已閱讀5頁,還剩10頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、速賣通服務流程一,售前,圖片上傳要求:1 )圖片編號和產(chǎn)品編號要一致,一個產(chǎn)品圖片有多張,至少5張以上比較好,例如:QHJ001-1,QHJ001-2,依此類推;圖片可以點擊鼠標右鍵點擊“復制”然后存到文件夾中;2)圖片必須清晰,能體現(xiàn)材質(zhì),產(chǎn)品的全貌和剖面,拍攝圖片需要進行全貌、正面、背面、切面、各種使用方法的展示圖;圖片和實物必須相符。3) 產(chǎn)品屬性要包括以下幾個要素:產(chǎn)品名稱(堆積關鍵詞),顏色,尺寸(鏈條,吊墜,內(nèi)徑,要清晰詳盡),重量,包裝,材質(zhì)(重點),編號等信息;4)注意和店鋪里已經(jīng)上傳過的產(chǎn)品不要重復,可多次瀏覽店鋪產(chǎn)品,留下印象來;如果有重復,編號先空著,等再分配任務來填充這

2、個編號;5)不能有任何與我公司無關的網(wǎng)址和店鋪名稱等的水??;6) 上傳過程中注意去 , home等國外的購物網(wǎng)站上參考其使用的關鍵詞,在速賣通上了解競爭對手的價格,相同的產(chǎn)品確保我們是最低價格;7)有好的產(chǎn)品可以推薦,但是要確保這個產(chǎn)品我們在速賣通上有競爭力,提供相關的市場信息供上級審核,通過后可以上傳;8)翻譯的時候注意不要把韓國,日本,進口這樣的字眼翻譯進來,要注意我們面向的主要是亞洲和歐美的國外客戶,而淘寶面向的是國內(nèi)客戶;9 )上傳圖片到速賣通之后,要同時轉(zhuǎn)化到國際站上去;10) 上傳不是自己工廠生產(chǎn)或者合作工廠生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品,是從淘寶或者網(wǎng)上其它渠道的產(chǎn)品時,要先在速賣通上比較價格,確保

3、我司的價格最低,同時要保證利潤空間,無利潤的產(chǎn)品就可以選擇不做;11)把中國郵政小包的運費灘到單價里面,運費模板設置為全部免運費;12) 圖片上傳順序:1)尺寸圖(橫 和堅的各一張);2)正面圖(1-3張);3)剖面圖和背面圖;4)帶OPP袋 的包裝圖+帶卡片的圖5)帶條形碼的背面圖 6)卡片圖7)紗袋圖8)紙箱圖9)產(chǎn)品描述二產(chǎn)品關鍵詞設置A、相關度B、當季當年熱門詞C、客戶搜索習慣D關鍵詞充分曝光(除了產(chǎn)品標題,還有編輯產(chǎn)品信息時候的“添加自定義屬性”、“產(chǎn)品關鍵詞”、“更多關鍵詞”、“產(chǎn)品簡要描述”以及產(chǎn)品詳情頁描述里重復產(chǎn)品標題等方式增加產(chǎn)品關鍵詞曝光次數(shù))E關鍵詞整理,通過不同的方式

4、搜索關鍵詞,熱門關鍵詞等。F三客服業(yè)務員每日工作流程1 )第一件事,查看訂單。1、給客戶留言,感謝其訂單,并且告知幾天之內(nèi)可以發(fā)貨,不要等客戶來催發(fā)貨,留下不好的印象來,讓客戶感覺到我們在關注他;(參考模板一)2、 填寫發(fā)貨通知單,看訂單中客戶是否有留言,對顏色,或者尺寸,包裝是否有特殊要求,如果有就盡量按客人要求發(fā),如果不能按照客人要求發(fā)貨,就發(fā)貨前通知客人;如果客戶沒注明顏色要求,顏色和款式要按照圖片盡量混批發(fā)全;3、填寫好客戶名稱,國家,發(fā)貨方式,申報價值等資料。報關金額要慎重。一般美國的包裹重量如果沒有超過三千克金額就可以標5-30美元,最多不要超過50美元。澳大利亞的只要不超過100

5、0美元就好, 但是木制產(chǎn)品,動物羽毛產(chǎn)品容易叩關,要慎重,并且建議不要走 DHL。德國的海關對中國的包裹要求特別嚴格,所以報關最要慎重, 建議不走EMS,因為德國的EMS是DHL收購了。包裹金額不要超過20歐元,500克以下的標5歐元就可以了,偏重的就不要標 5歐元,可以標10-20歐元。如果包裹 重量很重,但是還是標了 5歐元海關很容易懷疑。 另外, 仿名牌產(chǎn)品建議不要發(fā),尤其是 DHL或其他快遞。 丹麥的報關金額不要超過 13美元,波蘭不要超過20美元,英國不要超過17英鎊。挪威,瑞典,芬蘭不要超過30美元, 意大利不要超過40美元。拉美國家一般不要超過50美元。俄羅斯和新西蘭的EMS有時

6、候很慢,所以如果客人急需,就建議不要走EMS。4、發(fā)貨通知單要在當天上午盡最快的速度交給發(fā)貨員,填寫發(fā)貨通知單時要去采購員那里核實采購價 填寫交給業(yè)務主管簽字。三天之內(nèi)貨物還沒有到位,問發(fā)貨員要發(fā)貨單號先在線上發(fā)貨。5、產(chǎn)品發(fā)貨之后要在當天在線上發(fā)貨,不能拖到第二天甚至多天才填寫。6、 線上發(fā)貨之后對客戶進行留言;(參考模板二)7、 中國郵政小包發(fā)貨之后滿三十天,快遞滿一個星期要幫客戶查詢貨物狀態(tài),同時給客戶留言(參考模板三)8、 貨物到達客戶國家海關之后,要提醒客戶去提貨(參考模板四)2 )第二件事,檢查客戶是否有留言,因為速賣通系統(tǒng)讀過的留言就看不到了,要用本子記錄下客戶留過言的訂單編號,

7、以便可以進行及時的回復,不管客戶是否回復留言,每天對這些訂單編號進行留言跟蹤,一直到客戶回 復留言為止,留言要同時用郵箱發(fā)到客戶的郵箱里,否則只有等到客戶登錄到速賣通查看留言的時候才可以看到。3 )第三件事,查看客戶評價,每天必須查看,同時對所有客戶的評價進行回復,中差評要每天重點回復(參考模板三,評價要在評價后臺,訂單后臺和客戶郵箱三個地方同時進行回復(參考模板四),確保客戶可以及時看到,每天都回復,一直回復到客戶修訂評價為止。注意評價后臺只能回復一條留言,要求客戶修改評價也 只能回復一條留言,要求修改評價之后客戶在系統(tǒng)里必須要在七天內(nèi)修改,否則七天后將不能再修改,超過七天的還沒有修改的,可

8、以要求客戶發(fā)郵件到buyer這個郵箱里申請速賣通修訂我們的評價;4)第四件事,及時跟蹤包裹物流1、發(fā)現(xiàn)客戶包裹未妥投的,要聯(lián)系客戶,建議客戶拿著跟蹤號到當?shù)剜]局去找。如果客戶沒回復要繼續(xù)跟蹤。 如果包裹在規(guī)定的收貨時間內(nèi)不能收到貨物的,要及時延長收貨時間。2、如果包裹被海關扣留,要建議客戶跟海關聯(lián)系,可以提供交易賬單,發(fā)票3、如果客人來問包,要及時提供跟蹤網(wǎng)址和跟蹤信息, 包裹超過40天還沒收到的就首先讓客戶去郵局檢查一下, 多等幾天,態(tài)度已經(jīng)很不耐煩的就建議退款或者補發(fā)了。如果有跟蹤信息就建議客戶多等幾天, 如果沒跟蹤信息, 沒有在郵局找到的就看客戶的態(tài)度, 態(tài)度好的可以 (意大利,英國,法

9、國,中亞,澳大利亞的航空小包出了中國就沒跟蹤信息了。)4、 如果客戶收到包后抱怨收錯物品我們就要建議客戶發(fā)照片過來確認,如果真的錯了就建議補發(fā)正確的,錯的勸客人低價賣給客人。如果客戶不同意就建議部分退款或者寄回錯誤的物品,然后全額退款。5、 如果客人收的物品數(shù)量不對,銷售,打包人員要核對包裹重量,檢查發(fā)貨記錄,如果確定是我們少發(fā)了就建議客人在他的下一個訂單補發(fā),這樣可以節(jié)省我們補發(fā)的運費。如果客人不同意的話就單獨補發(fā)或者部分退6、包裹被退回來的要及時聯(lián)系客戶,根據(jù)成本加運費核算是補發(fā)還是退款損失小。7、 如果客人收到包裹后沒有及時給評價的,可以及時聯(lián)系客戶,建議客戶給好評,并建議客戶如果包裹有

10、什么問題,請及時聯(lián)系我們,要讓客戶覺得我們是真的關心他,幫助他。8、 如果客人給了中差評的要及時聯(lián)系,溝通,勸導客人修改評價,要確定客人同意修改后再把請求發(fā)過去。5)針對性的跟蹤檢查發(fā)貨員是否按要求發(fā)貨。四、發(fā)貨員工作流程1、發(fā)貨員收到發(fā)貨通知單后,仔細查看客戶的要求,發(fā)貨方式,交貨期等,有現(xiàn)貨的當天務必發(fā)貨;沒有現(xiàn)貨的能自己生產(chǎn)的自己生產(chǎn), 不能生產(chǎn)的由采購員采購一一以為業(yè)務主管的填寫的要求為準。有情況及時向上反饋,保證盡最快的速度發(fā)貨。三天之內(nèi)如果采購員不能找到貨物要把發(fā)貨單號給客服業(yè)務員,讓其可以在三天之內(nèi)進行線上發(fā)貨;2、打包前要仔細檢查物品質(zhì)量,顏色,是否有發(fā)錯貨,對于易碎的物品要慎

11、重包裝;3、 按照發(fā)貨通知單上的寫的申報金額填寫申報價值;仔細核對地址;報關單上品名那里一般寫handcraft, 標 gift .4、要注意交貨時間,盡力在規(guī)定的時間內(nèi)交貨。如果客人所需物品缺貨的要及時聯(lián)系客服業(yè)務員,建議客戶延 長交貨期,或者建議客戶換貨。四、留言模板模板一(收到訂單后留言):Hi,*, tha nk you very much for your order, we will send you the goods within 1-3 days by China Post Mail(*), if any quesition, don't hesitate to as

12、k me, hope we will have a good start cooperation. Thank you.模板二(發(fā)貨后留言):告訴客戶單號一Hello S讓/ladain, 2(您好先生妝士)*s a pleasure to tell that the postinan just picked up your item from our warehouse.(非常高興的告知您郵遞員剛剛竝您所買的產(chǎn)品)-It s by EHS, 5-7 working days to arrive. 4(您的產(chǎn)品箔通過E跖的方式,在T個王作日后到達您那里)儀Tracking number *1

13、物流單號*+*+*+*) aTracking web *+*#/(査詢物流的flfciit*+*) *»You can view its updated shipment on the web, which wi 11 be shownin 12 business 4ays* *(物流倍息更新到兩頁上需要1-2個工作日)疋Also oiir er sales service will keep tracking it and send messageto yoi.i tvh&n there is any delay in shipping. *我們也會實時査看物流信息+如果由

14、干物流岀現(xiàn)耽捆+我們會及時的告詁知您)祕We warmly welcome your feedback.(期待您的回饋)pHello, *( 客戶名稱) ,it is a pleasure to tell that the postman just picked up your item from our warehouse, it is by *(物流方式) about * working days to arrive. The tracking number is *, tracking web:*, you can view its updated shipme nt on the we

15、b, which will be show n in 1-3 bus in ess days. Also our after sales service will keep track ing it and send message to you whe n there is any delay in shipp ing. We warmly welcome your feedback.模板三(客戶30天后仍然沒有收到包裹的留言):Hello *, this is *, I am sending this message to update the status of your order.

16、The in formatio n shows the parcel did n't arrive your coun try, Apologize that the shipp ing is slower much tha n usual. Hope it is not a big trouble for you. Just now We exte nded the tak ing delivery time for you , tha nk you very much. Best Wishes.模板四(貨物到達海關后,提醒貨運相關進展):Hello Sir/MadamThis is

17、 *. I am sending this message to update the status of your order. The in formati on shows it was han ded to customs on Jan. 19. Tracking number : * 丫 ou can check it from web: *You may get it in the near future. Apologize that the shipping is a little slower than usual. Hope it is not a big trouble

18、for you.Best Wishes.模板五(貨物達到郵局):Hello Sir/MadamThis is *. I am sending this message to update the status of your order. The information shows it is still transferred by Sydney post office. Tracking number : *. Please check the web *.You will get it soon, if your country Post delay it , please try to

19、 con tact and urge nt them, maybe you can get it earlier . Please note that package delivery. Hope you love the product when get my products. If so please give me a positive feedback. The feedback is importa nt to me. Thank you very much.Best Wishes!模板六(評價時的模板):給客戶評價時的模板: good buyer, tha nk you very

20、 much for your order, i hope we will have a Ion g-time cooperatio n, don't hesitate to con tact with us if there's anything what i can help you , best regards.1. 好評客戶留言模板:Hello, *, i am so pleased and grateful that you gave us a good feedback /you are satisfied with our products and service,

21、 i hope i can apply to give you a good disco unt or send a gift to you whe n you order next time. Thank you very much. Best regards2. 中評客戶留言模板:道歉: Hello, * , i feel so sorry for all your inconvenience/ the quality question/ that you are not satisfied with *.解釋原因:提出解決辦法:n order to show ing my apologi

22、es, we hope we can give you a good disco unt or send you a giftwhen you order next time. and thank you so much for your suggestion , hope wewill have a long -timecooperati on. don't hesitate to con tact with us if there's anything what i can help you , best regards.3. 差評客戶留言模板(同中評):在中評的基礎上增加

23、:i am looking forward to your reply whether or not you agree we fix this thing. If agree, honestlyhope you can revise the bad valuation. If you don't agree, could you give us a better suggestion? We hope we can fix this thing reas on ably and positively. Let us apologize to you aga in for all yo

24、ur inconvenience. Thank you very much ,best regards.4. 客戶未評價:Dear * , I just got the good news that you have confirm receipt the parcel,I hope you are satisfiedwith our products.We would appreciate it,if you can give us a positive feedback,the feedback is very importa nt to us.I hope we will have a

25、Ion g-time cooperati on, don't hesitate to con tact with us if there's anything what i can help you .Tha nk you very much.Best regards.*模板七(發(fā)錯貨物,漏發(fā)貨及時提醒客戶):Hello *, it is a pity to tell you a thing that our delivery member forgot to send the gauze bag to you, could i send you aga in or we gi

26、ve you $* disco unt to you whe n you order n ext time? So sorry for all your inconven ie nee. Thank you very much , best regards.模板八(推薦訂閱店鋪):1. 給新買家推薦:Dear* ,Thanks you for showing interest in my products. In order to offer a better service and keep youupdated with the latest promotionsand products,

27、 please subscribe to my store. Any problem of subscribing,please refer to原意:親愛的*買家名稱* :很高興您關注我的產(chǎn)品,為了方便后續(xù)給您提供更好的服務,建議您可以訂閱我的店 鋪,可以及時了解我的店鋪和產(chǎn)品的最新動態(tài)。如 果您在操作時遇到問題時,請參看 2. 給老買家推薦:Dear * , Welcome to subscribe to my store. By a few clicks you can enjoy our VIP service such as the latest updates from new a

28、rrivals to bestselling products on a weekly basis etc. Any problem of subscribing, please refer to 原意:親愛的*買家名稱*:歡迎您訂閱我的店鋪,這樣您每周可以收到最新、最熱銷的產(chǎn)品信息,僅需要您簡單 操作,就可以享受給您的 VIP 服務。如果您在操 作時遇到問題時,請參看 模板九(論壇推廣模塊):(速賣通教程鏈接地址)1. n/marketi ng/tools/jife nm oba nloaddow n.html2. n/marketi ng/tools/jife nloaddow n.htm

29、l3. n/marketi ng/tools/jife nhelp.html模板十(節(jié)假日祝福):模板 一 (對老客戶推銷模板):hello *, thank you very much for your order in our store, do you sell by online store or Real store ? Could you send the website for my refere nee if you have a on li ne store, you can tell me which product you selt mainly if you have

30、a real store. we are a professi onal jewelry factory, i hope we can get the sellerdom n ews and your suggestion for the products. And maybe we can supply the product you are selling and be sure to give you best price than other suppliers for the same quality products. I hope we will have a Iong-time

31、 cooperation and help you have a better sale. Thank you very much ,best regards.模板十二(客戶抱怨全部是免運費,沒有按指定的運輸方式來發(fā)):dear *, tha nk you very much for your message, i am so sorry that you did n't check our product descripti on carefully, please check it aga in, because many coun tires can't select t

32、he China Post free shipp ing, so we set all are free shipp ing, and you will discover many stores are do so in Aliexpress, and aliexpress have a course to tell us how to set all free shipp ing. Even so , dear carlos, don't worry, we are a orginal factory , our price must be best for this product

33、 , you must have no any lose. and i hope you will have a good sale and we will have a Ion g-time cooperati on.模板十三(客戶拍買了但是未付款):Hi, Dear*,i found you bought our products , but you did n't pay the mon ey, if you feel the shipp ing cost is too high? Or you don't know how to pay ? Could you tell

34、 me the reas on, so that we can discuss to solve the questi on for you.模板十四(說服國際站客戶到速賣通購買的第一封郵件):Hi, Dear *, i am very pleased to receive your inquiry, snake necklace is one of our main products in our factory and we produce it many years with a good quality and service.Because so many detailers buy

35、 this products now and the quantity usual just have 100-500pcs, in order to save our clie nt's time, we suggest you can buy our store directly, our store website address: the snake necklace link is : 12.html You can see all the details such as the pictures, color palette, product description, al

36、l kinds of shipping cost etc. And you can pay by wester n union, bank ,credit card on li ne, if you have no these, you can con tact with us by paypal.Please check it carefully, if you have any question for the price, operational approach, etc, don't hesitate to ask me, i will give you a satisfie

37、d answer and how to buy online.And i n eed tell you a good n ews, whe n your order is more tha n $300, we will reduce all the shipp ing cost in our store and send the goods to you by express such as DHL, UPS, EMS, Fedex etc.Aliexpress company belong to alibaba company , too and it is fit well for th

38、e small order to buy online. Hope we will have a start cooperation in it and have a Iong-time cooperation.we hope you can give us some suggestion for our store for the picture, price, shipping, variety, MOQ etc. we will adjust all according to our clients'view.I am looking forward to your reply/

39、order, thank you very much.模板十五(客戶拍了但是沒有付款):Oh,My God.You did n't pay for the product in credibly.This is beyond my imagi nati on. The products are soperfect,however they are still not make you satisfied .It seems that my service and product are not gooden ough, which let you wasted so much time

40、 in my shop and lose your con fide nce on me.I'm very sorry.Wish you have a happy life.模板十六(客戶留言過失沒有及時回,香港小包無路徑查不到1006047717)Dear Gaya neSo sorry for the delay reply, too many message after CNY, so I missed to reply your message,really I feel so sorry.I have checked the message and our delivery

41、record ,all of the in formatio n shows that we have shipped the parcel via HongKong post without tracking number,so it is untracked.But the rule of Aliexpress specified that we must write a track ing nu mber,if no t,we can't send the goods on li ne, therefore,my collegue wrote a track ing nu mbe

42、r of chi na Post mail .I'm so sorry for all of the trouble we brought to you.I think I should tell you that there are so many parcel for HongKong post and the postis so slower tha n usual by theend of the year,I hope you can cancel the dispute and wait for more days in patie nce,l believe the pa

43、rcel will arrive in the near future,please believe that we won't make our clients bear any lose.If the parcel is returned or lost,we will refund you without any reas on ,Please dont worry about that.if now we refund the money to you, whe n you get the parcel, you n eed pay the money to us or ret

44、ur n back the parcel to us, i think that is trouble for you or me.Apologize aga in for all of the trouble brought to you.really so sorry because of the delay reply and noteno ugh service. ihope you can give us a cha nee to give you a disco unt or a simple gift whe n you n ext order. Thank you very m

45、uch.Jack模板十七(客戶對材質(zhì)誤會并且提起糾紛并且沒有及時回復1005280810)Dear MaryI feel so sorry for the delay reply because we can't see the message of dispute centre in time if we did n't go to dispute cen tre, so I missed to reply your message,really I feel so sorry.I have checked the material of the earri ngs,a nd

46、 I con firmed with our warehours stock,the material is crystal.I think you should con firm it aga in.and please send the goods pictures to our email(luluohua) to con firm.On the other han d,we are hon est seller and hope establish Ion g-time cooperati on with any kind customer,we can not make our cl

47、ie nts bear any lose .I hope you can un dersta nd and I am look ing forward your n ext order.Tha nk you.Jack(投訴):1. 投訴中國郵政小包還沒有收到貨:(事例:1005975643)Dear *, i am s*, i feel so sorry to bother you and all your inconvenience. we have followed the package track ing nu mber all the time. now, the China Pos

48、t mail always can't arrive to our clie nt's hand because of so many parcel for China Post, although most are about 18-43 days, but it still have many package just can' arrive more tha n 45-60 days or more,a nd sometimes some package retur n back to China ( less 2%), we ask the China Post

49、 mail that did n't know the exact reas on they only can check the package status.maybe the customs cleara nee is a reas on, your country post delay ing is a reason, China Post delaying is a reason. i think the Post mail service is worse much than the express.but it is very cheap whe n the weight

50、 is less tha n 2KG,we always feel so helpless for the China Post, so our product decripti on have ' Risk Tips" for the Post Shipp ing way, we must deal with the delay positively, don't worry, we will still follow the track ing of you package. if the package retur n back by the Postal se

51、rvice, whe n we get the package we will return back the money to you uncon diti on ally. please try to con tact with your country Post and urge nt them , our experie nee shows that can let the package to your hand earlier, it have no any other way.dear *, because you give us a dispute , that had let

52、 us have a dispute rate and give us a very bad effecti on .if you can cancel this dispute with in 4 hours, that will have an arbitrame nt rate that will give us more bad effect ion. hope you can comprehend our work, and i hope you will have a good sale for our products, and we will have a Iong-time

53、cooperati on. please believe the Aliexpress compa ny and believe our compa ny, you won't bear any lose if you cancel this dispute, tha nk you very much.(如果客戶發(fā)起了一個糾紛)when you get the goods, please con firm it on li ne, tha nk you very much, hope you will be satisfied with our goodsand you will ha

54、ve a good sale ,and we will have a Ion g-time cooperati on, tha nk you very much.(女口果已經(jīng)至 U達客戶國家)Dear*, if your goods is urge nt, i suggest you should select the express shipp ing way, whe n your order is more than $300, we will send the goods to you by express free shipp ing.if you are a mature buye

55、r in aliexpress , you will discover, whe n your order is more tha n $300 in a store, usually you can get a good price (some store can be free shipp ing less tha n $300, but the un it price is higher much), and it can save much shipp ing cost with a fast and safety shipp ing way. please confirm it, t

56、ha nk you very much. (向客戶進行推銷)if you still can't get the goods after 60 days,we or the aliexpress must refund all the money to you.(向所有這類型的投訴客戶進行此承諾)2. 投訴發(fā)貨數(shù)量少了hi,*,i am so sorry about our careless, i need confirm the weight of parcel to check the less quantity with our shipme nt staff who just

57、start to work after some days, because only less a pcs, i apply to our man ager, i think, could we can fix this thing as follow in g:1.could i offset the 1pc's money w hen you n ext order,a nd we give you a good disco unt or send a simple gift to you?2.if you much refund no w,could you give me your paypa


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