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1、兒童英語短劇示例一Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs一七個小矮人出場1 我的名字叫小遲鈍,我很慢。My name s little Dopy. Im very slow.2 我的名字叫小瞌睡蟲,我非常懶。 My names little Sleepy.3 我的名字叫小壞脾氣,我很生氣。My names little Grumpy. Im very angry.4 我的名字叫小高興,我很高興。My names little happy. Im very happy.5 我的名字叫小博士,我很聰明。 My names little Doc .Im very clever

2、.6 我的名字叫小老頭,我很老。 My names little Papa. Im very old.7 我的名字叫小噴嚏。我。我。阿。嚏 My names little Sneezy. ImAh ti, Ah ti二白雪公主出場白雪公主:我出生在一個寒冷的冬天,我的名字叫白雪公主,我很美麗而且善良。所有人都喜歡我。我的媽媽也就是皇后,也喜歡我,但是她死了,于是,一個壞的皇后來了,她很漂亮,但卻很可惡。I was born on a cold winter day. My names Snow White . Im very beautiful and kind. Everybody love

3、s me. My mum is Queen , but she died. Then a new Queen comes. She is beautiful , but bad.魔鏡:我是一個魔鏡,我敢肯定白雪公主是世界上最美麗的女孩。Im a magic mirror. Im sure that Snow White is the most beautiful girl in the world.三狠毒的王后和誠實的獵人出場王后:不,我是美麗的。魔鏡,魔鏡誰是美麗的? No. Im beautiful . Mirror,mirror.Who is beautiful?魔鏡:不是你。而是白雪公

4、主。Not you .Snow White.王后: 獵人!我要你殺了白雪公主。 Hunter . I need you to kill Snow White.獵人:是的,殿下! Yes, Madam.獵人:我是一個誠實的獵人。我要帶白雪公主去遙遠的地方,但是我不想殺她。I am an honest hunter. I take Snow White far away. But I dont want to kill her.四善良的獵人放走了白雪公主。白雪公主: 請救救我吧,請救救我吧 Help me, please,please.獵人:好吧。你現(xiàn)在可以走了。 All right . You

5、may go now , please.白雪公主:我這是在哪? 我進了一所小房子。呀!多么精致??!七張小床,我餓了。(作吃喝的動作)阿。我累了(睡覺)Where am I ?Im going into a little house. Yeah! How nice !There are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7litte chairs. Im very hungry. (Eating and drinking)Er, Im so tired. (sleeping)五七個小矮人回到家中。小矮人:哦,我的天哪?。R聲) Oh,dear!小瞌睡蟲:誰用過我的椅子? Who has used my c

6、hair?小博士:誰吃了我的面包? Who has eaten my bread?小老頭: 誰喝了我的酒? Who has drunk my beer?小遲鈍: 誰在我的床上睡覺?看,是個可愛的女孩 Who is sleeping in my bed? Look! A lovely girl!小矮人(齊說):她真漂亮,讓她睡吧! She is very beautiful. Let her sleep.6 白雪公主和七個小矮人成了知心朋友。白雪公主:嗨!早上好! Hello! Good morning.小高興:為什么你在這里,你叫什么名字 Why are you here? And whats

7、 your name?白雪公主:我是白雪公主,新皇后不喜歡我,她想殺掉我 Im Snow White. The new Queen doesnt love me. She wants to kill me.小噴嚏: 和我們在一起吧! Stay with us.小矮人:是的,是的(齊聲)Yes, Yes白雪公主:謝謝,我們是好朋友。Thanks !we are good friends(舞蹈。)七,白雪公主不僅善良,漂亮,而且非常能干,七個小矮人深深愛上了她小瞌睡蟲:你能做飯嗎? Can you cook?白雪公主:是的。 Yes , I can.小壞脾氣:你能洗衣服嗎?Can you wash

8、?白雪公主:是的。 Yes, I can.小高興:你能縫衣服嗎?Can you sew/白雪公主:是的。 Yes, I can.小矮人:好極了,非常有趣。是該工作了,讓我們走!白雪公主,你自己可要小心啊。Good. How funny! Its time to work! Lets go! Snow White, be careful!八不幸的事情發(fā)生了,白雪公主被毒死了。王后:魔鏡,魔鏡誰是最漂亮的人?Mirror, Mirror, Who is the most beautiful?魔鏡:不是你,是白雪公主(白雪公主在打掃房間)Not you . Snow White .王后:什么?我要殺

9、了她 What ? Ill kill her.王后:開始找蘋果,蘋果,蘋果,買了一些大蘋果,他們是美味的。Apples !Buy some big apples ,they are delicious!白雪公主:多少錢?How much ?王后:75元,好的 75yuan Ok! Here you are.白雪公主:我現(xiàn)在就想吃。(吃后)啊。啊。唉。我的肚子疼。(然后死了)I want to eat one. Ah-oh, I have a bad stomachache. (Then dying)王后:哈哈現(xiàn)在我是最美麗的啦 Ha!Ha! Now I am the most beautifu

10、l.小矮人:發(fā)生什么事了!醒醒!白雪公主 What happened? Wake up! Wake up!Snow White!王后:魔鏡,魔鏡,現(xiàn)在誰是最美麗的?Mirror,mirror. Now who is the most beautiful?魔鏡:你 You!王后: 哈哈哈 Ha.Ha.Ha.九王子和小矮人的真誠感動了上帝,白雪公主醒來了。小矮人:再見,可憐的白雪公主。Goodbye, poor Snow White.王子:喂,我是勇敢的王子。(路過) Im a brave Prince, hello.小矮人:嗨,請幫幫白雪公主,這邊走。Hi!Please help Snow Wh

11、ite . This way,please.王子: 她很美麗,我想娶她。She is very beautiful. I want to marry her.小博士:但是你不能,她死了。 But you cant . She was dead.王子(禱告):上帝保佑你。 God bless you !白雪公主(噴嚏):發(fā)生什么事了? What happened ? Hi小矮人(齊聲): Hi ,Snow White.十王子和白雪公主,小矮人跳集體舞。最后,所有演員謝幕!兒童英文短劇二丑小鴨劇本Play book : ugly duckling第一場:丑小鴨出世場景:夏天,綠樹,青草,白柵欄。丑

12、小鴨躲在模擬的蛋殼內(nèi),鴨媽媽在蛋殼前面做孵蛋的樣子,另外4只鴨蛋圍住鴨媽媽,趴在地上成圓弧狀。音樂:(有鳥叫,知了叫等)及舞臺布景組合出一幅恬靜、溫暖的鄉(xiāng)村夏日風光圖。畫外音:It is warm, A mother duck lies in the stook, waiting for the birth of her children.(太陽暖烘烘的,鴨媽媽臥在稻草堆里,等她的孩子們出世。)鴨媽媽:Well, my babies, come out quickly please. Im tired.(伸懶腰)哎,我的孩子們,你們怎么還不出世呀,可把媽媽累壞了! 鴨媽媽撫摸著鴨蛋,突然,一只

13、鴨蛋動了一下。小鴨1站了起來,看了一下周圍的世界說: Oh, what a beautiful world! “哦,多么美麗的世界啊!”接著,另外3只小鴨從蛋殼里逐漸在媽媽的撫摸中鉆出來,東張西望,看到媽媽后,驚喜地跑過去,喊:Hi, mum! / Hi, Mummy!媽媽!媽媽!小鴨4:(指著大蛋)Mum, whats this ? Why not crack? 咦,媽媽,這是誰?還不出來呀?鴨媽媽:Dont mention it, I spent too much time on it, but it still has no change.別提了,媽媽在他身上花的功夫最多,可他硬是不見一

14、點動靜。(突然,發(fā)出一聲特別刺耳的破裂聲,蛋裂開,丑小鴨慢慢伸伸懶腰鉆出來,大家蹲在地上抬頭仔細看著那只小鴨,先是非常驚奇,然后驚叫,4只小鴨倒地,鴨媽媽也非常失望地看著丑小鴨。)丑小鴨:Hi, friends! Nice to meet you!眾小鴨驚異、交頭接耳。小鴨2:Wow, his feather is gray, its too rube!呀!他的毛是灰灰的,太土了。小鴨3:Look! His mouth is so big that he can swallow the whole pond near our home. 瞧!她的嘴巴那么大,可吞下我們家門口的池塘了。齊聲:It

15、s just an “ugly ducking”! We dont like stay with you.(他可真是一只“丑小鴨”。 我們不想和你呆在一起)鴨媽媽:Ah! Why is she so ugly? She shouldnt come into this world!(鴨媽媽看著丑小鴨,搖頭做無可奈何狀。)小鴨4:Mum, lets play games, OK?鴨媽媽:OK小鴨(齊):Yeah!(播放的歡快音樂。小鴨們隨著音樂玩游戲,并不時發(fā)出嬉笑聲。丑小鴨也想和她們一起游戲。)小鴨2:Go away! You are too ugly!丑小鴨:Im not beautiful,

16、 but I am lonely. I want to play with you.小鴨3:You cant play with us. Go away quickly!丑小鴨:Please let me play with you.小鴨4:No, you cant. We dont want an ugly duckling to spoil our fun. .(突然,小鴨1在游戲中不小心摔倒了。)丑小鴨:I can help you do something. (丑小鴨上前去扶她。)小鴨1: I dont need your help. Go away! 小鴨2.3.4:Go away!

17、(眾小鴨把丑小鴨往外推。)畫外音:The 4 ducks are very tired and hungry. They want to eat some food.小鴨1: Mum ,Im hungry.鴨媽媽:Oh, my children , come to eat some food. (鴨媽媽做出撒米粒的樣子,小鴨們隨著鴨媽媽的動作方向搶吃食物。)小鴨2:Dont give that ugly duckling any food.( 小鴨們把媽媽給的食物全部搶過來,不讓丑小鴨吃。)鴨媽媽:Oh, dont do that . She is your sister.小鴨3:Our si

18、ster? Why is she so ugly?畫外音:The poor duckling didnt eat any food. Its dark. Her sisters want to go home.小鴨1:Oh, Im very full and tired; I want to go home to sleep.小鴨2.3.4:Me too.鴨媽媽:OK .Lets go.(鴨媽媽帶著小鴨們回家。)鴨媽媽:My children ,good night.畫外音:All the ducks kiss their mum, and they have a good sleep. Th

19、e ugly duckling stands up and tries to get close to them ,but she is afriaid. Finally, the poor ducking sleeps in a corner! (小夜曲響起)丑小鴨:Dear mum, Life is unfair to me. Im ugly . But its not my fault . Mum, Im sorry , I have to leave you. Bye mum. (媽,生活對我太不公平了,長得丑,不是我的錯??!媽媽,對不起,我要離開你了!)第二場: 丑小鴨流浪場景:秋冬

20、,黃葉,枯草。畫外音:Ugly duckling gets out of the fence, run away from his family lone. She is very thirsty and wants to drink some water. (丑小鴨鉆出籬笆,離開了家。他很渴,想喝水。)小鳥:Its very hot today . Let me drink some water.(小鳥飛到水塘邊。)小鳥:Look, a dirty thing is over there . Let me go and have a look.小鳥:Who are you?(驚訝地問)丑小鴨

21、:Im Im Im a duckling.( 低著頭,小聲說。)小鳥:Ha, ha, look at your feathers. So ugly!(小鳥拍拍自己身上的羽毛,作炫耀狀。)小鳥:Go away! Dont make the water dirty.( 小鳥推開丑小鴨,在池塘里快樂地洗羽毛,然后飛走。)(“啪啪”兩聲槍響,丑小鴨驚叫了起來,獵狗出場。)獵狗:Oh, what a dirty thing is in my way! Go away!(獵狗向丑小鴨沖過來,撞了她一下。)獵狗:Ha, ha! Good luck! A duck! My tasty food! 丑小鴨:Oh

22、, dont touch me(小鴨驚慌失措,沒命地奔跑。)音樂、布景構成幅天寒地凍的湖邊嚴冬圖。(丑小鴨在湖面上不停地劃動,最后趴在冰上凍僵了。)畫外音:Winter comes. The water becomes ice. Its really very cold. There is no one outside. Ugly duckling slips on the ice. She feels very cold and lonely. How she wishes someone could help her! At last She could not move any more

23、.丑小鴨:Oh, Im frozen. ( 暈倒在舞臺上) 農(nóng)夫:Well, poor duckling. Let me save you!(在丑小鴨身上摸了模)哎,可憐的小東西,還有救?。ㄊ白摺傍喿印保┑谌龍龀笮▲喿兲禊Z場景:春天,綠樹,花草,音樂。構成一幅湖邊春光圖。畫外音:Spring comes, the flowers are blooming. Ugly duckling fly to the lake, he sees some beautiful white swans over there. They have white feather and slender necks. Ugly ducking wants to play with them.(春天來了,花開了,丑小鴨撲撲翅膀,向湖邊飛去。看見湖面上有幾只美麗的白天鵝,雪白的羽毛,長長的脖子,美麗極了。他多想和他們一起玩?。。┏笮▲?/p>


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