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1、egaes, staff Helo! in ter u Sping Fe. we held one sen of fu s. r.iseta Cneence 20 13workshop, uibak i 20Q caeu anayss of the.ret. .n,. ss 2013deve opmet pansHee on be. of my com ay 203 wk eports tote Genea Assemby, for consdeaton.Pla I, 2012back i n a| XX power companes a .here to thepartys . gea sp

2、i. for guidance comprehens impement - scetiic ccncept of i motig cost 1 esipstaegy sa -a .* focuson im ploetain, ean managemet, ccntiuousy mprove resetsaey siu.nof eep managgmetbiss maageme nt adcontrol scetiic ad n.aoed, a nd - de. “of staff manage a hamonius and .- o-ac amosphee of the good. - .n.

3、 Mai in. tos are - fliwsthe bate, i ndca or: powe gen.n to.'85 bilon kW,bayn. " annualbudget m. eaii n capa of 315 m.on kW, a niccese of 75 miinkW.Saes tot- 74a."kW, >xuedig saesof 330 m.nk", he anua Exeutve budgeta i ncrase of ' mlin kW.' 一 " m-suesunplaned outge

4、s 25 一.No pesna ijuy acc det I ccued, no maor icCet and aov* no maor fe ac_nts wihou envbnmentapolluin lccdets fr tre conne cutve yeas to maita n sabiiy t g ood posueBsines f nancil i ndi cats: totl pr of- of 25 miin Yuan,.on.the anua budgetI f IT milon Y - n, bby ond the Daag cmpany id_ lllmlion Yu

5、a, a iI ce -eof 1.6 milon、"CMase smet a grade fourEnegy powr luppya. coalcompl eig 31211 g/kW, id-wI1gk W; itgatd a ,po-we cnsmptonri 51*, do-w0.2% ; polua nt - isions pefma ncegaa educed compaed to las yar, bon 019 gk W, sUfu dix 1101 W NOx W; . - trrmova fcencyof more t I aII*. Relaily idlx:

6、eqUvaent bily fctri n 04%, i ncra-d '95%frm a yea -.e.EqUvt frcedoutger018% 111% e_clon o'er these peid a yeaea .Mjr acens: fist we soul. adee tI the tw "maagement.sem" bbss steggheningtecnol oggcl e -ac.sengthe ,ddehazads cntrl r nsi c saeyEnteprie cnsructon tok new seps The

7、 tw laagement sstm" for improvment Focuson pr omoting t he powe of the cmpanymamlmetsystm and the aplcaton a.imp entatonI f telafeylop fiesar man m l>etsyst>,mpro<e te - feymantentsystm,reaiethesstm ofsaey cntolFute reulae secuiy routnes eylupeviion ad managgment newok ret o pllyto aci

8、eediedlop. Stegt hei ng te suevsiin ad maigoeit of habiua volatonof stegghening te saey lupevsin ofousucng cntrcor s.Caare d out i spring and lut-n of -cury i nsppctons,f oodcntol ad inspecton, feypr-cin month, day iupenision ofprouci on saey ad theO.picG ad other建筑工程施工質(zhì)量驗(yàn)收資料(GJ:鋼結(jié)構(gòu)工程部分)檔 號(hào)檔案館代號(hào) 案卷題

9、名 編制單位 編制日期 密 級(jí) 保管期限 共 卷第 卷江蘇省建設(shè)工程質(zhì)量監(jiān)督站編印egae* staff Helo! in ter u S pingw e held one sen of fu s. r.iseta Cneence 20 13workshop, ui bak i 20Q caeu anayss of the .ret . .n,. ss 2013 deve opmet pansHee on be. of my com ay 203 wk eports tote Genea Assem by, for consdeaton.Pla I, 2012 back i n a| XX p

10、ower compa nes a .her e to the partys . gea spi. for guidance compre hens impeme nt - scetii c ccncept of i motig cost 1 esipstaegy sa i da .* focus on im ploetain, ea n managem et, ccntiuousy mprove reset saey siu.nof eep ma.ag-et, bu.-s maageme nt ad control scetii c ad n.aoe d, a nd - de . “of st

11、aff manage a hamonius and .- o-ac atmos phee of the good . - .n. M ai in. tos are - fl iwst he bate, i ndca or: powe ge n.n to.'85 bilon kW, bayn. " annual budget m. eai i n capa of 315 m. on k W, a niccese of 75 miinkW.Saes tot- 74a."kW, >xuedig saes of 330 m.nkWl he anua Exeutve b

12、udgeta i ncrase of ' mlinkW. ' 一 " m-sue sunplaned outge s 25 一.No pesna ijuy a cc det I ccue d, no maoricCet and aov* no maor fe ac_nts wihou envbnmenta polluin.cdes fr tre conne cutve ye as to maita ns,biiy tg ood po.ueBsi nes f nancil i ndi cats: t o. pr of - of 25 miin Yuan,.on.t he

13、 anua budget I f IT mil onY - n, bby ond the Daag cmpa ny inex 41.9 mil on Yua, a i ice>se of1.1mil on、 "CM ase smeta grade fourEnegy powr .ppy nda. coal compl eig 31211 g/k W, id-wI1gkW; i、a*tda ypo-wecnsmpt onri51*, do-w0.2% ; polua nt - isi ons pefrma nce gaa educe d compaed to las ya r,

14、cadon 019 g k W, sUfu dix de .114. W NOx W; dust r_ov a fcency of more tI a ll*.aily idlx: eqUvae nt bily fctr i n 04%, i ncra -d '95%frma yea -. e.EqUvalet frced outge r018% 111% e_clon o'er these peid a yea ea .Mjr ace ns: fist we soud a dee t I the tw "maagement.sem" bbss steggh

15、eningtecnol oggcl e -ac.sengt he I idde hazads cntrl and intr nsi c saeyEnteprie cnsructon tok new se ps The tw laagement sstm" for improvment Focus on pr omoting t he powe of the cmpanymangetly m and the aplcato n ad implme ntaton I f telafeylop fiesar man m l>etsyst>,mpro<ete - fe,ma

16、ntentsystm,reaiethesstm ofsaey cntol Fute reulae secuiy routne s eylupeviion ad managgment newok ret o pllyto acieediedlop. Stegt hei ng te suevsi in ad maigoeit of ha biua vol aton of stegghe ning te saeylupevsin ofousucng cntrcor s.Caare d out i spring andlut-n of - cury i nsppctons,f ood cntol ad

17、 inspe cton, feypr-cin month, day iupenision ofprouci on saey ad the O.pi cG ad ot her鋼結(jié)構(gòu)工程概況GJ1.1日期:建設(shè)單位工程名稱工程地址建筑面積結(jié)構(gòu)層次鋼結(jié)構(gòu)名稱工程量總包單位項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理聯(lián)系電話監(jiān)理單位總監(jiān)理工程師聯(lián)系電話建筑 設(shè)計(jì)單位項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人聯(lián)系電話鋼結(jié)構(gòu) 設(shè)計(jì)單位設(shè)計(jì)資質(zhì)證書號(hào)碼鋼結(jié)構(gòu) 設(shè)計(jì)人員執(zhí)業(yè)資格等級(jí)聯(lián)系電話鋼結(jié)構(gòu) 施工單位資質(zhì)等級(jí)證書號(hào)碼分包項(xiàng)目 經(jīng)理資格 等級(jí)證號(hào)聯(lián)系電話開工日期竣工日期附注:填表人:復(fù)核人:egae* staff Hel o! in ter u S pingw e held

18、 one sen of fu s. r.iseta Cneence 20 13workshop, ui bak i 20Q caeu anayss ofthe .ret . .n,. ss2013 deve opmet pansHee onbe. of my com ay 203 wk eports tote Genea Assemby, for consdeaton.Pla I, 2012back in a| XX power companes a .her e to the partys . gea spi. for guidance comprehens impeme nt - scet

19、ii c ccncept of i motig cost 1 esipstaegy sai da .* focus on im ploetain, ea n managem et, ccntiuousy mprove reset saey siu.nof eep ma naggmet biss maagement ad control scetii c ad n.aoe d, a nd - de. “of staff manage a hamonius and .- o-ac amosphe e of the good . - .n. M ai in. tos are - fl iwst he

20、 bate, i ndca or: powe ge n.n to.'85 bilon kW,bayn. " annualbudget m. eai i n capa of 315 m. on k W, a niccese of 75 miinkW.Saes tot- 74a."kW, >xuedig saes of 330 m.nkWl he anua Exeutve budgeta i ncra se of ' mlink W.' 一 " m-sue sunplaned outge s 25 一.No pesna ijuy a cc

21、 det I ccue d, no maoricCet and aov* no maor fe ac_nts wihou envbnmenta polluin.cdes fr tre conne cutve ye as to maitans,biH t g ood po.ueBsi nes f nancil i ndi cats: t o. pr of - of 25 miin Yuan,.on.t he anua budget I f IT milonY - n,bby ond the Daag cmpany inex 41.9 mil on Yua, a i ice>se of1.1

22、milon、"CM ase smet a gra de fourEnegy powr.ppya. coal compl eig 31211 g/kW, id-wI1gkW; itgatd a ypo-wecnsmptonri51*, do-w0.2% ; polua nt - isi ons pefrma nce gaa educe d cmpard t as yar, bon 019 g k W, sUfu dix de .114. W NOx W. dus rrmov a fcency of more t I a ll*.aily idlx: eqUvae nt bily fct

23、r i n 04%, i ncra -d '95% frma yea -. e.EqUvalet frced outge r018% 111%e_clon o'er these peid a yea ea .Mjr ace ns:f - twesoud adee tI the tw "maagement.sem" bbss steggheningtecnol oggcl e -ac.sengt he I dde hazads cntrl a r nsi c saeyEnteprie cnsructon tok new se ps The tw la

24、agement sstm" for mprovment Focus on pr omotig t he powe of the cmpanymamlmet ly m and the apato n a.mp e ntain I f telafeylop fiesar man m l>etsyst>,mpro<ete - fe,mantent sys», reaie thesstm ofsaey cntol Fute reulae se-iyrouies eylupeviion ad managgment newok ret o pllyto acieedi

25、edlop. Stegt hei ng te suevsi in ad maigoe it of ha b,a Vil ain of stegghe nig tesaey lupevsin ofousucng cntrcor s.Caare d out i sprig andlut-n of - cury i nsppctons,f oodcntol ad ispecton, feypr-cin month, day iupenisin ofprouci on saey ad the O.picG ad ot her圖紙會(huì)審、設(shè)計(jì)變更、洽商記錄匯總工程名稱:日期年 月日序號(hào)內(nèi)容變更洽商日期備注

26、注:設(shè)計(jì)變更洽商記錄附后。egae* staff Helo! in ter u S pingw e held one sen of fu s. r.iseta Cneence 20 13workshop, ui bak i 20Q caeu anayss of the .ret . .n,. ss 2013 deve opmet pansHee on be. of my com ay 203 wk eports tote Genea Assem by, for consdeaton.Pla I, 2012 back i n a| XX power compa nes a .her e to t

27、he partys . gea spi. for guidance compre hens impeme nt - scetii c ccncept of i motig cost 1 esipstaegy sa i da .* focus on im ploetain, ea n managem et, ccntiuousy mprove reset saey siu.nof eep ma.ag-et, bu.-s maageme nt ad control scetii c ad n.aoe d, a nd - de . “of staff manage a hamonius and .-

28、 o-ac atmos phee of the good . - .n. M ai in. tos are - fl iwst he bate, i ndca or: powe ge n.n to.'85 bilon kW, bayn. " annual budget m. eai i n capa of 315 m. on k W, a niccese of 75 miinkW.Saes tot- 74a."kW, >xuedig saes of 330 m.nkWl he anua Exeutve budgeta i ncrase of ' mli

29、nkW. ' 一 " m-sue sunplaned outge s 25 一.No pesna ijuy a cc det I ccue d, no maoricCet and aov* no maor fe ac_nts wihou envbnmenta polluin.cdes fr tre conne cutve ye as to maita ns,biiy tg ood po.ueBsi nes f nancil i ndi cats: t o. pr of - of 25 miin Yuan,.on.t he anua budget I f IT mil onY

30、- n, bby ond the Daag cmpa ny inex 41.9 mil on Yua, a i ice>se of1.1mil on、 "CM ase smeta grade fourEnegy powr .ppy nda. coal compl eig 31211 g/k W, id-wI1gkW; i、a*tda ypo-wecnsmpt onri51*, do-w0.2% ; polua nt - isi ons pefrma nce gaa educe d compaed to las ya r, cadon 019 g k W, sUfu dix de

31、 .114. W NOx W; dust r_ov a fcency of more tI a ll*.aily idlx: eqUvae nt bily fctr i n 04%, i ncra -d '95%frma yea -. e.EqUvalet frced outge r018% 111% e_clon o'er these peid a yea ea .Mjr ace ns: fist we soud a dee t I the tw "maagement.sem" bbss steggheningtecnol oggcl e -ac.seng

32、t he I idde hazads cntrl and intr nsi c saeyEnteprie cnsructon tok new se ps The tw laagement sstm" for improvment Focus on pr omoting t he powe of the cmpanymangetly m and the aplcato n ad implme ntaton I f telafeylop fiesar man m l>etsyst>,mpro<ete - fe,mantentsystm,reaiethesstm ofsa

33、ey cntol Fute reulae secuiy routne s eylupeviion ad managgment newok ret o pllyto acieediedlop. Stegt hei ng te suevsi in ad maigoeit of ha biua vol aton of stegghe ning te saeylupevsin ofousucng cntrcor s.Caare d out i spring andlut-n of - cury i nsppctons,f ood cntol ad inspe cton, feypr-cin month

34、, day iupenision ofprouci on saey ad the O.pi cG ad ot her圖紙會(huì)審、設(shè)計(jì)變更、洽商記錄GJ1.2.1工程名稱日期內(nèi)容:施工 單位項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理:專職質(zhì)檢員:技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人:建設(shè)監(jiān)理單位總監(jiān)理工程師:設(shè)計(jì)單位項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人:注:內(nèi)容填不下者可另加附件,臨時(shí)變更記錄附后。egae* staff Hel o! in ter u S pingw e held one sen of fu s. r.iseta Cneence 20 13workshop, ui bak i 20Q caeu anayss ofthe .ret . .n,. ss2013 dev

35、e opmet pansHee onbe. of my com ay 203 wk eports tote Genea Assemby, for consdeaton.Pla I, 2012back in a| XX power companes a .her e to the partys . gea spi. for guidance comprehens impeme nt - scetii c ccncept of i motig cost 1 esipstaegy sai da .* focus on im ploetain, ea n managem et, ccntiuousy

36、mprove reset saey siu.nof eep ma naggmet biss maagement ad control scetii c ad n.aoe d, a nd - de. “of staff manage a hamonius and .- o-ac amosphe e of the good . - .n. M ai in. tos are - fl iwst he bate, i ndca or: powe ge n.n to.'85 bilon kW,bayn. " annualbudget m. eai i n capa of 315 m.

37、on k W, a niccese of 75 miinkW.Saes tot- 74a."kW, >xuedig saes of 330 m.nkWl he anua Exeutve budgeta i ncra se of ' mlink W.' 一 " m-sue sunplaned outge s 25 一.No pesna ijuy a cc det I ccue d, no maoricCet and aov* no maor fe ac_nts wihou envbnmenta polluin.cdes fr tre conne cutv

38、e ye as to maitans,biH t g ood po.ueBsi nes f nancil i ndi cats: t o. pr of - of 25 miin Yuan,.on.t he anua budget I f IT milonY - n,bby ond the Daag cmpany inex 41.9 mil on Yua, a i ice>se of1.1milon、"CM ase smet a gra de fourEnegy powr.ppya. coal compl eig 31211 g/kW, id-wI1gkW; itgatd a y

39、po-wecnsmptonri51*, do-w0.2% ; polua nt - isi ons pefrma nce gaa educe d cmpard t as yar, bon 019 g k W, sUfu dix de .114. W NOx W. dus rrmov a fcency of more t I a ll*.aily idlx: eqUvae nt bily fctr i n 04%, i ncra -d '95% frma yea -. e.EqUvalet frced outge r018% 111%e_clon o'er these peid

40、a yea ea .Mjr ace ns:f - twesoud adee tI the tw "maagement.sem" bbss steggheningtecnol oggcl e -ac.sengt he I dde hazads cntrl a r nsi c saeyEnteprie cnsructon tok new se ps The tw laagement sstm" for mprovment Focus on pr omotig t he powe of the cmpanymamlmet ly m and the apato

41、n a.mp e ntain I f telafeylop fiesar man m l>etsyst>,mpro<ete - fe,mantent sys», reaie thesstm ofsaey cntol Fute reulae se-iyrouies eylupeviion ad managgment newok ret o pllyto acieediedlop. Stegt hei ng te suevsi in ad maigoe it of ha b,a Vil ain of stegghe nig tesaey lupevsin ofousuc

42、ng cntrcor s.Caare d out i sprig andlut-n of - cury i nsppctons,f oodcntol ad ispecton, feypr-cin month, day iupenisin ofprouci on saey ad the O.picG ad ot her施工組織設(shè)計(jì)、施工方案審批表GJ1.3工程名稱日期現(xiàn)報(bào)上下表中的技術(shù)管理文件,請予以審批類別編制人冊數(shù)頁數(shù)施工組織設(shè)計(jì)施工力榮內(nèi)容附后中報(bào)簡述:申報(bào)部門(分包單位)申報(bào)人:審核意見:有無附頁總承包單位名稱:審核人:審核日期:年 月日審批意見:審批結(jié)論:同意修改后報(bào)重新編制審批部門(

43、單位):審批人:日期:年 月 日注:附施工組織設(shè)計(jì)、施工方案。-IMisI motigcost ledesi p satgy sa I da ds focus on im pllmetain, eaon Yua, a i I ce >se of 1.1 mil on、- .,F(xiàn)CM ase smet a gra de fourol Fute reulae seiyrouies saey iupeniion ad managgment newegae* staff Hel o! in ter u S pingw e hel d one sen of fu skWl he anua Exeu

44、lve budgeta i nc seof729 mlink W. , 一 " m eMjr oCbnoen.fweSou. a dee t I the "maa.menf m" bbs. Ss Cneenne .3-wr_hop, ul b - i 2IQ caeu a niayas of Ie -let - in, 13 deve opmet plasHee on be. of my comoutge s 25 一.No pesna i|uy a cc det ue d, no mjr Iccdet and .ove no mjr Ie ac_nt s Wlh

45、oU env.nment. pollu.n-cde.ng teCnologgncl e -a., sengt he I ddde hazads until a nd inti nsi c saey Enteprie n.rudontok new se ps The 、aa.ment lss"for mprovme| ay 2I3 wk epors t o te Ge nea As- by, fr consdeaton.saey fr t conne cutve ye as to maita ns。 bHy tg ood po.uent Focus on pr omotig t he

46、powe of the ccmpany manget aPla I, .12 bbcki n !XX po r compa nies a dher e to te parys " gea s" fr -idance compre hen. mpeme nt te Icie.ic cnBusi nes f nancil i ndi cats: t otl pr ofis of 25 milon Yuan,.ond t he anua b_|et I f IT mil on Yuan, binond the Daag cmpand the aplcato n ad mp e n

47、taln i f te - fey lopfiesar manngets tm, mpro<e te m fey mangentsystm, reaie then man et cntiuousy mprove - mfe,s.lUnof eteprie ma.-lmetbusinss maaement adcntrl icie.ic ad sandadie d, a nd te de dicain of staf mange a hamonius and ddmocac amos phe e of te good si .n. M ai i ndiats ae m fl l - t h

48、e ba., i ndca or: powe neain td'8 5 bilon kW, b m nd te annualbudget mplmetai I n caa of 315 milon k W, a niceseof. miin IW.Sals tot 74aIlin IW, dig of DI m.nEnegy po rluppyndad coal compl eig 3UI g/k W, dw01 g,W; intgatd a iiay powe cnsmpt on rato in 512%, dowII% ; polua nt - isi ons pefrma nne

49、g m e_ied compaed to las r, 一,on I* g k W, sufu dili 01 W NOx 0ID W; dust r_ov a eficency of more t I a*. idlx: equivae nt bily fctr i n 04%, i ncra-d '1%frma yeamle.Equivalet fried outge r08% 016% e_i! on o'er thes-e peid a yea eale.o. re t oplly to aciewdiedlop. Stegt hei ng te suevsi mad

50、mang-e it of ha biua vol aton of stegghe ning tesaey lupeviion of ousucng cntrcor s. Caare d out i spring andlutumn of -!y insppctons, f oodcntol ad inspecton, lafeyp.oucinmonth, day lupevision of prouci on s y ad the Olmpi c G ad ot her技術(shù)交底記錄GJ1.4注:本記錄一式兩份,一份交接受交底人,一份存檔一工程名稱施工單位交底提要:交底內(nèi)容:技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人交底人接受

51、父底人egae* staff Hel o! in ter u S pingw e hel d one sen of fu skWl he anua Exeulve budgeta i nc seof729 mlink W. , 一 " m eMjr oCbnoen.fweSou. a dee t I the "maa.menf m" bbs. Ss Cneenne .3-wr_hop, ul b - i 2IQ caeu a niayas of Ie -let - in, 13 deve opmet plasHee on be. of my comoutge s

52、25 一.No pesna i|uy a cc det ue d, no mjr Iccdet and .ove no mjr Ie ac_nt s WlhoU env.nment. pollu.n-cde.ng teCnologgncl e -a., sengt he I ddde hazads until a nd inti nsi c saey Enteprie n.rudontok new se ps The 、aa.ment lss"for mprovme| ay 2I3 wk epors t o te Ge nea As- by, fr consdeaton.saey f

53、r t conne cutve ye as to maita .a t g ood po.uent Focus on pr omotig t he powe of the ccmpany manget aPla I, .12 bbcki n !XX po r compa nies a dher e to te parys " gea s" fr -idance compre hen. mpeme nt te Icie.ic cnBusi nes f nancil i ndi cats: t otl pr ofis of 25 milon Yuan,.ond t he anu

54、a b_|et I f IT mil on Yuan, binond the Daag cmpand the aplcato n ad mp e ntaln i f te - fey lopfiesar manngets tm, mpro<e te m fey mangentsystm, reaie then man et cntiuousy mprove - mfe,s.lUnof eteprie ma naggmetbnnss mang-e nt adcntrl icie.ic ad sandadie d, a nd te de dicain of staf mange a hamo

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