1、耶魯大學(xué)公開課-心理學(xué)導(dǎo)論 第4課 中英文課件(2011-04-28 14:41:01轉(zhuǎn)載標(biāo)簽: 心理學(xué) 分類: 心理學(xué)資料 我想在這節(jié)課的開始先回頭講講弗洛依德I actually want to begin by going back to Freud 解決一下上節(jié)課遺留的幾個問題and hitting a couple of loose ends. 我周三上課的時候跳過了部分內(nèi)容There was a point in my lecture on Wednesday where I skipped over some parts. 我當(dāng)時說"沒時間講了" 就跳過沒講I
2、 said, "We don't have time for this" and I just whipped past it. 可整個周末 我都因此而寢食難安And I couldn't sleep over the weekend. I've been tormented. 我不該跳過它們 所以現(xiàn)在我要講一下I shouldn't have skipped that and I want to hit- 先告訴大家我當(dāng)時為什么跳過沒講Let me tell you why I skipped it. 我所跳過的是關(guān)于The discuss
3、ion I skipped was the discussion of "我們?yōu)楹螘袩o意識" 的討論why we would have an unconscious at all. 我當(dāng)時正在講So, I was talking about 在科學(xué)上頗有名望的弗洛依德理論the scientifically respectable ideas of Freud 我想給大家講一些新的and I want to talk about some new ideas 關(guān)于"無意識為何會存在"的理論about why there could be an unco
4、nscious. 我之所以沒講是因為Now, the reason why I skipped it is 我不能肯定這是考慮這個問題的最佳方式I'm not sure this is the best way to look at the question. 正如我們將會在這門課中了解到的As we will learn throughout the course, 尤其是絕大多數(shù)的大腦活動by far the vast majority of what our brains do, 絕大多數(shù)的心理活動the vast majority of what our minds do, 其
5、實都是無意識的 是無法察覺到的is unconscious and we're unaware of it. 因此 問題或許不該是So the right question to ask may not be, "為什么有些心理活動是無意識的""Why are some things unconscious?" 而應(yīng)該是"為什么心理活動的一小部分but rather, why is this tiny subset of mental life- 為什么這一小部分是有意識的"why is this conscious? 另一方
6、面On the other hand, 這些關(guān)于無意識功能的主張these claims about the utility of unconsciousness, 是很具有煽動性很有趣的I think, are provocative and interesting. 所以我想很快地來給你們大家講一下So I just wanted to quickly share them with you. 那么 從進化的觀點來看So, the question is, from an evolutionary standpoint, 要問的問題便是"無意識為何得以進化""
7、Why would an unconscious evolve?" 一些心理學(xué)家與生物學(xué)家們所給出的答案And an answer that some psychologists and biologists have given 是欺騙is deception. 大多數(shù)動物都會有一些欺騙行為So, most animals do some deception. 而廣義上的欺騙是以愚弄的方式And deception defined broadly is simply 使他人相信虛假之事to act or be in some way 認(rèn)為虛假之事是真實 的that fools ot
8、hers into believing or thinking 或是使他人對虛假之事做出反應(yīng)or responding to something that's false. 舉一個欺騙的實例There's physical examples of deception. 當(dāng)黑猩猩受到威脅When threatened, chimpanzees- 它們的毛發(fā)會豎起來their hair stands up on end 使得他們看上去更加強壯and that makes them look bigger 從而使其他黑猩猩誤以為它們to fool others to thinking
9、 they're more dangerous 比原先想象中更加危險than they are. 在深海中生活著琵琶魚There's an angler fish at the bottom of the ocean 這種魚的頭頂會長出魚竿狀的長刺that has a rod sticking up from the top of its head 用于引誘和捕獲其他魚類with a lure to capture other fish 讓它們誤認(rèn)為那是食物to fool them in thinking that this is something edible 然后它們自己
10、就被吃掉了and then to themselves be devoured. 總的來說靈長類動物 特別是人類But humans, primates in general but particularly humans, 都是欺騙大師are masters of deception. 我們不斷地利用我們的心理We use our minds 行為和動作and our behaviors and our actions 去哄騙他人相信那些虛假的事情continually to try to trick people into believing what's not true. 比如
11、 我們總是試著去欺騙他人We try to trick people, for instance, 使他人相信我們比實際更加into believing that we're 強壯 聰明 性感tougher, smarter, sexier, 更加可靠或是更加值得信賴等等more reliable, more trustworthy and so on, than we really are. 社會心理學(xué)中也有很大一部分內(nèi)容And a large part of social psychology 在關(guān)注我們向他人展現(xiàn)自己的方式concerns the way in which we
12、present ourselves 人們會盡力使積極印象最大化to other people so as to make the maximally positive impression 即使留下的印象是虛假的even when that impression isn't true. 但同時At the same time,though, 我們也進化出了很好的欺騙檢測機制we've also evolved very good lie detection mechanisms. 因此 不僅存在著要求我對你說謊So not only is there evolutionary
13、pressure for me 的進化壓力to lie to you, 比如 如果我們之間存有沖突 for me to persuade you for instance, that if we're going to have a conflict- 當(dāng)你威脅我時if you are threatening me 我會說"別嚇唬我 我可不是吃素""Don't threaten me, I am not the sort of man you could screw around with" 而且還存在著要求你辨別謊言的進化壓力But t
14、here's evolutionary pressure for you to look 你會說 "不 你肯定不行and say, "No. You are the sort of man you could screw around with. 我看得出來的"I can tell." 那么 怎樣才能成為一個好騙子呢So how do you become a good liar? 無意識在這里扮演了重要的角色And here's where the unconscious comes in. 我們假定The hypothesis is:
15、 最好的謊言是能夠騙到我們自己的謊言the best lies are lies we tell ourselves. 一個行 騙高手在通常情況下You're a better liar, more generally, 會對自己所說的謊言深信不疑if you believe the lie that you're telling. 阿爾弗雷德?希區(qū)柯克的一個故事 This could be illustrated 很好地闡釋了這個道理with a story about Alfred Hitchcock. 故事是這樣的The story goes- 他痛恨與童星共事 但又時常
16、被迫合作He hated working with child actors but he often had to. 有一次And the story goes- 和他合作的一個小演員竟哭不出來He was dealing with a child actor who simply could not cry. 最后他沮喪極了 走到那個小演員身邊And, finally frustrated, Hitchcock went to the actor, 俯下身子湊到他耳邊說leaned over, whispered in his ear, "你爸媽剛把你丟在這了"Your
17、 parents have left you 他們再也不回來了"and they're never coming back." 那孩子立刻泣不成聲The kid burst into tears. 希區(qū)柯克說"開拍" 錄制順利進行Hitchcock said, "Roll'em" and filmed the kid. 如果你能看到那個孩子 你一定會說And the kid, if you were to see him, you'd say, "天吶 這孩子看起來真?zhèn)陌?quot;"Th
18、at's-Boy, he's-he really looks as if he's sad" 因為他本來就傷心because he was. 如果我在這里舉行一個競賽If I had a competition 誰最能將痛苦表演的和真的一樣where I'd give $100,000 to the person 誰就能拿到10萬美元who looks the most as if they are in pain, 那么最好用的一招莫過于拿根筆it is a very good tactic to take a pen 狠狠地戳進你的腹股溝and j
19、am it into your groin 因為此時的你看上去真的because you will look extremely persuasively 足以使他人相信你非常痛苦as if you are in pain. 如果我想讓你相信我愛你If I want to persuade you that I love you, 永遠都不離開你 你什么都可以信任我would never leave you, you can trust me with everything, 或許最好的策略便是我自己對此深信不疑it may be a superb tactic for me to belie
20、ve it. 所有 對于無意識進化的解釋And so, this account of the evolution of the unconscious 便是某些動機和目標(biāo)is that certain motivations and goals, 尤其是那些邪惡的動機和目標(biāo)particularly sinister ones, 最好是無意識的are better made to be unconscious 因為如果個體察覺不到because if a person doesn't know 他們所擁有的動機和目標(biāo)的話they have them 這些動機和目標(biāo)也就不會被他人識破th
21、ey will not give them away. 這個我們先放在這里 等到我們探討And this is something I think we should return to later on 社會交往與社會關(guān)系的時候再回頭來看when we talk about social interaction and social relationships. 弗洛依德的另一個故事-One other thing on Freud- 其實是個惡搞他的故事just a story of the falsification of Freud. 周日我?guī)业男鹤尤ネ?回家的路上I was ta
22、king my younger child home from a play date on Sunday 他突然問我and he asked me out of the bl ue, "你為什么不能和你的父母結(jié)婚?""Why can't you marry your mother or your father?" 向一個孩子解釋這個問題其實挺困難的Now, that's actually a difficult question to ask- to answer for a child, 但我還是盡力給了他一個答案but I trie
23、d my best to give him an answer. 之后我又想到弗洛依德的理論And then I said-then I thought back on the Freud lecture 然后我就問他and so I asked him, "如果你誰都能娶 你會選擇娶誰?""If you could marry anybody you want, who would it be?" 我想根據(jù)俄狄浦斯情結(jié)imagining he'd make explicit the Oedipal complex 他會毫不猶豫地選擇他的媽媽an
24、d name his mother. 不過出乎意料的是 他想了一會說Instead, he paused for a moment and said, "我想娶一只驢子"I would marry a donkey 和一大包花生"and a big bag of peanuts." 他的父母都是心理學(xué)家Both his parents are psychologists 他恨透了這些問題and he hates these questions 所以他會時不時的忽悠我們一下and at times he just screws around with us
25、. 好了Okay. 上一堂課我們從弗洛依德講起Last class I started with Freud 現(xiàn)在我要開始講斯金納了and now I want to turn to Skinner. 斯金納的理論And the story of Skinner and science 與弗洛依德的理論有些不同is somewhat different from the story of Freud. 弗洛依德是精神分析的Freud developed and championed 提出者與擁護者the theory of psychoanalysis by himself. 就像是一個科學(xué)發(fā)
26、明的專利享有者It is as close as you could find in science to a solitary invention. 顯然 他利用了各種資源Obviously, he drew upon all sorts of sources 還總結(jié)了前人的成果and predecessors 但精神分析依然被認(rèn)為but psychoanalysis is identified 是由弗洛伊德提出的as Freud's creation. 行為主義則不同Behaviorism is different. 行為主義學(xué)派Behaviorism is a school of
27、 thought 遠在斯金納提出他的理論之前就已經(jīng)存在that was there long before Skinner, 受到了眾多心理學(xué)家的擁護championed by psychologists 比如約翰?華生like John Watson, for instance. 斯金納算是這一學(xué)派中的晚輩了Skinner came a bit late into this 但是何斯金納能夠被我們所熟知but the reason why we've heard of Skinner 能夠聲名遠播的原因就在于and why Skinner is so well known 他將這些觀
28、點進行了一番整理is he packaged these notions. 他擴展了先前的觀點He expanded upon them; 并將它們出版發(fā)行he publicized them; 他科學(xué)地發(fā)展了這些觀點he developed them scientifically 并同時將這些觀點呈現(xiàn)給了and presented them both to the scientific community 學(xué)術(shù)界和社會大眾and to the popular community. 在上世紀(jì)60到70年代之間的美國社會And sociologically in the 1960s and 19
29、70s, in the United States, 行為主義極為盛行behaviorism was incredibly well known 斯金納也得以名聲大噪and so was Skinner. 他就像現(xiàn) 在上脫口秀的明星一樣有名He was the sort of person you would see on talk shows. 他的書登上了暢銷榜首His books were bestsellers. 言歸正傳 行為主義的核心Now, at the core of behaviorism 由三個非常極端又很有趣的觀點組成are three extremely radical
30、 and interesting views. 第一個觀點是 它非常強調(diào)學(xué)習(xí)的作用The first is a strong emphasis on learning. 行為主義的觀點認(rèn)為The strong view of behaviorism 你的知識 你的一切is everything you know, everything you are, 都是經(jīng)驗的產(chǎn)物is the result of experience. 人性是根本不存在的There's no real human nature. 相反 人類是具有無限可塑性的Rather, people are infinitely
31、 malleable. 約翰?華生有一段非常有名的話There's a wonderful quote from John Watson 這段話是約翰?華生根據(jù)and in this quote john Watson is paraphrasing 耶穌會所宣揚的一段著名鼓吹改寫而來a famous boast by the Jesuits. 耶穌會曾宣稱The Jesuits used to claim, "給我一個孩子 待他7歲之時"Give me a child until the age of seven 我會將他鍛造成一個男人"and I
32、9;ll show you the man," 也就是說 他們能夠把一個孩子that they would take a child 培養(yǎng)成他們想要的任何樣子and turn him into anything they wanted. 華生將此鼓吹加以擴展 他說到And Watson expanded on this boast, 給我一打健全的嬰兒Give me a dozen healthy infants, 只要給予合適的條件well-formed and my own specified world to bring them up 我就可以and I'll gua
33、rantee to take any one at random 把他們變成and train them to become any type of specialist I might select 醫(yī)生 律師 藝術(shù)家 企業(yè)家doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant, 乃至乞丐和小偷chief, and yes, even beggar-man and thief, 而不用去考慮他的天賦 傾向regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, 能力 祖先的職業(yè)與種族abilities, vocations and rac
34、e of his ancestors. 你們可以從中看出Now, you could imagine you could see in this 這是一個極具感染力的觀點a tremendous appeal to this view 因為在某種意義上because Watson has 華生是一個極端的平等主義者an extremely egalitarian view in a sense. 如果不存在人性If there's no human nature, 那么一群人因種族或性別then there's no sense in which one group of hu
35、mans 優(yōu)于另一群的人的說法by dint of their race or their sex 便純屬無稽之談could be better than another group. 華生明確地指出了這一點And Watson was explicit. 人類的自然屬性并不存在任何差異None of those facts about people will ever make any difference. 個體差異源于他所受到的不同教育與待遇What matters to what you are is what you learn and how you're treated.
36、 因此華生斷言And so, Watson claimed 他只需通過一定的方式he could create anybody in any way simply 便能將嬰兒培養(yǎng)成各種類型的人by treating them in a certain fashion. 行為主 義的第二個觀點A second aspect of behaviorism 是反心理主義was anti-mentalism. 我的意思是And what I mean by this is 行為主義者沉迷于"科學(xué)"的理念之中the behaviorists were obsessed with 難以
37、自拔the idea of doing science 他們主要針對的是弗洛依德and they felt, largely in reaction to Freud, 他們認(rèn)為那些所謂的內(nèi)在心理狀態(tài)that claims about internal mental states 如欲望 意愿 目標(biāo) 情感等等like desires, wishes, goals, emotions and so on, 都是不科學(xué)的are unscientific. 這些不可見 定義模糊的東西These invisible, vague things 不能被劃入嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)目茖W(xué)范疇里can never form t
38、he basis of a serious science. 因此 行為主義者的目標(biāo)And so, the behaviorist manifesto 是建立一門科學(xué)would then be to develop a science 將一切不可觀測的事情都排除在外without anything that's unobservable 取而代之的是應(yīng)用and instead use notions 諸如刺激 反應(yīng) 強化 懲罰like stimulus and response and reinforcement and punishment 以及表示現(xiàn)實世界和客觀事件的環(huán)境and e
39、nvironment that refer to real world 之類的概念來進行研究and tangible events. 最后 行為主義者認(rèn)為Finally, behaviorists believed 生物種群之間并不存在太大的差別there were no interesting differences across species. 行為主義者可能會承認(rèn)人類能夠做到A behaviorist might admit that a human can do things 一些老鼠或鴿子無法做到的事情that a rat or pigeon couldn't 但他們或許只
40、會說but a behaviorist might just say, "它們只不過是在一般性聯(lián)想學(xué)習(xí)能力上"Look. Those are just general associative powers 有所差異而已"that differ" 甚至他們干脆否認(rèn)Or they may even deny it. 他們會說 "人和老鼠根本沒有區(qū)別They might say, "Humans and rats aren't different at all. 只不過相較于老鼠It's just humans tend t
41、o live 人類生活在刺激更加豐富的環(huán)境中罷了"in a richer environment than rats." 從這個理論觀點中From that standpoint, from that theoretical standpoint, 可以得出一種研究方法comes a methodological approach 即 如果人類與動物并無差別which is, if they're all the same 那你就能通過研究非人類動物的學(xué)習(xí)過程then you could study human learning 來研究人類的學(xué)習(xí)過程by study
42、ing nonhuman animals. 這也是行為主義者的常用研究方法And that's a lot of what they did. 好了 下面我們來講講Okay. I'm going to frame my introduction my discussion 行為的三個主要的學(xué)習(xí)原則of behaviors in terms of the three main learning principles 這三個學(xué)習(xí)原則被認(rèn)為能夠解釋that they argue can explain 所有的人類心理活動all of human mental life, 所有的人類行
43、為all of human behavior. 之后 我還想講講對行為主義的反對And then, I want to turn to objections to behaviorism 但這三個原則是非常重要的but these three principles are powerfu l 也是很有意思的and very interesting. 第一個原則是習(xí)慣化The first is habituation. 這是最簡單的學(xué)習(xí)形式This is the very simplest form of learning. 它在學(xué)術(shù)上被描述為And what this is is techni
44、cally described as 由于重復(fù)暴露在刺激環(huán)境中a decline in the tendency to respond to stimuli 而造成對該刺激反應(yīng)傾向的降低that are familiar due to repeated exposure. "喂""Hey!" "喂""Hey!" 突如其來的噪音嚇了大家一跳The sudden noise startles but as it 但聽到第二聲的時候 就沒那么吃驚了as you hear it a second time it start
45、les less. 第三遍時 就變成我自己在這犯傻了The third time is just me being goofy. 這是因為你對這些事情已經(jīng)習(xí)慣了It's just-It's-You get used to things. 習(xí)慣化在我們的日常生活中隨處可見And this, of course, is common enough in everyday life. 我們習(xí)慣了鐘的滴答聲和車來人往的噪音We get used to the ticking of a clock or to noise of traffic 但這卻是一種非常重要的學(xué)習(xí)形式but it&
46、#39;s actually a very important form of learning 我們不妨試想一下無法進行習(xí)慣化的情形because imagine life without it. 試想你在生活中無法習(xí)慣任何事情 Imagine life where you never got used to anything, 要有人突然跳出來向你揮手where suddenly somebody steps forward and waves their hand 你肯定嚇得驚叫 "哇"and you'd go, "Woah," 然后他們再
47、跟你揮手 你又驚叫"哇"and then they wave their hand again and you'd go, "Whoah," 然后你就不停地-and you keep- 或是在你聽到響亮的鐘擺聲后很驚奇地說And there's the loud ticking of a clock and you say, "嗯""Hmmm." 但實際上人類和動物都不會這個樣子And that's not the way animals or humans work. 你會習(xí)慣于很多事情Y
48、ou get used to things. 而習(xí)慣化實際上也是至關(guān)重要的And it's actually critically important to get used to things 因為這是一種非常有用的適應(yīng)機制because it's a useful adaptive mechanism 可以讓你注意到新鮮事物to keep track on new events and objects. 能夠注意到新鮮事物的出現(xiàn)是非常重要的It's important to notice something when it's new 因為你需要確定它是否會
49、對你造成傷害because then you have to decide whether it's going to harm you, 需要確定如何去處理這個新鮮刺激how to deal with it, to attend to it, 但你不能一直去注意它but you can't keep on noticing it. 事實上And, in fact, 如果它在環(huán)境中出現(xiàn)的時間足夠長久的話you should stop noticing it 你就不該再去一直注意它了after it's been in the environment for long e
50、nough. 所以習(xí)慣化算是一種學(xué)習(xí)So, this counts as learning 是因為這種學(xué)習(xí)是基于經(jīng)驗而發(fā)生的because it happens through experience. 習(xí)慣化是通過經(jīng)驗而進行學(xué)習(xí)的一種方式It's a way to learn through experience, 是通過經(jīng)驗改變你思維方式的一種方法to change y our way of thinking through experience. 而且它還是非常有用的And also, it's useful 因為危險刺激會吸引到你的注意because harmful st
51、imuli are noticed 但當(dāng)某物被視為環(huán)境的一部分時but when something has shown itself to be part of the environment 你便不會再去注意到該物體you don't notice it anymore. 習(xí)慣化的存在非常重要 原因有很多The existence of habituation is important for many reasons. 原因之一就是One thing it's important for is 聰明的發(fā)展心理學(xué)家們將習(xí)慣化clever developmental psyc
52、hologists have used habituation 作為研究人類as a way to study people, 研究諸如非人類動物或是嬰兒這樣creatures who can't talk 無法進行言語表達的生物like nonhuman animals, 的一種方式and young babies. 等我們在周三探討發(fā)展心理學(xué)時And when I talk on Wednesday about developmental psychology 我會向大家講述心理學(xué)家們I'll show different ways 應(yīng)用習(xí)慣化in which psycho
53、logists have used habituation 來研究嬰兒心理的不同的方法to study the minds of young babies. 學(xué)習(xí)的第二種形式The second sort of learning 被稱為經(jīng)典條件作用is known as classical conditioning. 一般來說And what this is in a very general sense 經(jīng)典條件作用是指在一個刺激is the learning of an association 和另一個刺激之間形成聯(lián)結(jié)between one stimulus and another sti
54、mulus, 這里的刺激是一個專業(yè)術(shù)語where stimulus is a technical term 意思是環(huán)境中出現(xiàn)的事件meaning events in the environment 比如某種味道 聲音或景觀like a certain smell or sound or sight. 經(jīng)典條件作用是巴甫洛夫提出的It was thought up by Pavlov. 這便是巴甫洛夫的那條著名的狗This is Pavlov's famous dog 這是一個科學(xué)研究中的意外and it's an example of scientific serendipit
55、y. 在研究的最初 巴甫洛夫Pavlov, when he started this research, 對學(xué)習(xí)行為毫無興趣had no interest at all in learning. 他研究的是唾液的分泌He was interested in saliva. 為了弄到唾液 他找來了幾條狗And to get saliva he had to have dogs. 他給狗套上了一些裝置And he had to attach something to dogs 來收集狗的唾液用以研究so that their saliva would pour out so he could st
56、udy saliva. 他研究唾液分泌的初衷我們不得而知No idea why he wanted to study saliva, 但他卻因為這個研究而有所發(fā)現(xiàn)but he then discovered something. 他的做法是What he would do is 給狗喂食 讓狗分泌唾液he'd put food powder in the dog's mouth to generate saliva. 他注意到But Pavlov observed that 當(dāng)給它喂食的人when somebody entered the room 進屋時who typical
57、ly gave him the food powder, 狗便開始分泌唾液the dog-the food powder saliva would start to come out. 稍后And later on if you 在喂食前或者喂食過程中right before or right during you give the dog some food 你搖鈴you-you ping a bell 鈴聲就 會加速唾液的分泌the bell will cause the saliva to come forth. 這是他在研究時所使用的儀器And, in fact, this is th
58、e apparatus that he used for his research. 他通過區(qū)分兩種條件作用He developed the theory of classical conditioning 兩種刺激反應(yīng)關(guān)系by making a distinction between two sorts of conditioning, 提出了經(jīng)典條件作用理論two sorts of stimulus response relationships. 一個是無條件作用One is unconditioned. 無條件作用是指An unconditioned is when an uncondi
59、tioned stimulus 無條件刺激會引起無條件反應(yīng)gives rise to an unconditioned response. 這是我們的本能And this is what you start off with. 如果有人用棍子戳你So, if somebody pokes you with a stick and you say, 你會因為疼而叫出來"Ouch," because it hurts, 戳的動作和你的喊叫the poking and the "Ouch" 這就是無條件刺激引起了無條件反射is an unconditioned
60、 stimulus causing an unconditioned response. 這些行為無需學(xué)習(xí)You didn't have to learn that. 巴甫洛夫給狗喂食When Pavlov put food powder in the dog's mouth 狗會分泌唾液and saliva was generated, 這就是無條件刺激引起了無條件反應(yīng)that's an unconditioned stimulus giving rise to an unconditioned response. 但學(xué)習(xí)會在條件刺激與條件反應(yīng)之間But what h
61、appens through learning is that another association develops 建立起另一種聯(lián)結(jié)that between the conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response. 比如So when Pavlov, for instance- 比如 在條件作用形成之前Well, when Pavlov, for instance, started before conditioning 只是簡單的存在著無條件刺激 即食物there was simply an unconditioned stimulu
62、s, the food in the mouth, 以及無條件反應(yīng) 即唾液and an unconditioned response, saliva. 此時的鈴聲什么都不是The bell was nothing. 只是一個中性刺激The bell was a neutral stimulus. 但是 如果鈴聲和食物多次同時出現(xiàn)But over and over again, if you put the bell and the food together, 很快 鈴聲便也能促使狗分泌出唾液pretty soon the bell will generate saliva. 開始時呈現(xiàn)無條件刺激And now the bell-When-You start off with the unconditioned stimulus, 會出現(xiàn)無條件反應(yīng)unconditi
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