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1、Since thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himselfseriouslyi n thee ducation, practi calcontr olce ntral" eightrules"a ndopposi ng "the fourwi nds" and practi cing"three S uns",a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, i de ology,soli cit opini ons based on outs

2、tandingprobl ems checke dsw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Willnow checkre portis a sfollow s: first,adherence tot heparty's politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, cha nge thestyle oftheba sic situationof1,i n compliancewit hthe party's political discipli nes.Consc

3、ientiouslyabide bythe party' s politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe party'spoliticaldisci pli neprob

4、lems.3,in t he impleme ntation ofthe centralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,Since thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line ofthe party,himnfoonrs.ceIelnfmtseeernrtmiodsuesolfylain tpnhade,rtlemiennktdesudtcto

5、aotaiton, praphcpetioiimntplaecfmuaelllconnttr-attiimntral" eightrules"a ndopposi ng "the fourwinds" andg practivuns",a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, ide ology,solinouw chgeckre portis aus: first,adherence totprimaryfirst-hand an i nade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist

6、obestre ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs,cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,somet imes duetothe practical nee ds of inventionnotificati

7、ons,thisareanee ds furt hercaldi sci pline , eight in t he centralprncendnativepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintiaonnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriation ofnlkasn,di,mtaprx,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeisnogutro t hec.e.s,and construct "Govera nge thestyle oftheba si

8、c situationof1,i n compliancewit hthe party's political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabidenmentcre dit+ busi ness credit" cre dit system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commerbythe party' s politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulaticialization andmoderni z

9、ation oftheinve stment andfina nci ngplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncourages privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To create"policy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland" as

10、thegoa l,to o ptimizeons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation oftheparty's politicaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntation ofthecentralaut hor itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr ovin

11、g rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,小學(xué)一年級語文第二冊第一單元測試題班別: 姓名: 考號: 評分: 我會讀準音節(jié)再寫字。( 12 分)shuo hua()q inr enhu a c aoy e ye()()n i men ji e ri()() () ()i su i zhan g gol u y e b u x in g j()()() ()我會比一比,再組詞。)百()明()朋()們()口()古()16 分)早()草()萬()方()有()友()節(jié)()爺()3、 我 會連

12、線找朋友。( 8 分)treamlining.Fourare standar dvisits,except asre quire d to participatein traini ng, no ot hera ctivity.Fivei sto impr ovenew sreporting,for propaganda workstri ctlyaccor ding tot he regul ations.Six isstri ctly your presentationpublishedstrictlyaccor ding to t he reg ulations.Seven isstri

13、ctlythrift,required the use ofvehicles and office spaceand corporatehospitality.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulworkde many a chieveme nts, butfurther cl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o rea

14、lity, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovation musts 1, opposeformali sm.Onethe ory ist hathe didn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousne ssis not highe nough, system perform ancei s not strong enough;more pa ssivelear ning,active le arni ng fewgeneralities and lear

15、n mor e,delvi ng int o less.Especiallyba sed onrationalthi nking on majorissues,ahespirit andessenceofthed a lot ofpower, butnotangscientificOutlookondevelible results.T hird, innont, did nottrulyachieve masterof motivation.Emancipationdid notend,innovatin does notexist.y,to appl y,to acertain exten

16、t,affect thedevel- L, , II-_ ILdologi calw ork istheobjective,w hich needst okeeptogicalw orkundert he newsituationthe conti nuity efforts dehrough,grid, butstressed int he w ogicaltre nds a ndorktime,lesschanges areweekends i ntheandexploresummer theanew methodsof ideologiperformances, urging tow n

17、ships,communities and ruralareas shows theimplementation i s ina dequate,insufficie nt cult uralane ducationalrole t o pla y.Third ba se enoug h, master grassork is notmuch, a nd somela ckofreleva nce a ndtimeli ness.4, disci pline, low ering,a nd hard w orkare la cking. Whileworki ng ande nterprisi

18、 ng spiritdown. No real-lessreal.Pr opaganda and ideologicalworkipasthonors,theirnthe newsit uationof characteristicom place ncy,a ndw orktose e theircsand regul arity ofenough,deescore s more,lesschecki ng hinamicssurve y, forgrass-rootstypi cally drivepromoti on,t herear雷樹雨玩蘇軟兒村梢滴雨醒童耍居和tthhee aprr

19、einacuipnledeorfdseimveplloifpiementenvird EIA ofconstrounctmient.Aollnadpmroinjiects istrnattihveerlaegwienfoonr.cIenmteerntmsdeoflanpda,rtlmi ennktesdtotoathppeoiimntplaefmuellnt-attiimone opferusrobnnelstaatin andruornaeldicnoanrsetarusctiondlaendidinccatreeadstoeacoordinantiddencgreandassoe,lvri

20、engpplarcemeontblinedmicsaatssocoiratsefdorpwriith buorsiityareanesspsres ionjethict.sCsheargesc,toinr.tWhentohtehre preojaerectssubofstwaanttiear,lielectrissues,sciety,catorleadminisdtreartsivaerrangcehargdetsoapersonnadlprefelreyinternvteianlep,oinli-cpieers.Instohne,ianr-epaersoonftaxation,paunsd

21、h tsaenttglieble aread ibnuailreadingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssy liprnode.ucTtioofnurthecrormedpuacney,awithind sntan5dyaeradris aftezretahdeministraticveomexpalemtiionnationoaffiscalincnednativepsptrooevalnitteemrpsr,isseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintiaonnacindanpgp,rionvtaelglriation ofnlaksn

22、,di,mtapxr,finaove efficienncciya;laacconrdotherrdeisnogutro thec.e.s,and construct "Gover nmentcre dit+ busi ness credit" cre dit system,establ ishme ntofmarketization, commercialization andmoderni zation oftheinve stment andfina nci ngplatform;effective Bank-enterpri se docki ng,e ncoura

23、ges privatecapital intothe Park,torai seindustry devel opmentfund.5, optimizetheenvironment a nd servicei ndustries.To create"policy lowlands, Highla nds,integrity ofserviceland, devel opme ntland" asthegoa l,to optimizeprimaryfirst-hand an i nade quategrasp ofthe probl em,whi ch ist obest

24、re ngthe ned int he future.Second,construction,strictly in accor dancewith t he provi sionstostreamli neand improvet hequality ofmeetingsoftheConference.T hird,streamliningfilebriefs,cultureinvolve sallaspects ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical nee ds of inventionnotifications,thi

25、sareanee ds furt her4、 我會把詩句補充完整。( 12 分)1、 夜來() () () ,花落() () () 。2、 () ( )鶯飛() (5、 我會讀一讀,連一連。(樹梢wn shu aJ梳洗shuxiy植樹shusho玩耍zhishut栽樹zd shuj6、 我會找朋友。( 10 分)一月一日兒童節(jié)六月一日教師節(jié)三月十二日國慶節(jié)九月十日元 旦十月一日植樹節(jié)7、 、根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容填空。( 4 分)小燕子說: “春雨是( )色的。小黃鶯說: “春雨是( )色的。treamlining.Fourare standardvisits,exceptas requiredtopa

26、rticipatei n traini ng,noothera ctivity.F iveis toimpr ovenewsreporti ng,forpr opaganda w ork strictlyaccording to t he regulati ons.Sixis strictlyyourpresentationpublished strictly accor dingtothe regulations.Seven isstrictly thrift, requiredtheuse ofvehicle s and office space and cor poratehospita

27、lity.3,changethe styl e.Propaganda andideologi calworkofthe new situati onand ne w requirementsofttypical, and lackof highsta ndar ds andstrict requirements,theeffect isreal.Secondharddriveless. On hard and) () ,拂堤楊柳醉()煙。10 分)sa shu i顏色,n s e題目hu S l e灑水ti m u轎車idoch e歡樂開心地站筆直地笑小心地移仔細地說大聲地看力)” 麻雀說:

28、“春雨是( ) 色的。”我們說: “春雨是( )色的。”he newtasks, ha d donea lot offruitfulwork,hasmademanyachievements,butfurthercloserto thegrassr oots,closet oreality,close to themasses andalso inadequateinnovation must continuet oimprove. Se cond,t he "four winds" some outstandi ngissues 1,oppose formalism.One

29、theoryisthat he di dn't,wit h less closecontact. Theoretical study of consci ousness isn ot high enough,systemperformance is notstrongenoug h;morepassive learning,active lear ning fewgeneralitiesand learn more,delvi ng into le ss.deployed, but stressed i n thew orktime,lesssupervision.For exampl

30、e,colorweekends inthe summertheatricalactivities,citysquareperformances,urging townshi ps, communitiesand ruralareas shows theimplementationisi nade quate , insufficient culturalaneducati onalrol e topla y.Third baseenough,mastergrass -less real. Propaganda andideologicalwork i n the newsit uation o

31、fchara cteristics andregularityofenough,deepenoug h for grass-r oots public opi nionDynamics survey,forgrass -roots typi callydrivegrassrootsideologicaltrends a nd cha ngesare notdee p,to promote newinitiativesand ex plore newmethodsof ideol ogical a nd culturalw orkis not muc h,a nd some lackofrele

32、vanceand timeli ness.4,di scipline ,loweri ng,and har dworkare lacking. Whileworking andenter prising spirit dow n. Noreal sol utiontotreatyourselfright,correctly treatpast honors,theircomplacency,and w ork to see t heirsc ores more,lesschecking his ow nshortcomings,l iketo listentotheprai se,satisf

33、ied face, online promotion,therearesfedEc ruc-jet-g-elik-eeta.uaa ceaseeceeleeda-ejetgs-.-y.stavecga a etxr-aele-dryatu-ai5 es fet. icr.es-te. .t>-,、.ax-ci-eesu-stu-.ece-usedic-yest-eaktaiceil(ea-vstefaig.f.a.gvt-r-Pkt.-r-eu5-ie-ecer.一-adHgasg-e-a-dvragaiee -v- e -d-sa-i-aefoceeate-r-esra-aeadae-

34、a-. a -.s -ae w>. s - -Wasa-rsus-dsaa.-es-y-tvee-s-ssa.-ae-ngge-gesf-ee-c-aa-ed-n-sav xa-aa-es-fx-aav-kiv efke y c-c th eu-ia-s-_y-euy-ca-acr-e-r-g a -g fu - da ac-geacks-iau-egys -c-aseu-agkesigafar-ae-c-W-ckeasfrrs-tadec-a- ca -e g- c -r - c g- sre-ta-c-cr-s-sse-.-d-a-i-ca-c-e-st-uega-ary-r id

35、g - -ag-pe a -e -eia-a-ca-es-c-aaute-egvi-gea-mv.eec-s e ar -sga- y - aduts-ew -e-f-ec-rt-s-t-act-te-. e-ee er-ai-i-rf-.-as-sg-es-iea-a-e-ne-i -fca-os -八、根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容連線。(5分)春風(fēng)跟柳樹說話了。孩子們給柳樹洗澡了。春雷給柳樹梳頭了。春燕跟柳樹捉迷藏了春雨跟柳樹玩耍了。a)照樣子,連一連,寫一寫。(8分)小鳥來了馬兒、飛了小鳥飛了。鮮花叫了大門開了老師關(guān)了b)照樣子,寫一句話。(2+2+3分)例如:春天來了,桃花開了,梨花也開了1、小紅在寫

36、字,()也在寫字。2、我喜歡吃西瓜,()也喜歡吃西瓜3、小明在畫畫,()。typica, a nd -a ck of high sta nda ds a nd stri ct uie.e nts the eec is r Secnd hadd s On had a7s cei c i ye -ia.clai.at-n. te -c g -. Bakes.gger.l i deee u5ieieeis ilsHgldi.l. el.g一年級語文第二冊第二單元測試卷班別:姓名:考號::評分:一、我會看拼音,寫漢字。(13分)in t 11I11r 1 i-Hl -"-P I i r )i

37、-H -111V 11P I i. ri iv i i-Hl -"-P I id a saor 加 zh zhang w ugo x in g n 百 naT t 4 -H -ll i ir p11 P1T t 41 4 ir p 11 P 1.11ll41I1 位1 . h t4.一 ll1 ir f 口.-一 I N h1 I1.-4 -'H4 fe-144 I 1 1k a hu i ti n q i yu e licn g z ao sh cn g1 11111 11ll I1 ,一14I1*-一 pl) H.111ll411h*-一 pI kT 1 1 i i iT

38、!H(lli1二、比一比,再組詞。(20分)大()看()午()去()全()太()著()牛()會()合()高()畫()放()女()草()亮()話()收()父()早()三、寫出下面的反義詞。(6分)晚一一() 假一一()短一一()- a iis xca errii- -ig -e c - y f - i-1ale -i ikg aisu s y g - eyles f _ e.-.-.c m ail - -ai.-ksfedEc ruc-jet-g-elik-eeta.uaa ceaseeceeleeda-ejetgs-.-y.stavec ga a etxr- aele-dryatu-ai5es

39、fet. icr.es-te. .t>-,、.ax-ci-eesu-stu-.ec e- u sedic - ye st -eaktaiceil(e a- -vstefaig.f.a.gvt-r-Pkt.-r-eu5-ie-ecer.一-adHgasg-e-a-dvragaiee -v- e -d-sa-i-a efoceeate-r- - esra-aeadae-a-.a-.s-ae w>. s - -Wasa-rsus-dsaa.-es-y-tvee-s-ss a. - a e - -ngge -g esf-ee-c-aa-ed-n-savxa-aa-es-fx-aav-kiv

40、 efke y c-c th eu-ia-s-_y-euy-ca-acr-e-r-g a -g fu - da ac-geacks-iau-egys-c-aseu-agke si gafar- ae-c- W- ckeasfrrs-tadec-a-ca-eg-c -r - c g- sre-ta-c-cr-s-sse- .- d-a- i-ca -c-e-st-uega-ary-r id g - -ag-pe a -e -eia-a-ca-es-c-aaute-egvi-gea-mv.eec-sear-sga- y - aduts-ew-e-f-ec-rt-s-t-act-te-. e-ee

41、er-ai-i-rf-.- as -sg-es-iea-a-e-ne-i-fca-os-來一一()矮一一()前一一()四、選擇正確的漢字填在括號里。(3分)今天的天()真好,爸爸開著()車帶我去公園玩。(氣、汽)我把今天的()業(yè)都()完了。(做、作)陽光()在小朋友的臉上,小朋友露l立出了兩個淺淺的()窩。(酒、灑)五、寫出帶有下列偏旁的字各三個。(3分)綠悄悄合教室胖哈哈收眼睛紅W洗棉被靜j油油寫衣服笑潤潤r m掃生字 ic -. ->he cpc Ceeta C.mm - on the sno v po l 2,-t n"nI te -nt-l.t hor eg-ons.m

42、pr o.g e_ ach, -el 一ne c - "ce di , e - blc .n and modeni-ton I f te - letand Inac ng ”nkentepri doC- cu-Pr e capita into the *0- -nusty opmetfud .opt.- theenvrnmet nd s- i ns. To c - e、o”lond* Higa nns,i、ry of "ndd -the ga昭八、七、我會選。(5分)母工Zh mg ()張zushcucu()sh八、寫筆順。(4分)母:奶:豕:九、連詞成句(4分)ypcal

43、 a nd ackolgh s- nda ds a nd sti c -u - mens Ie eec isr- Snd hadd * On h-d a陽臺陽光灑在x- l EAof on.I tems of and, ike u laacon_udon _d inc_ ae - id. e.e .5II i. vic . s ie .er -. - a d Hg .s gi lica. deag ai .Sine Ie h.s. sei .ci ceta" iiie. 2i-tic-r r-e-egvi.igeai.gee . I s i.-s.r.istypica, r nd a

44、ck ofgh str nda ds r nd stri c rquieme nts the eec is re-. Secnd hr. s On had r nd11 窗戶 離開 了月亮 悄悄地O十、選擇正確的字音在下面畫“ "。(5分)背(b魚 b 3)書包 教(ji co ji B)室 著(zh o zhe) 急胖(pon g p m)乎乎 音樂(yu6 l 6) 取得(de d 河)1一、說說寫寫。(5分)<1> 棉鞋里有好多 陽光呢!天上有好多呢! 有好多 呢!<2>我替爸爸拿報紙。我給媽媽 o我?guī)屠蠋?。我為大家。s cei c i ye -ia.c

45、lai.at-n. te -c g -. Bakes.gger.l i deee u5ieieeis ilsHgldi.l. el.g認真閱讀下面每組拼音,相信你一定能寫出詞語來。(16分)y uw enyu n f mgli dnm Sgg engji at mg y i gu engm ingzhu n x iny ihdu比一比,再組詞。(16分)認()先(隊()失()趕()秀()走()香(連()意(遠()總()明()才()朋()寸(三、我會填。(8分)和()細()()紫()紅)語花())清()秀四、照樣子寫一寫。(8分)五、我會連。1、結(jié)對子。(7分)云李江河雪霧朝霞秋月桃草高山碧野花

46、J-1相春花夕陽2、(10 分)一只小路小心地捧著一條松樹聰明的松樹一棵鳥蛋干凈的公路一雙眼睛挺拔的松鼠一張圖畫涼涼的鳥蛋3、(5 分)nL .II- - - -. . Ill. II_1 L . -I - -. - - - II -. I. . . L -_ _ II - >- -一 一 . . L . -I. 一 . I LII- -. . . 1 LI . .I一 - -.II - - .1 _ -.- . _I - . 一 - _ L I - - 一. .L II L I - -.一Since thee ducati onalpracti ceofthe ma ss line o

47、fthe party,himselfseriouslyi n thee ducation, practi calcontr olce ntral" eightrules"a ndopposi ng "the fourwi nds" and practi cing"three S uns",a nd checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu, i de ology,soli cit opini ons based on outstandingprobl ems checke dsw ing, careful a nalysi

48、 s andreflection. Willnow checkre portis a sfollow s: first,adherence tot heparty's politi caldi sci pline , eight in t he centralpr ovision, cha nge thestyle oftheba sic situationof1,i n compliancewit hthe party's political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe party' s politica ldisc

49、ipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rulesand regulations of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC CentralCommitteeonthe acti on,t here is no vi olation ofthe party'spoliticaldisci pli neproblems.2,in t he impleme ntation ofthe centralaut h

50、or itiesoftheeight provisi ons.Impr oving rese arch,improvi ng research methods,butt hereare less grass -root sunit s,the principleofsimplified EIA ofconstructi on proje cts i n the regi on.In termsofla nd, li nkedto t he impleme ntation ofurb an a nd rural construction landincreaseand decre ase, re

51、 placement indicat orsforpri orityareaspr oje ct.Charges, int othe proje cts ofwater,electri city,a dministrative charges a ndprefere ntialpolicie s.In t hearea oftaxation,and settled in area s ofindustry a nd its production company,withi n5 years afterthecompletion offiscali ncentives to e nterpris

52、es.In termsoffinathe areaunderdevelopmentenvironment.Alladmini strativelawenforcementdepartmentsto a ppoint afull -timepersonnelstati oned inareas dedi catedto coordinati ng andsolvingpr oblemsa ssociated with busi nesses inthi sse ctor. Whenther e aresubstantiali ssue s,se ctorlea ders arrange d to personal lyintervene,in-per son, in-person push tangi ble area buil


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