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1、1. With what is Walt on obsessed? B. Reaching the North Pole2. Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein in the form of a frame story that starts one character wring letters to his sister. Who is that characterB. Captain Robert Walton3. To whom does Walt on address his letters? B. Margaret Saville4.

2、 What regi on of the world is Walt on's inten ded area of explorati on?D. The Arctic5. What was Walt on's ambiti on before turni ng to explorati on?. To be a poet.6. What is the subtitle of Fran ke nste in? B. "Or, The Modern Prometheus"7. Where is the writer, and why is he there?B

3、. He is in the Arctic, exploring unknown regions.8. At the beg inning of the no vel Robert Walt on says that he has committed himself to a voyage. This could be an example of what?B. An emphasis upon the individual as master of his fate and fortune.1. What poem does Walt on quote from before sett in

4、g sail?“ ;"The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"2. What thoughtless act does the ancient mariner regret?C. Shooting an albatross with his bow and arrow for no reason3. How old is Walt on at the begi nning of the story? B.284. Why does n't the lieute nant marry the woma n he loves? D. She is

5、 in love with another man.5. What kind of Walt on's n eed isn't satisfied?A. Friend1. What dan ger does Walt on encoun ter while sail ing?A. Sheets of ice2. What is the name of Walt on's sister? D. Margaret Saville3By whom this letter will reach En gla nd from Archa ngel? A. A merchantma

6、n4. What seas on is it whe n Walt on writes this letter? B. Summer5. What kind of accide nt happe ns to their ship? C. both A and B1. What is Walt on's professi on? C. An adventurer and sea captain2. Where does the expediti on find Victor Franken ste in?C. On a floating piece of ice in the ocean

7、.3. How does Walt on meet Victor?C. Walton finds Victor on the northern ice and nurses him back to health.4To whom did Victor Franken ste in tell his en tire story?B. Robert Walton5. To where Walt on's expediti on was headed whe n he meets the giga ntic figure and the emaciated Victor? B North P

8、ole6. How does Walt on describe the demea nor of the man he rescues?A. Full of grief7. How does Robert feel about Franken ste in?D. He likes Frankenstein, and hopes they will become friends.1. The marriage betwee n Victor's pare nts comes about after.B. the death of Beaufort2Elizabeth Lave nza i

9、s.D. a cous in of Victor's adopted by the Franken ste ins3. Victor Franken ste in, the creator of the mon ster, was born in which city? C. Naples4. Victor Frankenstein's mother was the daughter of Beaufort, a friend of Victor's father. Who isthe mother of Victor Franken ste in?A. Caroli

10、ne Beaufort5. While grow ing up, what did Victor and his adopted sister call each other? A. Cous in6. An unu sual gift prese nted to young Victor by his pare nts is.B. Elizabeth7. Who is Beaufort? D. All of the above8. The Franken ste ins' family home is in. D. Gen eva, Switzerla nd1. Henry Cler

11、val is. C. Victor's closest childhood friend2. Victor's in itial in terest in scie nee is sparked at age 13 whe n he readsA. the works of Cornelius Agrippa3. Who was Victor Franken stei n's closest frie nd?A. Henry Clerval4. What sort of studies did Victor immerse himself in whe n he was

12、 young?D. Alchemy5. What n atural phe nomena in flue need Franken ste in?C. It was lightning.6. What kind of stories has Henry Clerval always liked grow ing up?A. Romantic and heroic stories.1. Who en courages Victor to pursue his in terest in moder n scie nee? C. Professor Waldman2. What Un iversit

13、y did Victor Franken stein atte nd at the age of 17? C. Ingolstadt3. Ultimately, Victor's schooling results in his obsession for . A. knowledge4. How does Victor's mother die? C. She catches scarlet fever from Elizabeth5. Caroli ne dies peacefully with the assura nee of.D. a union between El

14、izabeth and Victor6. Which of the followi ng is n ot one of the alchemists whom Victor studies in his adolesce nee?B. Lucretiis.7. What two major events happe ned to Franken ste in whe n he was seve ntee n?C. His mother died and he went to the university at Ingolstadt to study.1. Armed with scie nti

15、fic kno wledge, Victor decides upon the artificial creati on of.A. a huma n2. How ofte n does Victor visit his family while in school? D. Never.3. Victor (the scie ntist) tells Walt on (the explorer) of his happy childhood and kind, in dulge nt parents. How does Victor repay his family's devotio

16、n and love during the years he spends away at In golstadt Un iversity ?D. Victor is too con sumed by his scie nee studies and his desire to penetrate the mysteries of life and death to give time to family.4. Havi ng successfully discovered the means to gen erate life, Victor, dizzy with possibilitie

17、s, sets about to manufacture a huma n being. Why is his creati on so large?B. Because Victor wishes to speed the process of con struct ion,which would otherwisebe slow due to the difficulty of work ing with tiny structures.5Victor's creation was made up of . D. differenthuman and animal body par

18、ts6. In which University Victor Frankenstein develops the technique to reanimate the dead tissues which ultimately leads to the creatio n of the mon ster?Uni versity of In golstadt.7. Where do the body parts used to assemble the mon ster come from? B. Graves.1. While at uni versity, what idea captiv

19、ates Victor? D. The "secret of life".2. Clerval's origi nal purpose in coming to the Uni versity is to. D. study3. After Victor's Creature comes alive, Victor looks at him and. D. all of the above4. What type of ill ness afflicted Franken ste in the day after he completed his creat

20、i on?D. He became ill with a fever and delirium for several mon ths.5. Who takes care of Victor when he falls ill after creating the monster? B. Henry6. The horror Victor feels at the creature's moveme nt can be defi ned as.B. a dream crash ing into reality7. How long did Victor spe nd on making

21、 his first creature?B. He spe nt over two years.1. What disturbing news does Victor receive in a letter from his father?A. His brother has bee n murdered.2. Where did Franken ste in see the creature?D. Franken ste in saw him just outside the gates of Gen eva as he was retur ning home.3. When Victor

22、meets up with his creation in the mountains, how much time has passed? D. Two years.4. Who was accused upon the death of William? C. Just ine Moritz.5. What piece of in crim in ati ng evide nee is found in Just in e's pocket? D. A locket.6. Why is Justi ne accused of murder? B. The picture of Ca

23、roli ne is found in her dress7. Who was the creature's first victim? C. William Franken ste in.8. Who does Victor blame for the deaths of William and Justi ne? D. The creature.1. Why does Justi ne say she con fessed?D. She had to for the priest to absolve her before death.2. What happe ned to th

24、e accused pers on?B. The accused pers on con fessed un der pressure, and was con victed and han ged.3. What was Frankenstein's state of mind after the trial and its conclusion?C. He was filled with remorse for all he had done.4. Who believed that Just ine was innocent?B. Victor and Elizabeth.5.

25、Who are the first hapless victims to Victor's un hallowed arts?A. William and Justine.1. After Justi ne's condemn ati on, in order to mitigate his guilt and sad ness, VictorC. wan ders the mountains and valleys.2. Where did Frankenstein go to seek relief?D. He traveled to the Apine valley an

26、d the village of Chamounix.3. What does Victor con sider, as he sails alone at ni ght? C. Suicide by drow ning.4. At this point, what does Victor fear the most? B. That the creature will kill aga in.C5. What could redeem Victor's soul from woe?D. Nothi ng1. Why does Victor rema in in the creatur

27、e's cave to hear his tale?B. He hopes to hear that the creature was n ot resp on sible for William's death.2. Where does Victor first have a con versati on with his mon ster?D. In a hut on a glacier n ear Montan vert.3. What does the creature say made him a "fie nd"? B. Misery4. Wh

28、en Victor and his creature meet, how does the creature describe his feeli ngs?D. Miserable bey ond all livi ng thin gs.5. Why, when they meet to talk, does the creature not kill Victor?B. He does n't want to, because he wants someth ing from Victor.6. Where did Franken ste in meet his creature?

29、C. They met at the summit ofMontan ver t.7. What did the creature want of Franken ste in?D. He wan ted Franken ste in to liste n to the acco unt of his life so far.1. How does the creature burn his hand?C. Sticking it in the remains of a campfire2. How long had the creature bee n at large before fin

30、ding Victor?D. 2 years3. How does the creature say he felt when he was first brought to life?D. Overwhelmed by sen sati ons4. How does the creature lear n social no rms?A. Observing a family.5. Where did the creature take shelter?C. He stayed in a lea n-to attached to a cottage6. Walt on is the firs

31、t n arrator in Franken ste in. Who are the other two?C. Victor and the Creature1. How does the mon ster lear n to speak?A. By listening to Felix teach Safie his Ianguage2. What does the monster think causes Felix, Agatha, and De Lacey to be un happy C. Poverty .3. When does the mon ster realize he i

32、s ugly?A. When he looks in a pod4. The mon ster stops steali ng the cottagers' food because he.C. realizes they need it5. Which of the following was not an observation madeby the creature about the De Laceys'? D. They were very happy in spite of their situati on1. How did the creature lear n

33、 to speak and to read?A. He observed and liste ned to the De Lacey family (the cottagers).2. How does the Creature become acqua in ted with the ways of men - their n ature, la nguage, and laws?D. The Creature learns by close observation of the De Lacey family, and by reading books he fin ds.3. What

34、book does Felix use to teach Safie Fren ch?D. Vol ney's Rui ns of Empires4. Who is Felix's fianc e who arrives at the cottage and cheers up the family? B. Safie5. Howdid Safie com muni cate with the cottagers at the beg inning they met?B. By gestures and sig ns.1. Why are Felix, Agatha, and

35、De Lacey so poor?C. The French court took their fortune and exiled them from France for helping Safie's father escape from pris on2. What did Safie's mother teach her daughter to value?B. Independence3. In exchange for allowing Safie to marry him, what does Safie's father dema nd of Feli

36、x?B. His help in escap ing from pris on4. De Lacey was desce nded from a good family in which coun try?D. France5. What religious belief does Safie's mother hold?A. Christia nity1. The Creature's favorite book is Paradise Lost because he identifieshimself with.C. first Adam, then Satan2. Whi

37、ch of the following books is not one of those read by the monster?D. The In ferno3. The monster begs De Lacey to.C. protect him4. What was the react ion of the rest of the De Lacey family whe n they saw the creature?B. Agatha fain ted, Safie fled, and Felix hit him with a stick un til he left the co

38、ttage5. How does the creature/m on ster lear n about how he was created?C. Finds Victor's jour nal in the pocket of his cloak and reads it.1. Why did the De Lacey family (the cottagers) leave their home?B. They found out about the creature living next to them and became afraid.2. Whom did the cr

39、eature save?D. He saved a girl from drow ning.3 What is the monster's reward for saving a girl from drowning?A. He is shot.4. Why does the creature want reve nge on Victor?B. Victor aba ndoned him.5. The creature's cha nee encoun ter with William in the forest might bedescribed as.C. both A

40、and B6. Why did the creature seize the small boy, William Franken ste in?B. He wan ted to educate him to become a compa nion.7. What did the creature do to the boy?C. He stra ngled the boy.8. Why did the creature put the locket in Justi ne's pocket?B. He inten ded that she should take the blame

41、for the murder.1. What dema nd does the mon ster make of Victor?B. That Victor create a woma n for him as a compa nion2. When Victor travels to Cham ounix, he.C. meets the mon ster3 What does the creature say he will do as Victor fulfills his promise?D. Watch him.4. What condition does Victor set be

42、fore he will grant his request?D. That the creature finds somewhere to live that is uninhabited by man.5. What does the creature say he will do if Victor refuses him?D. Exact terrible revenge.1. Henry Clerval might best be described as.C. passionate and romantic2. Why does Victor accompany Henry Cle

43、rval on a voyage to England and Scotland?C. To work on creating a female monster.3. What do Elizabeth and Alphonse assume is the source of Victor's unhappiness?D. Lack of desire to marry Elizabeth.4. On his journey, what does Victor become convinced of?B. That the creature is following him.5. Wh

44、o becomes Victor's traveling companion?A. Henry1. Victor goes to the Orkneys to.C. create the female monster2. How does Victor feel about his impending task?D. Disgusted3. In what country does Victor finally begin fulfilling his promise?D. Scotland4. During his travels through the British Isles,

45、 Victor's anguish and torment - sharpened by contrast with the delight and joy of his friend Henry - invade his thoughts relentlessly. What does Victor fear?A. That the Creature will wreak vengeance on him by killing the remainder of his family and his friend.5. With whom did Henry prefer to tra

46、vel?B. Victor1. What most worries Victor about bringing another, female creature to life?D. That the two will mate.2. Why does Victor destroy the nearly finished female monster?C. Victor imagines the Monster and his mate producing a race of monsters.3. How does Victor put an end to his second experi

47、ment?D. Tears it apart.4. After falling asleep and being blown off course on a sail, on what country did Victor Frankenstein land in?C. Ireland5. Victor stopped working on his second creature because ,C. he was disgusted by what he was doing6. What does the creature call Victor?D. His slave7. What m

48、akes Victor decide to leave the island in two days?C. A letter from Henry.8. How does Henry dispose of the remains of his creature and his instruments?D. Throws them in the sea.9. What threat did the creature makewhen Frankenstein backed out on their agreement?C. He said, “ I will be with you on you

49、r wedding night. ”10. What happened to Frankenstein when he landed his boat?D. He was accused of murder.1. Whose death was Victor Frankenstein accused of?A. Henry Clerval2. To whom is Victor taken after Henry is murdered?D. Mr. Kirwin3. How does Victor react to seeing Henry's corpse?D. He falls

50、into a long, feverish illness.4. Why is Victor arrested?D. For murder.5. After passing out and remaining in delirium for two months, where does Victor find himself?A. In prison.6. Who summons Victor 's father from Switzerland to visit Victor in prison?D. Mr. Kirwin, an old and benevolent magistr

51、ate.1. Who does Victor blame or the deaths of William, Justine, and Henry?D. Himself2. What event occurred next in Frankenstein's life after Henry Clerval'sdeath? C. He married Elizabeth.3. Why does Alph onse fear his son has gone insane?C. Victor keeps say ing he is resp on sible for the de

52、aths.4. After the wedd ing, Victor and Elizabeth go to.B. an inn in Evia n5. When will Victor con fide the horrible secret to Elizabeth?A. The day after their marriage.1. Why does n't Victor protect his wife, Elizabeth, from the mon ster's attack on the ni ght of their wedd ing?C. He misun d

53、ersta nds the mon ster's warning.2. Why is Elizabeth killed?B. She was to be Victor's wife.3. Why does the mon ster kill Victor's bride?D. I n reve nge for Victor's destructio n of the female mon ster.4. Follow ing Elizabeth's murder, what does Victor now fear?A. The murder of hi

54、s family.5. What expressi on does Victor observe on the creature's face after it has murdered Elizabeth?B. A grin6. What does Victor believe is the only thing that will bring him con solati on?D. Finding the mon ster and exact ing reven ge.7. What happe ned on Franken ste in and Elizabeth's

55、wedd ing ni ght?D. The creature broke into the room and killed Elizabeth.8. What did Frankenstein do after he left the magistrate?C. He decided to pursue the creature and kill him.9. Who was the last person the monster kills in the novel Frankenstein?D. Elizabeth10. How many people does the creature actually kill?B. Three1. At their graves, what does Victor vow to Elizabeth, Alph on se, and William?D. That he will find and destroy the creature.2. What dist


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