrelevant when it comes to music.What do you think of livi ng in a U.S. city whe n it comes to safety/security?句型 27 It goes without saying that the education to the youth isIt is n eedless to say this is excit ing n ews in deed句型 28 As far as I am concerned, I objected to b

25、eing treated like a child.On a pers on al level, no thi ng beats the exciteme nt of the catch.句型 29 He did n ' t join the n avy .In stead, he decided to become an actor.The price is reas on able and, moreover, the locatio n is perfect.段落 : When it comes to measures aimed at solving the problem,

26、many handsmake light work. You may thi nk that the con tributi on you can make is small,but it goes without saying that, if many people take action together, the effect will be great. On a pers on al level, I feel that , while at home, there are many ways to cut our en ergy use, such as by rememberi

27、 ng to close win dows, and by turni ng off lights whe n we leave a room. Moreover, on ly after carefulconsideration should we set out in our cars, as many shorter journeys can easily be made on foot.Unit 12 句型 30:Hiki ng is n ot o nly fun but also a good sport.Hiking is not only fun but also a good

28、sport.Not only do the nu rses want a pay in crease, they want reduced hours as well.句型 31: To tell the truth, I wish I hadn' t done that.To tell the truth, I was just thi nking of that.句型 32: Have a good match,but most importantly, have a great time.To my joy, I worked out the difficult maths pr

29、oblem by myself.To his disappo in tme nt , the book was out of print.段落十二:不但問題很難,而且我也很累,所以我面臨著真正的挑戰(zhàn)。實話說,但 我盯著練習的時候,我充滿了悲觀情緒。但更重要的是,我決心要解決這個問題。 讓我非常高興的是,很快,我就非常自信地在空白處寫上我的最終答案。Not only was the problem difficult, but I was also tired, so I was facinga real challe nge. To tell you the truth, as I stare

30、d at the exercise paper, Iwas filled with pessimism. More importantly,though, I was determined to solve it, and to my delight, I was soon writ ing the final an swer con fide ntly in thespace provided.句型 34: 1. As we all know, children think differently from their parents onLots of issues.2. It is we

31、ll-k nown that can cer is at least partly caused by over smok ing.句型 35 : 1. As a student, you should know how to put your time to good use.2. As a youn gster in Beiji ng, you should lear n En glish well n ot on ly to master a Ian guage to com muni cate with the world, but also to serve the Beiji ng

32、Olympics, and to help speed up the intern ati on alizati on of Beiji ng.句型 36 : 1. Obviously he is interested in music as well as (in) painting.2. It is clear that stress has much to do with the life in a competitive society.It is well known that patienee is of the greatest importanee, but as a stud

33、ent, faced with so much pressure every day, it is sometimes difficult to put this kno wledge into practice.眾所周知,耐性是最重要的。但作為一個學生,每天面對著如此大的壓力,有時很 難把這付諸于實際。It is well known that patienee is of the greatest importanee, but as a student,faced with so much pressure every day, it is sometimes difficult to

34、put thiskno wledge into practice.句型 37 1. One of the thieves jumped from /off the building, killing himself.The other was arrested by police.2. some say start ing their own bus in ess ope ns up and excit ing new path.2. talk ing of his disappo inting son, the old father flew into rage.3. con sideri

35、ng the difficult circumsta nces, I thi nk what he did is admirable/ he con ducted himsrlf admirably.4. con sideri ng that it is han dmade, the price seems reas on able.句型 39 : 1. on the one hand, you shouldn ' tbe shy; on the other hand, you mustn ' t forget your manners.2. The n etwork is l

36、ike a double-edged sword, which activates the tee nagers on the one hand, and puzzles the on the other hand.句型 40 : 1.frankly speaking, I am not so interested in sports as most boysare.2. roughly speaking, three fourths of the earthsuace is covered with water.一些人認為有需要放棄使用汽車,另一些人則很不情愿失去汽車給他們帶來的方 便。考慮

37、到我并不是汽車用戶,我持有前面的意見就很正常了。盡管一方面汽車似 乎節(jié)約了我們的時間,但另一方面,坦白說,事實經(jīng)常不是這樣的。首先,現(xiàn)在路 面上常見的車龍意味著,短途的行程步行會更方便。Some people are for the opinion that it is n ecessary to give up using our car;others are reluctant to lose the convenience which they bring. Considering thatI am not a car user, it is n atural that I should

38、 hold the former point to view.Although , on the one hand, cars may seem to saye us time, on the other hand, fran kly, this is ofte n not the case. For a start, the quests that are com mon place on today ' road mean that short journeys are often moreconvenien tly made on foot.句型 41 On on account

39、 am I to ignore the value of knowledge, but I absolutely disagree with the way of qcquiri ng merely by rememberi ng facts.By no means am I to satisfy every one, but I am just tryi ng my best.句型 42 It occurred suddenly to her that she was not without hope. She should try aga in .It occurred to me tha

40、t she expected a resp onse.句型 43 Success lies in hard work. So it is with the lear ning of En glish.So it is with opport uni ty. Uni ess we are vigila nt, it is easy to throw anopport unity away句型 44 The old assume that they know best, but it is only a matter ofexperie nee.It is just a matter of red

41、irect ing his en ergy and atte nti on.句型 45 It is not use crying over spilt milk.It is no good trying to solve the issue betwee n n ati ons by war.段落 15 When faced with a setback, on no account should we give up. The famousEnglish saying,“t is no use crying over spilt milk, ” occurred to me. S it is

42、 with the many obstacles that we face daily in our study. Success is merely a matter of en suri ng that you have the patie nee, and the cal mn ess to take the time fand trouble to overcome whatever obstacles we encounter. It would be a pity if we wasted our time feeli ng sorry for ourselves whe n al

43、l around us are people strggli ng to make progress and, succeedi ng.句型 46 There is no sense in worry ing about the past.There is no point in arguing with him句型 47 Having recognized the problem, it follows that we must develop a planof acti on.People get sick because of air polluti on. It followstht

44、we must do someth ingabout it.句型 48 Every one will all atte nd the cerem ony; teachers are no excepti on.All the places of in terest have bee n visited, the Scie nee Museum in eluded.句型 49 It was not long before he sen sed the dan ger of the positi on.It was three days before he came back.It will be

45、 half a year bdfore you graduate from this school.句型 50 It is stange that the car should break down today in exactly the samewhere it broke dow n yesterday.It is a pity that a man of your ability shall remai n unknown to the world.句型 51 What a n amaz ing world it would be if we were known as people

46、who have a smile and a ki nd word for every one.How terible it would be if there were no electricity!段落 16 There is no sense in pursu ing econo mic developme nt without paus ing to con sideri ng the con sique nces for the en vir onmen t. It follows athat every country should make laws to en sure the

47、 protecti on of its citize n, and Chi na is no excepti on. Otherwise, it will not be long before gree n forests and clear rivers exist only in our memories, and in the history books of our children, along with other half-forgotte n impressi ons of the past. Needless to say, it wouldbe a pity it this

48、 were to be the case句型 52 While you are driv ing, you can 'be careful eno ugh/too careful.The developmet of society has made it necessary for us to have a good knowledge of En glish, so we can 'overemphasize the importa nee of En glish.句型 53 Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle?He

49、 is such a fool as to thi nk that he is somebody and can in flue nee others.句型 54 It is/has been two years since I was admitted to this key middle school.It is 3 years since he smoked.句型 55 I did a lot in the last year and it paid off. That' why my n ame ison the top of the list.En glish is the

50、only chioce of a foreig n Ian guage suject in many middle schools and that ' why China has become the country with the largest number ofEn glish lear ner.句型 56 No sooner had he got off the train than his daughter ran toward him.Hardly had he got off the train whe n his daughter ran toward him.No sooner had we arrived tha n she started crying to go home.Hardly had we arrived whe n she started cryng to go home.句型 57 The n came the hour we had bee n look ing forward to.Then came a new developme nt that had far-reach ing effects.句型 58 There is no n eed to waste so much time on rem


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