1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上 英語作文寫作步驟和技巧一、步驟和技巧第一節(jié) 英語寫作應該注意的事項1. 準確信息(尤其是對所給的題目、主題句、提綱的關鍵詞的理解)2. 遣詞造句(注意詞法和句法的基本要求) 從詞的角度來說,必須要注意其正確性、巧妙性、流暢性。 從句法的角度來說,第一,不能有語法錯誤,特別是嚴重的語法錯誤。第二,句型使用要正確,英語中許多的表達結(jié)構和漢語中的結(jié)構不一樣。(背一些常用的句型)第三,句式要靈活。簡單句、并列句、復合句要穿插使用。分詞結(jié)構,包括現(xiàn)在分詞、過去分詞、獨立結(jié)構、定語從句、狀語從句、主語從句、賓語從句、虛擬語氣、倒裝句等要交替使用,從而構成靈活的句式結(jié)構。3. 內(nèi)
2、容及段落間的信息組織要連貫,自然,合乎邏輯性。4. 要注意養(yǎng)成良好的寫作檢查和修改習慣。(revising and proof-reading) 此外在寫作時應該注意:(一)、審題 我們拿到作文后第一件事要做的就是審題。審題的作用在于使你的寫作不跑題(如果跑題,條理和語言再好,也得不到及格分,甚至0分。)那么審題要審什么呢? 1體裁 (議論文、說明文、描述文)審題就是要審作文的體裁和題材。因為什么樣的體裁就會用什么樣的題材去寫。那么體裁包括哪些呢?就四、六級考試而言,它包括議論文、說明文和描述文。從近些年來看,四、六級作文不是單一的體裁,而是幾種體裁的雜合體。例如有一次四級寫題是這樣出的: D
3、irections: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Trying to Be A Good University Student. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in Chinese) below: (1) 做合格大學生的必要性(2) 做合格大學生的必備條件(可以德智體等方面談)(3) 我打算這樣做很多人說這種類
4、型的作文是議論文。我們認為說它是議論文是片面的。因為第一段要求寫 “.必要性”,這說明本段體裁是議論文;第二段要求寫“.必備條件”,這說明本段要求寫說明文;而第三段要求寫“.這樣做”,說明本段要求寫的是描述文。所以我們說在大多數(shù)情況下,四、六級作文是三種體裁的雜合體。2根據(jù)不同體裁確定寫作方法我們審題的目的就在于根據(jù)不同的體裁來確定不同的寫作方法。通過審題,我們可以看出四、六級作文大都是三段式。如上例第一段為議論體、第二段為說明體、第三段為描述體。議論體有議論體的寫作方式、說明體有說明體的寫作方式、描述體也有它自身的寫作特點。第一段為議論文:它的寫作特點是要有論點和論據(jù),而且往往從正反兩面來論
6、分。寫主題句最保險的方法就是把各要求句譯成英語。例如上述作文的三段主題句分別為: It is very necessary to be a good university student.(議論體主題句) There are several respects of necessities to be a good university student. (說明體的主題句) What I will do in the future is the following.(描述題的主題句)如果要求句是英語就可以把它擴充成主題句,例如這樣的一篇做文: Good Health1. Importance o
7、f good health2. Ways to keep fit3. My own practice這樣的作文的要求句就可以擴展成主題句。擴展后三段的主題句分別為: It is very important to have good health. (將名詞importance變成形容詞important) There are four ways to keep fit for me.(用there be句型) My own practices are the following.(采用原詞) (三)、條理保證不跑題是寫作當中第一重要任務,第二個重要任務就是條理清楚。對于議論文來說,正反面要清
8、楚。對于說明文來說,1、2、3條要清楚,對于描述文來說,誰干什么要清楚。就拿上例Good Health來說,第一段保持正反面要清楚就應這樣寫:主題句(It is very important to have good health., 正面(With good health, we can.), 反面(Without good health, we can do nothing. We can't do.)。第二段應當這樣寫:主題句(There are four ways to keep fit.) 從幾方面說明: Firstly, we should have our breakfa
9、st in the morning. Second, we should have a nap at noon. Third, sports exercises are necessary in the afternoon. And fourth, we could have a pleasant feeling in the evening by listening to the music.)為了使文章更具關于條理性,我們可以用first(ly), second(ly), third(ly)等副詞,他們可以使文章的條理性十分突出。作文是主觀性題,要想得高分我們必須把評卷老師考慮進去。評卷老
10、師的時間很短(每份卷子的作文只有一兩分鐘就要閱完),所以我們在列條條時最好不用:To begin with, . After that,. And then,. The next,. The following,. At last .。因為用這樣的詞語不利于閱卷老師看出你作文的條理性。第三段應當這樣寫:主題句(My own practices are the following.)具體情況(主語為第一人稱代詞I,與第二段呼應) In the morning, I have my breakfast . At noon, I have a nap. And in the afternoon, I
11、 always play football. In the evening, I usually listen to the classic music.第二節(jié) 英語寫作基本步驟和技巧寫作的基本步驟:2.2.1 審題 一般來說,審題首先要讀懂題目的字面意思,看清所給提綱(outline)的內(nèi)容,并分析和領會題目與提綱各點之間的密切關系,千萬不要就提綱本身就事而論。同時又要深刻理解作文題目的內(nèi)涵和要求,以便了解和掌握作文寫作的主旨大意。一般來說,作文的主題就是作文的中心,中心意思貫穿每個提示句或段主句,而每個提示句或段主句又從不同角度來支承和說明作文的中心。因此,要緊緊地圍繞著這個中心來進行寫作
13、理清晰、邏輯性強,才能切題達意,具有說服力。構思是漂亮文章的前提。認真構思是考生寫作前千萬不能忽視的重要環(huán)節(jié),否則的話,想到哪兒,寫到哪兒,隨意性大,邏輯性差,會造成思路混亂、條理不請。從某種意義上說,許多考生的寫作失敗往往不是在寫作之中,而是在動筆之前的構思。2.2.3 列提綱列提綱是寫好作文的第二步。在理解作文題目和主題句的基礎上,又構思出了文章的大概輪廓。緊接著就需要組織能闡述主題句提出的觀點的素材。各段需要擴展哪些內(nèi)容,先寫什么,后寫什么,怎樣寫方能有說服力并把主題句闡述清楚,怎樣寫才能切題、連貫、清晰、正確。這些問題在運筆之前都必須通篇地進行統(tǒng)籌安排。寫文章的素材會有許多,必須經(jīng)過篩
14、選,分清主次,決定取舍,要選擇既有代表性和典型性又有說服力的素材去論證或闡述文章的題目和主題句提出的觀點。要達到這些目的,就必須擬定一個提綱。有了明確細致而具體的寫作提綱,寫起文章來又快又不零亂。假如動筆時沒有草擬提綱,就有可能出現(xiàn)思路紊亂,條理不請,漏同百出及跑題等現(xiàn)象。在考試的作文中所給的提綱或段首句本身就是粗線條的寫作提綱,考生只要按照其思路,順其發(fā)展,再細致地展開就會成為很好的寫作提綱。有了這樣的明細提綱,文章的框架結(jié)構基本上就固定下來了。只要進一步添加具體的細節(jié)、事實、內(nèi)容,文章就差不多寫出來了。草擬出一份明確、具體而又細致的寫作提綱,文章就幾乎完成一半了。2.2.4 成文由于寫作考
15、試在時間上有嚴格的限制,因此在成文時要開門見山,直截了當,要突出文章的主題。用詞要準確,表達要簡明扼要。要正確使用句子結(jié)構、修辭和表達方式,確保句型多樣化。要用英語思維。要注意段落間的相互聯(lián)系,考慮段落的連接和轉(zhuǎn)折,采用起、承、轉(zhuǎn)、合等手法,恰當而合乎邏輯地把段落連接起來,使段落之間過渡自然,前后照應。還要注意語法的規(guī)范和標點符號的正確使用,書寫要工整,字跡要清晰。2.2.5 修改作文的修改是寫作的重要環(huán)節(jié)。特別是初學寫作的人,一定要重視作文修改這一重要環(huán)節(jié)。從某種意義上來說,修改工作并不只是在初稿完成之后才著手進行的,應該說作文的修改始終貫穿于寫作的全過程。例如,在提煉主題句、篩選素材、謀篇
16、布局、遣詞造句等一系列工作之中,隨時都有一些改動,這些改動本身就帶有修改的性質(zhì),因此,有必要把作文的修改工作看成是寫作中的一項極為重要的工作。同時,修改作文的工作也是一項非常艱苦的腦力勞動,作文修改不好,文章也就難以寫好。但是,作文的修改常常被一些考生忽視,影響了作文的得分。在寫作考試中,由于時間有限,不可能有太多時間作過多的推敲。但無論如何,在成文之后應該通讀全文一遍,主要檢查段落與段落之間的過渡是否自然,句子與句子之間是否連貫,選詞是否恰當?shù)皿w,語法是否規(guī)范,拼寫是否正確,大小寫和標點符號是否有錯和遺漏。寫作考試時間分配: 5分鐘的審題和構思;5分鐘寫出主題句,列出框架提綱;15分鐘圍繞主
17、題句進行擴展,初步成文;5分鐘檢查、修改、潤色。二、段落的寫作第一節(jié) 段落的構成在具體的寫作中,要注意以下的“三個中的三個系列”:l Organization of paragraph段落的組織 A standard paragraph should include 1) a topic sentence主題句 2) support/development body擴展句 3) a conclusion結(jié)尾句l Three skills for clear writing清晰寫作的3個技巧 1) organization of the paragraph (段落的組織) 2) forms of
18、 sentences (句子的形成) 3) selection of words(詞的選擇)l Three qualities of a good paragraph好段落的3個特點1) unity:the supporting sentences are related to the controlling idea expressed in the topic sentence.(統(tǒng)一性)2) coherence: all the sentences in the paragraph are linked smoothly to each other.(連貫性)3) Adequate de
19、velopment: the ideas in the paragraph are complete and enough to produce a clear subject or attitude.(完整性)第二節(jié) 如何寫主題句l 主題句的基本含義主題句是指能高度概括文章段落中心內(nèi)容或主題思想的句子。 可以說,段落中沒有主題句,段落就缺少了中心,文章的段落意義就含糊不請。因此,段落中其它各個句子的內(nèi)容和細節(jié)都必須與主題句密切聯(lián)系,并緊緊圍繞著主題句起擴展,為主題句作自然的鋪墊。由此可見,主題句在段落中起著中心作用。l 主題句的基本要求主題句必須由一個完整的句子構成。段落中的主題句必須中肯扼
20、要;必須把題目限定在該段落中恰如其分的范圍內(nèi),既不是籠統(tǒng)的概括又不能抽象化。作者為了更好地表達自己的思想,有利于讀者的充分理解,常常采用主題句來概括文章段落的中心思想。主題句用詞應該嚴謹精練,結(jié)構完整,意思清楚,內(nèi)容具體扼要。因此,主題句的寫作必須用詞恰倒好處,以便使主題句能完整、準確地表達出段落的中心思想。l 主題句的位置主題句在文章的段落總由于作用、目的等不同,可以有不同的位置。最為常見的有三種情況:1. 位于段首,使讀者對該段的主要內(nèi)容一目了然。2. 位于段落的末尾,給讀者以懸念,或者對該段落內(nèi)容加以歸納、總結(jié)、重申或呼應主題句。3. 位于段落之中,適應文章層次安排的需要。此外,還有一種
21、情況,我們稱之為“隱含主題句”。我們知道,并非所有的文章段落中都設有主題句,特別是在敘述性和描繪性的文章段落中,由于段落中所有細節(jié)和內(nèi)容是密切相聯(lián)的,很容易理解。因此,段落的主題句通常隱含在段落之中。 寫主題句時要回避以下4個錯誤: Incomplete 不完整 Should not be a question不應該是問題 Must not be too broad不能太寬泛 Should not contain phrases like “I think”, “In my opinion”, etc.不應包含下列短語第三節(jié) 段落的展開主題句是陳述段落的中心思想。因此,段落的展開(paragr
22、aph development) 也就是主題句的展開。段落展開的常用方法:l 敘事法在敘述某個事件或故事情節(jié)時,主要強調(diào)的是情節(jié)順序,特別是沿著某個時間順序發(fā)生并相互聯(lián)系的一系列情節(jié)。這種敘事情節(jié)的時間順序安排除了平鋪直敘外,也并非千篇一律,既可采取倒敘方法,也可以把敘事中最有趣味、最主要的內(nèi)容情節(jié)放在最后面加以敘述。下面的內(nèi)容基本上是采用時間順序敘述的:Toward the end of the afternoon everything begins to close. The bank closes first. Mr. Fisher locks the bank doors prompt
23、ly at four oclock. Miss Mary Smith leaves the Post Office an hour after that. A half hour later Barney Jones locks his grocery store, and Miss Minie Mason leaves school. If the three-thirty train is on time, Ben Cook walks past the Farmers Bank at five-thirty. By six oclock everything is closed alon
24、g Main Street except the gas station, the restaurant, and the drugstore. By six oclock most people are at home getting ready for dinner. l 描寫法采用描寫法的主要原則是:依據(jù)所在空間中所看到物體的順序,并采用描寫性語言來對所要描寫的事物加以描述。在人物描寫中,往往由大處到細節(jié),由人物的外貌到內(nèi)心活動來對人物加以描述。在事物性的描寫中,往往遵照人們的客觀思維方式來描寫,一般按照由遠至近,由大到小,由上至下,從左到右等順序。l 例證法例證法是通過主題句對該段落的
25、中心思想進行總的闡述,然后通過典型生動、有說服力的客觀事實來支持主題句的觀點,使其得到完美充分的表達。舉證的順序可根據(jù)各點內(nèi)容的相對重要性、時間順序或地理位置的遠近來進行。Making a good impression at an American dinner party is not difficult if you follow these instructions. First, you should buy a small gift, such as flowers, candy, or wine for your host or hostess. Second, arrive o
26、n time. If the dinner engagement is for 7:00, dont arrive after 7:00 without telephone. Next, during dinner, be sure to thank your host or hostess on the meal. After you finish eating, you should not stay more than a few hours. Finally, thank your host or hostess for the dinner when you leave. 該段的第一
27、句話是主題句。然后,通過過渡連接詞First, , Second, , Next, , Finally, 來展開段落,一一列舉在餐宴是應遵循的做法。Generally speaking, English is a difficult language for me to learn. For example, vocabulary is a problem. Sometimes several words like “thin”, “slender”, “skinny”, or “slim” have almost the same meaning. How can you tell whic
28、h word to use? Pronunciation is hard also. My tongue will not make sounds such as “th”, “g”, and “k”. Furthermore, writing presents a whole group of different obstacles: grammar, word order, and spelling. These are only some of the difficulties I have with this language. 這一段的第一句“Generally speaking,
29、English is a difficult language for me to learn.”是主題句。隨后,作者列舉了數(shù)個例子來說明主題句。l 因果法根據(jù)事物的因果關系合乎邏輯地進行分析、推導,找出事物發(fā)生的原因或產(chǎn)生的結(jié)果,也是寫擴展句常用的方法之一。因果關系有四種情況:一因一果,多因一果,一因多果,多因多果。在寫作中,特別是在處理一因多果,多因一果與多因多果這種情況時,要注意根據(jù)主題句的內(nèi)容需要,選擇可以論證段落中心思想的原因或結(jié)果,不能把無關的原因或結(jié)果也羅列進來。運用因果法所寫的擴展句,或是由因及果式,或是由果及因式,或是因果連環(huán)式。例一(結(jié)果)Do you know why w
30、inter is colder than summer? (原因1)One reason is that there are fewer hours of sunlight in winter. (原因2)But there is another reason. Winter sunlight is cooler. It is the same sun, and it shines just as bright as in the summer time, and yet the earth gets less heat from it. The reason why winter sunli
31、ght is cooler is that the suns ray come to us at much more of a slant than they do in summer. (先果后因,多因一果)例二 (原因)Cigarette smoke contains nicotine, several cancer producing or irritating substances and carbon monoxide gas. (結(jié)果1)Damage to the lining of the bronchial tubes is much more common among cig
32、arette smokers than non-smokers, even when there is no obvious disease. Some of these changes are considered to be pre-cancerous. (結(jié)果2)Lung function is generally reduced among cigarette smokers. Cigarette smoking is a greater hazard than other factorssuch as community air pollutionin the causation o
33、f lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. (先因后果,一因多果)以上兩段第一段采用先闡述結(jié)果,再擴展原因,而且是用多種原因支持一個結(jié)論。結(jié)果放于句首,引起讀者關注,重點突出、條理分明。第二段運用了“原因多結(jié)果點明主題”的推理順序。對吸煙的危害性頗具有說服力。l 比較和對比法有許多事物,如孤立或單獨地說明,很難講清楚,可是當把它與別的事物加以比較時,就立刻顯示出它的獨特之處,這就是比較與對比法的優(yōu)點。把兩種或多種相同或相似的人、物放在一起進行比較、對照,使讀者對事物的本質(zhì)認識更深刻、更清晰,這就是運用比較、對比法寫擴展句的目的。具體來說,比較法是選取一定側(cè)面,對
34、兩個或多個人、物、事件之間的共同之處加以說明而進行的論述;對比是選取一定側(cè)面,將兩個或多個人、物、事件之間的不同點或相反之處加以對照而進行的論述。換言之,比較就是指出事物之間的相同點或相似點,對比則是指出其不同之處。采用比較和對比法寫作的方式寫擴展句,有兩種排列方法:1. 板塊法,即先說明A事物各方面的情況,再陳述B事物在相應方面的情況,擴展句的排列順序是A1A2A3B1B2B3;2. 點對點式,即將A、B;兩事物的相應方面逐一比較或?qū)Ρ?,擴展句的排列順序是A1 B1,A2B2,A3 B3,。例一The same qualities that make people good house gu
35、ests make them good hospital patients. Good house guests can expect a reasonable amount of service and effort on their behalf, and hospital patients can also. Guests have to adjust to what is for them a change, and certainly hospital patients must do the same. No one appreciate a complaining, unplea
36、sant, unappreciative house guest, and the hospital staff is no exception. House guests who expect vast changes to be made for their benefit are not popular for long. Certainly nurses and other personnel with their routines feel the same way about patients in their care. Just as house guests must mak
37、e adjustments to enjoy their visits, so patients must make adjustments to make their stays reasonably pleasant and satisfying under the circumstances.該段的第一句是主題句,其后的擴展句運用了比較法,陳述了good house guests與 good hospital patients在幾個方面存在的共同之處。作者用的是點對點式,即將兩者之間的共同點逐一比較。例二There is an essential difference between a
38、 news story, as understood by a newspaperman or a wire-service writer, and the newsmagazine story. The chief purpose of the conventional news story is to tell what happened. It starts with the most important information and continues into increasingly inconsequential details, not only because the re
39、ader may not read beyond the first paragraph but because an editor working on galley proofs a few minutes before press time likes to be able to cut freely from the end of the story. A newsmagazine is very different. It is written to be read consecutively from beginning to end, and each of its storie
40、s is designed, following the critical theories of Edgar Allen Poe, to create one emotional effect. The news, what happened that week, may be told in the beginning, the middle, or the end; for the purpose is not to throw information at the reader but to seduce him into reading the whole story, and in
41、to accepting the dramatic (and often political) point being made.該段的第一句為主題句,其后的擴展句采用的是對比法,將a news story與a newsmagazine story進行對比。作者選用的是板塊式,即先論述a news story的特點,后論述a newsmagazine story的特點,以A newsmagazine is very different為轉(zhuǎn)折點。l 分類法對于復雜的事物,人們往往根據(jù)其性質(zhì)、形狀、成因、功能等屬性將它們分成若干類,然后對這些類別逐一進行說明。這種按照一定標準,把具有某些共同特性的
42、事物或概念進行歸類的說明方法,就是分類法。采用分類法寫擴展句時要注意使用固定的標準。如果按不同的標準分類,同一事物可屬不同類別, 如“人”這個概念,按性別可分為男人和女人;按年齡可分為兒童、青年人、中年人與老年人;按職業(yè)分,又可分為教師、醫(yī)生、律師等,還可按個性、收入等來分類。一個人既可以是男人,也可以是中年人,還可以是教師。正因為同一人、物可同時屬于不同類別,所以在按分類法寫擴展句時,一定要注意使用同一標準, 不能同時使用兩個或更多的標準。只有這樣,才能夠比較完整、全面地說明某一類人或物,否則有可能導致有些類別未提及,有些又被重復說明。In my experience, the parent
43、s who hire daytime sitters for their school-age children tend to fall into one of the three groups. The first group includes parents who work and want someone to be at home when the children return from school. These parents are looking for an extension of themselves, someone who will give the care
44、they would give if they were at home. The second group includes parents who may be home all day themselves but are too disorganized or too frazzled by their childrens demands to handle child care alone. They are looking for an organizer and helpmate. The third and final group includes parents who do
45、 not want to be bothered by their children, whether they are home all day or not. Unlike parents in the first two groups, who care for their children whenever and however they can, these parents are looking for a permanent substitute for themselves.該段的主題句是第一句,內(nèi)容是為孩子請保姆的家長可分為三類,其后的擴展句分別說明了這三類的不同特點。這三
46、種類型是按照父母為什么請保姆這個標準來劃分,沒有出現(xiàn)所屬類別不請的現(xiàn)象。l 定義法從給事物下定義入手,也是一種有效的擴展句的寫作方法。所謂下定義,就是從概念或事物的特征、性質(zhì)、用途等方面來描述概念或事物,從而使讀者對被說明的事物的特點有明確地了解,也使讀者將一事物與它事物區(qū)別開來。What then, is generation gap? Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction between the old and the youth. Its a common phenomenon that exists everyw
47、here in the world and influences both the old and the youth. Generally speaking, generation gap results in different understanding and appreciation of the great and constant changes of the world, different reaction to new things, and different attitudes to traditional principles and belief. 該段采用定義法,
48、從不同角度解釋說明了主題句中的概念generation gap。這一段中先給予這個詞組以概括性的解釋,繼而又表明了它的廣泛存在以及導致的結(jié)果。清楚地闡明了概念,充分地表達了內(nèi)涵。l 引言法為了使論據(jù)更具有說服力,引用他人的話,特別上名人名言以及格言、諺語等來寫擴展句,也是一種有效的方法。這些名言、諺語由于影響較大而具有較好的說服力,因而可信度高,能有力地證明作者的觀點。l 綜合法在實際的寫作中,人們一般不是只運用一種方法來寫擴展句的。相反,他們往往采用兩種或兩種以上的方法寫擴展句。這種綜合使用兩種或兩種以上寫擴展句的方法,稱為綜合法。換言之,綜合法不像單一運用某一種方法那樣顯得單調(diào)、刻板,它不
49、僅能吸引讀者,保持讀者的閱讀興趣,還能更充分地論證主題。以下這個段落使用了定義、例證、對比和比較等方法。Synonyms, words that have the same basic meaning, do not always have the same emotional meaning. For example, the words “stingy” and “frugal” both mean “careful with money.” However, to call a person stingy is an insult, while the word frugal has a
50、 much more positive connotation. Similarly, a person wants to be slender but not skinny, and aggressive but not pushy. Therefore, you should be careful in choosing words because many so-called synonyms are not really synonymous at all. 以上是一些常用擴展句的寫作方法。在實際寫作中,選用哪些方法,要依據(jù)文章的體裁、寫作目的、主題句的內(nèi)容等多種因素確定。參考練習題目
51、:Generation gap第四節(jié) 常用的過渡詞在英文寫作中,要使句子與句子之間結(jié)構緊湊,邏輯嚴謹,連貫性強,使讀者能順著作者的思路理解原文,使用過渡詞必不可少。過渡詞就是句子之間,段落的前后之間起連接或承上啟下作用的詞。順序過渡詞 first (of all), second, and third; in the first place, in the second place, in the third place; on the one hand, on the other hand; to begin with, next, finally 對比過渡詞 however, in com
52、parison with, yet, nevertheless, in spite of the fact that , on the contrary, while, in contrast, whereas, but on the other hand, conversely 因果過渡詞 so, consequently, for, as, as a result, hence, therefore, thus, in consequence, since, accordingly, as a consequence, because 遞進過渡詞 besides, in addition
53、(to), moreover, furthermore, whats more, to make things (still) worse 等同過渡詞 similarly, thats to say, likewise, in other words, namely, equally, in the way, or rather舉例過渡詞 for example, for instance, a case in point, as an illustration, incidentally, thats, in the case of, take for example, suppose結(jié)論過
54、渡詞 in brief, in short, in summary, to sum up, in conclusion, to conclude, on the whole, in a word 空間過渡詞 behind, above, in front, on the left, on the right, across, adjacent to , at the bottom, below, close to , far, further, next to , in center of, opposite, on the top 第五節(jié) 段落寫作中的常用句型1. 表示時間順序的語句:Bef
55、ore / Until something has been done (doing something), Before this, / Previously, While / As something is done (doing something), During this time / process, / Meanwhile, Having done something, When (After / Once / As soon as ) something is done, The process begins (finishes / concludes) with, The f
56、irst / second / subsequent / following / last/ final step is to do / doing something, 2. 表示數(shù)量之間比較的語句:increase / decrease by X times (凈增/減X倍)increase / decrease X times (增加到/減少到X倍)increase / decrease X (增加到/減少到X)X times + 比較級X times less thanX times as asIt decreased (dropped, fell) to XIt increased
57、( rose, jumped, shot up ) to XThe figure ( percentage, number, population, amount) has almost doubled as against that of last year.It reaches its peak.It dropped to this lowest point.X is half Y.X is twice as high as Y.X excels Y in X equals Y in 3. 表示相似的語句:Both X and Y are / have Neither X or Y is / has X is similar to Y in X and Y are similar / alike in Like Y, X X is , so is Y.X is as as Y.X is the same as Y.X and Y have in common.4
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