1、審計、財務常用英文詞匯(2008-04-18 07:52:17)分類:IT·科學審計報告: audit report 資產(chǎn)負債表:balance sheet 損益表:income statement 利潤分配表:profit distribution statement <中國注冊會計師獨立審計準則>:the independent auditing standard for chinese certified public accountants 會計報表:financial statement 在抽查的基礎上:on a test basis 主任會計師或授權副主任會計
2、師:chief accountant or authorized assistant chief accountant 中國注冊會計師:chinese certified public accountant ccpa無鋼印無效:shall not be valid without bearing the embossing seal 年初數(shù),年末數(shù):opening amounting closing amounting 資產(chǎn)負債表:balance sheet 流動資產(chǎn):current assets 貨幣資金:cash 短期、長期投資:short-term、long-term investmen
3、t 應收票據(jù):notes receivable 應收賬款:account receivable 減:壞賬準備:less: provision for bad debt 應收賬款凈額:net value of account receivable 預付賬款:advance to supplier 應收出口退稅:receivable drawback for export 應收補貼款: receivable subsidy 其他應收款:other receivable 存貨:inventories 待轉其他業(yè)務支出:other business expense to be transferred
4、待攤費用:prepaid expense 待處理流動資產(chǎn)凈損失:net loss of current assets to be settled 一年內(nèi)到期的長期債券投資:long-term bonds investment due in 1 year 其他流動資產(chǎn):other current assets 流動資產(chǎn)合計:total current assets 固定資產(chǎn):fixed assets 固定資產(chǎn)原價:original value of fixed assets 累計折舊:accumulated depreciation 固定資產(chǎn)凈值:net value of fixed asset
5、s 固定資產(chǎn)清理:disposal of fixed assets 在建工程:construction in process 待處理固定資產(chǎn)凈損失:net loss of fixed assets to be settled 固定資產(chǎn)合計:total fixed assets 無形資產(chǎn)及遞延資產(chǎn):intangible assets & deferred assets 遞延稅項目:deferred tax 負債及所有者權益:liabilities & owners equity 流動負債:current liabilities 短期/長期借款:short-term/long-te
6、rm loan 應付票據(jù):notes payable預收賬款:advance from clients 其他應付款:other payable 應付工資:accrued payroll 應付福利費:welfare payable 應交稅金/應付利潤:tax/ profits payable 其他應交款:unpaid others 預提費用:accrued expense 一年內(nèi)到期的長期負債:long-term liabilities due in 1 year 應付債券:bonds payable 長期應付款:long-term payable 實收資本:paid-in capital 資本
7、公積:capital accumulation 盈余公積:surplus accumulation 其中:公益金:including; commonweal funds 本年利潤:profits of current year 未分配利潤:undistributed profits 損益表/利潤表:income statement 產(chǎn)品(商品)銷售收入:revenue of sales of products (commodities) 出口產(chǎn)品銷售收入:sales income of export products 銷售折扣與折讓:discount& transfer of sale
8、s 產(chǎn)品銷售凈額;net value of sales of products 產(chǎn)品銷售稅金/成本:sales tax/cost of products 出口產(chǎn)品銷售成本:sales cost of export products 銷售費用(經(jīng)營費用):sales expense (operation expense) 產(chǎn)品銷售利潤:sales profits of products 加:其他業(yè)務利潤:add: other business profits 營業(yè)/管理/財務費用;operation/overhead / finance expense 利息支出(減利息收入):interest
9、expense (less: interest income) 匯兌損失(減匯兌收益):exchange loss(exchange income) 營業(yè)利潤:operation profits 投資收益;return on investment 主營業(yè)務收入:revenue of main business 主營業(yè)務成本:cost of main business 主營業(yè)務稅金及附加:tax & surtax of main business 營業(yè)外收入/支出:non-operation income /expense 投資收益:return on business 補貼收入:sub
10、sidy income 以前年度損益調(diào)整:adjustment for profits & loss of previous year 所得稅:income tax 利潤分配表:profits distribution statement 法定盈余公積:legal surplus accumulation 法定公益金:legal commonweal funds 年初/末 未分配利潤: undistributed profits of opening / closing year 已彌補虧損:loss being made up 可供所有者分配的利潤:profits distribut
11、able to owner 已分配股利:distributed dividends 其他轉入:other transferred in 提取法定公益金:retained legal commonweal funds 提取職工獎勵及福利基金:retained employees bonus & welfare funds 提取儲備基金:retained reversed funds 提取企業(yè)發(fā)展基金:retained enterprise development funds 利潤歸還投資:retained profits into investor 應付優(yōu)先股/普通股股利:dividen
12、ds payable to preference / common stock 提取任意盈余基金:retained random surplus accumulation 轉作資本的普通股股利:dividends of common stock transferred into capital Enterprise Income Tax - Annual Tax Return (企業(yè)所得稅年度申報表)English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term Income Tax on Enterprises Annual Tax R
13、eturn 企業(yè)所得稅年度納稅申報表 Taxation period 稅款所屬時間 Monetary Unit 金額單位 Taxpayer's registration number 納稅人識別號 Taxpayer's Name 納稅人名稱 Taxpayer's Address 納稅人地址 Zip code (postcode) 郵政編碼 Type of business 登記注冊類型 Industry type
14、160; 行業(yè) Taxpayer's bank 納稅人開戶銀行 Bank account number 賬號 Gross revenue 收入總額 Line No. 行次 Items 項目 Business income 銷售(營業(yè))收入 Less: Sales return 減:銷售退回 Depreciation allowance 折扣與折讓 Net operating revenue 銷售(營業(yè))收入凈額 Amount of exempt
15、 income included 其中:免稅的銷售(營業(yè))收入 Income from royalties 特許權使用費收益 Investment income 投資收益 Net income in investment transfer 投資轉讓凈收益 Rental net income 租賃凈收益 Exchange net income 匯兌凈收益 Net income from asset/inventory surplus 資產(chǎn)盤盈凈收益 Su
16、bsidy income 補貼收入 Other income 其他收入 Final. total income 收入總額合計 Operating expenses 銷售(營業(yè))成本 Sales tax 銷售稅金及附加 Total period expenses 期間費用合計 Deduction items 扣除項目 Including salary bonus Employee benefits. Employee labor union dues. Employ
17、ee education expenses 其中:工資薪金 職工福利費、職工工會經(jīng)費、職工教育經(jīng)費 Depreciation of fixed assets 固定資產(chǎn)折舊 Amortisation on intangible assets and deferred assets 無形資產(chǎn)、遞延資產(chǎn)攤銷 Research and development expenses 研究開發(fā)費用 Net interest expense 利息凈支出 Exchange net loss 匯兌凈損失 Re
18、ntal net expense 租金凈支出 Head office administrative expense 上繳總機構管理費 Entertainment expenses 業(yè)務招待費 Taxation expense 稅金 Loss on bad debts 壞賬損失 Additional bad debts provision for prior year 增提的壞賬準備金 Net loss due to inventory shortage, spoi
19、lage and obsolescence 資產(chǎn)盤虧、毀損和報廢凈損失 Net loss in investment transfer 投資轉讓凈損失 National insurance payment 社會保險繳款 Workers insurance expense 勞動保護費 Advertising expenditure 廣告支出 Donations Contributed 捐贈支出 Auditing, consulting and litigation expenses 審計、咨詢、訴訟費
20、 Travelling expenses 差旅費 Conference expenses 會議費 Transportation, packing, handling and insurance exhibition expense on sales 運輸、裝卸、包裝、保險展覽等銷售費用 Bankruptcy compensation cost 礦產(chǎn)資源補償費 Other deductible expense items 其他扣除費用項目 Taxable income calculation 應納稅所得額的計算 Income
21、 before tax adjustment 納稅調(diào)整前所得 Plus: Adjustment for additional tax payment 加:納稅調(diào)整增加額 Including salary bonus tax adjustment Adjustment to tax payment for employee benefits , employee labor union dues, employee education expense. 其中:工資薪金納稅調(diào)整額職工福利費、職工工會經(jīng)費和職工教育經(jīng)費的納稅調(diào)整額 Inte
22、rest expense tax payment adjustment amount 利息支出納稅調(diào)整額 Entertainment expenses tax adjustment amount 業(yè)務招待費納稅調(diào)整額 Advertising expenditure tax payment adjustment amount 廣告支出納稅調(diào)整額 Tax adjustment for contribution expenditure 贊助支出納稅調(diào)整額 Donations Contributed Tax Adjustment&
23、#160; 捐贈支出納稅調(diào)整額 Tax adjustment for depreciation and amortisation expenditure 折舊、攤銷支出納稅調(diào)整額 Loss on bad debts tax payment adjustment amount 壞賬損失納稅調(diào)整額 Provision for bad debts tax payment adjustment amount 壞賬準備納稅調(diào)整額 Penalties paid for late late tax payment 罰款、罰金或滯納金 Invento
24、ry revaluation reserve 存貨跌價準備 Short term investments depreciation reserve 短期投資跌價準備 Long term investments depreciation reserve 長期投資減值準備 Plus other taxable items adjustment 其他納稅調(diào)整增加項目 Less: Deduction for tax adjustment 減:納稅調(diào)整減少額 Including research and development ex
25、penses 其中:研究開發(fā)費用附加扣除額 Other tax deductible items 其他納稅調(diào)整減少項目 After tax adjusted income 納稅調(diào)整后所得 Less: Prior year deficiency 減:彌補以前年度虧損 Less: tax-exempt income 減:免稅所得 Including government loan interest income 其中:國債利息所得 Tax free income subsidy 免稅的補貼收
26、入 Tax free investment income 免于補稅的投資收益 Tax free technology transfer income 免稅的技術轉讓收益 Other tax free income 其他免稅所得 Taxable Income 應納稅所得額 Applicable tax rate 適用稅率 Income tax payable 應繳所得稅額 Less: amount overpaid at beginning of period 減:期初多繳所得稅額
27、0; Prepaid income tax 已預繳的所得稅額 Tax allowance for domestic investment 應補稅的境內(nèi)投資收益的抵免稅額 Tax allowance for foreign investment 應補稅的境外投資收益的抵免稅額 Approved income tax reduction 經(jīng)批準減免的所得稅額 Taxpayer's representative's seal 納稅人代表簽章 Taxpayer's unit's seal 納稅人單位
28、公章 Date 日期 Agent's company seal 代理申報中介機構簽章 Responsible person 經(jīng)辦人 Registered number of responsible person 經(jīng)辦人執(zhí)業(yè)證件號碼 Completed by tax authority 以下由稅務機關填寫 Date return receive 受理申報日期 Person approving 審核人 Date of approval 審核日期 Tax Aut
29、hority's Seal 受理申報稅務機關公章 Excise tax, tax return 營業(yè)稅納稅申報表 Date of filing 填表日期 Taxpayer's registration number 納稅人識別號 Renminbi (yuan,jiao,fen) 元(列至角分) Taxpayer's Name 納稅人名稱 Taxation period 稅款所屬時間 Tax Items 稅
30、目 Operating items 經(jīng)營項目 Turnover 營業(yè)額 Total Income 全部收入 Tax exempt items 不征稅項目 Abatement item 減除項目 Tax reduced items 減免稅項目 Turnover tax payable 應稅營業(yè)額 Current Period 本期 Tax amount payable 應納稅額 Less tax paid
31、減免稅額 If this return is filled by tax payer, the following should be completed by that tax payer. 如納稅人填報,由納稅人填寫以下各欄 General Accountant (seal) 會計主管(簽章) Tax payer (seal) 納稅人(公章) If this return is filled by an authorized agent, following should be completed by that agent. 如委托代理人填報,由代理人填寫以下各欄
32、 Enterprise Income Tax - Annual Tax Return (企業(yè)所得稅年度申報表) English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term Income Tax on Enterprises Annual Tax Return 企業(yè)所得稅年度納稅申報表
33、 Taxation period 稅款所屬時間 Monetary Unit 金額單位 Taxpayers registration number 納稅人識別號 Taxpayers Name 納稅人名稱 Taxpayers Address 納稅人地址 Zip code (postcode) 郵政編碼 Type of business 登記注冊類型
34、 Industry type 行業(yè) Taxpayers bank 納稅人開戶銀行 Bank account number 賬號 Gross revenue 收入總額 Line No. 行次 Items 項目 Business income 銷售(營業(yè))收入 Less: Sales return 減:銷售退回 Depreciation
35、 allowance 折扣與折讓 Net operating revenue 銷售(營業(yè))收入凈額 Amount of exempt income included 其中:免稅的銷售(營業(yè))收入 Income from royalties 特許權使用費收益 Investment income 投資收益 Net income in investment
36、0;transfer 投資轉讓凈收益 Rental net income 租賃凈收益 Exchange net income 匯兌凈收益 Net income from asset/inventory surplus 資產(chǎn)盤盈凈收益 Subsidy income 補貼收入 Other income 其他收入 Final. total income
37、 收入總額合計 Operating expenses 銷售(營業(yè))成本 Sales tax 銷售稅金及附加 Total period expenses 期間費用合計 Deduction items 扣除項目 Including salary bonus Employee benefits. Employee labor union dues. Em
38、ployee education expenses 其中:工資薪金 職工福利費、職工工會經(jīng)費、職工教育經(jīng)費 Depreciation of fixed assets 固定資產(chǎn)折舊 Amortisation on intangible assets and deferred assets 無形資產(chǎn)、遞延資產(chǎn)攤銷 Research and development expenses
39、60;研究開發(fā)費用 Net interest expense 利息凈支出 Exchange net loss 匯兌凈損失 Rental net expense 租金凈支出 Head office administrative expense 上繳總機構管理費 Entertainment expenses 業(yè)務招待費 Taxation expense 稅金&
40、#160; Loss on bad debts 壞賬損失 Additional bad debts provision for prior year 增提的壞賬準備金 Net loss due to inventory shortage, spoilage and obsolescence 資產(chǎn)盤虧、毀損與報廢凈損失 Net loss in&
41、#160;investment transfer 投資轉讓凈損失 National insurance payment 社會保險繳款 Workers insurance expense 勞動保護費 Advertising expenditure 廣告支出 Donations Contributed 捐贈支出 Auditing, consulting and litigation
42、;expenses 審計、咨詢、訴訟費 Travelling expenses 差旅費 Conference expenses 會議費 Transportation, packing, handling and insurance exhibition expense on sales 運輸、裝卸、包裝、保險展覽等銷售費用 Bankruptcy compensation cost
43、;礦產(chǎn)資源補償費 Other deductible expense items 其他扣除費用項目 Taxable income calculation 應納稅所得額的計算 Income before tax adjustment 納稅調(diào)整前所得 Plus: Adjustment for additional tax payment 加:納稅調(diào)整增加額 Includin
44、g salary bonus tax adjustment Adjustment to tax payment for employee benefits , employee labor union dues, employee education expense. 其中:工資薪金納稅調(diào)整額職工福利費、職工工會經(jīng)費與職工教育經(jīng)費的納稅調(diào)整額 Interest expens
45、e tax payment adjustment amount 利息支出納稅調(diào)整額 Entertainment expenses tax adjustment amount 業(yè)務招待費納稅調(diào)整額 Advertising expenditure tax payment adjustment amount 廣告支出納稅調(diào)整額 Tax adjustment for contri
46、bution expenditure 贊助支出納稅調(diào)整額 Donations Contributed Tax Adjustment 捐贈支出納稅調(diào)整額 Tax adjustment for depreciation and amortisation expenditure 折舊、攤銷支出納稅調(diào)整額 Loss on bad debts tax payment adjustm
47、ent amount 壞賬損失納稅調(diào)整額 Provision for bad debts tax payment adjustment amount 壞賬準備納稅調(diào)整額 Penalties paid for late late tax payment 罰款、罰金或滯納金 Inventory revaluation reserve 存貨跌價準備 Sho
48、rt term investments depreciation reserve 短期投資跌價準備 Long term investments depreciation reserve 長期投資減值準備 Plus other taxable items adjustment 其他納稅調(diào)整增加項目 Less: Deduction for tax adjustment
49、0;減:納稅調(diào)整減少額 Including research and development expenses 其中:研究開發(fā)費用附加扣除額 Other tax deductible items 其他納稅調(diào)整減少項目 After tax adjusted income 納稅調(diào)整后所得 Less: Prior year deficiency 減:彌補以前年度虧損 Les
50、s: tax-exempt income 減:免稅所得 Including government loan interest income 其中:國債利息所得 Tax free income subsidy 免稅的補貼收入 Tax free investment income 免于補稅的投資收益 Tax free technology transfer
51、0;income 免稅的技術轉讓收益 Other tax free income 其他免稅所得 Taxable Income 應納稅所得額 Applicable tax rate 適用稅率 Income tax payable 應繳所得稅額 Less: amount overpaid at beginning of period 減:期初
52、多繳所得稅額 Prepaid income tax 已預繳的所得稅額 Tax allowance for domestic investment 應補稅的境內(nèi)投資收益的抵免稅額 Tax allowance for foreign investment 應補稅的境外投資收益的抵免稅額 Approved income tax reduction 經(jīng)批準減免的所得稅額 Ta
53、xpayers representatives seal 納稅人代表簽章 Taxpayers units seal 納稅人單位公章 Withholding Tax Form (代扣所得稅表) English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX WITHHOLDING RETURN 扣繳個人所得稅報告表 Withholding agent's file number 扣繳義務人編碼 Date of
54、 filing 填表日期 Day 日 Month 月 Year 年 Monetary Unit 金額單位 RMB Yuan 人民幣 元 Withholding agent's name 扣繳義務人名稱 Address 地址 Telephone Number 電話 Tax payer's name 納稅義務人姓名 Tax payer's file number 納稅人編碼 Unit's name and Address 工作單位及地址 Categories of income 所得項目 Income period 所得時間 Revenue 收入額 Renminbi
55、 (RMB) 人民幣 Foreign currency 外幣 Name of currency 貨幣名稱 Amount 金額 Exchange rate 外匯牌價 Renminbi (RMB) converted into 折合人民幣 Total 人民幣合計 Deductions 減費用額 Taxable Income 應納稅所得額 Tax rate 稅率 Quick calculation deduction 速算扣除數(shù) Amount of tax withheld 扣繳所得稅額 Tax certificate number 完稅證字號 Date of tax payment 納稅日期 Wi
56、thholding total amount yuan 合計扣繳金額-元 Declaration by Withholding agent 扣繳義務人聲明 Signature 簽字 General Accountant (signature) 會計主管人簽字 Responsible officer (signature) 負責人簽字 Withholding agent (seal) 扣繳單位(或個人)蓋章 For official use 由以下稅務機關填寫 Value Added Tax Payable Statement (應交增值稅明細表) English Language Word o
57、r Term Chinese Language Word or Term Name of enterprise 編制單位 Items 項目 Line No. 行次 Current Month 本月數(shù) Current Year Cumulative Amount 年末累計數(shù) Amount not yet deducted at beginning of year (represented by a "-" sign) 年初未抵扣數(shù)(用"-"反映) VAT on sales 銷項稅額 VAT Refund for exported goods 出口退稅 Am
58、ount transferred out from VAT on purchase 進項稅額轉出數(shù) Transfer out overpaid VAT 轉出多交增值稅 VAT on purchase 進項稅額 VAT Paid 已交稅金 Tax reduced and exempted 減免稅款 Transfer out unpaid VAT 轉出未交增值稅 VAT unpaid 未交增值稅 Amount paid at current period 本期已交數(shù) 期末未交數(shù)(多交數(shù)以"-"號反映) Head of unit 單位負責人 Finance employee in
59、 charge 財務負責人 Double-check 復核 Prepared by 制表 Enterprise Income Tax - Annual Tax Return (企業(yè)所得稅年度申報表) English Language Word or Term Chinese Language Word or Term Income Tax on Enterprises Annual Tax Return 企業(yè)所得稅年度納稅申報表 Taxation period 稅款所屬時間 Monetary Unit 金額單位 Taxpayer's registration number 納稅人識別號
60、 Taxpayer's Name 納稅人名稱 Taxpayer's Address 納稅人地址 Zip code (postcode) 郵政編碼 Type of business 登記注冊類型 Industry type 行業(yè) Taxpayer's bank 納稅人開戶銀行 Bank account number 賬號 Gross revenue 收入總額 Line No. 行次 Items 項目 Business income 銷售(營業(yè))收入 Less: Sales return 減:銷售退回 Depreciation allowance 折扣與折讓 Net ope
61、rating revenue 銷售(營業(yè))收入凈額 Amount of exempt income included 其中:免稅的銷售(營業(yè))收入 Income from royalties 特許權使用費收益 Investment income 投資收益 Net income in investment transfer 投資轉讓凈收益 Rental net income 租賃凈收益 Exchange net income 匯兌凈收益 Net income from asset/inventory surplus 資產(chǎn)盤盈凈收益 Subsidy income 補貼收入 Other income
62、 其他收入 Final. total income 收入總額合計 Operating expenses 銷售(營業(yè))成本 Sales tax 銷售稅金及附加 Total period expenses 期間費用合計 Deduction items 扣除項目 Depreciation of fixed assets 固定資產(chǎn)折舊 Amortisation on intangible assets and deferred assets 無形資產(chǎn)、遞延資產(chǎn)攤銷 Research and development expenses 研究開發(fā)費用 Net interest expense 利息凈支出 E
63、xchange net loss 匯兌凈損失 Rental net expense 租金凈支出 Head office administrative expense 上繳總機構管理費 Entertainment expenses 業(yè)務招待費 Taxation expense 稅金 Loss on bad debts 壞賬損失 Additional bad debts provision for prior year 增提的壞賬準備金 Net loss in investment transfer 投資轉讓凈損失 National insurance payment 社會保險繳款 Workers
64、 insurance expense 勞動保護費 Advertising expenditure 廣告支出 Donations Contributed 捐贈支出 Auditing, consulting and litigation expenses 審計、咨詢、訴訟費 Travelling expenses 差旅費 Conference expenses 會議費 Bankruptcy compensation cost 礦產(chǎn)資源補償費 Other deductible expense items 其他扣除費用項目 Taxable income calculation 應納稅所得額的計算 In
65、come before tax adjustment 納稅調(diào)整前所得 Inventory revaluation reserve 存貨跌價準備 Short term investments depreciation reserve 短期投資跌價準備 Long term investments depreciation reserve 長期投資減值準備 Plus other taxable items adjustment 其他納稅調(diào)整增加項目 Less: Deduction for tax adjustment 減:納稅調(diào)整減少額 Including research and developm
66、ent expenses 其中:研究開發(fā)費用附加扣除額 Other tax deductible items 其他納稅調(diào)整減少項目 After tax adjusted income 納稅調(diào)整后所得 Less: Prior year deficiency 減:彌補以前年度虧損 Less: tax-exempt income 減:免稅所得 Including government loan interest income 其中:國債利息所得 Tax free income subsidy 免稅的補貼收入 Tax free investment income 免于補稅的投資收益 Tax free technology transfer income 免稅的技術轉讓收益 Other tax free income 其他免稅所得 Taxable Income 應納稅所得額 Applicable tax rate 適用稅率 Income tax payable 應繳所得稅額 Less: amount overpaid at beginning of period 減:期初多繳所得稅額 Prepaid income ta
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