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1、初二試卷:八年級英語上學(xué)期期末模擬考試試卷及答案第一學(xué)期期末初二英語模擬卷(時間:90分鐘滿分:1 00分)班級第1部分選擇題、單項選擇(2 0分)()1. Lucy lookLily. They areA. like, like B. like , alike C. alike , like D. alike , alike.If we don'()2. The number of the cranes is gettinga few yearst help them, they will disappearA. fewer and fewer, in B. larger and l

2、arger, aft erC. more and more, after D. smaller and smaller, i n()3. I ' m to see the baby' s ability i nm u si c.A. amazing, amazing B. amazing, am azedC. am azed , amazing D. amazed , amazed()4.How d i d h e finish t h e work?I h ear t h at h e d i ditA. i n t h e own B. o n h i s own C. o

3、 f t h e own D. all h i s own()5. The o f l i v i n g areas makes wild animals b eco m efewer than beforeA. loss B. l o st C. losing D. lose()6. People make medicine tigers A. of bones B. with, bone C. on , bone D. from ,bone()7. D o you know how many people the b i g fire lastweek?A. lived B. survi

4、ved C. stayed D. continued()8. Of t h e two Am eri can students , Lily i s one.A. tallest B. t h e taller C. taller D. t h e tallest()9. W e can' t w i n t h e match your support.A. without B. with C. under D. for()1 0. D an iel i s m y friend. I l i ke sharing m y w i th h imwhen I am happy.A.

5、j o y B. happy C. sad D. secret s()11.Which book can I take?You can take bookyou like.A. both B. any C. no D. all()12. His grand fat her i s over 85,he is very healthy.A. and B. but C. or D. so()1 3.-Are these cars made i n Japan? Yes. And they're much cheaper t h an i n Am erica.A. that B. thos

6、e C. it D. ones()1 4.-Can I g et you a cu p of tea?A. Thank you f o r t h e t e a B. With p l e asu r eC. Yo u can , p lease D. Th at' s very n ice o f you()15. The Yellow River is the second river inChina.A. longer B. longest C. t h e most long D. more longer()16.I don' t know if h is uncle

7、.I think h e if it d oesn ' t rai n.A. will come; comes B. will come; will comeC. com es; comes D. comes; will come()17. H e sp e n d s as much time as h e can En g l ish every dayA. t o p r act i se sp eakin g B. t o p r act i se t o speakC. p r a ct i se to speak D. practising speaking()1 8. M

8、 rs. White a s well a s her twins t h e d an ci n g cl u b.A. is going to, join B. is going to, join inC. are going to , join D. are going t o , join i n()19. I don' t think he tried his be st t o learn English, ?A. d i d h e B. d o I C. didn' t h e D. don' t I()2 0. They had a wonderful

9、 time.A. ch at i n g o n t h e Internet B. chatting o n t h e InternetC. c h at i n g i n t h e Internet D. chatting i n t h e Internet.二、完型填空:(15分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從1-15小題所給的ABCD四 個選項中選出最佳的答案It was Monday morning. Cathy left home early t h at d ay because she was going t o 1 a n ew jo b in M an h att

10、an. Sh ewas only 1 8 and this was her fir st 2 . When she got tothe bus stop , she saw so many people waiting there that she almost 3 a passing taxi. Later she was 4 that sh e had wait ed f o r t h e bus because t h e t r af f i c was so heavy t h at even a t axi would n o t have 5 much earlier. A s

11、 i t was, sh e was only few minutes lat e !She took t h e elevator t o t h e eighth 6 and went t o t h e office where sh e had been i n t er vi ew e d (面試)b y M r.Sa m so n t w o weeks 7 . This was the man she w as going t o work for her . She knocked o n t h e door lightly and waited but there w as

12、 n o 8 ! Ju st then she h eard the sound o f a 9 voice coming from t h e n ext o f f i ce. She opened t h e door and looked 1 0 . There w as M r. Samson, speaking 1 1 t o a 11 t h e other people i n t h e o ff i ce. H e sudden ly 1 2 around and left the ro om.Lat e r i n t h e d ay , Cath y fo u nd

13、o u t 1 3 had happened . Because M r Sam son lived forty m i l e s away i n W est ch ester, h e had t o take t h e train to work and would usually arrive at t he office 1 4 nine thirty. Th is morning, h o wever, he happened t o catch a n earlier train, and when h e arrived at1 5 , not a single perso

14、n was working .()1. A. hunt B. st art C. finish D. find()2. A. job B. chance C. try D. victory()3. A. asked B. missed C. got D. called()4. A. glad B. so r ry C. su rp rised D. disappointed()5. A. retu rn ed B. left C. stopped D. arrived()6. A. ground B. room C. floor D. office()7. A. ago B. before C

15、. later D. earlier()8. A. sound B. help C. an sw er D. noise()9. A. boy' s B. girl' s C. woman' s D. man' s()10. A. i n B. o u t C. back D. u p()11. A. warmly B. excitedly C. angrily D. sadly()12. A. got B. looked C. turned D. walked()1 3. A. what B. that C. wh ich D. it()1 4. A. i n

16、 B. about C. until D. for()1 5. A. t h e station B. t h e office C. Westchester D.M a n h at t an三、閱讀理解:(2 0分)AWetlands ! Valuable Resources o n t h e EarthThere are many w et l an d s i n China and some o f them have become t h e world' s important wetlands. The ChineseYel l o w Se a Wetlands a

17、re among them. They are i nYan ch e n g , Jiangsu P r o vi n ce. They are home for many d i ff er en t kinds o f animals. The world ' s largest M i l u DeerNature Reserve is in them. More than 700 Milu deer live freely there. Th e r e are not many red-crowned cranes i n t h e world, but eve ry w

18、inter you can see some i n t h e Red - c ro w n ed Crane N at u r e Reserve i n t h e Yellow Sea Wetlands.Th e tem p erat u re i n t h e wetlands is usually neither t o o high nor t o o l o w. There u s a l o t o f rain and sunshine , t o o. Th ey are really good places fo r w i l d l i fe. Offering

19、(提供) food and home fo r some special kinds o f animals is n o t t h e only reason why w e need to protect wetlands.Wetlan d s are important b ecau se they also prevent flood. Bu t some people want t o ch an g e t h e wetlands t o make more sp ace fo r farms and l ess space f o r w i l d l i fe.Lucki

20、ly , more and more people are beginning t o realize t h e i m p o r t an ce o f wetlands an d wildlife . Ev e ry year , o n Fe b r u ary 2nd , m any acti vit ies a re held t o tell people more about wetlands.()1. The Ch i n e se Ye l lo w Se a Wetlands are i n t h e o f China.A. east B. south C. wes

21、t D. north()2. Usually the weather i n the wetlands i sA. h o t B. pleasant C. cold D. dry()3. The World Wetlands Day i s o nA. April 22 B. June 25 C. February 2 D. M arch 22()4. W e must protect wetlands b ecau seA. they are home f o r wildlife B. t h ey can offer food t o an i m alsC. t h ey ca n

22、prevent flood D. al l o f t h e above()5. Some people want t o change t o make more space for farmsA. lands B. world C. wildlife D. wetlandsThe wonderful medicineA m an was selling medicine a t a fair (集市).A t first h e soldbottles of a cure(藥齊Q for colds for just a dollar a bottle.Many people wante

23、d t o buy it and t h e man' s youngassistant moved quickly through t h e crowd (人群)co l lect in g money and handing o u t bottles o f t h e cold cure.Then, when h e had a b i g crowd , t h e man held u p a ve ry small bottle.“And now, ladies and gentlemen," h e shouted, “here i s t h e m ed

24、 ici n e you have been w ait i n g for . The cure for o l d age. Drink just one bottle of this and you will live fo reve r.“And , ladies and gentlemen," the man continued, "I' m not going to charge(收費)you a hundred dollars a bottle for this wonderful medicine. I' m n o t going t o

25、charge you f i ft y d o l la rs a bottle. I' m n o t going t o charge y o u tw enty-five dollars a bottle. N o , ladies andg e n 11 em e n , I' m going t o charge you just t e n dollars a bottle. Think, m y friends, fo r t e n dollars you ca n l i ve forever.”Most of t h e people i n t h e c

26、rowed d i d no t believe this.One person shouted, “If i t will make you live forever, why don' t you drink it?”Another p er so n cried, “Yes, you look a s i f you are a t least sixty years old.”“Thank you, sir, thank you," t h e m an replied. “I' m s o glad you sai d that. M y real age

27、is three hundred and twenty -nine.”Th e cr o w d laughed at this, b u t there were still a fewpeople who wanted to believe the man. One of them spoke t o t h e man' s as si st ant a s she passed by. “Is that true? ” h e asked , “ t h at he' s three hundred and twenty-nine?”“Don' t ask me

28、." t h e a ssi st an t said, “I' v e only worked for h i m fo r a hundred and f i ft y years.”()1. What d i d t h e man sell at fi rst?A. A cure for colds B. Em p t y bottlesC. A cure for o ld age D. A m ed i ci n e that made p e o p l e live fo reve r.()2. Why didn' t t h e people beli

29、eve t h e man was selling medicine that could cure o ld age?A. The medicine was t o o cheap. B. Th e medicine was t o o ex p e n xi veC. H e looked quite o l d himself D. H e didn' t look h o n e st()3. How old did the man selling medicine said he was ?A. At least sixty B. Over three hundredC. A

30、 hundred and fifty D. H e didn' t say()4. How much d i d t h e m an charge for t h e cure for o ld age?A. One dollar a bottle B. twenty-five dollars a bottleC. Ten dollars a bottle D. Fifty dollars a bottle()5. Which of the following is TRUE?A. N o t ve ry many people wanted to buy t h e cold cu

31、re ?B. H e charged twenty-five dollars a b o 11 le for t h e cure for coldsC. The man selling medicine had taken h i s own cure for ol d agesD. The assistant was younger than the manCJohn i s a n art i st who does n o t have much money, b u t a very kind man. One day o n h i s way home, h e gave h i

32、 s l a st coins t o a beggar(乞丐). When h e saw another one, h e forgot t h at h e d id n o t have any m o n ey. H e asked t h e man t o h ave lunch with him, an d t h e beggar accepted , so they went into a small r est au ran t and had a good meal.After t h e dinner, John found h e h ad no money at

33、a 11. The beggar had t o p ay t h e bill. Th e art i st was s o so r ry about this, so h e said t o t h e beggar, “Com e home with m e i n a taxi , m y friend , and I will g i ve you t h e money f o r lunch.”“Oh, no!” said t h e beggar answered quickly. "I h a d t o p ay fo r your lunch, b u t

34、I'm n o t going t o p ay f o r y o u again!”()1.The artist in this story wasA. a beggar B. a rich manC. a kind man D. a cheat()2. O n h i s way home , John forgot.A. t o bring money with h i m B. to buy t he ticketC. h e had given all h is m o n ey t o a beggar D. t o h av e lunch()3. After t h

35、e meal , paid t h e bill .A. t he artist B. t h e beggar C. a lady D. n o one()4. Th e art i st invited t h e beggar to take t h e taxi home with h i m so t hatA. the beggar could pay for the taxi homeB. h e could p ay t h e money i n return for t h e meal h e had had .C. h e could make friends with

36、 t h e beggarD. t hey could trust each other .()5. At t h e end o f t h e st o ry, what t h e beggar said showed t h at h e .A. d id t r u st t h e a rt i st B. was thankful t o t h e artistC. reg retted (后 悔)having lunch with t h e artist.D. would make friends with t h e artistDTh e o st rich(鴕鳥)is

37、 t h e l arg e st b i r d i n t h e world. From faraway , it looks more like a camel than a bird. It has a long neck, long legs and a walk like a cam el. 11 s eyes are ve ry large and sharp . Like t h e camel , t h e o st rich can g o for a long time without water . It lives i n sandy d ese rt , t o

38、 o .Its wings are t o o sh o rt fo r flying , b u t they d o help t h e ostrich t o run fa st. Th e wind gets under t h e wings and lifts t he b ird o ff t h e g round . I n this way , i t can take very long st e p s. A n ostrich can run fa st e r than a horse .Ostriches are b i g and strong , b u t

39、 sometimes t h ey d o n ot seem ve ry sm art.When they are afraid , t h ey run around i n ci rcl e s.Ostrich eggs are large . The shells are ve ry strong . They are so st ro n g t hat t h ey ca n b e used for cups and bowls.()1. Th e o st r i chA. is larger than a camelB. is as large as a cam elC. i

40、s larger than any other birdD. looks like each other()2.The ostrich and camel both h aveA. sharp eyes B. long legsC. short wings D. t o g o without water()3. The o st r ichA. ca n fly fast with t h e help o f i t s wingsB. can run fast with t h e windC. can' t fly because i t has such sh o r t w

41、ingsD. ca n run fa st with t h e help o f its wings()4. What can lift the ostrich off the ground ?A. its wings B. its legs C. The wind D. its long neck()5. People can use for cups and bowls.A. t h e sh el ls o f ostrich eggs B. o st rich eggsC. ostrich itself D. ost ri ch wings第2卷非選擇題四、詞匯運用(1 0分)1.

42、Who i s t h e(close) p e r so n i n your family ?2. I think it' s( u se) t o talk with h i m ? It' s difficult t o ch an g e h i s mind.3. D i d yo u have a nice time(ski) l a st week ?4. I' 11 never forget t h e(beautiful) o f t h e o l dhouses ?5. Some subjects are(b ore) . But I will

43、try to learn them all.6. They don' t know how(solve) t h e problem.7. W e should take t h e(f o 11 o w) actions t o help t h e wild animals.8. H e g o t i 11 y e st erd ay. Today h e feels even(b ad ).9. Our teachers told is that t h e earth (move)around t h e sun.10. (wolf) eat smaller animals

44、when they a re hungry五、任務(wù)型閱讀(1 0分)Many North A m e ri can s love sp o rt. Th i s does n o tn e ce ssar i ly mean that they g et any exe rci se . What t h eydo is watch national teams on television. They watch baseball, football , basketball, hockey, golf and tennis which means t h at f o r most o f

45、t h e weekends t h ey sit i n front o f t h e t e le v i si o n. (4) they a re watch with them. their friends If friend lyBaseball i s t h e great A m er i can sp o rt and every team has fan s. Nearly every b i g city has a team , and as each team plays. 1 62 g a m e s a year, following b aseb all c

46、an take up a l o t o f time. The playing sea so n begins i n spring and finishes i n t h e fall World se r i es, when t h e t w o leading teams p lay each other. The first t o w i n four games wins t h e Se rries. Although called t h e World Seri es, Canada i s t h e only other co u n t ry to t ake

47、p a rt in it.Fo o t b al l , p lay e d i n t h e fa 11 and winter , i s al so very popular. I t i s n o t a t all like t h e game called soccer. There isn' t m u c h kicking i n American football, which h as m ore t o d o with running with th e ball and k n o ck i n g people down. Each team only

48、 plays 1 6 games during th e seaso n , and these take place o n Su n d ays and M o n d ay evenings .(5) Half t h e country watches t h e final game o n a Sunday ,in Ja n u ary.When there are n o good games o n television , Americans watch college sports. M any colleges feel that i f they want their

49、former students to g i ve money to their o l d schools, they need a winning football team. To our surprise , this seem s to be true.Answer t h e fo 11 o w i n g questions acco r d i n g t o passage.1、 When d o Am eri can a and their friends sit t o w at ch games o n TV?2、 How many countries are ther

50、e i n t h e World Seri e s?3、 Why are college teams important fo r co 11eg es inAm erica ?4、 連詞成句5、 句子翻譯六、對話填空(1 0分)根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容在空白處填入適當?shù)脑~或句子,使對話內(nèi)容完整 正確。Jim : Hello ! 6785238.Wu: Hello! Could I 1 to Jim ,please ?Jim : Th is is Ji m .W u : H i, J i m . Summer holidays will begin next week. 2 will you spend your holidays this year ?Jim : I' m going to Nanjing .W u : Oh, Nanjing i s a 3 o f i n


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