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1、精細(xì);挑選;班級:姓名:學(xué)號:精品文檔北京城市學(xué)院學(xué)位考試模擬試卷課程名稱:英語使用班級:08級非英語專業(yè)本科考試時間:90分鐘考試形式:閉卷共_9_頁,共_5_道大題答題卡_1_張題 號Part I(15)Part II(20)Part III(40)Part IV(10)Part V(15)總分(100)閱卷人 簽字得 分答題要求:請將所有客觀題答案按照題目序號用2B鉛筆在答題卡相應(yīng)選項上涂黑。將所 有主觀題(Part I和Part V)的答案按照題目序號用圓珠筆、鋼筆或者簽字筆寫 在答題紙的相應(yīng)位置上。如果答案只填寫在試卷上,該試卷將被視作無效試卷處 理。Directions: For

2、this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic:My View on The Expansion of Enrollment You should write at least 120 words followingthe outline given below in Chinese:1近年來,大學(xué)擴招的現(xiàn)象較為普遍,原因是2大量擴招帶來的問題。3談?wù)勀愕目捶?。注意:此部分試題請在答題卡背面作答Part IIVocabulary and Structure(每小題1分,共20分)Directio

3、ns: Each of the followi ng sen ten ces is in complete and followed by four choicesmarked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the senten ce. Please mark thecorresp onding letter for each item on the An swer Sheet.注意:此部分試題請在答題卡上作答。1. _, they dared to take up the difficult task.A. However

4、 young as they wereB. Though young as they wereC. Young as they wereD. They were as young2. Neither could theory do without practice,_ without theory.A. nor could practice doB. nor practice doC. or could practice doD. practice could nor do得 分得 分Part IWriting(共15分)班級:姓名:學(xué)號:精品文檔精細(xì);挑選;3. You _ call me

5、uncle because I am about the same age as your father, saidthe visitor to the boy.A. more or less B. may just as well C. sort ofD. off and on4. I have searched all the book stores in this town. The book you asked for isnot _.A. tediousB. vividC. availableD. sufficie nt5. Im so_ Michael Jacksons pop s

6、ongs that I bought for myself all hisalbums.A. fond inB. crazy toC. kee n onD. disgusted about6. The lecture hall was already full and many of the stude nts were_ .A. tur ned dow nB. turned upC. turned outD. turned away7. On my way to school, I saw people_ advertisements and sample products.A. con v

7、ey ingB. creati ngC. discard ing D. distributi ng8. All _ in this compa ny are en titled to medical in sura nee.A. pers onalB. pers on alsC. pers onnelD. pers onn els9. _ a solution to the problem of water shortage, we have to put all our effortstogether.A. To work out B. Worki ng out C. Work outD.

8、Bei ng worked out10. The Spring Festival, like Christmas in western countries, is a holiday forfamily _ .A. amuseme ntB. reunionC. en terta inmentD. con gratulati on11. Lying in hospital, the patient_ the outside world by watching newsprograms on TV every ni ght.A. kept in touch with B. faced up to

9、C. turned the clock back D. slowed down12. Though she failed in the previous job in terview, she_ prepare herself betterfor achiev ing the success in the follow ing on es.A. is determined to B. was determined to C. determines to D. determined to13. The local government promises to_ the problem of un

10、employment in realearn est.A. solveB. an swerC. postp oneD. an ticipate14. Nothi ng could _ our determ in ati on to moder nize our country in the shortestpossible time.A. weake nB. stre ngthe nC. broade nD. deepe n15. I havent boolaeticket. Im taikctnanee_ the theater not being full.A. atB. inC. onD

11、. from16. The game on TV completely held my attention _ I didnt hear Martin comein.A. so thatB. such thatC. so as toD. so as17. If you hadnt come to help us, we .A. will have succeededB. didnt succeedC. dont succeedD. wouldnt have succeeded班級:姓名:學(xué)號:精品文檔精細(xì);挑選;18. Because my car_ I could not attend th

12、e meeting in time.A. broke upB. broke offC. broke dow nD. broke out19. The magician picked several persons_ from the audienee and asked them tohelp him with the performa nee.A. by accide nt B. at ran domC. on occasi on D. on average20. A man escaped from the pris on last ni ght. It was a long time_t

13、he guardsdiscovered what had happe ned.A. beforeB. un tilC. sinceD. whe nPart III Reading Comprehension(共40分)Section A(每小題2分,共30分)Directions: There are 3 read ing passages in this secti on. Each passage is followed bysome questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested

14、answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best an swer to each questi on. Please mark thecorresp onding letter for each item on the An swer Sheet.Passage 1The family in the wester n world has cha nged greatly duri ng the last two cen turies.Social scientists say this is one of the important changes f

15、rom a traditional society to amoder n society. Before the nin etee nth cen tury, families usually arran ged marriages fortheir childre n. Young people did not decide whom they wan ted to marry. After they gotmarried, they usually had a lot of children. This family was an important part of the largef

16、amily of aun ts, un cles, cous ins, gran dpare nts, and other relatives.By the nin etee nth cen tury, most young people could choose whom they wan ted tomarry. Marriages joined two people and not two families. The reas on why two people gotmarried was because they loved each other.At the same time,

17、parents began to realize that they had to take very good care of theirchildren. They had to take care of their health and try to give them an education. Before this,most people did not go to school. But now educati on was n ecessary for a good life.The pare nts decided they should have fewer childre

18、 n as they could give each one agood life. They thought it was important for the mother to spend as much time as possiblewith her children. Before, the family all worked together at home. After 1800s more fathersworked outside the home for mon ey. Mothers stayed home and had greater control of theho

19、me and childre n.Family life is changing even faster in the United States today. There is almost onedivorce for every two marriages. Over 10 percent of families have a mother and children butno father. At least half of all children will live part of the time with only one pare nt. 50 percent of all

20、mothers work outside the home.In Can ada people are gett ing divorced and remarried more ofte n. They are hav ingfewer childre n. This is hav ing a powerful effect on a country where cha nge has usuallybeen slow. Some social scientists think that soon there will be no family life in the UnitedStates

21、 as we know it today. They do not know how people will live. Others think society n得 分班級:姓名:學(xué)號:精品文檔精細(xì);挑選;eeds families, and we will always have them.注意:此部分試題請在答題卡上作答。21. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. The attitude of western people toward family life.B. Why pare nts decided to have fewer

22、 childre n.C. The change of family life in the western world.D. How families arran ged young peoples marriages.22. Whe n were young people able to get married only for love?thA. Before the 19 century.B. By the 19thcen tury.C. Before the 18hcentury.thD. By the 18 century.23. Mothers stayed home and h

23、ad greater control of the home and children. Control”here means_.A. to have power to comma ndB. to take care ofC. to give guida nee toD. to earn money24. In what way is family life changing in the United States today?A. The divorce rate is lower.B. Over 10% of the childre n live with the sin gle par

24、e nt.C. People get divorced and remarried more ofte n.D. 50% of all mothers stay at home.25. Why do some social scientists say that they do not know how people will live in theU.S.? Because they think that_ .A. there will be no family life at allB. today sfamily life will continue to existC. familie

25、s will have fewer childre nD. society n eeds family cha ngesPassage 2I came to study in the United States a year ago. Yet I did not know the real America nsociety un til I was injured in a car accide nt because after the accide nt I had to see a doctorand go to court.After the accide nt, my roommate

26、 called a doctor for me. I was very grateful anddetermined to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $ 200 for whathe had don e. I was ast oni shed. He had good reas on to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money from the pers on who was resp on sible for my injury,

27、dhave to have agood doctor. Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should payhim.班級:姓名:學(xué)號:精品文檔精細(xì);挑選;But every time I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would seetwo or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see ano

28、 ther. Yethe charged me $ 115 each time. The final exam in ati on report con sisted of ten lin es, andit cost me $215.My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided seeing me atall. He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly didanythi

29、ng. He simply waited to collect his money. He was so irresponsible that I decided todismiss him. And he made me pay him $ 770.Now I had to act as my own lawyer. Due to my in experie nee, I told the in sura neecompany the date I was leaving America. Knowing that, they played for time, and I leftwitho

30、ut gett ing a cent.My experience taught me two things about America: firstly, in a country like America,money is everything. It is more important than friendship, honor or professional morality.Secondly, foreigners are still being unfairly treated. So when we talk about America, weshould see both it

31、s good and bad sides.注意:此部分試題請在答題卡上作答。26. The authos roommate offered to help him because_ _A. he felt sorry for the authorB. he thought it was a cha nce to make some moneyC. he knew the doctor was a very good oneD. he wan ted the author to have a good lawyer27. It sn ecessary for the author to have

32、 a good doctor to_.A. be properly treatedB. talk with the pers on resp on sible for the accide ntC. recover before he leaves AmericaD. eve ntually get the resp on sible party to pay for his injury28. The underlined word charge in this passage mearns_ .A. be resp on sibleB. accuseC. ask for moneyD. d

33、eclare29. Both the doctor and the lawyer in this passage are very_.A. frie ndlyB. greedyC. busyD. professi onal30. What conclusion can you draw from the story?A. Going to court is someth ing very com mon in America.B. One must be very careful while driv ing a car.班級:姓名:學(xué)號:精品文檔精細(xì);挑選;C. There are more

34、 bad sides in America tha n good sides.D. Money is more important than any other things in the US.Passage 3In one way of thinking, failure is part of life. In another way, failure may be a waytowards success.thThe Spider Story”is often told. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13 cen tury,was h

35、idi ng in a cave from the En glish soldiers. He watched a spider spinning a web. Thespider tried to reach across a rough place in the rock. He tried six times without success. Onthe seventh time he made it and went on to spin his web. Bruce is said to have take n heartand to have gone to defeat the

36、En glish.Edis on, the inven tor of the light bulb, made hun dreds of models that failed before hefound the right way to make on es.So what? First, always thi nk about your failure. What caused it? Were con diti ons right?Were you in top from yourself? What can you cha nge so that things will go righ

37、t n ext time?Second, is the goal you are trying to reach the right one? Try to do some thinking aboutwhat your real goal may be. Think about this question: ff I do succeed in this, where will itget me?”This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldnbe doing any way.The third thing to bear in

38、 mind about failure is that it s a part of life. Learn to live withyourself ” eve n though you may have failed. Remember, You cantwin them all.”注意:此部分試題請在答題卡上作答。31. This first paragraph tells us_ .A. failure isnall badB. only failure can lead you to succeedC. failure is terribleD. to thi nk of succe

39、ss all the time32. The sec ond paragraph is mainly about_.A. that famous failure Bruce metB. the less on the spider taught BruceC. how to overcome difficultiesD. how people fail33. Bruce and Edis on are put in the passage to show that_ .A. failure must come before successB. failure will help usC. fa

40、ilure is the most importa nt for successD. people who fail have the same experie nee34. One thing the writer does not tell us to deal with failure is to_ .A. check out the goals to see if they are right for usB. regard failure as part of lifeC. think about a failure to find out what went wrongD. avo

41、id things that are bey ond your reach班級:姓名:學(xué)號:精品文檔精細(xì);挑選;35. The last three paragraphs are mai nly about_ .A. what failure isB. Edis on and Bruce failed repeatedly before successC. how to deal with failureD. failure is part of lifeSection B: Reading in Depth(每小題1分,共10分)Directions: In this sect ion, t

42、here is a passage with 10 bla nks. You are required to selectone word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank isidentified by a letter. Please choose the best answer and ma

43、rk the corresp onding letter foreach item on the An swer Sheet. You may not use any of the words in the bank morethan once.It seemsyou always forget your reading glasseswhen you are rushing to work, yourcoat whe n you are going to the clea ners, your credit card whe n you are shoppingSuch absent-min

44、dedness may be 36 to you; now British and German scie ntists aredevelop ing memory glasses that record everythi ng the 37 sees.The glasses can play back memories later to help the wearer remember thi ngs theyhave forgotten such as where they left their keys. And the glasses also 38 the user to fabel

45、”items so that information can be used later on. The wearer could walk around an office or afactory identifying certain 39 by pointing at them. Objects indicated are the n give n a 40label on a scree n in side the glasses that the user the n fills.It could be used in 41 plants by mechanics looking t

46、o identify machine parts or byelectricia ns wiri ng a42 device.A spokesman for the project said: A car mechanic for 43 could find at a glance where apart on a certain car model is so that it can be identified and repaired. For the motorist thesystem could 44accide nt black spots or dan gers on the r

47、oad.In other cases the glasses could be worn by people going on a guide tour, 45 points ofinterest or by people looking at panorama(全景)where all the sites could be iden tified.精細(xì);挑選;班級:姓名:學(xué)號:精品文檔注意:此部分試題請在答題卡上作答A.allowF. itemsK.whileB.in sta neeG in dicat ingL.annoyingC.bla nkH. highlightMsuccessful

48、D.in dustrialI. userN.articlesE. frustrati ngJ. complicatedO. simpleDirections: There are 20 bla nks in the follow ing passage. For each bla nk there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.Then mark the corresp onding letter on the An swer She

49、et.Every few weeks, outside the movie theater in practically any America n tow n in thelate 1910s, stood the life-size cardboard figure of a small tramp流浪漢)一dressed 46ragged, baggy pan ts, a cutaway coat and vest and a battered derby -hat 47 the words I AMHERE TODAY . An advertisement48 a Charlie Ch

50、aplin film wasa 49 of happ in ess, of that precious, almost shock ing mome nt whe n art delivers 50 lifecannot.Eighty years 51, Chaplin is still here .In a 1995 worldwide survey of filmcritics, Chaplin was voted 52 greatest actor in movie history. He was the first,53 the last, pers on to control 54a

51、spect of the filmmaki ng process55his own studio and producing, directing, writing, and editing the movies he starred in. In thefirst few decades of the 2& cen tury,56 weekly movie-go ing was the n atio nal57, Chaplin more or less helped 58 an in dustry into an art. I n 1916, his59year in films,

52、 his salary or $10,000 a week made him the highest-paid actor60the highest paid person in the world. 611920, the Chaplin craze,accompa nied by a flood of Chapli n dan ces, son gs, dolls, comic books and cocktails, was62 everywhere. Filmmaker Mack Sennett thought 63 jLst the greatest artist who everlived.”O(jiān)ther early admirers 6


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