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1、The Team RoleInventory TestBased on the work of Dr. Meredith BelbinClick Here To Proceed To Part IThe Team RoleInventory TestBased on the work of Dr. Meredith BelbinWhat I Believe I Can Contribute to a Team:I think I can quickly see and take advantage of opportunities.I can work well with a very wid

2、e range of people.I can usually sense what is realistic and likely to work.My capacity to follow through has much to do with my personaleffectiveness.My ability rests in being able to draw people out whenever I detect theyhave something of value to contribute to group activities.My technical knowled

3、ge and experience is usually my major asset.I can offer a reasoned case for alternative courses of action withoutintroducing bias or prejudice.Producing ideas is one of my natural assets.I am ready to face temporary unpopularity if it leads to worthwhileresults in the end.You have ten (10) points to

4、 distribute amongst the statements on the left, depending onhow much you agree with each of them. Statements you disagree with or are indifferentto will be awarded zero points. You may not give negative points to any statement, norare you allowed to award fewer than ten points in total. You may dist

5、ribute points as youwish.Points Remaining:100YOU HAVE NOT USED ALL OF YOUR POINTS YET101Click Here To Proceed To Part IIIf I Have a Possible Shortcoming inTeamwork, It Could Be That:I am not at ease unless meetings are well structured and controlledand generally well conducted.My objective outlook m

6、akes it difficult for me to join in readily andenthusiastically with colleagues.I find it difficult to lead from the front, perhaps because I am over-responsive to group atmosphere.I am apt to get too caught up in ideas that occur to me and so losetrack of what is happening.My colleagues tend to see

7、 me as worrying unnecessarily over detailand the possibility that things may go wrong.I am sometimes seen as forceful and authoritarian if there is a need toget something done.I am inclined to be generous towards others who have a valid viewpointthat has not been given a proper airing.I am reluctant

8、 to contribute unless the subject being discussed dealswith an area I know well.I have a tendency to talk too much once the group gets on to newideas.You have ten (10) points to distribute amongst the statements on the left, depending onhow much you agree with each of them. Statements you disagree w

9、ith or are indifferentto will be awarded zero points. You may not give negative points to any statement, norare you allowed to award fewer than ten points in total. You may distribute points as youwish.Points Remaining:100YOU HAVE NOT USED ALL OF YOUR POINTS YET101Click Here To Proceed To Part IIIWh

10、en Involved in a Project with OtherPeople:I can be counted on to contribute something original.My general vigilance prevents careless mistakes and omissions beingmade.I have an aptitude for influencing people without pressurizing them.I am keen to look for the latest in new ideas and developments.I

11、try to maintain my sense of professionalism.I believe that my capacity for judgements can help to bring about theright decisions.I am always ready to back a good suggestion in the common interest.I am ready to press for action to make sure the meeting does notwaste time or lose sight of the main obj

12、ective.I can be relied upon to see that all essential work is organized.You have ten (10) points to distribute amongst the statements on the left, depending onhow much you agree with each of them. Statements you disagree with or are indifferentto will be awarded zero points. You may not give negativ

13、e points to any statement, norare you allowed to award fewer than ten points in total. You may distribute points as youwish.Points Remaining:100YOU HAVE NOT USED ALL OF YOUR POINTS YET101Click Here To Proceed To Part IVMy Characteristic Approach to Group Workis That:I have a quiet interest in gettin

14、g to know colleagues better.While I am interested in all views, I have no hesitation in making up mymind once a decision has to be made.I am not reluctant to challenge the views of others or to hold a minorityview myself.I think I have a talent for making things work once a plan has to be putinto op

15、eration.I have a tendency to avoid the obvious and come out with theunexpected.I am ready to make use of contacts outside of the group itself.I bring a touch of perfectionism to any job I undertake.I can usually find a line of argument to refute unsound propositions.I contribute when I know what Im

16、talking about.You have ten (10) points to distribute amongst the statements on the left, depending onhow much you agree with each of them. Statements you disagree with or are indifferentto will be awarded zero points. You may not give negative points to any statement, norare you allowed to award few

17、er than ten points in total. You may distribute points as youwish.Points Remaining:100YOU HAVE NOT USED ALL OF YOUR POINTS YET101Click Here To Proceed To Part VI Gain Satisfaction In a Job Because:I enjoy analyzing situations and weighing up all the possible choices.I feel that I am using my special

18、 qualifications and training toadvantage.I like to find a field that stretches my imagination.I feel in my element when I can give a task my full attention.I am interested in finding practical solutions to problems.I like to feel I am fostering good working relationships.I can meet people who may ha

19、ve something new to offer.I can get people to agree on a necessary course of action.I can have a strong influence on decisions.You have ten (10) points to distribute amongst the statements on the left, depending onhow much you agree with each of them. Statements you disagree with or are indifferentt

20、o will be awarded zero points. You may not give negative points to any statement, norare you allowed to award fewer than ten points in total. You may distribute points as youwish.Points Remaining:100YOU HAVE NOT USED ALL OF YOUR POINTS YET101Click Here To Proceed To Part VIIf I Am Suddenly Given a D

21、ifficult Task withLimited Time and Unfamiliar People:I tend to read up as much as I conveniently can on the subject.I would retain a steadiness of purpose in spite of the pressures.I would open up discussions with a view to stimulating new thoughtsand getting something moving.I believe that I would

22、keep cool and maintain my capacity to thinkstraight.I would find some way of reducing the size of the task by establishingwhat different individuals might best contribute.I would feel like retiring to a corner to devise a way out of the impassebefore developing a line.I would be prepared to take a p

23、ositive lead if I felt the group wasmaking no progress.My natural sense of urgency would help ensure that we did not fallbehind schedule.I would be ready to work with the person who showed the most positiveapproach.You have ten (10) points to distribute amongst the statements on the left, depending

24、onhow much you agree with each of them. Statements you disagree with or are indifferentto will be awarded zero points. You may not give negative points to any statement, norare you allowed to award fewer than ten points in total. You may distribute points as youwish.Points Remaining:100YOU HAVE NOT

25、USED ALL OF YOUR POINTS YET101Click Here To Proceed To Part VIIWith Reference to the Problems to Which IAm Subject in Working in Groups:I am apt to show my impatience with those who are obstructingprogress.I hesitate to get my points across when I run up against realopposition.I am inclined to feel

26、I am wasting my time and would do better on myown.I am conscious of demanding from others the things I cannot domyself.I am tend to get bored rather easily and rely on one or two stimulatingmembers to spark me off.My desire to ensure that work is properly done can hold upproceedings.Others may criti

27、cise me for being too analytical and insufficientlyintuitive.I find it difficult to get started unless the goals are clear.I am sometimes poor at explaining and clarifying complex points thatoccur to me.You have ten (10) points to distribute amongst the statements on the left, depending onhow much y

28、ou agree with each of them. Statements you disagree with or are indifferentto will be awarded zero points. You may not give negative points to any statement, norare you allowed to award fewer than ten points in total. You may distribute points as youwish.Points Remaining:100YOU HAVE NOT USED ALL OF

29、YOUR POINTS YET101Click Here To Proceed To the Results PageSectionTotalI00000II00000III00000IV00000V00000VI00000VII00000Total00000Roles= Implementor01= Coordinator01= Shaper01= Plant01= Resource Investigator01= Monitor Evaluator01= Team Worker01= Complete Finisher01= Specialist0100000000000000000000000000000000TotalYour Personal Role Inv


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