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1、PCR targeting system in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)Bertolt Gust, Tobias Kieser and Keith Chater, John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park, Colney, Norwich NR47UH, UK, Tel: +44 (0)1603 452751 Fax: +44 (0)1603 456844IntroductionMany bacteria are not readily transformable with linear DNA because of t

2、he presence of the intracellular recBCD exonuclease that degrades linear DNA. However, the 入 RED ( gam, bet, exo) functions promote a greatly enhan ced rate of recomb in ati on when using linear DNA. By exploiting this, Datsenko and Wanner (2000) made 40 different disruptions on the E. coli chromoso

3、me by replacing the wild-type sequences with a selectable marker generated by PCR using primers with 36 nt homology extensions.The strategy for PCR-targeting for mutagenesis of Streptomyces coelicolor is to replace a chromosomal sequence within a S. coelicolor cosmid (Redenbach et al., 1996) by a se

4、lectable marker that has been generated by PCR using primers with 39 nt homology extensions. The inclusion of oriT (RK2) in the disruption cassette allows conjugation to be used to introduce the PCR targeted cosmid DNA into S. coelicolor. Conjugation is much more efficient than transformation of pro

5、toplasts and it is readily applicable to many actinomycetes (Matsushima et al., 1994). The potent methylspecific restriction system of S. coelicolor is circumvented by passaging DNA through a methylation-deficient E. coli host such as ET12567 (MacNeilet al., 1992). Vectors containing oriT (RK2; Pans

6、egrau et al., 1994) are mobilisable in trans in E. coli by the self-transmissible pUB307 (Bennett et al., 1977, Flett et al., 1997) or the non-transmissible pUZ8002, which lacks acis-acting function for its own transfer (Kieser et al., 2000).To adapt the procedure of X RED mediated recomb in ati on

7、for Streptomyces cassettes for gene disruptions were constructed that can be selected both in E. coli and in Streptomyces(Table 1). After a single disruption with an oriT-containing cassette, further disruptions can be performed on the same cosmid using oriT-free cassettes containing alternative sel

8、ective markers. The X RED recombination plasmid pKD20(E. coli Genetic Stock Center CGSC Strain # 7637) was modified by replacing the ampicilli n resista nee genebla with the chloramphe ni col resista nee gene cat,gen erat ing plJ790, to permit selecti on in the prese nee of Supercosl-derived cosmids

9、 (ampicilli n and kan amyci n resista nee).Name of plasmidResista nce- markerResista neeConcen tratio n for E. colioriTSize of templatepIJ773Fig. 5aac(3)IV apramycin50 舊/ml LB+ 1332bppIJ778Fig. 6aadAspect ino myci n streptomyci n50 舊/ml LB50(jg/m LB+ 1425bppIJ779.aadAspect ino myci n- streptomyci n5

10、0 舊/ml LB50 舊/ml LB-105>7bppIJ780Fig.7vph viomycin30 jjg/ml DNA+ 1497bppIJ781vph viomycin30 jjg/ml DNA-16:!2bpTable 1 : Disrupti on cassettes containing differe nt resista nee markers with and without oriT: All disruption cassettes were cloned into theEccRV site of pBluescript SK II (+) allowing

11、the isolation of a EcoRI/Hi ndlll fragme nt for use as template for the PCR reacti on. The size of the cassettes in eludes the 19 bp and 20 bp primer site (see section 2:“ primer design ” ) which are identical in all disruptioncassettes. The resista nee genes with or withoutriT are flan ked by FRT s

12、ites (FLP recog niti on targets)which allows FLP-mediated excisi on of the cassette (see sect ion 7:“ FLP-mediated excisi on of thedisruption cassette ” ).2Fig. 1: Flowchart of gene disruption by PCR-targetingAmplification of the disruption cassetteTemplates for PCR amplification1384 bp1424 bpPaac14

13、96 bpin duction of 入 RED by L-arab inosetran sformati onPCR-targetingloss of temperature sen sitive 入 RED recomb in ati on plasmid pIJ790 over ni ght at 37 °CLegend:aac(3)IV : apramycin resistance gene aadAAti nomyci n/streptomycin resista nce gene bet, exo : promote recomb in ati oncat : chlor

14、amphenicolresistance geneFLP: FLP-recombinaseConjugati on withFRT : FLP recognition targetgam : inhibits the host RecBCD exonuclease V neo : kanamycin resistance geneORF: open reading frameS.coelicolororiT : origin of transfer from RK2 ts : temperature-sensitive replicon vph : viomycin resistance ge

15、neTran sformati on ofE.colicontaining FLP systemstrainE.coli ET12567 / pUZ8002 / cosmidConjugative transfer and screening for double cross-oversFLP-mediated excision ofdisruption cassettein duce FLP syn thesis and loss of temperature sen sitive FLP recomb in ati on plasmid BT340 over ni ght亠gene dis

16、rupti ons can be repeated using the same markerStreptomycesdisrupti on muta ntStreptomyces in frame deleti onn OALa rnr0 snatProtocol (see Flowchart Fig. 1)Purification of the PCR template (resistanee (- oriT) cassette)Using whole plasmids as templates for the PCR can result in a high proporti on of

17、 an tibiotic-resista nt tran sforma nts without gene disrupti on. This is caused by traces of CCC DNA that compete with the linear PCR fragment and result in the occurrenee of false positive transformants. Using gel-purified disruption cassettes as templates preve nts the occurre nee of false positi

18、ves.1. Digest 10 卩 g plasmid DNA (see Table 1) with 50 U EcoRI (Roche) and50 U HindHI (Roche) in 1 X buffer B (Roche) in a 100卩 l reaction.? A 2938 bp vector fragme nt and a fragme nt 14 bp larger tha n the size of the cassette give n in Table 1 should be gen erated.2. Run the digest on a 20 x 20 x

19、0.25 cm (100 ml) 1% TAE (1x) agarose gel at 5V/cm for 2 - 3 h in 1x TAE buffer.?Lon ger runs exhaust the buffer capacity and destroy the gel uni ess the buffer isrecycled.3. Cut out the cassette band from the gel and purify using the Qiagen gelextraction kit. The purified fragment is stored in 10 mM

20、 Tris.HCl (pH 8) at a concentration of 100 ng /卩 l at - 20° C.Absenee of plasmid DNA is tested by using 1 pl (100 ng) of purified cassette DNA to tran sform highly compete nt E. coli DH5 a cells (10 / pg). Plate on LB agar containing 100 卩 g/ml carbenicillin. If any transformants appear, repeat

21、 steps 2-4.5Desig n of long PCR primersFor each gene disrupti on, two long PCR primers (58 nt and 59 nt) are required. Each has at the 5' end 39 nt match in Stlcoelicolor seque nee adjace nt to the gene to bein activated, and a 3' seque nee (19 nt or 20 nt) match ing the right or left end of

22、 thedisruption cassette (all cassettes have the same“right ” and “l(fā)eft ” ends). Thepositioning of the 39 nt sequence as indicated in Fig. 2 is important for creating inframe deletio ns by FLP recomb in ase-i nduced excisi on of the resista nce marker (see secti on 7).? The 5 ' - 39 nt sequence o

23、f the forward primer (upstream primer; Fig. 2) must be fromthe cod ing stra nd of the gene of in terest and its 3' end must be in the correct readi ngframe with respect to the replaced gene. The 5' - 39 nt sequence of the reverse primer(dow nstream primer; Fig. 2) must be from thecompleme nt

24、ary stra nd.? To preve nt unwan ted recomb in ati on, a BlastN search is performed compari ng each39 nt seque nce with the“ real cosmid ” (seque nces at the San ger Centre Homepage in thefolder ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/S coelicolor/cosmid inserts and on the CD in the folder/S_coelicolor/cosmid in serts)

25、. The perfect match should be found but no other matches>30 bp. If necessary, the 39 nt sequence is shifted in 3 nt steps until the above criteria are met.6Fig .2: Desig ning PCR primers for mak ing an(the example illustrates a complete deletion)in-frame deletion39 nt from sense stra nd ending in

26、 ATG or GTG start cod on If seque nee with >30 matches occurs in cosmid clone, move f 3n nt to maintain frame|nnnn .ATGNNNN . TACGene to be deleted39 nt from an ti-se nse stra nd ending in Stop cod on J move 3n nt if necessaryTGA. NNNN;,ACT. nnnn59 nt upstream primerNNNN .ATG 齊 20nt * )* 20 and 1

27、9 nt sequences are identical in all cassettes ?20 nt: 5' ATT CCG GGG ATC CGT CGA CC 3' ?19 nt: 5' TGT AGG CTG GAG CTG CTT C 3'FRT Apra R ± oriTCassetteFLP recombinase (BT340)FRTIf 19nt * «ACT .NNnN58 nt dow nstream primer59 nt upstream primerNNNN . TACNNNN .ATG ZX 20nt(20bp

28、 + 19bp primi ng seque nee + 42bp FLP81 bp scarcore recomb in atio n site (see Fig.3); no in frame STOP)6PCR amplificati on of the exte nded resista nee cassetteAll PCR amplifications are performed using the Expand high fidelity PCR system accord ing to the manu facturer ' s in structi ons (Roch

29、e). React ion con diti ons:?Primers (100 pmoles/l)0.5卩 l each 50 pmoles each?Template DNA (100 ng/(J)0.5卩l(xiāng)50 ng 0.06 pmoles?Buffer (10x)5卩l(xiāng)1x?dNTPs (10 mM)1卩l(xiāng) each50 卩 M each?DMSO (100 %)2.5卩l(xiāng)5%?DNA polymerase (2.5 U/ 訕)1卩l(xiāng)2.5 Units?Water36 f丄l?Total volume 50口lCycle con diti ons:1. Den aturatio n:9

30、42. Den aturatio n:943. Primer ann eali ng: 504. Exte nsion:725. Den aturati on:946. Primer ann eali ng: 557. Exte nsion:728. Final exte nsion:72C, 2 minC, 45 secC 45 sec - 10 cyclesC, 90 secC, 45 secC 45 sec - 15 cyclesC, 90 secC, 5 min5 卩 l of the PCR product is used for analysis by gel electropho

31、resis. The expected sizesare 78 bp larger than the sizes of the disruption cassettes listed in Table (because ofthe 2 x 39 bp 5' -primer extensions). The remaining 45卩 l of the PCR product ispurified using the Qiagen PCR purification kit according to the manufacturerin structi ons. The PCR produ

32、ct is fin ally eluted from the colu mns with 12卩(200 ng/ 卩 l).sl of wa10Introduction of S. coelicolor cosmid clone intoE. coli BW25113/plJ790(入 RED recomb in atio n plasmid) by electroporati onpIJ790 contains the resista nee marker cat (chloramphe ni col resista nee) and aC for replicati on).tempera

33、ture sen sitive origi n of replicati on (requires 301. Grow E. coli BW25113/pIJ790 overnight at 30° C in 10 ml LB (Luria-Bertanimedium; Sambrook et al., 1998) containing chloramphenicol (25 pg/ml).2. Inoculate 100 p E. coli BW25113/pIJ790 from overnight culture in 10 mlSOB (Ha naha n, 1983) con

34、 tai ning 20 mM MgSO4 (add 200 卩 l of 1M stock to10 ml SOB) and chloramphenicol (25 g/ml).3. Grow for 3-4 h at 30°C shaking at 200 rpm to an OD00 of 0.4.4. Recover the cells by centrifugation at 4000 rpm for 5 min at 4° C in a SorvalGS3 rotor (or equivale nt).5. Deca nt medium and resuspe

35、nd the pellet by gen tle mixing in 10 ml ice-cold10 % glycerol.6. Centrifuge as above and resuspend pellet in 5 ml ice-cold 10 % glycerol,cen trifuge and deca nt. Resuspe nd the cell pellet in the rema ining 100 p10 % glycerol.7. Mix 50 p l cell suspension with 100 ng (1-2卩 l) of cosmid DNA. Carry o

36、utelectroporati on in a 0.2 cm ice-cold electroporati on cuvette using a BioRadGen ePulser II set to: 200 Q, 25 pF and 2,5 kV. The expected time con sta nt is4.5 - 4.9 ms.8. Immediately add 1 ml ice cold LB to shocked cells and incubate shaking for1h at 30° C.9. Spread on to LB agar containing

37、carbe ni cilli n (100pg/ml), kan amyc in(50 pg/ml) and chloramphenicol (25p g/ml).10. Incubate overnight at 30° C.11. Tra nsfer one isolated colony into 5 ml LB containing an tibiotics as in (9) above.12. Incubate overnight at 30° C. This culture will be used as a pre-culture forgen erati

38、ng compete nt cells to be tran sformed with the exte nded resista nee cassette.PCR targeting of the S. coelicolor cosmidE. coli BW25113/plJ790 containing a S. coelicolor cosmid is electro-transformed with the exte nded resista nee cassetteT he example described uses the apramyc in oriT disrupti on c

39、assette from pIJ773. Table 1 lists alter native cassettes and their resista nee determ inan ts.1. In oculate a 10 ml SOB (without MgSO4) culture con tai ning carbe nicillin (100g/ml), kanamycin (50 /ml) and chloramphenicol (25卩 g/ml) with 1% of theovernight culture of E. coli BW25113/pIJ790 and the

40、S. coelicolor cosmid.Add 100 卩 l 1M L-arabinose stock solution (final concentration is 10 mM,in duces red gen es).2. Grow for 3-4 h at 30°C shaking at 200 rpm to an OD00 of 0.4.3. Recover the cells by centrifugation at 4000 rpm for 5 min at 4° C in a SorvalGS3 rotor (or equivale nt).4. Dec

41、a nt medium and resuspe nd the pellet by gen tle mixing in 10 ml ice-cold10% glycerol.5. Centrifuge as above and resuspend pellet in 5 ml ice-cold 10 % glycerol,cen trifuge and deca nt. Resuspe nd the cell pellet in rema ining 100 pl 10 % glycerol.6. Mix 50 卩 l cell suspension with 100 ng (1-2卩 l) o

42、f PCR product. Carry outelectroporati on in a 0.2 cm ice-cold electroporati on cuvette using a BioRadGen ePulser II set to: 200 Q, 25 pF and 2,5 kV. The expected time con sta nt is4.5 - 4.9 ms.7. Immediately add 1 ml ice cold LB to shocked cells and incubated shaking 1 hat 37°C (or 30°C if

43、 further gene disruptions will be made on the same cosmid;see below).8. Spread on to LB agar containing carbe ni cilli n (100pg/ml), kan amyc in(50 pg/ml) and apramycin (50 p g/ml). If no further gene disruptions will bemade on this cosmid, incubate overnight at 37° C to promote the loss ofpIJ7

44、90. (If further disruptions are planned propagate overnight at 30° C aninclude chloramphenicol (25p g/ml) so that pIJ790 is retained).? If no colonies are obtained after 16 h growth at 37° C, repeat the experimentstarting with a 50 ml SOB culture instead of 10 ml culture for generating ele

45、ctrocompetent cells. Try to concentrate the cells as much as possible by removi ng all of the rema ining 10% glycerol. Resuspe nd the cell pellet in 50pl10% glycerol and use for electroporation.? After 12- 16 h growth at 37° C different colony-sizes are observed. Cultivatingfor longer time resu

46、lts in an increased background of small colonies, which are false positives. It is important to note that at this stage wild-type and mutant cosmids exist within one cell. The transformation with a PCR product and its integration in the cosmid DNA by homologous recombination will not occur in all co

47、pies of the cosmid molecules in one cell. One copy of a cosmid containing the incoming resistance marker is sufficient for resistance to this antibiotic. Normally, the larger the size of a colony, the more copies of mutagenised cosmids are present. Inoculating a large colony in 5 ml LB liquid cultur

48、es containing carbenicillin (100pg/ml), kanamycin (50pg/ml) and apramycin(50 p g/ml) result in a growth at 37° C to a cell densy0(OD - 0.3) within3-4 h (E. coli BW25113 without pIJ790 grows very fast). After 6 h plasmid DNA can be isolated and tested by restriction analysis and/or PCR using the

49、 primers described below.? PCR analysis with a primer pair (test primers) priming just 100 bp outside the region affected by homologous recombination will generate the expected fragment after gene disruption, but will usually also generate the wild-type fragment, caused by remaining wild-type copies

50、 within the same transformant. These will be lost during the subsequent transformation step into the methylation-deficient E. coli host ET12567 containing the non-transmissible plasmid pUZ8002 (this is not a problem anyway because wild-type copies lack the oriT).? Notes on viomycin selection: select

51、ing for viomycin R depends critically on the amount of salt in the medium; more viomycin is required at higher salt concentrations. For a clean selection of E. coli clones, use DNA agar or 2xYT agar containing 30 pg/ml viomycin (see Kieser et al., 2000).For multiple gene replacements, choose anoriT

52、-containing disruption cassette for the first knock-out, and a cassette withoutoriT and different resistance markers for further gene disruptions.13The gene disruption is confirmed by restriction analysis and/or PCR. Cosmid DNA oftransformants is isolated from a 6 h, 37C,5 ml LB culturecaornbteanini

53、cinilglin14(100 他/ml), kanamycin (50pg/ml) and apramycin (50卩 g/ml). Alkaline lysisfollowed by phenol/chloroform extraction produces cosmid DNA suitable for restriction analysis.Cosmid CCC DNA isolation1. Resuspend the cell pellet from 1 ml culture by vortexing in 100p l solution I(50 mM Tris/HCl, p

54、H 8; 10 mM EDTA).2. Immediately add 200 p l solution II (200 mM NaOH; 1% SDS) and mix by inverting the tubes 10x.3. Immediately add 150 p l solution III (3 M potassium acetate, pH 5.5) and mix by inverting the tubes 5x.4. Spin at full speed in a microcentrifuge for 5 min at room temperature.5. Immed

55、iately extract supernatant with 400p l phenol/chloroform, vortex 2 minand spin at full speed in a micro centrifuge for 5 min.6. Transfer the upper phase and add 600p l 2-propanol. Leave the tubes on icefor 10 min.7. Spin as above and wash the pellet with 200p l 70% ethanol.8. Spin as above and leave

56、 the tube open for 5 min at room temperature to drythe pellet. Resuspend the pellet in 50p l 10mM Tris/HCl (pH 8) and use 10for restriction digest.? Omitting the phenol/chloroform extraction step results in degradation of the cosmid DNA. Use of miniprep-columns without including a phenol/chloroform extraction is not recommended.#Verification of positive transformants by PCR requires an additional pair of 18test primers which anneal 100- 200 bp upstream and downstream of the 39 bprecomb in ati on regi on. (These pr


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