1、英語教師評語【篇一:一年級英語教師評語】lisa 你是個聰明、活潑而且非??蓯鄣男∨?。思維敏捷,學(xué)習(xí)積極主動。特別使老師高興的是,你的英語詞匯量豐富, 造句 多么與眾不同,簡直棒極了。miss zhoucrystal你是一名聰明、文靜而勤奮好學(xué)的孩子。學(xué)習(xí)上能刻苦鉆研,課堂上常能聽到你那清脆悅耳的回答聲;你工作積極,樂意當(dāng)老師的小助手;成績總是那么優(yōu)秀;平時你總是帶著甜甜的笑容,與同學(xué)友愛相處。相信你在新的一年里會有更多的收獲的!miss zhoujudy 在老師的眼里,你是一位很乖巧可愛的女孩,你的字跡瀟灑漂亮??茨闫綍r不多言多語,課堂上你卻專心聽講,認(rèn)真完成作業(yè),課堂上你也總是 把手舉得
2、高高的,讓同學(xué)聽聽你那精彩 的 回答 ,常常受到同學(xué)和老師的贊賞。老師希望你繼續(xù)努力,你 會得更出色的 ! miss zhoulewis你思維敏捷,想象力豐富,某些問題有自己獨到的見解。的確,你很聰明,常問出別人無法想到的問題,多么與眾不同。但你好動,有時 不專心,如果能克服缺點,這樣的話你一定會很棒的。miss zhouemily你是一個文靜的女孩,默默地吮吸著知識的甘露,學(xué)習(xí)成績十分出色,老師喜歡你在知識的海洋里暢游的學(xué)習(xí)勁頭,更愿意聽 到你 流利的英語。miss zhoumark這學(xué)期 后半期 , 你 學(xué)習(xí)成績逐 步提高,只要勤奮,相信你 一定會有更大的收獲。老師想送你一句話:天下無難事
3、,只怕有心人。困難 是 擋不住勇敢者的腳步的 。miss zhoutimothy你是位聰明又可愛的小男孩,老師好喜歡你上課專心聽講,勤奮好學(xué)的勁兒。 書寫也 越來越漂亮了,但要記住學(xué)習(xí)英語一定要多讀多聽 , 注意糾正自己的發(fā)音,這樣 你才會說得一口流利漂亮的英語。miss zhouphillip成功的喜悅是辛勤的汗水澆灌出的,而懶惰的人大多一事無成。其實,你是很聰明的孩子。你發(fā)現(xiàn)沒有,只要勤奮一點,你的聽寫就會多對一個;只要努力一下,你的字就可以寫得漂亮; 讓腦子多思考一下問題,你就可以得出令人滿意的答案,努力吧,你會有 更大的進(jìn)步!miss zhoujerry你有禮貌、 聰明、機(jī)靈,問題的回
4、答總是很精彩??墒悄阌袝r仍貪玩,愛紀(jì)律松懈,也讓老師失望。好孩子,你那么聰明,要是把更多的心思用在學(xué)習(xí)上,誰也比不上你。努力吧,老師期待著你更大的進(jìn)步!你可以成為一名佼佼者的!miss zhoutom你聰明伶俐,思維敏捷。你看,你一認(rèn)真起來單詞、課文一會兒就背到了。但不專心聽講是你最大的缺點,假如你能糾正你的這些不良態(tài)度,老師相信,你將是最棒的!努力吧!miss zhourichard你是一個聰明機(jī)靈的小男孩,只是在 學(xué)習(xí) 上缺乏積極主動。希望你在學(xué)習(xí)上多下點功夫。我相信你定能取得好成績,你說對嗎?miss zhoupeter老師 能 發(fā)現(xiàn)你身上的優(yōu)點:尊敬老師,聰明機(jī)靈,能積極舉手回答問題。
5、老師希望你課堂上再專心些,作業(yè)本上潦草的字跡再工整一些。你要知道老師 一直在 期待你的進(jìn)步。miss zhouhey你有些調(diào)皮,有些好動,有時也會挨批評,可在老師的心中,一直認(rèn)為你是個聰明的孩子。學(xué)習(xí)是靠持之以恒的,如果你能把學(xué)習(xí)的激情融入每時每刻,靜下來認(rèn)真思考,勤奮學(xué)習(xí),那么,你會更優(yōu)秀的!miss zhoualice可愛的小姑娘,你勤奮好學(xué),認(rèn)真努力,你的字跡總是那么工整漂亮 。 老師希望你繼續(xù)努力,相信你在新的一年里會有更多的收獲的!miss zhoudavid你是位聰明的、 熱愛學(xué)習(xí)、積極向上的 男孩 。 對語言文字接受理解挺快,對老師布置的作業(yè)都是認(rèn)真地完成。 但要記住快多讀多聽
6、, 注意糾正自己的發(fā)音,這樣 你才會說得一口流利漂亮的英語miss zhoupat你是一個熱情好動的孩子,待人熱情,喜歡幫助別人,尊敬老師,上課時 能 積極發(fā)言,能動腦思考問題,但有時也難免要說悄悄話,開小差。老師希望你能改掉缺點,繼續(xù)努力,培養(yǎng)刻苦耐勞的學(xué)習(xí) 精神,!miss zhoujudy你是位既聰明又可愛的小女孩,你學(xué)習(xí)認(rèn)真,總是認(rèn)真按時完成老師的作業(yè),而且書寫端正 。 你上課能積極思考,踴躍發(fā)言,多么有上進(jìn)心??!老師相信,只要堅持不懈的努力,你今后取得的成功會更大。miss zhouann你 是個 熱情 、可愛的小姑娘,尊敬老師,團(tuán)結(jié)同學(xué),課堂上也能認(rèn)真聽講,學(xué)習(xí)比較勤奮。如果在課堂
7、上能積極踴躍地發(fā)言,你肯定會更出色!記住,前進(jìn)就是勝利。miss zhoumaggie在老師的眼里,你是一位很乖巧可愛的女孩,你的字跡工整 漂亮。課堂上你專心聽講,認(rèn)真完成作業(yè),課堂上你也總是 把手舉得高高的,讓同學(xué)聽聽你那精彩 的 回答 ,常常受到同學(xué)和老師的贊賞。希望你繼續(xù)努力。miss zhousandy你是個 愛說愛笑,機(jī)靈可愛的小女孩兒,課堂上積極思考,回答問題主動積極。就是還要在學(xué)習(xí)中再仔細(xì)一些,多讀多聽, 注意糾正自己的發(fā)音,讓自己更棒!miss zhouhillaway別看你個頭小,但 你思想活躍,反應(yīng)敏捷,學(xué)知識 快,作業(yè)本上的 字跡 也越來越工整漂亮了。如果你能持之以恒,相
8、信你一定會很棒 的。miss zhoudick你是一位聰明可愛的小男孩 。勤奮好學(xué)、思維敏捷, 特別值得高興的是,你對語言的感受力還挺 好, 但還要多聽多讀,注意糾正自己的發(fā)音。如果課堂上能再積極些回答老師的問題就更好了。miss zhouluke你是個聰明上進(jìn)心很強(qiáng)的男孩,你尊敬老師,團(tuán)結(jié)同學(xué),待人有禮貌, 但 字寫得還不夠端正美觀,但老師發(fā)現(xiàn)你一直在努力地改正。孩子,加油吧,“只要功夫深,鐵棒磨成針”, 相信你一定會成功的miss zhou【篇二:英語老師結(jié)業(yè)評語english comments 】sample economics teachers commentsangelica is
9、a reserved member of the group who displays aquiet interest in the subject. she writes about basic economic concepts in considerable detail, showing aconfident use of economic terminology. however angelica?s levels of achievement may be further improved if she is more communicative during class disc
10、ussions.arthur is an extremely able and enthusiastic member of the class who is performing to a high standard. he has a good understanding of economic concepts and makes the best use of business terminology in his answers. however arthur?s levels of achievement may be further improved if he is more
11、committed and consistent in terms of hisperformance.davira takes a keen interest in economic analysis and data interpretation. her assignment on ?developed andunderdeveloped economies? is a perfect example how thesubject should be handled. however she should aim to increase her confidence by making
12、an effort to be more involved in class discussions.edrieno speaks and writes about basic economic concepts in considerable detail. his performance in class assignments shows a confident use of economic terminology. howeveredrieno?s levels of achievement may be further improved if he is more communic
13、ative during class discussions.fania?s level of achievement demonstrates that she is capable of performing to a high standard. she speaks and writes business ideas in considerable detail and knows the best use of economic terminology. however, the overall grade may be improved if fania continually u
14、pdates herself by reading newspapers and magazines.felicia participates in class activities discussions with enthusiasm. the quality of her written work has been consistently excellent, both in terms of content and presentation. however she should try to take a more active part in practical investig
15、ations to improve her confidence in this area.jovina has developed a good understanding of economic concepts which was apparent from her assignment on ?developed and developing economies?. however, jovina?s levels of achievement may be further improved if she is more committed and consistent in term
16、s of her performance.kevin has developed good understanding of economic concepts and is always willing to share his ideas with the rest of the class during discussion. however, his written work has been very variable, occasionally excellent, but too often superficial and rushed. i would suggest him
17、to concentrate more on the presentation aspect of his work. azwan writes about basic economic concepts in considerable detail, showing a confident use of economic terminology. however azwan?s levels of achievement may be further improved if he is more communicative during class discussions.samantha
18、has shown a keen interest in economics in this term. her assignment ?developed and developing economies? was well done with appropriate use of economic terminology. however, she should make an effort to be more actively involved during class discussions.wintriana has shown that she can confidently u
19、se economic terminology in different situations. it is clearly visible through the assignments submitted by her. however she needs to be more active during class discussions. she can really excel in economics if she improves her area of weakness.heywon displays considerable interest in the subject.
20、however due to her lacking in english language skills she cannot express her views effectively. to help her do this, she should take an extra tutorial session for english.adrian has shown a keen interest in economics in this term. he has used economic vocabulary appropriately whileanalysing case stu
21、dies in class. however, he should make an effort to be more actively involved during class discussions. rinaldy is making satisfactory progress in economics and has shown an effective use of economic vocabulary in his report on ?demand, supply and price?. however, he should make an effort to be more
22、 actively involved during lessons and class discussions.cluadia is a diligent girl with a good grasp of economic concepts. she produced an impressive reporton ?population? which displayed an effective use of economic terminology. however, she should make an effort to be more actively involved during
23、 class discussions.kanita displays considerable interest in the subject and participates in class activities discussions with enthusiasm. she displayed an impressive use of economic terminology in her report on ?wages and trade unions?. i am sure, with continued efforts, she can achieve excellent gr
24、ades.kara takes a keen interest in discussing economic issues in class. her written work has been quite meticulous with effective use of economic terminology. i hope she can sustain her current performance in economics through【篇三:英語老師作業(yè)評語】一、 its very clever of you to do so.its nice of you to write t
25、his way.wonderful!your english is very good and your answers are correct.im sure you can do your work better next time.youve done a good job.you are doing wonderfully!you can do better now than you did before.you have improved a lot.i am proud of you.thats great.please never give up trying.success c
26、omesthrough hard work and constant effort.no pains,no gains.i hope you will make more progress in thefuture.whatgood work!you are the pride of our class.work harder,and you will make more progress.work,the sooner you will e on!i am sure you will catch up soon.its good to be correct.its also important to be creative.excellent.you havent made any mistakes,but do try to makeyour handwriting neater.you had better be more careful!p
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