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1、工工農(nóng)農(nóng)業(yè)業(yè)生生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)國國防防科科學學技技術(shù)術(shù)人人民民生生活活材材料料能能源源 現(xiàn)現(xiàn)代代技技術(shù)術(shù)的的三三大大支支柱柱信信息息材材料料品品種種數(shù)數(shù)量量國國家家現(xiàn)現(xiàn)代代化化程程度度標標志志之之一一質(zhì)質(zhì)量量簡簡單單 復復雜雜單單一一性性能能 綜綜合合性性能能結(jié)構(gòu)材料功能材料結(jié)構(gòu)材料功能材料單一材料復合材料單一材料復合材料(Stone Age)(Stone Age) 石器時代:石器時代: 石斧、鑿、刀、鏟、箭頭、石斧、鑿、刀、鏟、箭頭、 紡輪、缽等(西安半坡遺址)紡輪、缽等(西安半坡遺址)石斧 (Bronze Age)(Bronze Age)巨型司母戊鼎巨型司母戊鼎(河南安陽晚商遺址)(河南安陽晚商遺址

2、)青銅器時代: 青銅器時代: 湖北江陵楚墓出土越王勾踐寶劍中國古代鐵器的金相組織湖南長沙砂子塘戰(zhàn)國凹形鐵鋤ron Age(I)鐵時 器器代代長征三號運載火箭在發(fā)射架上的圖片長征三號運載火箭在發(fā)射架上的圖片寶鋼高爐寶鋼高爐氯2 23 33 34 42 2金金屬屬材材料料(M Me et ta al ll li ic c M Ma at te er ri ia al ls s) ): :鋼鋼鐵鐵、鋁鋁、銅銅、鈦鈦合合金金陶陶瓷瓷材材料料(C Ce er ra am mi ic cs s):A Al l O O 、S Si iC C、S Si i N N 、S Si iO O 、T Ti iN N或

3、或無無機機非非金金屬屬材材料料(I In no or rg ga an ni ic c M Ma at te er ri ia al ls s) )高高分分子子材材料料(H Hi ig gh h P Po ol ly ym me er rs s) ):纖纖維維、蛋蛋白白質(zhì)質(zhì)、聚聚乙乙烯烯、聚聚乙乙烯烯M Ma at te el l- -M Ma at tr ri ix x復復合合材材料料(C Co om mp po os si it te es s) ):C Co om mp po os si it te es sP Po ol ly ym me er r- -M Ma at tr ri ix

4、 x金金屬屬材材料料金金屬屬學學陶陶瓷瓷材材料料陶陶瓷瓷學學材材料料科科學學基基礎(chǔ)礎(chǔ) 突突出出材材料料共共性性教教學學高高分分子子材材料料高高分分子子物物理理從材料的產(chǎn)生到進入使用過程,直至損耗,從材料的產(chǎn)生到進入使用過程,直至損耗,四大要素存在著邏輯上的四大要素存在著邏輯上的因果順序因果順序:合成與加工合成與加工結(jié)構(gòu)與成分結(jié)構(gòu)與成分材料性質(zhì)材料性質(zhì)使用性能使用性能產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生生具具備備提提供供材料制備材料制備材料加工材料加工表面工程表面工程材料復合材料復合全過程全過程材料的設計合成與加工支持與維護廢棄與回收 材料的優(yōu)化設計材料的優(yōu)化設計 -全過程、全因素全過程、全因素全因素全因素性能指標加工性失效

5、分析成本指標環(huán)境因素(包括能源、資源、環(huán)境)Materials Science deals with the relationship between the macroscopic properties and the microscopic structures.2. Atomic numbers The atomic number of an atom indicates the number of protons (positively charged particles) which are in its nucleus, and in a neutral atom the atom

6、ic number is also equal to the number of electrons in its charge cloud. All the elements have been classified according to electron configuration in the periodic table.3. Atomic mass The relative atomic mass of an element is the mass in grams of 6.0231023 atoms (Avogadros number NA) of that element.

7、 The principal quantum number n The subsidiary quantum number l The magnetic quantum number ml Electron spin quantum number mss1s2s3s4s5s6s7p2p3p4p5p6p7d3d4d5d6d7f4f5f6 Electrons with the same subsidiary quantum number have as many parallel spins as possible.Electronegative elements are nonmetallic

8、in nature and accept electrons in chemical reactions to produce negative ions, or anions. Electronegativity describes the tendency of an atom to gain an electron.Calculate the energy in joules(J) and electron volts(eV) of the photon whose wavelength is 121.6 nanometers (nm). (1.00eV=1.6010-19J; h=6.

9、6310-34JS; 1 nm=10-9m)eV2 .10J1060. 1eV11063. 1J1063. 1)nmm10)(nm6 .121() sm1000. 3)(J1063. 6(1918189834sEhcEFN : net forceFA : attractive forceFR : repulsive forceRANFFFFdrEFor atomic systems:RANEEEBonding energies:20221attractive4aeZZF1repulsivenanbF120221net4nanbaeZZF Interionic Forces Z1, Z2numb

10、er of electrons removed or added from the atoms during the ion formation e electron charge a interionic separation distance 0permittivity of free space8.8510-12C2/(Nm2) Interionic EnergiesnabaeZZE0221net4Attractive energyRepulsive energyIf the attractive force between a pair of Mg2+and S2- is 1.4910

11、-8N and if the S2- ion has a radius of 0.184nm, calculate a value for the ionic radius of the Mg2+ ion in nanometers.20221attractive4aeZZFnm249. 0)N1049. 1(mN(C1085. 84)C1060. 1)(2)(2(482212219attractive02210)FeZZanm065. 00.184nmnm249. 022220MgMg0SSrarrra又 Neutral atomEVan Der waals bondingA dipole

12、moment is defined as the charge value multiplied by the separation distance between positive and negative charges, orqd momentdipole chargeelectricofmagnitude qcenterschargethebetweendistanceseparation d 1. Van der waals interactionsHH oxygen HHHH oxygenoxygen 105 bondingHydrogen%)100)(1 (characterionic%2BA)(4/1(XXeXA and XB are the ele


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