1、專利權(quán)屬協(xié)議Patent ownership agreement甲方:Party A:乙方:Party B:主合同名稱、編號:The Name and Number of Main Con tract:主合同涉及產(chǎn)品型號、名稱: Product model & product n ame invo Ived in the con tract:主合同涉及專利(申請)號: 。Pate nt (applicatio n) nu mber invo Ived in the con tract:為保證雙方的長期友好合作,維護甲、乙雙方的合法權(quán)益,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致,就專利 申請權(quán)、專利權(quán)等其相關(guān)事宜
2、達(dá)成如下協(xié)議內(nèi)容:To guara ntee the Ion g-term good relati on ship betwee n Party A and Party B and protect legal ben efits for both parties, through frie ndly n egotiati on, both parties have agreed to enter into this agreement under the terms as below:一、本協(xié)議中所含部分名詞或者短語解釋如下:1. Defin iti ons1.1本協(xié)議所稱專利:專指主合同存續(xù)
3、期間產(chǎn)生的專利1.1 This agreement due to Patents, what mean the patents only produced during the validati on period of the main con tract.1.2專利申請權(quán):是指公民、法人或者其他組織依據(jù)法律規(guī)定或者合同約定享有的就發(fā)明 倉泄向國家相關(guān)部門提出專利申請的權(quán)利。1.2 The right to apply for pate nts: It means thein dividual, legal pers on or other en tityhave the right to
4、submit the pate nt applicati on to the related n ati onal departme nts on invention & innovation in accordanee with the related law and regulation or the con tract terms.1.3專利權(quán):國家有關(guān)部門授予專利權(quán)人在一定期限內(nèi)生產(chǎn)、銷售或以其他方式使用專利 的排他權(quán)利。專利分為發(fā)明、實用新型和外觀設(shè)計三種。1.3 Pate nt right: It is an exclusive right gran ted to the
5、pate ntee by the related n atio naldepartme nt to have right of exploit the pate nt by means of manu facturi ng, sale or other ways in a give n period. It in cludes inven ti on pate nt, utility model pate nt and desig n pate nt.1.4專利使用權(quán):是指公民、法人或者其他組織依據(jù)法律規(guī)定或者合同約定在一定地域內(nèi) 一定期限內(nèi)生產(chǎn)、銷售或以其他方式使用專利技術(shù)或者專利產(chǎn)品的權(quán)利
6、。1.4 Pate nt lice nse right: It means in dividual, legal pers on or other en tity have right toexploit the pate nt tech no logy or pate nt product by means of manu facturi ng, sale or other ways in the specified regions in a given period according to the law & regulatio n or the con tract terms.
7、二、甲乙在合作期間,雙方同意就產(chǎn)生的專利申請權(quán)和專利權(quán)的歸屬按照如 下幾種方式確定:During the period of cooperati on, the divisi on of own erships of pate nt applicati on right and pate nt right are decided in accorda nee with the follow ing ways agreed by both parties.2.1符合以下情形的,專利申請權(quán)和專利權(quán)全部歸屬甲方:2.1 The pate nt applicati on right and pate
8、nt right shall be owned by Party A in thefollowi ng con diti ons:(a) 最初的創(chuàng)意來自甲方,并由甲方自主開發(fā)。The orig inal idea comes from Party A and realized by self-developme nt of Party A(b) 最初的創(chuàng)意來自雙方討論的結(jié)果,甲方完成技術(shù)開發(fā),并有圖紙或者樣機等技術(shù) 載體。The orig inal idea comes from the con clusi on after discussi on betwee n both parties.
9、Party A completes tech no logy developme nt and possesses draw ings and prototype etc. as tech no logy carrier.(c) 最初的創(chuàng)意來自乙方,甲方完成技術(shù)開發(fā),并有圖紙或者樣機等技術(shù)載體。The orig inal idea comes from Party B, but Party A completes the tech no logy developme nt and possesses draw ings and prototype etc. as tech no logy ca
10、rrier.(d) 最初的創(chuàng)意來自乙方,乙方提供了技術(shù)意見、圖紙或者樣機等,甲方完成技術(shù)開 發(fā)。The orig inal idea comes from Party B who has provided some tech ni cal suggesti on, draw ings or sample as well, but Party A completes the tech no logy developme nt.(e) 乙方完成技術(shù)開發(fā),并有圖紙或者樣機等技術(shù)載體,甲方提醒其申請專利兩個月 后,但其仍未向官方部門申請的,視為乙方放棄專利申請權(quán)以及所有的專利權(quán),甲 方獲得完全的專利申
11、請權(quán)和專利權(quán)。甲方隨后申請的,須告知乙方。-甲方行使繼任的專利申請權(quán)時,須告知乙方。Party B completed the tech no logy developme nt and possesses draw ings and prototype etc. as tech no logy carrier. If Party B has not submitted the pate nt applicati on to the related official departme nts two mon ths after being remin ded by Party A. As Pa
12、rty B to give up the right to apply for a pate nt and all pate nt rights, Party A has the full right to apply this pate nt based on hav ing Party B bee n no tified.乙方不經(jīng)甲方同意,自行將甲乙共有的專利申請權(quán),以乙方名義申請專利或者自行 將專利申請權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓、贈與給第三方的,視為乙方違約,甲方獲得完全的專利申請權(quán)和 專利權(quán)。乙方行為造成甲方損失的,須向甲方賠償。Party B shall breach the agreeme nt If
13、 Party B applies the pate nt in his own n ame or assig ns or bestows the pate nt applicati on right owned by both parties to the third party without authorizati on of Party A, the own ership of pate nt applicati on right and pate nt right will completely bel ong to Party A . Part B shall bear the lo
14、ss caused to Party A.(g)甲乙雙方共有的專利申請權(quán),乙方不配合甲方完成專利申請,視為乙方放棄,甲 方獲得獨有的專利申請權(quán)和專利權(quán),甲方在成功獲得專利權(quán)后,可以補償乙方。For the pate nt applicati on right owned by both parties, if Party B does not cooperate with Party A to finish the pate nt applicatio n and it will be con sidered that Party B has give n up the rights, Par
15、ty A will completely own the own ership of pate nt applicati on right & pate nt right. After being gran ted with this pate nt. Party A can compe nsate Party B.2.2符合以下情形的,專利申請權(quán)和專利權(quán)全部歸屬乙方:2.2 The pate nt applicati on right and pate nt right shall be owned by Party B in the followi ng con diti ons:
16、乙方提供技術(shù)和圖紙,甲方未參與技術(shù)和圖紙修改,未參與修改完善,甲方未將圖紙 或者樣機等技術(shù)載體化。Party B provides tech no logy and draw ings while Party A has not participated in the impro ving of tech no logy and the modificati on of draw in gs, in additi on. Party A has not completed the tech ni cal carrier such as draw ings or prototype etc.2.
17、3符合以下情形的,專利申請權(quán)和專利權(quán)歸甲乙雙方共享,未經(jīng)甲乙雙方同意,第三方不得享有專利申請權(quán)、專利權(quán),不得使用該專利技術(shù)或者銷售該專利技術(shù)產(chǎn)品。2.3 The pate nt applicati on right & pate nt right shall be owned by both parties inthe followi ng con diti ons and the third party is not allowed to share the pate nt applicatio n right & pate nt right and can not expl
18、oit this pate nt tech no logy or sale the pate nt product without consent of both parties.(a) 乙方提供草圖(草圖基本已能表現(xiàn)新穎、創(chuàng)造、實用性),甲方修改完善,并由甲方完成圖紙或者樣機等技術(shù)載體。Party B provides draft which has been basically novel, creative and practicable, Party A modifies the draft and makes it better, in addition, Party A compl
19、eted the tech ni cal carrier such as draw ings or prototype etc.(b) 乙方提供3D結(jié)構(gòu)圖(3D結(jié)構(gòu)圖基本已能表現(xiàn)新穎、創(chuàng)造、實用性),甲方修改完 善,并由甲方完成圖紙或者樣機等技術(shù)載體。Party B provides 3D desig n draw ing which has bee n basically no vel, creative and practicable. Party A modifies and revises the draft, in addition, Party A completed the te
20、ch ni cal carrier such as draw ings or prototype etc.(c) 依照2.2乙方獲得專利申請權(quán)后,在甲方提醒后 2個月內(nèi),不提交專利申請的,視 為乙方自動放棄獨有專利申請權(quán)和專利權(quán),甲乙方共享有專利申請權(quán)和專利權(quán)。After being gran ted with the pate nt applicati on right accord ing to 2.2, If Party B has not submitted the pate nt applicati on to the related official departme nts tw
21、o mon ths after being rem in ded by Party A , it will be con sidered that Party B has give n up the exclusive rights and shall share the pate nt applicati on right and pate nt right with Party A.2.4符合2.1、2.3情形的,乙方在完成以下一項或多項行為后,可以獲得專利申請權(quán)和專 利權(quán):2.4 Party B can acquire the pate nt applicati on right and
22、 pate nt right after meet ing the following one term or several terms in accordance with clause 2.1 & 2.3.乙方向甲方一次性支付專利費為 美元。Party B pays the pate nt fee $to Party A in on e-time payme nt of royalties單項專利買斷:乙方支付給甲方的專利費為:每項發(fā)明專利 美元;每項實用新型專利美元;每項外觀設(shè)計專利 美元。共計項專利;專禾寸費共計美元。Sin gle pate nt buyout: The p
23、ate nt fee paid to Party A is as below: inven ti on pate nt$utility model pate nt $desig n pate nt $; Total pate nts qua ntity:Total pate nts fee: 單個產(chǎn)品攤銷:乙方支付給甲方的專利費為:以乙方生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品或授權(quán)許可他人生產(chǎn)、 銷售的產(chǎn)品數(shù)量為基數(shù),向甲方支付每臺 美元。Amortizatio n for in dividual product: Base on the qua ntity of product manu factured by Part
24、y B or manu factured or sold by other parties, Party B shall pay $each unit toParty A.乙方在專利產(chǎn)品化后的2年內(nèi),以各種方式銷售的專利產(chǎn)品數(shù)量達(dá)到超過_萬臺;乙方支付給甲方的專利費為美元。If the nu mber of sales of pate nted products in various ways to reach more tha n un its sold by Party B with in 2 years after the pate nt product being produced,
25、Party B shall pay the pate nt fee $to Party A.乙方在專利產(chǎn)品化后的2年內(nèi),以各種方式銷售的專利產(chǎn)品金額達(dá)到超過美元; 乙方支付給甲方的專利費為美元。If the total amount of patented products sold by Party B in various ways to reach more tha n $ within 2 years after the pate nt product being produced, Party Bshall pay the pate nt fee $to Party A.不論專利權(quán)歸
26、屬甲乙方或甲乙任一方的,專利權(quán)人有義務(wù)持續(xù)保護專利的有效性、合 法性,保護專利權(quán)利不受侵犯,專利權(quán)人自行承擔(dān)維護專利的持續(xù)有效性、合法性而 產(chǎn)生的費用,專利共有的,雙方各自承擔(dān) 50%的費用。Whoever does the own ership of the pate nt right bel ong to, the pate ntee shall be resp on sible for protect ing the pate nt'validity and legality and preve ntingit from being infringed. In addition,
27、 Incurred expenses shall be borne by the pate ntee duri ng the protecti on of pate nt ' validity and legality. If the pate nt right is join tly owned by both parties, both parties shall bear 50% of the total expe nses respectively.2.5 在專利申請權(quán)為甲乙方共有的情況下,第三方獲得專利申請權(quán)并獲得專利權(quán)的條件:2.5 In eve nt of the joi
28、nt own ership of right to apply a pate nt, the third party can acquire the pate nt applicati on right & pate nt right by meet ing the follow ing requireme nts . 甲乙雙方同意; Approved by both parties 乙方同意; Approved by Party B 甲方同意;Approved by Party A在技術(shù)、方案等已具備申請專利的條件后的半年內(nèi),具有專利申請權(quán)的一方在另外一 方的提醒下,無理由不辦理申請
29、或不協(xié)助對方辦理申請的,致使專利權(quán)申請被擱置長 達(dá)3個月。-在技術(shù)、方案等已具備申請專利的條件后的半年內(nèi),具有專利申請權(quán)的一 方在另外一方的提醒下,無理由不辦理申請或不協(xié)助對方辦理申請的,致使專利權(quán)申 請被擱置的連續(xù)期間長達(dá)3個月。 With pate nt-pe nding tech no logy programs with in six mon ths, one is rem in ded of theother party, no reason not to apply or not to assist each other in the process of appl ying fo
30、r, result ing in the pate nt applicati on is on hold for up to a continu ous period of up to three mon ths以上情形中,甲乙方與第三方須共同簽訂專利申請權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓合同且第三方對應(yīng)支付甲乙 方相關(guān)轉(zhuǎn)讓費用后,第三方才能獲得專利申請權(quán)。In the above cases, both Party A and Party B shall sig n the pate nt applicati on right assig nment con tract with the third party joi
31、n tly and the third party should obta in the right to apply for pate nt after the assig nment fee being paid corresp ondin gly.三、專利使用權(quán)的特別約定: Special provisi ons of pate nt lice nse right3.1甲方申請專利并成功獲得專利權(quán)后:3.1 After the applicati on is approved and the pate nt right is gran ted to Party A乙方不享有使用權(quán)等任何權(quán)
32、利;Party B is n ot allowed to have any pate nt rightsin cludi ng exploitati on of the pate nt.乙方享有優(yōu)先使用權(quán):專利申請日前已經(jīng)制造相同產(chǎn)品、使用相同方法或者已經(jīng)作好制造、使用的必要準(zhǔn)備,并且僅在原有范圍內(nèi)繼續(xù)制造、使用;Party B has the priorityto make use of the pate nt: Where, before the date of fili ng of the applicatio n for pate nt, any pers on who has alr
33、eady made the ide ntical product, used the ide ntical process, or made n ecessary preparati ons for its making or using, continues to make or use it within the orig inal scope only;乙方享有無償使用權(quán);Party B can exploit pate nt for free.乙方享有有償使用權(quán),須選擇如下方式向甲方支付使用費用:Party B can havenon-free right of exploitati
34、on of the pate nt con diti on ally and shall pay the lice nsing fee to Party A in below ways :支付甲方的許可使用費為:每項發(fā)明專利 美元;每項實用新型專利 美元;共項專禾I; 共計專禾I費 美元。The licensing fee paid to Party A is asbelow: inven ti on pate nt $utility model pate nt $l desig n pate nt $; Totalpatents quantity: Total licensing fee:
35、乙方在兩年內(nèi) 區(qū)域內(nèi)獨占銷售專利產(chǎn)品數(shù)量為 萬臺(不論最終是否達(dá)到此銷售數(shù)量)應(yīng)向甲方支付每臺 美元的專利使用費。超過此數(shù)量的,超出部分按照每臺 美元向甲方支付專利使用費。The number of the patented products sold in theby Party B isun its within two years (Regardless of whether it reaches this sales volume),Party Bshall pay the licensing fee $of each product to Party A. The sales num
36、berexceeds this sales volume, Party B shall pay the lice nsing fee $ _of each product to Party A.兩年內(nèi),乙方銷售專利產(chǎn)品數(shù)量不能達(dá)到以上標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的,甲方可無條件收回乙方的專利 使用權(quán),乙方已支付的費用甲方不予退回。The number of patented products sold by Party B can not meet the above criteria with in two years, uncon diti on ally pate nt rights shall be with
37、draw n from Party B by Party A, And pate nt fee paid by Party B to Party A shall not be refun dable.乙方有償使用專利權(quán)的,費用具體支付方式約定如下:Party B can have a no n-free right of exploitatio n of the pate nt con diti on ally and shall pay the lice nsing fee to Party A in below ways:3.2乙方申請專利并成功獲得專利權(quán)后:3.2 After the a
38、pplicati on is approved and the pate nt right is gran ted to Party B甲方不享有使用權(quán)等任何權(quán)利; Party A is not allowed to have any pate nt right in cludi ng the right of exploitatio n of the pate nt. 甲方享有優(yōu)先使用權(quán);Party A has the priority right of exploitati on of the pate nt. 甲方享有無償使用權(quán);Party A has a free right of e
39、xploitati on of the pate nt.甲方享有有償使用權(quán),支付給乙方的許可使用費為:每項發(fā)明專利 美元;每項實用新型專利美元;共項專利;共計專利費美元。Party A can have a non-free right of exploitati on of the pate nt con diti on ally, the lice nsing fee paid to Party B is as below: inven ti on pate nt $;_ utility model pate nt$; desig n pate nt $; Total pate nts q
40、ua ntity: . Total lice nsing fee: .甲方有償使用專利權(quán)的,費用支付方式約定如下:Party A can have a no n-free right ofexploitati on of the pate nt con diti on ally and shall pay the lice nsing fee to Party B in below ways:3.3在專利權(quán)為甲乙方共有的情況下,第三方只能有償獲得專利使用權(quán),其條件為:3.3 The third party can only obtai n the non-free pate nt right
41、con diti on allyif thepate nt right is join tly owned by both Party A and Party B. The con diti ons are as below: 甲乙雙方同意; Approved by both parties 乙方同意; Approved by Party B 甲方同意;Approved by Party A在甲乙方獲得專利權(quán)后的兩年內(nèi),任一方未實施專利。Neither Party A nor Party B has impleme nted pate nt two years after gran ted p
42、ate nt right.第三方獲得專利使用權(quán)的,甲乙方須與第三方共同簽訂專利許可使用合同并報政府相 關(guān)部門備案,否則,許可使用無效。If the third party obta in the right of pate nt lice nee ,both Party A and Party B shall sig n the pate nt lice nsing con tract with the third party and the con tract should be reported to the related official departme nts for record
43、. Otherwise, the pate nt lice nse right will be in valid.第三方有償使用專利權(quán)的,費用支付方式按照三方簽訂的專利許可使用合同約定進行。The method of payme nt of the lice nsing fee shall be specified in the con tract sig ned by three parties and be implemented by the third party who has the non-free right of exploitatio n of pate nt.四、違約責(zé)任
44、 Resp on sibility of breach ing the agreeme nt4.1,違反上述雙方關(guān)于專利申請權(quán)和權(quán)利權(quán)、專利使用權(quán)的任一規(guī)定,應(yīng)向?qū)Ψ街Ц哆`約金50萬美兀,如違約金不足補償損失的,還應(yīng)賠償損失,此損失分為直接損失及間 接損失,包括但不限于對方失去的利潤、市場份額的喪失、品牌損失、重新開拓市場 的費用等。The party who breaches any clauses of this agreement shall reimburse $500,000 tothe counter party as compensation. If the compensati
45、on can not recoup the loss, Default ing party shall bear the resp on sibility to compe nsate the direct & in direct loss, including, without limitation, lost margin, market share, reputation and cost for redevelop the market etc.4.2在專利合法有效存續(xù)期間,專利被他人侵權(quán)或者被認(rèn)定為最終無效的,由此造成他方 損失,由專利權(quán)人承擔(dān)。During the vali
46、dati on period of the pate nt, the loss caused to other parties shall be borne by pate ntee if the pate nt has bee n infrin ged or bee n ide ntified as the ultimate in valid.共有專利被他人侵權(quán)或被認(rèn)定無效造成他方損失的,專利權(quán)人各按50%比例承擔(dān)。If the pate nt has bee n infrin ged or bee n ide ntified as the ultimate in valid. 50% of
47、 the total loss caused to other parties should be borne by both patentees respectively who join tly owned the pate nt4.3 一方違約的,另一方有權(quán)立即解除本協(xié)議,并同時解除主合同,依法追究違約方責(zé)任。If one party breaches the agreeme nt, the coun ter party has the right to termi nate this agreeme nt and the main con tract immediately. Addi
48、ti on ally, the resp on sibility of the default ing party shall be prosecuted五、其他約定 Other provisi ons5.1本協(xié)議與主合同有效期限一致。本協(xié)議失效、終止或解除后,雙方應(yīng)承擔(dān)的專利 保護義務(wù),并不解除,仍然有效。This agreeme nt is with the same validatio n period of the main con tract. The obligati on of pate nt protecti on borne by both parties shall sur
49、vive no twithsta nding this agreeme nt has bee n term in ated or resc in ded.5.2本協(xié)議未盡事宜雙方可另行協(xié)商簽訂補充協(xié)議,新簽訂的協(xié)議與本協(xié)議沖突的,以新協(xié)議內(nèi)容為準(zhǔn)。因履行本協(xié)議發(fā)生的爭議無法協(xié)商一致的,提交甲方所在地法院處理,并適用中國法律。Other unmen tio ned terms can be specified in the suppleme ntary agreeme nt sig ned by both parties after consultation. If the supplement
50、ary agreement is in conflict with this agreeme nt, the content in the suppleme ntary agreeme nt will be applied. If the dispute occurred during the implementation of this agreement can not be solved after con sultati on, the case will be submit to the people'court of XXX for sol vingand shall be
51、 gover ned by the laws of the People s Republic of China.5.3本協(xié)議一式兩份,甲乙雙方各執(zhí)中、英文版本各壹份,具同等法律效力,中、英文版 本如有沖突,以中文版本意思為準(zhǔn)。本協(xié)議經(jīng)雙方簽字、蓋章并于雙方所簽的主合同 生效條件下生效,本協(xié)議中部分條款無效或失效,不影響協(xié)議中其他條款的有效性。-本協(xié)議一式兩份,甲乙雙方各執(zhí)中、英文版本各壹份,具同等法律效力,中、英文版本 如有沖突,以中文版文本解釋為準(zhǔn)。本協(xié)議經(jīng)雙方簽字、蓋章并于雙方所簽的主合同 生效條件下生效,本協(xié)議中部分條款無效或失效,不影響協(xié)議中其他條款的有效性This agreemen
52、t is written in duplicate, each party respectively holds the Chinese & En glish versi ons, which are with the same legal binding force on both parties. If there is con flict betwee n the Chin ese vers ion and En glish versi on, the expla nati on of the Chin ese versi on will be applied. This agr
53、eeme nt becomes effective after being sig ned & stamped by both parties based on the validatio n of the main con tract and will be inv alid if the main con tract is out of validati on .As part of the terms in this Agreeme nt be or become invalid or null, does not affect the validity of the other
54、 terms of the agreeme nt.甲方:乙方:Party A授權(quán)代表:Authorized represe ntative日期: 年 月 日Party B :授權(quán)代表:Authorized represe ntative日期:年月日Date:Date:日期:年月審核Checked by審批Reviewed by批準(zhǔn)Approved by日日期:年月日填寫人填寫指南: Guide for filli ng this agreeme nt1,主合同涉及產(chǎn)品型號沒有確定時,填寫預(yù)計可以確定的時間,并注明在該日期補充簽訂本協(xié)議。If the product model invo Ive
55、d in the con tract has not bee n con firmed, fill apredicted con firmati on date and mark the in formati on of suppleme nting this agreeme nt on that date.2,主合同涉及專利(申請)號沒有獲得的,填寫預(yù)計可以獲得的時間,并注明在該日期補充簽訂本協(xié)議。If the pate nt (applicatio n) nu mber has not bee n acquired, fill apredicted con firmati on date
56、and mark the in formati on of suppleme nting this agreeme nt on that date.3,發(fā)明創(chuàng)造的專利申請權(quán)和專利權(quán)全部歸屬甲方的情況,將2.1前的方框涂黑,然后按實際情形選擇涂黑2.1下面所列的一個或者一個以上方框。If Party A owns the ownershipof pate nt applicati on right & pate nt right, blacke n the square before clause 2.1 and the n blacke n one square or several
57、squares listed below clause 2.1 accord ing to the actual situatio n.4,發(fā)明創(chuàng)造的專利申請權(quán)和專利權(quán)雙方共享的情況,將2.2前的方框涂黑,然后按實際情形選擇涂黑2.2下面所列的一個或者一個以上方框。If the own erships of pate nt applicati on right & pate nt right bel ong to both parties, blacke n the square before clause 2.2 and the n blacke n one square or se
58、veral squares listed below clause 2.1 accordi ng to the actual situati on.5,發(fā)明創(chuàng)造的專利申請權(quán)和專利權(quán)全部歸屬乙方的情況,將2.3前的方框涂黑,然后按實際情形選擇涂黑2.3下面所列的一個或者一個以上方框。If Party B owns the ownershipof pate nt applicati on right & pate nt right, blacke n the square before clause 2.3 and the n blacke n one square or several squares listed below clause 2.3 accord ing to the actual situatio n.6,選擇涂黑乙方支付給甲方專利費用,應(yīng)后附專利估值表。一次性買斷,支付不低于專利估值的費用;單個產(chǎn)品攤銷:一次性買斷專利費用除以
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