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1、Unit 1Directions: Guess the meaning of the underlined words and expressions in the following sentences.1. Students have got into the spirit, waging competitions to boost recycling and slash(減少、削減、降低) energy use in dorms. A. reduce(減少、削減、降低)B. increase(增長)C. decrease(變小、減少)D. promote(增進、促進、提升)2. They

2、 cut discarded(拋棄) books from bindings so the paper could be recycled.A. misplaced(暫時丟失、放錯位置)B. abandoned(拋棄)C. disordered(混亂)D. damaged(損害、損毀)3. Green buildings are also cropping up (突然出現(xiàn))on campuses, from Duke with its green-roofed “Smart Home” to the new University of California, Merced.A. puttin

3、g up(提供、建造)B. going up(上升、向上)C. coming up(走進、發(fā)生、開始)D. holding up(舉起、阻擋、攔截)4. Yet even when the basic science of climate change has been accepted by almost all scientists, many others still seem to think that it is unfounded(沒有事實根據(jù)).A. uninterested(不感興趣的、不關(guān)心的)B. unheard(沒人傾聽的)C. unidentified(未被識別的、身份

4、不明的)D. unsupported(無贊助的、未經(jīng)證實的、無支持的、)5. This is precisely why my Rainforests Project has expended so much effort during these last two years to help facilitate a consensus(共識、共同意見、一致看法) on increasing international cooperation to cut deforestation.A. agreement()B. movement(運動、動作、活動、變化、轉(zhuǎn)變、發(fā)展)C. change(

5、改變、變化)D. dialogue(對話、對白、討論)6. If in the future it becomes clear that the worlds big polluters knew but did little or nothing about these problems, a whole new generation of resentment(憤恨、不滿、憎惡) might be born.A. anger(憤怒、怒火、怒氣)B. miracle(奇跡)C. trouble(麻煩)D. innovation(革新、創(chuàng)新、新觀念、新方法)7. The presidentia

6、l candidates all tout(贊揚、夸獎) green-collar jobs like McAnallys as part of their plans to combat climate change.A. criticize()B. welcomeC. praise(贊揚)D. include()8. “ I cant say for sure what kind of steak it is,” the waitress solemnly (莊嚴的、嚴肅地)answered, “but I can assure you it was raised in a stress-

7、free environment.”A. jokingly(開玩笑地、打趣地)B. seriously(嚴肅地)C. happilyD. loudly9. Several studies have set out how climate change will threaten economic development, especially in the most vulnerable(易受傷的) and poorest countries.A. easily hurtB. poorly armedC. densely populatedD. highly centralized10. By

8、 using innovative, long-term investment instruments, perhaps facilitated by the multilateral development banks, we could restore vast areas of already degraded(使惡化) land to increase food output.A. cultivated(有素養(yǎng)的)B. fertile(富饒的、肥沃的)C. poor()D. worsened(惡化)Answer Key1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A6. A 7. C

9、8. B 9. A 10. DUnit 2Directions: Guess the meaning of the underlined words and expressions in the following sentences.1. The lawyer is an energetic, assertive(斷言的、肯定的) and tricky man, always ready to find out a lot of beneficial evidence, argue with his counter-lawyers, and set a trap to win the cas

10、e for his party. A. bossy(霸道的,專橫的)B. judgmental(審判,裁判,判決。.鑒定,評價,判斷。.判斷力,見識;精明。5.意見,看法;批評,指責。公平、正義)C. sensitive有感覺的。.敏感的,感覺靈敏的;敏銳的,易受傷的。(神經(jīng))過敏的,神經(jīng)質(zhì)的。D. confident2. That nice young man is an introvert(使內(nèi)翻,使向內(nèi)彎。(思想)內(nèi)向,使內(nèi)省。) man with a wife who is bossy, talkative and self-will, but sociable with his fr

11、iends.A. confidentB. terribleC. withdraw.(1.縮回(手等)。2.抽回,收回,領(lǐng)回,使退出。3.回收(通貨等);提取(存款)。4.撤退(軍隊等)。)D. honest3. Articulate speech is very important for a teacher, for the most important and essential weapon and treasure for a teacher is the voice, with the suitable volume, various tuners and enough stress

12、.A. OrganizedB. MeaningfulC. SoftD. Clear4. As a good employer, I need to have a good attitude towards my job, do the best possible in my position, and finally yet importantly restrain myself from discoursing(1.演說,講道,說教。2.講稿;論說,論文。3.會話,談話4.敘述法。5.推理能力。) my companys secrets.A. gossipingB. refraining(1

13、.抑制,自制,忍住。2.戒除3.避免;避開。)C. bearingD. exposing(1.使暴露,使曝露)5. The businessperson is person of the highest integrity(1.誠實,正直), who is loyal to his customers, tough to any illegal and evil trade, fair to handle any business, and will try his best to protect the justice, transparency and freedom of the tra

14、de.A. independenceB. prudence(1.小心,謹慎。2.精明。3.節(jié)儉)C. specialty(1.特性,特質(zhì)。2.專門,專門研究,專業(yè);專長。)D. faithfulness6. As an innovative leader, one has to own the accountability to improve himself and his staffs ability to adapt to the new and ever-changing market.A. dutyB. regulationC. freedomD. chance7. They hav

15、e little incentive to go out and make loans to job-creating businesses that might have a higher yield but entail(需要、使必要) significant risk and effort.A. involve(包含、涉及、影響、需要)B. delay(延誤、耽擱)C. avoidD. compete8. If you receive notice that you are facing a discrimination complaint, your first inclination

16、(意向、傾向、愛好) may be to react instantaneously to make the problem go away.A. tendency(趨勢、傾向)B. interestC. aimD. problem9. When nature delivers a major disaster with extended power failures and destruction, neighborhood areas can become isolated and inaccessible to first responders and local authorities

17、.A. unnecessaryB. invisible(看不見的、無形的、無意識的)C. impractical(不切實際的、不現(xiàn)實的)D. inapproachable10. Inflation is the most often cited flaw (瑕疵、缺點)in discussion about Indias economy, but the central bank there knows how to raise rates without sending investors running for cover.A. shortcomingB. exampleC. impres

18、sionD. pointAnswer Key1. D 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. D6. A 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. AUnit 3Directions: Guess the meaning of the underlined words and expressions in the following sentences.1. You need to recognize that 21st century education is the bedrock (基石)of competitiveness - the engine, not simply an input,

19、of the economy.A. principleB. beginningC. initiative(主動性、主動權(quán))D. foundation2. Jon skills can also be called transferable skills, since they are the type of aptitudes (資質(zhì))you acquire through work experience.A. attitudesB. competencies(資格、能力)C. talentsD. knowledge3. Our age demands workers to be able t

20、o synthesize (綜合、合成)different types of information creatively.A. categorize(把什么分類)B. differentiateC. integrate(使一體化)D. collects(收集)4. To survive in this ever-flattening world, individuals must diversify their skills so that they remain viable (1.能養(yǎng)活的,能成活的;能生存的;有生活力的;能生長的2.可行的)competitors across many

21、 different careers.A. credibleB. sustainable(可支撐的,可持續(xù)的。)C. practicalD. feasible5. Economists believe jobs that require higher-order thinking, judgment, and communication skills are relatively immune(有免疫力的,不受影響的) to the competitive job market.A. unprotectedB. weakC. responsibleD. unsusceptible(不敏感的)6

22、. Proficiency in reading, writing, and arithmetic has traditionally been the entry-level threshold (1.門檻;入口,門口。)to the job market, but the new workplace requires more from its employees.A. startB. endC. holdD. grasp7. Those growing up in the world of today - and tomorrow - need preparation to tackle

23、 the range of pervasive(擴大的;普及的,遍布的;貫徹的,滲透的;彌漫的。) problems such as human conflict, climate change.A. expandedB. permissive(1.許可的,準許的;寬容的。2.自由的;隨意的。3.縱容的。)C. universalD. persuasive(1.有說服本領(lǐng)的,嘴巧的。)8. Today, the vast majority of teaching around the world is still geared to preparing young people for liv

24、es in the 20th centuries.A. regulatedB. drivenC. affectedD. reformed9. Global education is thought to encompass (1.圍繞,包圍。2.包含3.完成,貫徹。)education for human rights, sustainability, peace and conflict prevention, interculturality, and citizenship.A. circle(圓圈)B. enclose(1.包圍、圍繞,包、裝)C. embody(1.使具體化,體現(xiàn);使

25、形象化。2.使(精神等)肉體化3.歸并4.包含,收錄;軍組編。)D. surround10. Narrow job skills that most employees learn today will be obsolete(.陳舊的,已過時的。) within three to five years.A. up-to-date(現(xiàn)代化)B. absoluteC. currentD. outdatedAnswer Key1. D 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. D6. A 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. DUnit 4Directions: Guess the meaning of

26、 the underlined words and expressions in the following sentences.1. During Shakespears time, people used to take pet animals as family members, so those who advocated ban of animal cruelty would be called insane.(1.精神錯亂的,精神病的;瘋狂的。)A. innocentB. crazyC. intelligentD. dangerous2. Animal rights had bee

27、n a wild notion,(1.意見,見解,想法,看法,觀點;學說 (theory); 打算,意圖,意向,意志。) which was laughed at by the public.A. ideaB. noticeC. assumptionD. suggestion3. Thanks to his support, otherwise, it would be impossible that I could withstand(抵擋;擋住,頂住;反抗;反對;經(jīng)得起,耐得住。) the pressure from the authority.A. uphold(1.抬高,舉起。2.支持

28、,支援;鼓勵。3.贊同,擁護;【法律】確認,批準(判決等)。)B. adoptC. enforce(1.推行,厲行,實施(法律等)。2.強迫,強制,強派。3.堅持(要求、主張等)。)D. bear4. This book is inspiring, reminding readers how much people have accepted the philosophy of humanism.A. provoking(氣人的,叫人冒火的,難熬的,叫人焦躁的)B. involving(1.包纏,卷纏。2.拖累,連累,使陷入,使卷入(漩渦)。3.包圍,圍住,籠罩 (in; with)。4.包括

29、,涉及,引起,包含;含有的意義。)C. stimulating(激勵,刺激,使興奮,鼓勵。)D. interesting5. If wed all work together, I think we could accomplish our goal.A. achieveB. obtain(得到,獲得,買到;達到(目的))C. becomeD. cherish(1.撫育。2.愛護3.懷有,抱有(希望等)。)6. Politeness and truth are often mutually incompatible.(1.不相容的,難兩立的,矛盾的 (with) 3.不能配合的 )A. inc

30、onsistent(1.不一致的,不調(diào)和的 (with)。2.前后矛盾的,不合邏輯的。3.反復(fù)無常的)B. inappropriate(不適當?shù)模幌嘁说模〤. improperD. incomprehensive7. The warning signs of the disease are so subtle that they are often ignored.A. gentleB. mysteriousC. thinD. unnoticeable8. With the passage of the Animal Rights Act, we realized that the resc

31、ued dogs, cats, rabbits and horses who live with so many of us today ultimately owe their survival to it.A. graduallyB. immediatelyC. finallyD. afterwardsAnswer Key1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C5. A 6. A 7. D 8. C漢 譯 英Unit 1Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.1. 政府與環(huán)境組織、公司一起努力減少氣候變化,開發(fā)新能

32、源。(in conjunction with)2. 科學家們將不得不想出新辦法來增加世界的糧食供應(yīng)。(come up with)3. 總統(tǒng)候選人都對“綠領(lǐng)”工作充滿了熱情并把它看成是他們抗擊氣候變化計劃的一部分。(feel passionate about)4. 考慮到這一點,我們將有可能使熱帶雨林國家實施可持續(xù)發(fā)展策略。(with this in mind)5. 無論我們喜歡不喜歡,我們都在與將威脅經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的氣候變化作斗爭。(whether we like it or not)Answer Key1. The government is working in conjunction with

33、 environmental groups and companies to reduce climate change and develop new energy sources.2. Scientists will have to come up with new methods to raise the worlds food supply.3. The presidential candidates are all passionate about green-collar jobs and regard it as part of their plans to combat cli

34、mate change.4. With this in mind, we could make it possible for rainforest nations to implement strategies for sustainable development.5. We are at war, whether we like it or not, with climate change which will threaten economic development. Unit 2Directions: Translate the following sentences into E

35、nglish.1. 這次金融危機的起因仍未弄清。(remain hidden)2. 很多企業(yè)還沒有意識到處理好企業(yè)文化與品牌文化的關(guān)系對企業(yè)的生存和發(fā)展至關(guān)重要。(be not aware that)3. 沒有認識到激勵是最重要的因素,企業(yè)很難更好地激發(fā)員工崇高的使命感和奮力工作的干勁。(Failure to recognize)4. 消費者的價值觀念不僅僅局限于物品價值本身,品牌的精神價值也是消費者心理滿足的重要源泉。( is not just confined to )5. 肯德基塑造了具有服務(wù)意識導(dǎo)向的強有力的企業(yè)文化。而以往的一切事實都證明其企業(yè)文化是成功的。(all the evid

36、ence shows that)6. 蘋果公司的絕對市場優(yōu)勢與其鼓勵創(chuàng)新、勇于冒險的企業(yè)文化價值觀息息相關(guān)。(be to do with)7. 這些市場營銷活動與金融、政治界的活動相似絕不是偶然的。(it is no coincidence that)Answer Key1. The cause of the economic recession still remains hidden.2. Many corporations are still not aware that dealing well with the relationship between corporate cultu

37、re and brand culture is critical to the survival and development of the corporations.3. Failure to recognize the most important factor of motivation makes it difficult for the corporation to inspire awareness of a lofty mission and enthusiasm of the employees.4. Consumers valve concept is not just c

38、onfined to the product value itself. The spiritual valve of the brand is also an important source of psychological satisfaction of consumers.5. Kentucky has established a powerful corporate culture with the awareness of service. And all the evidence shows that its corporate culture is successful.6.

39、The absolute advantage of Apple is to do with its corporate value which encourage originality and adventure.7. It is no coincidence that these marketing campaigns are similar to those in the financial and political worlds.Unit 3Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.1. 設(shè)計出培養(yǎng)學生能力的

40、課程是教育者的緊迫任務(wù)。(its an urgent call)2. 大學畢業(yè)后他總覺得現(xiàn)實和想象差距很大。(far beyond)3. 為了了解他,你必須首先設(shè)身處地替他思考。(situate oneself in)4. 我們必須讓他們具有更高的實用計算機的能力。(computer literate)5. 我們應(yīng)該做的是怎樣引導(dǎo)孩子們的好奇心去探索世界。(channel into)6. 社會、家庭、學校應(yīng)該共同努力培養(yǎng)學生的個人以及社會責任感。(cultivate)7. 對于當今大學生尤為重要的是意識到世界的變化以及應(yīng)該怎樣去適應(yīng)這些變化。(what matters)8. 我們還需拿出更多的

41、證據(jù)來證明這個結(jié)論是正確的。(bring to light)Answer Key1. Its an urgent call for the educators to design curricular to develop students competence.2. After graduation, he always feels the reality is far beyond his imagination.3. To understand him, you must first situate yourself in his situation.4. We have to make

42、 them much more computer literate.5. What we need to do is how to channel the curiosity of the children into their research to the world.6. The society,the families and the schools need to work jointly to cultivate the students sense of personal and social responsibility.7. What matters is the students nowadays need to recognize the changes of the world and identify the ways to adapt to the changes.8. We need to bring more evidence to light to justify the conclusion.Unit 4Directions: Translate the following sente


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