1、海量高品質(zhì)學(xué)習(xí)資料,盡在者學(xué)會(huì)入門資料實(shí)戰(zhàn)經(jīng)驗(yàn)咨詢者者學(xué)會(huì)TRADING OPTION GREEKSSince 1996, Bloomberg Press has published books for nancial professionals on investing, economics, and policy affecting investors. Titles are written by leading practitioners and authorities, and have been translated into more than 20 languages.The B
2、loomberg Financial Series provides both core reference knowledge and actionable information for nancial professionals. The books are written by experts familiar with the work ows, challenges, and demands of invest- ment professionals who trade the markets, manage money, and analyze investments in th
3、eir capacity of growing and protecting wealth, hedging risk, and generating revenue.For a list of available titles, please visit our web site at go/bloombergpress.TRADING OPTION GREEKSHow Time, Volatility, and Other Pricing Factors Drive ProtsSecond EditionDan PassarelliCopyright ª 2012 by Dan
4、Passarelli.s.Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. First edition was published in 2008 by Bloomberg Press.Published simultaneously in Canada.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, m
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12、ormats. Some content that appears in print may not beavailable in electronic books. For more information about Wiley products, visit our web site atLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:.Passarelli, Dan, 1971-Trading option Greeks : how time, volatility, and other pricing factors drive
13、prots / Dan Passarelli.2nd ed.p. cm. (Bloomberg nancial series) Includes index.ISBN 978-1-118-13316-3 (cloth); ISBN 978-1-118-22512-7 (ebk);ISBN 978-1-118-26322-8 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-23861-5 (ebk)1. Options (Finance) 2. Stock options. 3. Derivative securities. I. Title. HG6024.A3P36 2012332.64053d
14、c232012019462Printed in the United States of America10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1This book is dedicated to Kathleen, Sam, and Isabel. I wouldnt trade them for all the money in the world.DisclaimerThis book is intended to be educational in nature, both theoretically and practically. It is meant to generally e
15、xplore the factors that inuence option prices so that the reader may gain an understanding of how options work in the real world. This book does not prescribe a specic trading system or method. This book makes no guarantees.Any strategies discussed, including examples using actual securities and pri
16、ce data, are strictly for illustrative and educational purposes only and are not to be construed as an endorsement, recommendation, or solicitation to buy or sell securities. Examples may or may not be based on factual or historical data. In order to simplify the computations, examples may not inclu
17、de com- missions, fees, margin, interest, taxes, or other transaction costs. Commissions and other costs will impact the outcome of all stock and options transac- tions and must be considered prior to entering into any transactions. Investors should consult their tax adviser about potential tax cons
18、equences. Past per-formance is not a guarantee of future results.Options involve risks and are not suitable for everyone. While much of this book focuses on the risks involved in option trading, there are market situations and scenarios that involve unique risks that are not discussed.Prior to buyin
19、g or selling an option, ashould read Characteristics andRisks of Standardized Options (ODD). Copies of the ODD are available from your broker, by calling 1-888-OPTIONS, or from The Options Clearing Corporation, One North Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606.viiContentsForewordPreface Acknowledgment
20、sxiiixv xixPART I: THE BASICS OF OPTION GREEKSCHAPTER 1The BasicsContractual Rights and Obligations ETFs, Indexes, and HOLDRs Strategies and At Expiration Diagrams33910CHAPTER 2Greek PhilosophyPrice vs. Value: How Traders Use Option Pricing M DeltaGamma Theta Vega RhoWhere to Find Option Greeks Cave
21、ats with Regard to Online Greeks Thinking GreekNotes2324253238424651525353sCHAPTER 3Understanding VolatilityHistorical Volatility Implied Volatility Expected VolatilityImplied Volatility and Direction5555586167ixxContentsCalculating Volatility Data Volatility SkewNote686972CHAPTER 4Option-Specic Ris
22、k and OpportuLong ATM Call Long OTM Call Long ITM Call Long ATM PutFinding the Right Risk Its All About VolatilityOptions and the Fair Game Note737379838489899394CHAPTER 5An Introduction to Volatility-Selling StrategiesProt Potential9595CHAPTER 6Put-Call Parity and SyntheticsPut Call Parity Essentia
23、ls American Exercise Options Synthetic StockSynthetic Stock StrategiesTheoretical Value and the Interest Rate A Call Is a PutNote113113119120124132133133CHAPTER 7RhoRho and Interest Rates Rho and TimeConsidering Rho When Planning Trades Trading RhoNotes135135137138142143CHAPTER 8Dividends and Option
24、 PricingDividend BasicsDividends and Option Pricing Dividends and Early ExerciseInputting Dividend Data into the Pricing M145145147148152xiContentsPART II: SPREADSCHAPTER 9Vertical SpreadsVertical Spreads Verticals and VolatilityThe Interrelations of Credit Spreads and Debit Spreads Building a BoxVe
25、rticals and Beyond Note163164178180181183183CHAPTER 10Wing SpreadsCondors and Butteries Taking FlightKeys to SuccessGreeks and Wing Spreads Directional Butteries Constructing Trades to185185185194195195198205207ize ProtThe Retail Trader versus the Pro NotesCHAPTER 11Calendar and Diagonal SpreadsCale
26、ndar SpreadsTrading Volatility Term Structure DiagonalsThe Strength of the Calendar Note209209218228233233PART III: VOLATILITYCHAPTER 12Delta-Neutral Trading: Trading Implied VolatilityDirection Neutral versus Direction Indifferent Delta NeutralTrading Implied Volatilitys237237238241247xiiContentsCH
27、APTER 13Delta-Neutral Trading: Trading Realized VolatilityGamma Scalping Art and ScienceGamma, Theta, and Volatility Gamma Hedging253254258259259265Sys and FrownsCHAPTER 14Studying Volatility ChartsNine Volatility Chart Patterns Note269269282PART IV: ADVANCED OPTION TRADINGCHAPTER 15Straddles and St
28、ranglesLong Straddle Short Straddle Synthetic Straddles Long Strangle Short Strangle Note285285293298299302306CHAPTER 16Ratio Spreads and Complex SpreadsRatio SpreadsHow Market Makers Manage Delta Neutral Positions Trading SkewWhen Delta Neutral Isnt Direction Indifferent Managing Multiple Class Ris
29、k307307316321322323CHAPTER 17Putting the Greeks into ActionTrading Option Greeks Choosing between Strategies Managing TradesThe HAPI: The Hope and Pray Index Adjusting325326326329329330About the AuthorIndex333335ForewordThe past several years have brought about a resurgence in market volatility and
30、options volume unlike anything that has been seen since the close of the twentieth century. As markets have become more interdependent, interrelated, and international, the U.S. listed option markets have solidied their place as the most liquid and transparent venue for risk management and hedging a
31、ctivities of the worlds largest economy. Technology, compe- tition, innovation, and reliability have become the hallmarks of the indus- try, and our customer base has beneted tremendously from this ongoing evolution.However, these advances can be properly tapped only when the users of the product co
32、ntinue to expand their knowledge of the options product and its unique features. Education has always been the driver of growth in our business, and it will be the steward of the next generation of options traders. Dan Passarellis new and updated book Trading Option Greeks is a necessity for custome
33、rs and traders alike to ensure that they possess the knowledge to succeed and attain their objectives in the high-speed, highly technical arena that the options market has become.The retail trader of the past has given way to a new retail trader of the presentone with an increased level of technolog
34、y, support, capital treat- ment, and product selection. The impact of the staggering growth in such products as the CBOE Holdings VIX options and futures, and the literally dozens of other products tied to it, have made the volatility asset class a new, unique, and permanent pillar of todays option
35、markets.Dans updated book continues his mission of supporting, preparing, and reinforcing the traders understanding of pricing, volatility, market termi- nology, and strategy, in a way that few other books have been able. Using axiiixivForewordperspective forged from years as an options market maker
36、, professional trader, and customer, Dan has once again provided a resource for those who wish to know best how the option markets behave today, and how they are likely to continue to behave in the future. It is important to understand not only what happens in the options space, but also why it happ
37、ens. This book is intended to provide those answers. I wish you all the best in your trading!William J. BrodskyChairman and CEO Chicago Board Options ExchangePrefaceIve always been fascinated by trading. When I was young, Id see traders on television, in their brightly colored jackets, shouting on t
38、he seemingly chaotic trading oor, and Id marvel at them. What a wonderful job that must be! These traders seemed to me to be very different from the rest of us. Its all so very esoteric.It is easy to assume that professional traders have closely kept secrets to their ways of tradingsomething that se
39、cures success in trading for them, but is out of reach for everyone else. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. If there are any “secrets” of professional traders, this book will expose them.True enough, in years past there have been some barriers to entryto trading success that didmake
40、it difcult for nonprofessionals tosucceed. For example, commissions, bid-ask spreads, margin requirements, and information ow all favored the professional trader. Now, these barriers are gone. Competition among brokers and exchangesas well as the ubiq- uity of information as propagated on the Intern
41、ethas torn down those walls. The only barrier left between the Average Joe and the options pro is that of knowledge. Those who have it will succeed; those who do not will fail. To be sure, the knowledge held by successful traders is not that of what will happen in the future; it is the knowledge of
42、how to manage the uncertainty. No matter what our instincts tell us, we do not know what will happen in the future with regard to the market. As Socrates put it, “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” The masters of option trading are masters of managing the risk associated with what
43、 they dontknowthe risk of uncertainty.As an instructor, Ivked to many traders who were new to optionswho told me, “I made a trade based on what I thought was going to happen. I was right, but my position lost money!” Choosing the right strategy makes all the difference when it comes to mastery of ri
44、sk management and ultimate trading success. Knowing which option strategy is the right strategy for agiven situation comes witowledge and experience.xvxviPrefaceAll option strategies are differentiated by their unique risk characteristics. Some are more sensitive to directional movement of the under
45、lying asset than others; some are more affected by time passing than others. The exact exposure positions have to these market inuences determines the success ofindividual trades and, the long-term success of the trader who knowshow to exploit these risk characteristics. These option-value sensitivi
46、ties can be controlled when a trader understands the option greeks.Option greeks are metrics used to measure an options sensitivity to inuences on its price. This book will provide the reader with an under- standing of these metrics, to help the reader truly master the risk of uncer- tainty associat
47、ed with option trading.Successful traders strive to create option positions with risk-reward proles that benet them the most in a given situation. A traders objectives will dictate the right strategy for the right situation. Traders can tailor a position to t a specic forecast with respect to the ti
48、me horizon; the degree of bullishness, bearishness, neutrality, or volatility in the underlying stock; and the desired amount of leverage. Furthermore, they can exploit oppor- tunities unique to options. They can trade option greeks. This opens the door to many new opportunities.A New DirectionTrade
49、rs, both professional and retail, need ways to act on their forecasts without the constraints of convention. “Get long, or do nothing” is nolonger a viable business mfor people active in the market. “Up is good;down is bad” is burned into traders minds from the beginning of their market education. T
50、his concept has its place in the world of investing, but becoming an active trader in the option market requires thinking in a new direction.Market makers and other expert option traders look at the market differently from other traders. One fundamental difference is that these traders trade all fou
51、r directions: up, down, sideways, and volatile.Trading StrategiesBuying stock is a trading strategy that most people understand. In practical terms, traders who buy stock are generally not concerned with the literalownership stake in a corporation, just the opportuto prot if the stockxviiPrefacerise
52、s. Although its important for traders to understand that the price of a stock is largely tied to the success or failure of the corporation, its essential to keep in mind exactly what the objective tends to be for trading a stock: to prot from changes in its price. A bullish position can also be take
53、n in the options market. The most basic example is buying a call.A bearish position can be taken by trading stock or options, as well. If traders expect the value of a stock they own to fall, they will sell the stock. This eliminates the risk of losses from the stocks falling. If the traders do not
54、own the stock that they think will decline, they can take a more active stance and short it. The short-seller borrows the stock from a party that owns it and then sells the borrowed shares to another party. The goal of selling stock short is to later repurchase the shares at a lower price before ret
55、urning the stock to its owner. It is simply reversing the order of “buy low/sell high.” The risk is that the stock rises and shares have to be bought at a higher price than that at which they were sold. Although shorting stock can lead to prots when the market cooperates, in the options market, ther
56、e are alternative ways to prot from falling prices. The most basic example is buying a put. A trader can use options to take a bullish or bearish position, given a directional forecast. Sideways, nontrending stocks and their antithesis, volatile stocks, can be traded as well. In the later market con
57、ditions, prot orloss can be independent of whether the stock rises or falls. Opportuinoption trading is not necessarily black and whitenot necessarily up and down. Option trading is nonlinear. Consequently, more opportunities can be exploited by trading options than by trading stock.Option traders must consider the time period in question, the volatility expected during this period, interest rates, and dividends. Along with the stock pri
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