



1、廣告應(yīng)用文閱讀理解題解題技巧現(xiàn)在高考英語閱讀理解的內(nèi)容更趨生活化、信息化、時代化,較多涉及廣告等實際應(yīng)用文體。應(yīng)用文是貼近日常生活的文體,包括通知、廣告、申請書等,形式多樣,題材各異,是近年來考查得比較多的一種文體。廣告應(yīng)用文語言地道,多采用簡單句,很少用句型結(jié)構(gòu)較為復(fù)雜的長、難句,因此讀起來比較容易。但是此類文章篇幅較長,信息較多,而很多是 對解題來說無用的信息。因此在解題時要注意掌握技巧。抓住廣告的標(biāo)題:我們要把廣告各部分的標(biāo)題瀏覽一遍,明白廣告的目的。如果廣告開頭有導(dǎo)語,一定要認真閱讀,因為開頭一般概括文章大意。然后再看試題,帶著試題到文章中尋找答案。這就好比我們在生活中閱讀報刊中的廣告

2、一樣,先看廣告部分的分類標(biāo)題, 然后再帶著自己的需要去尋找所需信息。然后根據(jù)問題在文中找相關(guān)線索,排除錯誤選項, 得出最佳答案?!狙菥殹縂lobal Educati on and ProgramsPrepari ng Stude nts for Global Citize nshipThrough its General Education Curriculum(課程),Kentucky State Universitytries to broaden and deepen each student ' s educational experienee by providing eac

3、h of them an in-depthexposure to con temporaryintern ati onalissues, byin stilli ng in them a sound kno wledge of and a deep appreciati on for foreig n cultures, by providing them a global outlook on problems occurring both locally and abroad, and by enhancing in tercultural com muni cati on and dev

4、elop ing mutual respect and un dersta nding.This curriculum will, through its objectives, prepare stude nts to more fullyun dersta nd and better an alyze global challe nges of the twen ty-first cen tury,prepare students for future success in careers on an internationallevel, transformKen tucky State

5、 Uni versity into a world-c on scious campus, create and promote anenvironmentwhere globalinterdependencepermeates all levels of the campuscommunity, and further diversify the international student population.ObjectivesThe Office of Global Education and Programs will support student participation in

6、study and service abroad and internationalexchange programs; support facultyand adm ini strator study, teach ing, and research abroad; intern ati on alize the campus com munity through curricular and co-curricular programs; and coord in ated delivery of intern ati onal programs and services to stude

7、 nts.ServicesPromotes KSU stude nt, faculty, and adm ini strator participati on in excha nge andstudy abroad programs as well as other internationaleducationalexperiencesthrough various academic consortia(協(xié)會).Con tact usOffice of Global Educati on & ProgramsAcademic Services Build ing, Suite 303

8、Ken tucky State Un iversityFran kfort, Ken tucky 40601Tel.: 502-597-5084; Fax: 502-597-6953E-mail:1. If you are a teacher at KSU, you.A. are forced to make friends with stude ntsB. can join in intern ati onal programs for freeC. are allowed to further your research abroadD. have to fund and man age

9、the campus clubs2. We can know from the passage that Global Educati on and Programs.A. aim to change the students ' points of viewB. train students to have a global outlookC. intend to enrich students ' social experienceD. develop students ' interest in international issues3. If you want

10、 to obtain more information about Global Education and Programs, you can get in touch with them in all of the following ways EXCEPT .A. by visiting the website B. by making phone callsC. by sending e-mails D. by writing letters4. The underlined word“Objectives ” can be replaced by “ ”.A. Qualificati

11、ons B. Experiences C. Methods D. Goals答案與解析:1. C 推理判斷題。根據(jù) Objectives 一段中的“ support faculty and administrator study, teaching, and researchabroad ”可知,國際教育項目支持教員和管理人員到國外深造,教學(xué)和研究。2. B 細節(jié)理解題。從文章的副標(biāo)題 Preparing Students for Global Citizenship 可 知,美國肯塔基州立大學(xué)的國際教育部提供的教育課程理念是“培養(yǎng)國際化的公民”。3. A 細節(jié)判斷題。 Contact us

12、部分提供了四種聯(lián)系方式:寫信,打電話,發(fā)傳真和發(fā)電子郵件。因此排除 A項(登陸網(wǎng)站)。4. D 推理判斷題。根據(jù) Objectives 一部分的敘述可知,該段主要敘述了國際教育項目 所要實現(xiàn)的目標(biāo)。故選 D 項。廣告文章的閱讀一般采取跳讀、略讀等快速閱讀法,快速瀏覽信息,搜索對比。 對 文中信息的快速處理能力是考查閱讀理解能力的重要方面。 先看問題再讀文章: 做一般的閱 讀理解題時是先看文章還是先看試題應(yīng)視個人的習(xí)慣和具體情況而定。 但是廣告文體文章比 較長, 此時我們不必記住所有信息, 可以先閱讀題目, 帶著問題閱讀, 多注意細節(jié), 如時間、 地點、人物或數(shù)據(jù)等,簡明扼要地抓住所需信息,理解

13、文章內(nèi)容。演練】Scie nee Adve ntures Day Camp 2010Science Adventurespresents four excitingweeks for scienee camps in Summer2010!Our all-new featuredprojects and activitieswill engage and excite your children.and fun.Everyweek-l ongcamp is anadve nturein lear ningChildre n willlearn about all thi ngs wild,be

14、co mingan aturalistexplorer!Childrenwillgo on a Min i-BeastSafari using their magnifyingglassesto in spectladybugs and have the opport unityto build their own microscope,bin oculars, take home a sticky ton gue and so much more!Childre n will discover the world of robots through desig ning their very

15、 ownrobot!Childrenwill explore batteries and electricity while buildingtheir veryown LED flashlight and create a spy ear using an electric amplifier.Children will decode hieroglyphics using their very own decoder wheel and then make their own name cartouche! Your child will become an archeologist, d

16、igging out a mummy from the sand using real archeologist tools, find a pyramid and even bring home real gold!Children will build their very own custom designed hydro rocket kit, build theirown space station, grow ghost crystals in a hydroponics green house and so much more! Hands on activities will

17、have children exploring the world beyond our own!Science Adventures summer day camps focus on FUN and take science education beyond the classroom in an effort to spark a child ' s interest in the world of science, through exploration and discovery.The summer program is designed to inspirecuriosi

18、ty about how the world works while instillinga love of learning about sciencethrough interactive, hands-on experiments and activities.1. The passage is mainly written for .A. school children B. primary teachers C. parents D. schoolmasters2. If you decide to go to the camp from beginning to end, it will take you at mostA. four days B. a week C. a fortnight D. nearly a month3. In which of the following projects can you probably learn to make your own robot A. Go WildB. Gizmo 's Robot FactoryC. Mystery of the Pharaoh ' s TreasureD. Space and Rocketry4. The Science Advent


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