



1、What is LPA?Modeling Laser Wakefield ParticleAccelerators withVORPALAn inten se, short laser pulse propagating through a plasma can lead to the separation of electrons and ions capable of producing accelerati ng electric fields of hundreds of GV/m. This field stre ngth is thousa nds of times greater

2、 tha n those produced by radio freque ncy accelerators, which makes them attractive as compact nextgeneration sources of energetic electr ons and radiatio n. VORPAL iscapable of simulating laser plasma accelerators (LPA) using several differe nt models; fluid, en velope and full particle-i n-cell (P

3、IC).Nun i hej ui pniLcsMirsiLrJL了二 d EfxUMlp-蘭 dr_PHzll/Full PIC models take advantage of VORPAL scalingThe full PIC model of laser-plasma interaction in cludes the most physics of any of the models available in VORPAL. Because these models are the highest fidelity, they are also the most computati

4、on ally inten sive.By exploit ing theability of VORPAL to scale to tens of thousa nds of processors, one can still perform even the most challe nging LPA simulati ons.Full PIC modeli ng resolves the laser wavele ngth.Due to the fine resolution, the acceleration of the particles can be followed until

5、 full laser energydepletion. Any waves that can result from the interaction of the laser with the plasma are alsoresolved which is vital to see if their effect is importa nt.Ejcpltdl:Enwkpr EuMcinfr HR忖哉king LRrj i m IEnvelopeThe env elope model of LPA is a reduced model that allows particle trapp i

6、ng and accelerati on, but does not require resolving the laser wavelength. This model averages over the fast laser oscillati ons, n eed ing only to resolve the Ion ger plasma wavelength. Speedup times for simulati ons can be several orders of magn itude with higher gain at low den sity where the pla

7、sma wavele ngth is much Ion ger tha n the typical laser wavelength. The envelope model uses the particle-in-cell method to follow particle motion, which enables the user to resolve self-particle trapping and self-consistent acceleration by the wakefield.FluidA further simplification is that VORPAL c

8、an model the electron plasma in an LPA as a cold relativistic fluid. This approach is physically correct, because the electrons in LPA experiments typically have temperatures of 10 eV or less and there is no sig nifica nt heat ing duri ng in teract ion with the ultrashort laser pulse that is require

9、d to drive a strong plasma wakefield. The primary ben efit of using a fluid model is the complete elimination of particle-driven numerical noise and, hence, of any artificial kinetic effects which can sometimes occur with PIC. The cold, relativistic fluid model in VORPAL has been shown to converge quadratically with corresponding PIC simulations in 2D and 3D, and to scale well to thousa nds of cores for large problem size. This algorithm is uniq uely powerful in that it can correctly model den sity gradie nts and vacuum in te


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