1、畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)外文文獻翻譯教 學(xué) 點: 靖江黨校函授點 專 業(yè): 船舶與海洋工程 學(xué) 號: 姓 名: 吳 紅 根 指導(dǎo)教師: 孔 慧 敏 江蘇科技大學(xué)繼續(xù)教育學(xué)院 2017年4月12日63500散貨船規(guī)格書總則第一章 目的本規(guī)格書及附帶的圖紙是為了描述一型單螺旋槳、柴油機驅(qū)動、單甲板、單殼運輸散貨船的設(shè)計、材料、建造和設(shè)備。總布置圖、中橫剖面圖和廠商表作為規(guī)格書整體的一部分。規(guī)格書和附帶的圖紙互相補充說明。被附上的總布置圖、中橫剖面圖和其他相關(guān)圖紙僅僅是初步的,經(jīng)雙方同意,可以修改、完善或者改進。承造方在船舶的設(shè)計、建造、裝備、試驗和交付給買方時,須與合同規(guī)格書及圖紙一致。除了在本規(guī)格書中明
5、書里面任何2次或多次提到的均認為僅提供或進行一次。廠商標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、建造方標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和/或另外公認的工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),只要這些標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和船級社規(guī)范不一致和/或本身有問題時,材料、機械、儀器和設(shè)備等必須由船級社認可和設(shè)計應(yīng)符合中國工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(GB, CB)。第二章 總述2.1 總述“船東”和“建造方”提及的公司或者代理商同樣在建造合同中詳細說明。如果沒有其它說明,總則部分的描述應(yīng)用于規(guī)格書的所有部分,其它部分的描述應(yīng)用于相應(yīng)部分。如果規(guī)格書和圖紙存在矛盾和不一致之處,以規(guī)格書為準(zhǔn)。除船上不同部門或特別說明外,任何在規(guī)格書里提及兩次或多次、但邏輯上為同一項目的設(shè)備只供應(yīng)一次。船東任何超出規(guī)格書所列出的規(guī)則規(guī)范和/或規(guī)格書的要
6、求,必須經(jīng)雙方同意后實施。如果必要,將對合同價格、載重量、航速等可能產(chǎn)生影響的部分進行調(diào)整。對規(guī)格書、圖紙或其他已簽署的書面文件的修改和變更,由承造方和船東的受權(quán)代表進行簽署. 這些作為合同的補充。2.2 材料除特別同意和/或在規(guī)格書和廠商表中有明確規(guī)定,材料、機械和設(shè)備等一般采用國內(nèi)廠家產(chǎn)品。所有的結(jié)構(gòu)鋼板用在船舶建造和輪機上的包括鍛造和鑄造應(yīng)該符合正常的造船航海工程質(zhì)量,試驗,檢查和證書都要由船級社或監(jiān)管人適時認可。所有木材都要風(fēng)干和沒有瑕疵.所有使用的材料要滿足安全循環(huán)使用的要求。限制使用對健康和環(huán)境有傷害的材料。石棉、制冷劑(R12/R22)和HALON、含鉛油漆和含錫的防污漆也不允許
7、使用。如有任何規(guī)格書中描述的材料在實際情況下無法取得,承造方有權(quán)選擇船級社許可的合適的替代品。2.3 工藝所有用于本船的建造工藝應(yīng)符合中國船舶建造標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和/或承造方標(biāo)準(zhǔn)慣例,如果需要應(yīng)取得船級社的批準(zhǔn)。承造方標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、慣例應(yīng)提交給船東備查。應(yīng)根據(jù)規(guī)格書和圖紙,以及船級社和有關(guān)當(dāng)局的要求進行施工。2.4 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)應(yīng)盡可能采用以下標(biāo)準(zhǔn)進行船舶的建造,另外一些船級社適用的經(jīng)公認的工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。a)ISO標(biāo)準(zhǔn)b)中國工業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(GB, CSQS, CB, YB, etc.)c)承造方標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和承造方慣例2.5 測量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)原則上采用ISO標(biāo)準(zhǔn).原則上船體、機械、設(shè)備等的設(shè)計和建造采用國際單位。所有測量單位諸如電力、壓力表、溫
8、度計、容積表、艙柜標(biāo)尺、水尺等應(yīng)采用國際單位。2.6 圖紙和文件所有的圖紙,計算,說明書均使用英文.所有銘板、警示牌等均使用英文。承造方提交4份圖紙給船東認可,船東退2份帶船東簽字和意見的認可圖紙給承造方。送船東認可的圖紙范圍按照經(jīng)船東認可的“認可圖紙清單”提供認可。船東在收到圖紙后14天退審認可圖(排除郵寄時間)。如果承造方在14個工作日內(nèi)沒有收到船東的回復(fù),承造方應(yīng)先發(fā)傳真提醒船東處理和認可圖紙。船東在承造方發(fā)出提醒后6個工作日內(nèi)給出意見。承造方在收到退審意見后14個工作日內(nèi)答復(fù)船東的意見。如果承造方?jīng)]能答復(fù),船東將認為意見已經(jīng)自動接受。如果第一條船認可的圖紙與后來的姐妹船相同,承造方無需
9、提交姐妹船的相關(guān)圖紙給船東認可,但需注明姐妹船的船名/船號。在交船時,承造方提供3份完工圖紙和主要機械設(shè)備的操作說明書給船東 ,并提供給船東一份所有可以提供的完工圖紙和文件的光盤。完工圖紙范圍與船東認可的“完工圖紙清單”一致。所有的完工圖紙包括說明書/手冊均使用英文,那些國外的設(shè)備除外。以下各兩份圖紙應(yīng)放在船上,在通過蘇伊士和巴拿馬運河時使用。總布置圖、艙容圖、帶設(shè)備清單的機艙布置圖、中橫剖面圖、測深表、破損控制圖應(yīng)將以下帶圖框的圖紙掛在船上,并放置在船東代表指定的位置??偛贾脠D 1份帶載重線標(biāo)尺的艙容圖 1份操縱性特性圖 1份防火控制及安全圖 1份美國海岸警衛(wèi)隊要求的油輸送程序 1份無線電安
10、全證書 1份救生衣說明書每層甲板1份2.7 分包商應(yīng)按照技術(shù)規(guī)格書和廠商表進行材料、機械、設(shè)備和其它部件的訂貨。2.8 船東供品下列項目由船東供應(yīng),承造人負責(zé)安裝到船上。承造人提供遮蔽的安全處所,貯藏并移交船上。超出規(guī)格書規(guī)定的纜繩。超出規(guī)格書規(guī)定的風(fēng)動工具,皮管,鋼絲繩等所有海圖、航海和無線電書籍、公司旗和國旗所有消耗品除救生艇內(nèi)的所有醫(yī)藥和醫(yī)療設(shè)備 例如立體聲的娛樂設(shè)備,錄像機和電視等,除了規(guī)格書中提到的用具。油畫和圖畫承造方標(biāo)準(zhǔn)以外的水手長和木匠的工具。除床墊以外的所有床上用品(枕頭、毯子,被單,被子等所有餐桌用布(餐巾,桌布等)所有烹調(diào)配餐用具(陶器,餐具,銀器,土器,玻璃器皿,鍋,盤
12、造方簽訂合同后,同意提供額外免費備用品的。2.9 備件和工具按照規(guī)范要求和供應(yīng)商標(biāo)準(zhǔn)提供備件。工具按照承造方標(biāo)準(zhǔn)提供。除了安裝在指定位置的,所有備件用不同的箱子存放,并在每個箱子上注明箱子里的內(nèi)容。重的備件應(yīng)存放在起吊設(shè)備可以吊到的地方。重的備件和工具應(yīng)安裝在輔機旁的架子/基座上2.10 干船塢在交船前無需進干船塢。2.11 船模交船前承造方提供每艘船一個1:200的船模。63500 DWT BULK CARRIER SPECIFICATION GENERAL PROVISIONSECTION 1INTENT It is intent of this Specification (herein
13、after called the Specification) and accompanying plans to describe and set forth the design, material, construction and equipment of a ocean going, single screw diesel driven single deck bulk carrier.General Arrangement Plan, Midship Section and Makers List to accompany and form an integral part of
14、the Specification. The Specification and attached plans to be complementary to each other.The attached General Arrangement Plan, Midship Section and other relevant drawings are preliminary only, which are subject to further modifications or improvements or optimizations to be mutually agreed by the
15、paritiesThe vessel to be designed, constructed, equipped, tested and delivered to the Buyer by the Builder in accordance with the Contract, these Specifications and Plan(s)The Builder to furnish all items required for the completion of the vessel in accordance with the specification except items spe
16、cifically stated herein as to be furnished and supplied by the Owner.Details in design, fabrication, installation, inspection and workmanship not covered in this Specification, or not covered by the approved plans, to be performed under the Standard practice of the Builder.In case of any discrepancy
17、 or inconsistency or contradiction between the terms and conditions of Shipbuilding contract and the SPECIFICATIONS, the former should govern and prevail.In case of any discrepancy or inconsistency or contradiction between the terms and conditions of this SPECIFICATIONS and associated plans/drawings
18、 including General Arrangement Plan and Midship Section, the former should govern and prevail. However, with regard to such inconsistency or contradiction between Specifications and associated plans/drawings as may later occur by any change or changes agreed by both parties after signing of the
19、 SPECIFICATIONS, then such change or changes shall govern and prevail.In case of any discrepancy or inconsistency or contradiction between the terms and conditions of the SPECIFICATIONS and the standard of agreed vendor , the former can be adjusted in accordance with the vendors standard , if deemed
20、 necessary by builder. Such adjustment should be subject to buyers consent , which can not be unreasonably withheld.In design stage or construction period of the vessel, the Builder may correct any errors, mistakes or omissions contained in the SPECIFICATIONS and also make any changes or improvement
21、s or optimization to the SPECIFICATIONS if deemed necessary by the Builder, such corrections, changes and improvements should be subject to buyers consent, which can not be unreasonably withheld.It is to be understood that the descriptions in "General provisions" are to be applied to the w
22、hole of the subsequent parts of Hull , Outfitting, Accommodation ,Machinery and Electric parts, if there should be any discrepancy or inconsistency or contradiction between the “General provisions” and Hull, Outfitting, Accommodation, Machinery and Electric parts, the “General provisions” shall prev
23、ailThe general provisions of each subsequent part should apply to whole of the part, In the event of any conflict or inconsistency or contradiction between general provisions of each subsequent part and other paragraphs or sentence of the part, the general provisions should prevail and govern.If the
24、re should be any conflict or inconsistency or contradiction among the Hull, Outfitting, Accommodation, Machinery and Electric parts, the description in the part that specifically describes or governs the arrangement, installation or equipment shall prevail.Any amendment or change in the Rules and Re
25、gulations as specified in Section 5-2" RULES, CONVENTIONS AND REGULATIONS ", coming into effect after signing the contract, is to be carried out subject to the agreement between the Buyer and the Builder in terms of adjustment of the contract price, deadweight, delivery date or any other i
26、tem, if any, as the case may be.When words such as “or” “if necessary”, “when considered”, “may” and other similar expressions are used in the Specifications, their application shall be at Builders sole discretion.All dimensions to be in ISO system unless where explicitly stated otherwise. Wherever
27、the term “or equivalent” to be understood to mean that any substitute shall be of the equal performance standard and quality.Anything twice or more mentioned or enumerated in this Specification is to be only supplied once or executed unless otherwise specifically mentioned.Materials, machinery and e
28、quipment etc. to be approved by Class as required and designed in accordance with the GB/CB standard , manufacturers standard , builders standard and/or other recognized industry standard as long as these standards are not inconsistent with the requirement of Classification and/or Regulatory body co
29、ncerned.SECTION 2GENERAL DEFINITIONS 2-1GENERAL ARTICALS The terms "Owner" and "Builder" refer to companies or their agents as defined in detail in the Building Contract.The description in Part I General Provision to be applied to all parts of the Specification, where as the desc
30、riptions in the other parts to be applied to the respective parts, if not described otherwise.In the event of any contradiction or any inconsistency between the descriptions of proper part and other parts in the Specification, the descriptions in the proper part to govern.Unless those for different
31、department on board or specifically described, repeated mention of the logically same item in the Specification does not mean that the item to be supplied more than once.Any requirement of the Owner, which is in excess of the requirements of the Rules and Regulations listed herein and/or the content
32、 of this specification, to be subject to agreement and possible adjustment to the contract price, deadweight, service speed, etc., which may be affected.Amendments and changes to the Specification, plans or other written documents to be signed by an authorized representative of the Builder and Owner
33、. These documents to be the supplement to the contract.2-2MATERIAL Materials, machinery and equipment, etc. to be of Chinese make unless specifically agreed and/or described in the Specifications and the Makers List.All structure steel used for the construction of the vessel and machinery including
34、key forgings and castings to be of normal shipbuilding and marine engineering quality, tested, inspected and certificated as when required by the Classification Society and Regulatory Bodies concerned. All wood to be well seasoned and free from defect.All using material can be safely recycled. Minim
35、izing the use of materials known to be potentially hazardous to health and the environment. Especially asbestos, refrigerants ( R 12 / R 22 ), HALON, Lead-based paint and Tin-based anti-fouling paint to be not used. If any material described in these Specification cannot be obtained under certain ci
36、rcumstances, the Builder to have the right to substitute suitable equivalent material to meet the requirement of the Classification Society.2-3WORKMANSHIP All workmanship entering into the construction of the vessel to be in accordance with the Chinese ship building standards and/or Builder's st
37、andard practice, applicable to this kind of vessel, subject to the approval of the Classification Society where necessary. The standards of Builder's practice to be submitted to the Owner for reference.All work to be carried out according to Specification and plans and to the requirement of Clas
38、sification Society and also regulatory bodies mentioned hereinafter.2-4STANDARDS The following standards to be applied to the construction of the vessel, as far as practicable .The other recognized industrial standards than below mentioned may be applied to meet the requirements of the Classificatio
39、n Society. a) ISO standardb) Chinese industrial standards (GB, CB, CSQS,YB,etc.)c) Builder's standards, and Builder's standard practice2-5UNIT OF MEASURE ISO standard to be followed generally.SI units to be adopted for design and construction of hull, machinery, equipment, etc. in general.Al
40、l measuring units such as power, pressure gauge, thermometer, volume gauge, tank scales, etc. to be in accordance with SI system.2-6PLANS AND DOCUMENTS All drawings, calculations, instruction manuals, etc. to be written in English.All name plates, caution plates etc. to be in English. The Builder to
41、 submit plans for approval to the Owner in four (4) copies and Owner to return two (2) copies of the plans to Builder with the Owner's signature and comment if any.The scope of plans for submitting to the Owner's approval to be in accordance with the drawing " Approval Drawing List &quo
42、t; which to be approved by the Owner.The Owner to return approved plans within 14days (excluding express mailing time) after receipt of the drawings.If the Owner fails to return the drawings and/or to send by any comments to the Builder within14 days, the Builder to send fax reminder to Owner first
43、prior treating the drawing approved by Owner automatically. The Owner to send his comments, if any, within 6 days after Builders reminder.The Builder to give answer for Owner's comments within 14 days from the date of receiving. If the Builder fails to answer, the Owner to deem that the comments
44、 have been automatically accepted.In the event that any of the already approved plans for the first vessel are same as those for the subsequent sister vessels, the Builder may leave out the submission of such plans for the subsequent vessels. In which case the plan to clearly state the name/yard num
45、ber of vessels.The builder to furnish three(3) copies of the final drawings and instruction books of the major machinerys and equipments to the OWNER at the delivery of the vessel. One (1) CR-ROM with all available finished plans and documents to be provided to the Owner.The scope of finished plans
46、to be in accordance with the "Final Drawing List" which to be submitted to Owner for approval.All finished plans including instruction books/manuals to be written in English, except those attached with the equipment from abroad.Two (2) copies of each following drawings to be submitted on b
47、oard for passing through Suez and Panama Canals:General Arrangement Plan Capacity plan Engine Room Arrangement with Machinery List Midship Section Sounding Table for L. O. & F. O. TanksDamage control plan The following plans to be provided in frames and placed on board at such locations as desig
48、nated by the Owner's representative:General Arrangement One (1) copyCapacity plan with Deadweight ScaleOne (1) copyManeuvering characteristics diagram with time and distance, One (1) copyFire control plan with life saving appliance in color coding One (1) copyOil transfer procedures as per USCG
49、One (1) copySafety radio telegraphy certificate One (1) copyInstruction of Life Jacket and immersion suitsOne for each deck2-7SUB - CONTRACTORS Ordering of materials, machinery, equipment and other components to comply with the Specification and Makers List.2-8OWNER'S SUPPLIED ITEMS Following it
50、ems to be furnished and supplied by the Owner at their own expense, and installed on the vessel by the Builder. The Builder to provide sheltered and secure storage, handling in storage and handling on-board.· Tow line and mooring ropes in excess of the Specification· All air tools, hoses,
51、steel wires, etc. other than those mentioned in the Specification· All charts, nautical and radio station books, house flag and national flag· All consumable stores · All medicine and medical equipment except those for life boat and rescue boat.· Recreation equipment such as Ster
52、eophony, Video tape recorder and TV etc. and stationery other than mentioned in the Specification· Painting and pictures· Boatswain's and carpenter's tools over and above the Builders standard · All bedding and linen (pillows, blankets, sheets, covers, etc.) but excluding matt
53、resses.· All napery (serviettes, table clothes, etc.)· All cook's and steward's utensils (crockery, cutlery, silverware, earthenware, glasses, pots, pans, etc.)· Firemens outfit addition to the Rule requirement.· Typewriters, copy machine, computers, fax machine and other office machines.· Loose lashing/securing fittings for cargoes· Suez Canal searchlight, but one foundation in s
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