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1、Unit 3 Unit 3 Getti ng alo ng with others詞匯語由1. 詞匯 1 sightWhether we're walki ng to school, doing homework or just hanging out at the weeke nd, we're hardlyout of each other zs sight無論是步行去上學,做家庭作業(yè),還是只是在周末閑逛,我 們幾乎都不會脫離彼此的視線。用sight的相關短語完成句子。1?當飛機穿過云層下降時,綠色的1+1野和白色的房屋映入了眼簾。As the pla ne came do

2、w n through the clouds, gree n fields and white houses?2. 突然,我在人群中看到了我的英語老師。Sudde nl y, Imy En glish teacher in the crowd?3. 一看到李娜,在場的所有觀眾都站起來鼓掌,拯說她在墨爾本贏得了比賽。The audie nee prese nt all rose and applaudedLi Na, who was said to have won thematch in Melbourne ?4. 在火車站,那位母親和女兒揮手辭別,直到看不到火車。At the railway

3、 stati on, the mother waved goodbye to her daughter un til the train was 5. 選詞填空D The police went to theto look for details and talk with neighbors and witnesses. 目擊者 The beautifulin the mountain attracted all of us. From the top, you can get a goodof the park? The Great Wall is one of the wonderful

4、in the world2 詞匯 2 originalOur orig inal pla n was to see a film at the ci nema that after noon.那天下午,我們的原計戈 U是在電影院看電影。6?用origin的適當形式填空(D What I want to tell you is that your comments are more helpful than I thought ? My job is to think upadvertising ideas? There are a number of words in the English

5、Ianguage that wereFrench.7. Kung Pao Chicken is a dish from Sichuan cuisine, but it originates Lu cuisine inShandong Prov in ce.3? make itWhen I called her, she said she might not be able to make it to the cinema.當我給她打 時 她說她可能去不了電影院了。/8. 判斷以下句子中make it的含義。? The flight leaves in twenty minu tes- we&#

6、39;ll n ever make it. she fin ally made it to the top in the bus in ess world ? Well, lzm glad that you could make it. I didr/t want you to miss out. 翻譯:The little boy tired more than once and (最后成功 了).詞匯 4 recoverIn stead of recoveri ng at home, she was out hav ing fun with some one else ? / 也不是在家&

7、#39;t 灰復健 康,而是在外而和其他人玩得很開心。9. 語法填空(D To our joy, the boy made a quick(recover) after the operatio n. ? How long have you been going to work on foot?a heart attack?-Since last month whe n I recovered10. 一句多譯 在醫(yī)生的幫助下,她很快痊愈了She madewith the help of the doctors? Shewith the help of the doctors.詞匯 5 resp

8、ondI was so angry that I avoided her during school all day, and I still don't feel like responding to any of her何線上信息online messages我很生氣,上學期間一整天都躲著他,并且我仍然不想回復她的任711. The report found that youngsters felt their friendships could be at risk if they did not respondocial media posts quickly, and aro

9、und the clock?22. If you do not understand the question asked at a security checkpoint (平安檢查站 ),ask thepers on to repeat his questi on un til you are able to resp ondan accuratean swer.詞匯6 worthBut this friendship is worth saving: eight years is a long time!但這份友誼值得挽回:八年時間可不短13. 語法填空 Sometimes we dec

10、ide that a little unn ecessary dan ger is worthbecausewhen we weigh the risk and the reward (回扌良),the risk seems worth .(take) The car was beautiful, and I thought it was worthwhile it. But my friendJack said it was not worthy of, because it was too expe nsive.(buy) His suggesti on that we should pu

11、t up a hospital in the tow n is worthy (con sider).14. 翻譯 我們老師說這本書值得閱讀。(worth)參加這樣的活動是值得的。(worthwhile) 這個花瓶一文不值o (worth)詞匯 7 apologizePerhaps she knows she's in the wrong and wants to apologize, or maybe she has a simple expla nati onfor her behavior.也許他知道自己錯了,想逍歉,或者他對自己的行為有一個簡單的解釋。25. I apologi

12、ze for not (be) able to attend your wedding because I have to be on abus in ess trip the n.26. She apologizedthe mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on the top floor.17. This article may shock some sensitive readers, whom I offer my apologies inadvanee?詞匯 8 in any caseIn any case, find an opportuni

13、ty to have a full and frank talk with her. 無論如何,找個時機和他深入.坦誠地談談18. is often the case, teenagers are fond of popular things. Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move caseshe injured her n eck? She was caught that in casean accident she should give the injured person firstaid at once and the n send for a doctor.19. 翻譯 We can't control what happened to us 在大多數(shù)情況下, but we cancon trol how we react I wish I had taken your advice then. 假使那樣的話 'things might not be sobad.詞匯 9 definitelyI definitely understand how you feel ?我完全理解你的感受。20 ?


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