1、Sworn virginsWomen in Albania found a way to avoid forced marriagesGetting animated Foreign cartoon movie u es star power to gain attent onExpansion drive firm in talks withNetflix for cooperation > p13> WORLD, PAGE 10> LIFE, PAGE 19 THURSDAY, August 4, 2016 ¥2G20Hangzhou learns the la
2、nguage of summit successENVIRONMENT700punis greeCentral ins action inBy ZHzhenals ed by teamsnprecedented tough against pollutionBy WANG YING in Shanghaiwang_yingThe G20 Leaders Summit in Hangzhou, Zhejiang prov- ince, next month is attracting more students to learn English, according to a volun- te
3、er teacher in the city.Timothy Clancy, 31, an Aus- tralian who has lived in Hangzhou since 2011 with his wife, who is from Zhejiang, said, “Australia has hosted such a summit before, but I never imagined that people in the host city could be so hos- pitable.“I want to be part of this great event thr
4、ough the English classes and express my own welcome.”Zhao Jihong, 67, one of the senior students in Clan- cys class, said, “I am learn- ing English here just in case I come across foreign- ers so that I can at least say hi to welcome them to Hangzhou.”Zhao Yide, the Hangzhou Party chief, said, “Than
5、ks to the consistent efforts made by the people of Hangzhou, pre- paratory work for the G20 Summit has been a success.“All services, including din- ing, transportation and secu- rity are in place. Hangzhou is now ready to host the two-day summit and welcome its dis- tinguished guests.”The summit wil
6、l be held on Sept 4 and 5.Non-G20 member coun- tries such as Laos, Chad, Kazakhstan, Senegal andCracking downResults to date of the monthlong inspection of eight provinces and autono- mous regions:Ningxia Hui autonomous gionJuly 31, 224 cases orted, 53 officials sum- ned, another 29 held ountable, t
7、wo detained.Timothy Clancy, an Australian student atSummit in Hangzhou. Security rehearsals for the summit have been carried out between 11pm and 4am. ZHU XINGXIN /exposed about 4,000 offenses including Gung autono-s region g 1, 879 cases report- 2 officials heldntable Inne mous r By JulyEgypt have
8、confirmed that they will take part in the sum- mit, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Zhao said the participants will have the chance to taste Hangzhou cuisine. A 7,450- square-meter warehouse is being used to store up to 900 tons of food, and all the food and ingredients will be bought,
9、examined, moni- tored, maintained and deliv-ered through this huge building.to transport the G20 leaders and their delegations. In addi- tion, more than 2,000 drivers will be on duty to meet the needs of summit participants. Attention will focus on all the hotels accommodat- ing G20 leaders, guests
10、and the media, with secu- rity the top concern in thesummit preparations.Zhaoout between 11 pm and 4 am with advance notice, as we have tried our best not to dis- turb peoples daily lives.”Hangzhou Mayor Zhang Hongming said: “All previ- ous hosts of G20 summits paid a lot of attention to security, w
11、ith troops andantee thispeople are volunteering to be security guards.”A 760,000-member patrol group has been made up from local volunteers, according to Xinhua News Agency.Inside inspections are Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Henan and Yunnan provinces, and the Inner Mongolia, Guangxi Zhu- ang and
12、 Ningxia Hui autono- mous regions. The inspections still have two weeks to run.Environmental experts have been quick to praise the cen-reported moned, accounta Jiangxim- heldetained.inceBy July 28 333 cases reporte t least eight offi-oned, more thantough action in dealing with local officials respon
13、sible for illegal pollution discharges.One of the eight provinci regions where tough pu ment was handed o Guangxi, which puofficials. Among city and cou found to hquar kn2ountable. rovince 22 cases ht officialsnother 13 held 14 detained. vince2 cases ficials heldANIMALSINTERNET325 million lured by l
14、ive streaming appsLive streaming app contentPenetration rateJune: 51.7%60%of other emerging internetdeliveries and travel reserva- tions.ing apps secured funding oflion) last year. Tan Shuf an analyst at the based center, said th such apps is in listreaming“For the first time, streaming overtook onl
15、ine music as the top internet entertainment service at the end of last year. The number of onlinemaintained strong growth in the first half of this year, with85.7 percent of 514 millionBy MENG JINGmengjingcest 310 cas- officialsReality shows 19.2%Online games 16.5%The number of live stream- ing app
16、users325 million by the end ofment-backed industry body.It attributes this to better internet technology, a great- er willingness among young people to share theiral lives online and increased demand for short, real-time entertainment.These users accounted for45.8 percent of all internet users, whic
17、h stood at nearly 710 million, an increase of more than 21 million from six months ago, according to a report on Wednesday by theNewborn pandas play ata breeding center in Chengdu.SHE YI / FORovince ses ls heldLive contentSporting events 20. 1%Concerts13.3%Panda twin births boost the hopes for survi
18、valBy HUANG ZHILINGin ChengduhuangzhilingOther 30.9%JNumber of internet users(Unit: million) 800709.6700688.3667.7648.8near the quarry have cracks due to continuous blasting the quarry.632617.6600590.6564537.65004003002001000s been striving to“The cases transferred by the central-level inspectors wi
19、ll go immediately to the govern-June 2012Dec 2012JuneDec2013 2013June 2014Dec 2014June 2015Dec 2015June 2016DAILYSource: Ch na Internet Network Informat on CentereThe apps are mainly used to broadcast sports events, reality shows, online games and concerts, according to the report, which showcases t
20、he latest developments inFeng Yousheng, chief exec- utive officer of Inke, a widely used live streaming app inscreens on their smartphones to watchWith the increasing popu- larity of live streaming, the Ministry of Public Security has stepped up efforts toby carrying out a nationwide campaign to cle
21、an up graphic and vulgar contentstraightaway.”Nine sets of giant panda twins have been born in Sich- uan province so far this year, boosting confidence in the sur- vival of the endangered species. Results of the fourth panda census, released last year by the State Forestry Administra- tion, showed t
22、here were only 1,864 wild pandas and 375 cap- tive ones worldwide at the endof 2013.Pandas survive solely in six mountain rangesof which are in Sichuan.On June 20, a panda at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in the province gave birth to two female cubs, the first newborn panda twin
23、s in the world this year.“After they were born, another six pairs of cubs were born (at the base), with the last pair born on July 26,” base researcher Wu Kongju said.ple are enjoying such “frag- mented entertainment” with the help of faster inter- net connections.“Rather than spending agoing to the
24、 movies, the post- 1990 generation watches broadcasts in real time onhosts and has a good time during a lunch break or while waiting at bus sta- tions,” he said.Spurred by venture capitaling industry only started to take off at the start of this year. But its strong growthinvestigation of 310 cases
25、in two weeks, had punished 216 government officials by Satur- day last week based on Partylations.researcher at a Supreme Pthe large number exposed and the to ishment for officment has reduce pMa Yong, researcsIn the dockYang Weize, the former Com- munist Party chief of Nanjing, Jiangsu province, st
26、ands trial in Ningbo, accused of accept- ing bribes. > p4Harmonious notesOne of songs Tian Mi Mi (Sweet Hon- ey) is now being performed by a leading Cuban a cappella vocal group. > p10and regulationsmission for Discipline Inspec- tion to check for cases of official corruption, the central gove
27、rn- ment has started to send the high-level inspection teams to look for environmental offenses.the major role in environmen- tal protection, but the imple- mentation of these has not been so good, Ma said.Chang Jiwen, deputy direct- or of the Institute for Resources and Environment Policies at the
28、State Council Development Research Center, agreed that progress has been made with國內(nèi)統(tǒng)一編號:CN11-0091 國際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)編號:ISSN0253-9543 郵發(fā)代號:1-3Rural support: Jack Ma, chairman of Alibaba Group Holding, speaks with teachers at an elementary school in Anshun, Guizhou province. See story> p3 WANG ZHUANGFEI /DAILY&
29、#169; 2016DailyA member of the Asia News NetworkZhang Li contributed to this story.sSEE “PANDAS” PAGE 5Vol.36 No. 1131040%39.9%20%0%J D20J D0J D2J DThursday, August 4, 2016DAILY2 PAGE TWOLooking aheadHot topicEvents and stories coming up in the next few daysThefirsthigh- occupancyvehiclelane hasopen
30、edin Shenz GuangdoniRio Olympic Games open tomorrowThe opening ceremony of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, will be held tomorrow. The Olympics will last until Aug 21 and the Paralympics will be held from Sept 7 to 18. More than 10,000 ath letes will compete in the Olympics. For the
31、 first time ever,refugees will also participate.Officials to briThejing today on the impact of last months torrential rain. As of Friday, the nation had been hit by 28 deluges following the second-heaviest rainfall since 1954, according to the Ministry of Water Resources.The firsthigh-tech businesse
32、s, have been unveiled sinceintroduced the idea of mass innovation and entrepreneurship in 2014. The show, which runs until Sunday, will feature a lot of such startups.more people rather than more cars.”Gasoline prices expected to go downRetail gasoline prices are expected to be adjusted today, in li
33、ne with national fuel price mechanisms and global fluc- tuations. Industry insiders say the price will decrease by about 130 yuan ($20) per metric ton.Candik.ullynd comport ries the cha- way beyond.per, you may omens inde- quality in the look whilebeauty, as an Bingbing, ted asmen”. eauty canup ment
34、ali- le whon could they ther sideers of aes- ve. What s how toOn“The car-hailing apps alsoVisit for breaking news and exclusive contentcent of seafood consumed infishing restrictions. Chan Ping-yau tells why he chose a life by the sea and why locally raised fish are better.THOUGHTSchance even at the
35、 first round had it been a competition,” went one ofnever achieve its obvioustono need to open special lanes.”Lin Lin,Photos: Robots work hard at Qingdao beer festivalRobots are popular throughout serving as tools to attract attention. They appear at all kinds of events and exhibitions. At the Qingd
36、ao Interna- tional Beer Festival, in the coastal city of Shandong province, robots are serv- ing visitors.ner of a beauty pageant fails to win approval from the public, I dont see anything abnormal about it. For one thing, the jury panel may not represent the broad tastes of the populace.What I foun
37、d disgusting is the mean spirit that goes with the disapproval.I dont know how to phrase it euphemistically, but the news of American Arianna Quancrowned Miss Michigan for 2016 was not met with applause in the country of her birth. Judging from online feedback,netizens did not agree with“Shes so ugl
38、y I wept. Is this some kind of scheme to deni- grate ethnicMost said they could not believe she is only 23. They put her age at 43, 53 or even63. “It shows how capitalist America quickens your aging process,”one who hwhilecelain fragile kind.and emigrated to th when she wafrienco“In big cities, ther
39、e are usual- ly three or four lanes. If one is dedicated to buses and another for carpool, the rest will be super- crowded.”Liu Yang, advertising major in Chengdu, Sichuan prov- inceTravel: A visit to the worlds longest-hair villageHuangluo, a village in Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, is home to
40、the Yao ethnic group. The women here are character- ized by their red embroidered dress and their long hair, which is long enough to have their home recognized as the “worlds longest-hair village” byen years, so I had already got accustomed to the wide- ly diverging standards that East and West appl
41、y to Asian feminitypical Asian-American women.The California su ly tContGuinness World Records. To thegroup, the long hair is a symbol of auspiciousness.Education: Tsinghua University limits visitorsDuring summer, tination, especially for parents who want their children to excel academi- cally. To m
42、aintain order, the school recently announced that it will limit the number of visitors to 5,000 a day. On Monday, that limit was reached by 3 pm.believe other contestantswomen. I told my friendwith self-assurance. And the“To ease traffic jams, the authoritiesShow: Ancient animal statues show up inAn
43、 exhibition featuring animal-shaped cultural relics unearthed from the Shang Dynasty (16th century-11th cen- tury BC) to 1949 is underway in The exhibition also aims to show the long-lasting affection between humans and animals. The show runs until the end of March.the public tran-e intindustry. Onl
44、ine ads can tar- get potential clients and measure responses instantly.But a young mans dreling legislation governing the advertising industry got a shot in the arm with the appointment in April of Liu Baogu, who has vowed torHis death angered the public, who demanded regu- latory supis the solution
45、.”List; Top 10 regions with government backing Last year, the central government allocated 5.51 tril lion) in funding to local governments, including 502 bil rebates. Of the 14 provinces, municipali- ties and autonomous regions that gained more than 200 bilRead more onsupport, 12 were from the middl
46、e and western regions. Sichuan province received 370 bil amount among all regions.and services such as height-the hospital by researchinglaw will take effect on Sept 1.Under the system, aner- for.COMPILED BY21/3317/2518/2920/31Changchun Changsha Chongqing Dalian Fuzhou Guangzhou Guilin Guiyang Haiko
47、u Hangzhou Harbin Hefei HohhotJinan Kunming Lanzhou Lhasa Lijiang Macao Nanchang Nanjing Nanning Qingdao Sanya23/3328/3525/3223/3027/3725/3225/3219/2426/3326/3325/3526S C T S C TSh Sh T T23/3228/3526/3124/3027/3626/3425/3320/2626/322S C R S C C C TShenyang Shenzhen Shijiazhuang Suzhou Taipei Taiyuan
48、 Tianji23/3425/3125/3124/3128/S T T D23/3427/3224/S S25/3325/3226/3427/3425/3126/3423/3122/3026/3326/3327/3526/3628/3226/3227/3027/3225/3226/3424/3123/3123/3117/2221/3310/2314/2226/3027/3325/3124/3225/3027/33T R C CSh Sh C T D C R24/3117/2320/3211/2114/2327/3127/3326/3225/3325/3026/33C R S D DSh C C
49、Sh C RZhengzhou Zhuhai24/3026/30DSh24/2827/31DShLas VegasMexico city New York29/3714/2321/25Hanoi Is Jakarta28/3325/32DC R D D D D C C C D D D D D R26/3325/3228/3625/2927/3223/2926/3626/3326/4327/3425/3012/1524/3426/346/1023/31DC D D D R D C S C D D S C D DD C C D D D D C12/2419/2717/3020/2312/1914/
50、2015/2222/29C D C D O C C C26/3225/3325/3225/3125/3225/29Karachi28/36Kuala Lumpur 25/32Ottawa15/2824/3324/32Rio De Janeiro 20/23 San Francisco 12/20 Sao Paulo 13/1726/3327/32Manila Mumbai New Delhi Pyongyang Riyadh Seoul Singapore Sydney Teheran Tokyo Wellington Yangon26/3328/3027/3524/3328/4426/342
51、6/3211/1525/3325/319/1124/31Athens Berlin Brussels Geneva Istanbul London Madrid Moscow Paris Rome Vienna25/3116/2414/2215/2825/3114/2418/3814/2516/2720/3015/29S D D C D C C D D S C26/3116/2413/2118/3024/3212/2319/3716/2812/2621/3017/30C D D D C D C C D S DVancouver13/19 Washington 22/3026/3225/3025
52、/3225/32Cairo25/36C24/3611/18-2/16 23/2911/25S C S D DCapeTown9/16 CJohannesburg -1/13 S Lagos23/30 DNairobi10/26 DDAILY Thursday, August 4, 2016TOP3chdeployment of ROK.yment of THAAD ongyang with a to carry out missile nce THAAD will tar- ngs ballistic missil-nuclear weapons, it e been expected tha
53、t ng would have such a,” Wang said.Zongze, vice-president Institute of Inter-e- has plicated, to deployd the focus of rs in the region. should be on denu-tion instead, he said.Under the currentRaising the colorsTheWednesday. WEI XIAOHAO /before plunging into the sea,effort to denuclearizing the RK a
54、nd strictly implement-ed the UN resolution (for sanc- tions), but on the contrary, some countries in the region showed no respect for those efforts by deploying the THAAD system, whose radar range could moni- tor military activities of eastern and northeasternwhich violatess national securi- ty,” Ru
55、an said.“Meanwhile, the deploy- ment seriously damaged the-could onsensus Pyongyangrms race involv- ROK, DPRK,and the US.”Zhang Yaozhong contributed to this story.ch missile acks on South Korea andneighboring countries”. Japanese Prime MinisterShinzo Abe said the launch “poses a serious threat to Japans security and is an unforgivable act of violence toward Japans security”.The latest missile launch by the DPRK, as well as
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