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1、 For generations, futuristic technologies such as robotaxis andelevators that move sideways through buildings have been a stapleingredient of science fiction and fanta y movies Now, thanks to thepowerofdigitalizationandartificialintelligence,thesearebecoming a reality, leading urban mobility and arc

2、hitecture intoexciting new territory.é7¸¯bH½0DléÝ´fݦ¦b3Î È £´ø:Á½Êù­eø lb3Î é²Qº ¬A7bH½0Íé´ ¨Ý¦b È kæö£òõ

3、; é´ &ø:Á½Êùwø é hݦۦb Í5¨ÄCZ|Noé´ ðDýOºe¸7À¬ È ì£´m«B mAe¸e7À¬ ø:Á½ÊmÅi ;Ñ­e 一éݦb f

4、¬¸A7bìýºDéÝ´A lÈ £ éÝ´°¾ &¾ø:Á½Êù­eø 0QQé éÝ´ ¬½Db fݦ¦b# £0 éÝ´ :Á½¼­eø Already, ordinary

5、car drivers have access to a range of navigation,Isafety and infotainment services that just a few years ago existedonly in the imagination of film-set designers and games developersNvidia, whose technology powers the lane control and parkingassist functions of most cars today, started life as a spe

6、cialist ingames and animation. “We helped bring modern consumertechnology into the car industry,” says Danny Shapiro, Nvidiassenior director of automotive. “The systems we build are now thebrains inside self-driving vehicles.”¬ÍÞ©Y ¸¯ëy lÉɲ¥Jb*

7、ÎÚm mök777àz7M Nvidia e¢¶ M Nvidia 7±ÍíT Danny Shapiro ¾Qu´Ê7 F½e¸7ô O (> ² 7¬bµÚm÷ ëy MÚbë¶ ÈM´Ok77à一7zöeò T M7±Íí $ Qu´7 ½

8、41; 0e¸7 Y 0 1¯7ë Jb*oÒµÚmî È ô7!ÞÕ ì Nvidia be¢m¶ Èk77à7z´= M (Danny Shapiro) S Nvidia 7,±¹ $ Nvidia 7 Õ WQ ¸´ Ƚñ¸7´ ¬ÍÞ÷ èY ëy

9、VѲ ¥ÉÉJb*εÚmW M¶be¢¶ mÿàz'7Ý´Í O,vWÈ7 M7,±T uÝ´Pö7 ¥ mWÈe¸7ôO È ¬fÞY ©ëy l²ÉÉb*εÚm È Nvidia ´eOk7ô

10、7àz7 l;öbe¢q¶ IÊ Qu´7 Nvidia 7M Danny Shapiro $ ½ñÑ e¸7O Cruise control and lane keeping represent only the first steps in thejourney towards cars, trucks, and buses that are fully powered byAI The latest version of Nvidias DRIVE platform enables veh

11、iclesto detect camera blindness - for example, when the sun shinesdirectly into a sensor or when mud or snow limit a cameras vision- prompting the car to take appropriate action. The system evenincorporates facial identification, so that a car will be able to open its doors or start its engine autom

12、atically when a recognized driverapproaches.à7 =à7 Ù7¯Á7<+ M(Nvidia) ¸/ 7ô1 WEª¿ M(Nvidia)¸¨ñ°¬.íe Õ ,% W%¬ÜË 7¨eNÚ7ª?e à7 =Q$öe7 Ù77+ M¸7ô»1A¬ ð W

13、ÄÊEªWö¬¹1å M¸7ô.WK ¥ ,% W "A¬ÜË7ô ô7NÚ7ªe_?eme¬ ì´/à7 Ù7 7 à7 =ÉA+ NvidiaA¸Þ 7»1A¬ W ªX¬ ¸7.K è,%´ G7ôi %A¸ RÄË

14、; ÞeÚ?7 ª?eme¬ àÿ =ÉÉQ$j7 Ù7Á7/àAö+ Mm ¸ Í7ôm ð WEªW8¯¡Xö ѨI7ô.e 員GP,% WÞ %¸ÄË Þ7ôeÚªme e7 Ù77 eà7 =ÉÉ+ Nvidia ¸¬e

15、71Z¬ WEªW000X¬ ¸7Aäp ö,% W %¬ÄËeÚ?7ªme By feeding these systems with vast volumes of data, Nvidiadevelopers are also helping vehicles learn for themselves how torecognize different road users such as pedestrians, bicycles, firetrucks, dogs and c

16、ats, increasing traffic safety and opening up theroads to new segments of society. (283 words)OõÔ M Nvidia Úm 7ô%ÿ 7 r7 GÞÁ ÿ MmOÔãé 7ô³")ÿoå _ð 7 r7 HlÁ ¨Å2Úsÿ õÔ Nvidia Úm&#

17、165; ¬e7¨³%ÿ)j 7 r7 Á· ¨,Ú öÿ Nvidia´Úm OõÔ z7O%7ô ð+ 7 r7 GÓ)ÉÁ 73mÚ ÿ OõÔ Mm¥47ô¨% U7 r7 )ÿ !·Á ÿj¨Ús 9nÃ)VÆAݶ ö

18、)¶ ® Wy) ȧé ùÌ )ÉÉ lîºîúþAé Professor Chen Zhifan is not only 點an outstanding scientist aswell as a great proser. The freshness and significance of his worksmade me admired at that time. And it recalls me that whatimpressed

19、me was not only the elegant writing, but also the wisdomand thought hidden between the words. Professor Chen Zhifan was not only an accomplished scientist, buta brillant essayist. His fresh and thoughtful prose works renderedme shocked with admiration and I recollected that what amazed mewas his bea

20、utiful language as well as his sharp wit and deepthought expressed with n words and lines.Professor Chen Zhifan is not only an outstanding scientist, but alsohe is a great proser. Some of his proses are so creative andmeanin ful that I used to admire him very much. Nowadays whenI recall, I found tha

21、t my admiration is not just for his elegant style of writing, but for the intelligence and ingenious thoughts heexpressed through his words.Professor Chen Zhifan is not only an eminent scientist, but also agreat essayist. Some of his collections of essays are delicate and.meaningful, which impressed

22、 me so much in those years. Now Irealized that whatmaz d me was no only his beautiful style, butalso his wit and clever thoughts between the lines. )5 Ð Öê¤ ê²ù) Þ< 6 ¨L It exists always plenty of unpleasant things during lifetime,writes an old saying,

23、 which is so old that makes no one would liketo repeat it. However, we willencounter much frustrationthrough the long life journey.Seldom does an event develop as people wish. This householdsaying is traditional enough for people to repeat it, but in the midstof life, one will definitely meet with r

24、everse one after another. Life is always unsatisfying is an old saying too old that no onewants to repeat it anymore. But as it goes, we willcomeacross setbacks one after another as we continuously move forwardduring our long journey of life.“Things don't always work out as you think.” This is a

25、 saying thatis so old that we dont even want to mention it any more. But in thejourney of life where we always stop and start, we will certainlymeet the setbacks again and again. W ×% ³ %ü -Ê ;ïÑ ³ê7 g We feel forever unlucky compared with others when we

26、 areburied in disappointme t. Othe people pos ess succe sful businesssmooth career, piles of money and good r putation. While weourselves walk alone at twilight with a worn out body on the ruralroad.When feeling depressed, people often think why others are luckierthan themselves? Other people have a

27、 going concern, enjoy a smooth promotion, gain a good reputation and acquire hugereceipts from various channels, while I myself, like an old ox pullinga shabby cart, trek by myself on the road in the suburb in theevening.Why would we think others are luckier than ourselves when we arefrustrated? Why

28、 would we feel others do well in their businessesand official career,earning huge sums of money,gaining both fameand profit while we ourselves living in a poor condition and haveto walk on a suburb path all alone when night falls? Every time when we are frustrated, why we always think thatothers are

29、 luckier than us? We think that others have boomingbusinesses, smooth career in polit cs, plenty of money and fameswhile we progress so slowly and walk alone down the suburbanstreet at twilight.G “ ¥ ” ?âó “ ö” v%Ñî 281 But is that true? When facing a half cup of water,

30、 someone saygratefully: Amazing, the cup is still half full.” Meanwhile someother people complain with worry: alas, its already half empty.” That is where the difference stands.Is it true? When only half a cup of water left, positive people willsay with delight, "Wow, we still have half",

31、while negative peoplewill say with glommy, "Damn it, we only have half". That's thedistinction between two kinds of people Is thisthe case? Someone will probably圝say:"wonderful,there's still half of the water"when he saw a cup half-filled of water.But for another one, he

32、is likely to wear a sad face and say:"Ohmy,there's only half" under the same condition. And this makes the difference.Is that true? Lets take a cup of water for example, some peoplewould be happy to say: “Thats great! There is still a half cup ofwater left”. However, others would pull

33、a long face: “Alas! There isonly a half cup of water left.” That is where the differences lie.6ߤ Þ3 î) á )Ø ß¤ x_ ûç OÏ lt û_d ° è)o Some people are good at talking empty words. They can speakunceasingly on any occasion, just as

34、river water flows all the time.Empty words have a close tie with the eight-part Take an eight-partessay as example sky and earth means the up and the down ofthe six directions of the universe; how immense it is that could beformed only over billions of years but not one day.Some people excel at tell

35、ing empty words. They, like a river withouta water gate, can go on about without any pauses at any occasion.Empty words share a cosy relationship with Bagu, taking a passage of Bagu for example: Haven, ea th, and the universe thereof, haveexisted for tens of millions of years instead of one day.Ther

36、e are some people who are good at speaking empty words.These people always have a great flow of speech and no matter inwhat occasion,they can speak ceaselessly like a waterfall rushingdown Empty words are closely related to stereotype writing . In astereotype writing for examp e, we can ead a senten

37、ce like this Our world, which has been existing for a long time is the essenceof the universe and the cosmos.The time it havbeen existing isabout tens of millions of years,far more than a short period. There are people who are good at talking nonsense. They can keeptalking under any circumstances wi

38、thout stopping. The nonsensehas a close association with eight-part essay. For instance, an eight-part essay reads: heaven and earth, Luihe(six directions in ancienttheory: east, south, west, north, heaven and earth), cosmosand universe are immensell the t me, which last for tens ofthousands of year

39、s but are formed in a day.Û “” hé)á )V“_” “û” “” “ç”O(jiān) lc # c Þ Youcouldseethattheexamplereadssmoothlyastheelaboration part of an eight-part essay. In the phrase have those bigwords like heaven and earth, the six directions, the universe etc.Moreover, the sonorous tone p

40、leasesour ears. We will enjoyit and forget ourselves completely if we read the elaboration in theclassic melody of the eight-part essay.Look, one passage of Bagu begins with such sentences, don't youthink it reads so smoothly? Not only does the passage comprise bigwords like "heaven and ear

41、th","including all", "the universe", butalso sounds stirring and throbbing, so pleases people's ear. If you read the passage comforming to the standard tone of Bagu, you mayimmerse yourself in it and sway unconciously.Isn't it smooth for us to read the starting of a

42、stereotype writing likethis? Apart from containing big word s llike"world","universe",es ence "cosmos", it is also catchy and songful.If we read it innormalized tone of reading stereotype writings, we will be soenchanted that may even start to wag our body.We can see th


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