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1、商務交際英語( 1)模擬試題及參考答案I. MULTIPLE CHOICE( 10小題,每小題 1分,共 10分)Choose the letter indicating the best choice to complete each sentence or answer each question:1. Which of the following is NOT an external barrier to communication?a. Motivation or interests.b. Environmental factors such as lighting and heat.

2、c. A closed or authoritarian climate.d. An open climate in which communication flows easily.2. What is NOT included in the purpose of communication?a. To establish goodwill.b. To build self-esteem.c. To obtain information.d. To practice using language accurately.3. If verbal and non-verbal symbols i

3、n the senders message conflict, receivers generally.a. believe the non-verbal symbols over the verbal symbolsb. believe the verbal symbols over the non-verbal symbolsc. don t know which to believed. believe both the verbal and non-verbal symbols4. To communicate effectively, the sender must.a. use a

4、udience analysis, examine the message s environment, encourage and interpret feedbackb. use audience analysis, read and listen effectivelyc. use audience analysis and overcome external and internal barriers to communicated. speak and write clearly, and use proper equipment5. When communicating with

5、other people, remember that everyone wants to feel .a. admired and cared forb. understood and importantc. important, competent, and admiredd. valued, respected, and understood6. Which of the following statements about body language is true?a. People from different cultures interpret body language in

6、 different ways.b. Basic body language is universal; it means the same to all people.c. Facial expressions are universal, but gestures are less so.d. Friendlybody language is all the same; unfriendly or threatening gestures vary.7. Which of the following is a receiver-oriented statement?a. I grant y

7、our request for vacation from the week of August 14th .b. Our company works hard to meet the needs of our customers.c. As our guest, you will receive the attention that you deserve.d. We make every effort to serve our clients efficiently and at their convenience.8. What is NOT included in the stage

8、of planning a message?a. To identify the objective.b. To determine the main idea.c. To choose supporting information.d. To evaluate the message.9. Which of the following is NOT included in the common abuses of memos?a. Written too frequently.b. Written to gain attention.c. Written to express one mai

9、n idea.d. Written by a committee.10. According to the course book, which of the following statements is NOT true in letters that contain neutral or positive messages?a. The ending should be friendly, courteous and personable.b. The main idea can be presented at the end.c. Supporting information shou

10、ld be presented as much as possible.d. More information should be presented later.II. TRUE / FALSE( 10小題,每小題 1分,共 10分)Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the spaceif the statement is false. Your judgment should be based on your understanding of the course book.T /

11、 F 1. The primary participants in the communication process are senders and receivers. 2. All business messages should promote goodwill. 3. Once you run your word processor s spell checker, your writing will be free of spelling errors. 4. A letter contains both verbal and nonverbal symbols. 5.Whenco

12、nversingwitha coworker,the distancebetween the two ofyou sends a nonverbal message. 6. The wordspolice officer,technicianand server are all neutral, or unbiased. 7. Audience analysis should be a major tool for the effective senders of messages. 8.Ifa work team isgoingtobe effective,itisusuallyeffect

13、ivefrom the very first meeting. 9. To overcome diversity in the workplace, the best plan is to overlookdifference. 10. Proofreading the hardcopy, even after proofing on screen, ensures the accuracy of a document.III. CASE ANALYSIS( 10 分)Rewritethe followingshortparagraphby identifyingallerrorsand co

14、rrectingthem:Thank you forrequestinformationon DayPro franchises.For more thana decade now,DayPro have been expanding successfully, and we is very pleased that you have an interest in join our successful family of franchise owners and operator.IV. READING COMPREHENSION( 10 小題,每小題2 分,共 20 分)Read the

15、following two passages and answer the questions. Passage One:Complete messages contain a variety of sentence types. You will hold yourreaders attentionif you varythe length andstructure ofyoursentences as well as the structure of your paragraphs.It is best to keep sentences at 20 words or less. At t

16、he same time, it addsinterest to have some noticeably short sentencesperhaps 10 words or even fewer.Using sentences of different lengths keeps your writing from feeling choppy or monotonous. As you vary sentence length, your sentence structure naturally varies as well. Alternate simple sentences wit

17、h compound and complex sentences.Varying paragraph length also keeps your writing from being choppy. We vealreadysaidthattheopeningandclosingparagraphsofamessage shouldbe relativelyshort.Whenwritingyour middleparagraphsplan them so thattheyaverage about sixor eightlineslong.Mix in a short,two- or th

18、ree-lineparagraphsometimes to add interest. A short paragraph also is a way to emphasize an important point.1. It is advisable to keep the average length of a sentence at.a. more than 20 words.b. not more than 20 words.c. 10 words or fewer.2. The wordchoppy in the passage means.a. short irregular wa

19、vesb. cut into piecesc. short, broken and slightly rough.3. According to the last paragraph,.a. the length of all paragraphs should be the sameb. the middleparagraphsshouldbe shorterthanthe beginningand endingonesc. the middle paragraphs should be longer than the beginning and ending ones4. When you

20、 write sentences of different lengths,.a. the structure of the sentences will also be differentb. they will have the same structurec. your variation will have no effect on the sentence structure5. In the following statements, which is true about a short paragraph?a. It is less important than a long

21、paragraph.b. It can be used to express emphasis.c. You have to put a short paragraph after several short paragraphs.Passage Two:Althoughlanguageisan importantpartofcommunication,communicationisnot simplya matterofunderstandingand speakinga language.Itinvolvestransmitting an idea and understandingsom

22、eone else s idea.People from differentculturesthink differently about various issues than do North Americans. The ability of a NorthAmerican to speak in three different languages still may not enable him or her to understand the issues from the viewpoint of those from another culture.Cross-cultural

23、communication differs from the more familiar within-culturecommunication situations in that there are systemic differences in the assumptions made by people of different cultures. Being aware of and understanding these different assumptions can help improve communication and relationships.The major

24、problems of intercultural communication occur in perception and inattribution of meaning. Communication is defined as a“ dynamic process whereby human behavior,bothverbaland nonverbal,isperceivedand respondedto. ” People respond according to their perceptions, not necessarily according to what thetr

25、ansmitter believes he or she is communicating. This is an interactive process.6. People from different cultures think differently about various issues than do North Americans. This sentence means.a. Other people have deeper understanding than the North Americans.b. Other people understand more issue

26、s than the North Americans.c. Other people may understand things in a way different from that of the North Americans.7. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?a. By speaking three languages, people do not naturally share the viewpoint of other people.b. By speaking three

27、 languages, people naturally share the viewpoint of other people.c. All Americans speak three different languages.8. Which of the following statement is true?a. Cross-cultural communication only occurs when you work in another country.b. Within-culturecommunicationnever occurswhen you travelto anoth

28、ercountry.c. Cross-culturalcommunicationismorecomplexthanwithin-culture communication.9. In communication, people respond according to.a. the intention of the message senderb. their own understanding of the messagec. the literal meaning of the message 10.According to the last paragraph,.a. perceptio

29、n and response are equally importantb. perception is more important than responsec. perception is less important than responseV. TRANSLATION( 3 段短文,每段 5 分,共 15 分)Translate the following passages into Chinese:1.A reportisa document thatprovidesthe factsabouta specificsituationor problem for considera

30、tion by a specific group of people. Reports are business tools thatenable managers to make decisions or solve problems. Reports can be classifiedaccording to their style, purpose, and format. 2.A lettercontaininga negativemessage conveys news thatwilldisappointthe receiver. Lettersthatdeny requests,

31、declineto supplyinformation,refusecredit,or reject a proposalare examples ofthistypeofletter.Carefulplanningand organizingarerequired to convey the disappointing news and yet maintain goodwill. 3.Meetingsare an importantmethod ofexchanginginformationin any businesssetting.There are board meetings, c

32、onferences, training sessions, and staff meetings. A meeting may consist of a supervisor and one employee, a group of colleagues, or employees and their vendors or clients.VI. WRITING( 35 分)1. According to the given facts, format a business envelope: (5分) The sender:INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO

33、.LTDRm 806, Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2, Singapore 668987 Tel: (65)245 9876Fax: (65)245 8907The receiver:Mr. David Law, D2#05-06 Kentmore Park, 89 Pasir Panjang Hill Road, Singapore 05112. Write a memo for all company employees, by using the traditional memo format.You are the administrationofficer

34、.Thismemoistoinformtheovertimepolicy.The overtime policy can not assure of the overtime pay. However, the company will notfire any one and the present situation will be changing in the near future.(10分)3. Write a letter to decline to supply the information requested:( 20 分)Situation:Trey Alfred,a gr

35、aduatestudentata localuniversity,isconducting research on stockholder reactions to corporate annual reports. He has written toyour supervisor,the vicePresidentof Communicationforyour corporation,and asked for names and addresses of 100 of your stockholders. Because of privacy laws andthe lawsuitstha

36、tfollowed,yourcorporationdoes notgiveoutnames and addresses of 100 of your stockholders. Write to Trey and deny his request. Try to help Treyin some way. His address is 435 North Essence Avenue, Prairie Village, KS GG 66208-1935.商務交際英語樣題參考答案一. MULTIPLE CHOICE ( 10小題,每小題 1分,共 10分) Choose the letter o

37、f the best word or words to complete each sentence:1.a2. d3. a4. c5. d6. a7. c8. d9. c10. b二、 TRUE / FALSE ( 10小題,每小題 1分,共 10分)Write a T in the space provided if the statement is true. Write an F in the space if the statement is false.1. T2. T3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. F9. F10. T三、 CASE ANALYSIS( 10 分)T

38、hank you forrequestinginformation on DayPro franchises. For more than a decadenow, DayPro has been expanding successfully, and weare very pleased that you have an interest in joining our successful family of franchise owners andoperators . 評分標準:短文中有 5 個錯,找出錯誤 5 分;改正錯誤 5 分。四、 READING COMPREHENSIO(N10

39、 小題,每小題2 分,共 20 分)Read the following two passages and answer the questions. Passage One: b, c, c, a, bPassage Two: c, a, c, b, a五、 TRANSLATIO(N 3 段短文,每段 5 分,共 15 分) Translate the following passages into Chinese:1.A reportisa document thatprovidesthe factsabouta specificsituationor problem for consid

40、eration by a specific group of people. Reports are business tools thatenable managers to make decisions or solve problems. Reports can be classifiedaccording to their style, purpose, and format.報告是一種文件, 為一組特定人群提供關于需要考慮的特殊環(huán)境或問題的事實。報告是業(yè)務工具,使管理者決策或解決問題成為可能。報告可以根據(jù)其文體、目標和格式分類。2.A lettercontaininga negati

41、vemessage conveys news thatwilldisappointthe receiver. Lettersthatdeny requests,declineto supplyinformation,refusecredit,or reject a proposalare examples ofthistypeofletter.Carefulplanningand organizingare required to convey the disappointing news and yet maintain goodwill.一封含有負面信息的信函傳達的是令接收者失望的信息,如

42、:拒絕要求, 謝絕提供信息, 拒絕信貸服務, 或拒絕一項提議。 這類信函要求仔細構思和組織,以在傳達令人失望的消息 的同時,還能保持善意。3.Meetingsare an importantmethod ofexchanginginformationin any businesssetting.There are board meetings, conferences, training sessions, and staff meetings. A meeting may consist of a supervisor and one employee, a group of colleag

43、ues, or employees and their vendors or clients.會議是商務環(huán)境中一種重要的交換信息的方式。會議的類型有董事會、 業(yè)務會、 培訓會和全體職員會。 一次會議的參加者可能會由一名主管、一名雇員、一部分同事、或業(yè)務員以及他們的供貨方或客戶所組成。六、 WRITING ( 35 分)1. According to the given facts, format a business envelope:( 5 分)INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO.LTDRm 806, Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2,

44、 Singapore 668987INTEGRATED COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CO.LTD Rm 806Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 2 Singapore 668987Mr. David LawD2 #05-06 Kentmore Park 89 Pasir Panjang Hill Road Singapore 0511評分標準:格式3 分內(nèi)容2 分2. Write a memo for all company employees, by using the traditional memo format.You are the administr

45、ationofficer.Thismemoistoinformtheovertimepolicy.The overtime policy can not assure of the overtime pay. However, the company will notfire any one and the present situation will be changing in the near future.(10分 ) Sample:thTO: all company employees FROM: the administration officer DATE: 15January,

46、 2003SUBJECT: to inform the overtime policyAfterexaminingthe companys presentpolicyon overtimework,the board has just come to the decisionthatthe overtimepolicywillremain as itused to be and cannot assureofthe overtimepay, because the company isnow in a difficulttime.However,the board promisesthatthe company willnot fireanyone untilthe presentsituation changes for the better in the future.評分標準:格式、版面4 分內(nèi)容5 分(清楚,合理)拼法及其它1 分3. Write a letter to decline to supply the


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