




1、北京旅游英語作文精選作文 : 去北京旅游(900 字)作文記得去年夏天,我和小姨和小姨夫去北京旅游,我們是因為北京的全聚德烤鴨來的,我一看,呵,人還不少呢。 我這里人山人海,大家都是慕名而來,好不容易才輪到我們,透過廚房的玻璃窗,我看到了師傅們烤鴨子的過程, 我還知道每一只烤鴨都有一位專門的師傅在客人面前將鴨肉削為薄片。俗話說的好:不到長城非好漢,不吃烤鴨真遺憾,其實它的吃法非常講究,首先把烙好的荷葉餅放上香蔥、蒜泥和甜面醬,再把削好的鴨肉片卷而食之,真是色香味俱全。 到北京的第二天,我就迫不及待的要求先去長城,大家也都積極響應(yīng)。那天天公特別作美, 本來北京的夏天特別炎熱, 但是那一天確是陰天
2、,天氣涼爽。我們早上九點不到就已經(jīng)到了長城腳下。因為時間早,所以人還不是特別多,我們買好門票,就開始登城。 我蹦蹦跳跳的登上城墻。 不知道是不是因為爬慣了洛帶的長城, 所以登這個真正的長城,并沒有想象的那么累, 我甚至覺得有些輕松,我毫不費勁的就爬到了第一個烽火臺。我發(fā)現(xiàn)長城的城墻北邊高,南邊低,而且北邊每隔一段,就有一個上面不封口的正方形的小孔。 我問小姨這是怎么回事。小姨正要回答,小姨夫卻讓我自己想一下。我想了想,說,長城是用來抵御北方騎兵入侵的,北邊之所以高,南邊低,是因為,北邊是用來防御的,所以修的高,而南邊修的低,這樣一方面可以節(jié)約石材,另一方面因為南面是和后方相連的,需要不斷的補充
3、糧草,小姨你看,這邊還有下城墻的樓梯。小姨愉快的回答:完全正確。小姨夫接著問, 那北邊的這些小孔又是干嘛的?我想了想有點回答不上來,于是小姨提醒我說, 如果打仗, 是不是需要使用一些武器呀, 石材呀,那么這些小孔你覺得能有什么用處?我知道了, 這些小孔, 是用來射箭,扔石頭,而且可以用來掩護(hù)自己,讓自己不被敵人射著,我高興的回答。 對了, 就是這個道理。 看著這個偉大的工程, 我若有所思,那時的人真是太厲害了, 這樣的工程居然在那個什么建筑工具都沒有的時候,就靠人們的雙手建成了。 接下來的幾天,我去了科技館,在那兒我看到了很多的稀奇玩意,例如軟磁鐵,可以同性相吸;氣流可以投籃。我還去了天文館,
4、探索了神秘的宇宙。我到了故宮、頤和園、北海、奧運村等等,去了向往中的北大、清華,我著自己有一天來這里上學(xué)&。河南濮陽華龍區(qū)市五中初二: 神魔判官篇一:小學(xué)生作文北京游小學(xué)生作文 _北京游 同學(xué)們,你們在暑假里過的快樂嗎?我就很快樂,因為暑假里我到北京去旅游了,北京可是一個歷史文化名城。我首先來到了有著悠久_ 故宮。爸爸早就告訴我故宮是歷代黃帝居住的地方,今天我們可以大飽眼福了。走進(jìn)去一看,真氣派啊!那里有九千九百九間半房間,所有建筑莊嚴(yán)、宏偉,充分顯示封建帝王至高無上的威嚴(yán)。 導(dǎo)游還介紹說: 這里原來保存著許多珍貴的國家文物,后來八國聯(lián)軍入侵中國,燒、殺、搶、掠無惡不作,至今,那些文物
5、還流落在海外。導(dǎo)游又指著那一口缸說:原來它表面是用金子做的, 后來入侵者用刺刀把金子刮下來搶走了。我看著、聽著,心里暗下決心:中國人一定要強大,才不會受別人欺負(fù)?!安坏介L城非好漢”,接著我們又來到了八達(dá)嶺長城。長城連綿起伏、曲折蜿蜒,像一條巨龍臥在山峰上。我向好漢坡沖去,?。〗K于到了最高峰!忽然威風(fēng)拂面,真舒服。從長城往下看,煙霧燎繞,氣勢磅礴,長城不愧是中國一大奇觀。同學(xué)們,你們?nèi)绻袝r間的話,一定要到中國的首都北京去玩一玩噢!前幾天,我們一家去北京游玩,一路上,小草很開心,好像在歡迎我們?nèi)ミ@美麗的城市。我們經(jīng)過了四個小時的時間到了目的地 北京。 到了后, 我們首先住到了伯父家。門后, 里面
6、全是宮殿 有景陽宮、 坤寧宮、 乾清宮、 慈寧宮、養(yǎng)心殿、等等,一共有三十七座了??赐炅斯蕦m我們又去了 _ ,在廣場我們?nèi)艺障嗔袅思o(jì)念。這時天快黑了,我們就回伯父家了。篇二:初中一年級英語作文:一次去北京的旅行初中一年級英語作文( 去北京的一次旅行)a trip to bei _g(去北京的一次旅行)i want to go on a trip to bei _g next week (我想在下個星期去北京) .it is about 278 kilometres away from xingtai to bei_g (邢臺到北京大約 278 千米).so i want to go ther
7、e by train(所以我想坐火車去那里) . before that i will pack my suitcasewith my clothes. (在這之前我將把我的衣服裝進(jìn)我的箱子里) .iwill take the camera,too (我也將帶上我的相機(jī)) . when i arrivein bei _g,i will go to the tian anmen square first (當(dāng)我到達(dá)北京的時候,我篇三:北京旅游作文 250 字北京旅游作文250 字xx 年 2 月 6 號到 10 號,我們一家三口去了北京旅游,爸爸把一些數(shù)字告訴了我,讓我計算一下這次旅行的總費用。
8、(1)從廣州到 北京的機(jī)票是990元/人,共990X 3=2970元;(2)從北京至U廣州的機(jī)票是:成人票1480元/人,兒童票890元/人,共1480X2+890=3850元;(3)住宿4晚,230元/晚,共230X 4=920元;(4)由于我不需要門票,門票按2 個人計算:天壇公園30元/人,頤和園30元/人,圓明園 5元/人,雍和宮20元/人,故宮40元/人,北海公園10元/人,長城 40 元/人。共( 30+30+5+20+40+10+40 X 2=350 元;( 5)交通費按每人每天20 元計算,我是免票的,按2 人計算,共20 X 2X5=200元;(6)餐費按每人每天80元計算,
9、共80X 3X 5=1200元;( 7)其他費用按500 元計算。于是這次旅行的總費用為:2970+3850+920+350+200+1200+500=9990元。爸爸又問,如果所有費用按 3 個人平均計算, 這次旅游平均每個人花了多少錢?這個問題其實很簡單,9990+ 3=3330元。篇四:北京游作文北京游鎮(zhèn)江中山路小學(xué) 五2)班 王詩?!耙粋€故宮,一個圓明園,一段長城,一只烤鴨?!边@大概就是初來北京的人,對北京的看法。但我可不是 正當(dāng)我們想要進(jìn)門的時候,館內(nèi)的志愿者忽然開口講解道: “大家知道嗎,咱們這大門上的對聯(lián)啊!可是中國最大的一副對聯(lián)!”這一下就勾起了我們的興趣。什么?再看看那幅對聯(lián)
10、:佛道儒鄰里,真善美人家。沒什么特別啊?“大家看清楚了,”志愿者又對我們說“這道對聯(lián)還可以這樣讀家人美善真,佛道儒鄰里!而且,在對聯(lián)中提到的佛、道、儒在這條街上,都有它的身影,比如說孔廟就在這條街上。你們說它大不大?”哇! 一道對聯(lián)還有這樣的奧妙,大,真是大。2 、震撼往里走,小路旁的墻上,雕刻著明代的門神鐘馗。這上面的黃泥印跡,是因為在文革時期,主人家為保護(hù)它,用黃土封起來了。為了偽裝的更像,主人還特意在黃泥上寫上了“ _萬歲 ! ”哈,典型的中庸之道!中國人就是智慧嘛!既不得罪毛爺爺,又保護(hù)了文物,一舉兩得!再往里走,是古代女孩“大門不出,二門不邁”的二門,門上有 兩個垂花頭。仔細(xì)一看,這
11、個門還蠻有價值的,“清代木雕門”。真想不到,一個看上去普普通通的門竟是古代的?!敖鸫u” 看上去烏黑烏黑的, 真失望, 不過聽講解員說, 這個 “金 磚” 別看它顏色是黑的, 制作的工序可復(fù)雜呢。 哦, 原來如此! 這“金 磚”還是給皇家專用的喔。說了這么多,你不覺得震撼嗎?3 、 i love 松博(松堂齋博物館)如果你去北京,我強烈推薦你去松博看看,這也是為什么我花了這么多篇幅來講它的原因,值了!中國國家博物館1 、開國歷史專題美術(shù)展廳由于我們?nèi)ケ本┱灯咴乱蝗眨?建黨 90 周年紀(jì)念日嘛, 所以到處都是關(guān)于紅色_ 。剛進(jìn)氣勢雄偉的大門,就看到了兩幅幾乎一模一樣的開國大典,我的2 、內(nèi)景走進(jìn)
12、地下入口,先是一個開闊的大廳。再往里走,就是一條“藍(lán)色通道”。為什么是“藍(lán)色通道”呢?因為它的天花板是用透明的玻璃,而玻璃的上面?就是水!當(dāng)你的頭頂上就是水波蕩漾時,你一定會心曠神怡的!3 、大劇院的樞紐部分歌劇廳歌劇廳給我最深的印象就是陡。歌劇廳共有3 層樓,還有舞臺、樂池、貴賓席。 我們坐在 3 樓。別的劇院一般都是 2 樓的面積比 3 樓大,這樣就會擋住 3 樓人的視野,但國家大劇院不會,因為后排人的腿,幾乎等平于前排人的頭。這個很好呦!4 、歌劇白毛女 白毛女講的是20 世紀(jì) 30 年代,生活在未解放區(qū)的農(nóng)村人民, 總會受到反動政權(quán)和封建土地制度的壓迫, 因此苦難重重。而“白毛女”就是
13、一個生動的例子。佃農(nóng)楊白勞因為被地主黃世仁欺壓,所以在悲憤之中服毒自盡,女兒喜兒(就是故事后來的主角白毛女)被逼進(jìn)黃家為仆。這件事發(fā)生的時間,竟是大年三十到大年初一! 那些地主真是無惡不作! 還好我們生活在和平的世界里,不然我們就慘了。我們的幸福真是來之不易?。『髞睃S世仁又想把喜兒賣給人販子。喜兒在危難中,女仆張二嬸幫助她逃了出來。喜兒在山中生活了 3 年多,頭發(fā)變白,就成了白毛女。后來在八路軍解放了山區(qū)的同時,也從山中救出了喜兒,并根據(jù)受害人民的控訴,將黃世仁依法逮捕??吹竭@里,我不禁流下淚來,是啊,舊社會是萬惡的,我們?nèi)缃竦男腋I?,是多少人用鮮血付出的! 我們應(yīng)該珍惜這種美好的生活。 歌
14、劇中喜兒的形象更深深的打動了我, 她堅強、 勇敢、 渴望和平, 忍辱負(fù)重。 而地主黃世仁呢?兇惡、殘忍, 但“惡人有惡報” , 正所謂 “見羊現(xiàn)兇手相, 見兇手現(xiàn)羊相” !你瞧,黃世仁的終結(jié)者,便是八路軍。可以想象,我們的共產(chǎn)黨和八路軍曾從多少個“黃世仁”手下救出多少個“喜兒”啊!我是學(xué)鋼琴的。 在這個可歌可泣的故事中, 那首著名的 北風(fēng)吹 ,還有那段耳熟能詳?shù)脑t頭繩,我都彈過??催^了歌劇,感悟一定不只是以前的那些了。最近我再彈北風(fēng)吹時,總會想到喜兒和楊白勞在北風(fēng)呼嘯的大年三十之夜的情景, 音樂中, 下意識的就會融入自己的感情 ?為大眾心中熟知的經(jīng)典形象。國家大劇院頂尖的音響技術(shù)加上歌、舞集
15、結(jié)于一體的表演,造就了白毛女這部經(jīng)典作品。北京之旅不知不覺中,五天在手中悄悄的溜走了。回顧一下,我們這幾天去了北大、 松堂齋博物館、 雍和宮、 孔廟、 國子監(jiān)、 中國國家博物館、國家大劇院、南銅鑼巷等景點。這些景點有些可能并不太著名,但它們卻比故宮、 長城更能讓人體會到老北京和中華大地五千年的璀璨文明!我愛你北京! 我愛北京,是因為它的繁華;我愛北京,是因為它的古樸;我愛北京,是因為它的熱情;我愛北京,是因為它的文化;我愛北京,是因為它那海納百川的胸懷!話題 6:旅游關(guān)于旅游的常用詞 ( 組 ) :1. 到達(dá) arrive at/in 2. 乘飛機(jī)去北京旅行travel to Bei _gby
16、 plane 3. 飛去 fly to4.風(fēng)景名勝 places of interest 5.帶參觀 show around 6.比如 such as 7. 觀光 go sightseeing8. 照相 take photos 9. 購物 go shopping/ do someshopping 10. 買 _ _buy some postcards11. 過得很愉快have a good time/ enjoy oneself12. 最有趣的旅行之一 one of the most interesting trips13. 在第一天 on the first day14. 第二天 the n
17、ext day 15. 其 它天 the other days關(guān)于旅游的句型:1 .Last winter holiday, we went to Shanghai with parents by plane /train.is my2.I have been to many places in the past, but favorite.3. It took us about two hours to get there by plane.4. The sky is blue, the air is fresh and the people there are quite friendly
18、.5. It s neither too hot nor too cold all the year round, so it is called“Spring City ” .6. Bei _g lies in the north of China.7. Bei _g is famous for the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.8. Bei _g, the capital of China, is really an attractive city with a long history.9. The guid
19、e showed us around many places of interest and we took a lot of photos there.10. There are many places of interest, such as the SummerPalace, the Forbidden City and the Great Wall.11. We did some shopping and I bought some postcards for my friends.12. on the first day on the second day finally13. It
20、 s one of the most interestingtrips that I have everhad.14. It s such an exciting trip that I willnever forget it.作文題目:根據(jù)中英文提示,寫出意思連貫、符合邏輯、不少于60 詞的短文。(1) 北京是一個歷史悠久的城市; 2. 你在寒假參觀了北京的許多名勝古跡 : 紫禁城 , 長城; 3. 你希望暑假能帶朋友逛北京。Bei _g, the capital of China, is really an attractive oldcity which has lots of plac
21、es of interest, such as ForbiddenCity, the SummerPalace and so on. Last winter vacation, I went sightseeing with mybest friends and had a good time those days. On the first day, we took the bus to the Summer Palace and enjoyed the views there. The next day, wewent to climb the Great Wall and we reac
22、hed the top of it. For the summer vacation, my friends will e to visit Bei _g. I will show them around the city and I am sure they will like Bei _g.(2)I had a great trip last winter vacation, it was the best trip I ve ever had. I went to Harbin with my parents. We went to an ice park on the first ni
23、ght. It was so beautiful and it looked like a castle. There was just so much to see and do there. The most unforgettable one was the ice climbing. I remembered that I fell off a few times and finally got to the top, it was really interesting! There were also manygreat ice sculptures standing in the
24、street, they were made into the shape of flowers and animals, they all looked so real. The next day, we went to the Sophia Church. There were many pictures and things that were used in the past which showedthe history of Harbin. It was just like a museum. Not only did I spend many happy hours lookin
25、g around the beautiful church, but I also learned a lot about the fascinating history. By the time we left Harbin, we had bought many souvenirs.In short, the trip was both fun and educational, I enjoyed it a lot.(3)Last summervacation I went to Hainan with my parents. When I got there, I was pletely
26、 attracted by thescenery. The blue sky, cool wind and fresh air are definitely different from that of Bei _g, where I had lived for more than 10 years. On the first day I arrived in Hainan, I went to thebeach happily. Although the weather was really hot, I did have a good time swimming in the sea. I
27、 think I was too exhausted, so I needed to relax.Lying on the sandy beach and enjoying the lovely sunshine,both my body and my mind were relaxed. Later in the evening,I went backto the hotel full of happiness and relaxation. I had a delicious meal then. Sitting at the table with wonderful seafood, t
28、asting the soul of the sea and enjoying the fresh air, I finally knew howimportant relaxation was. This vacation was really exciting.(4)I had a wonderful trip last summervacation. I went to Paris, the capital of France, to relax myself! I was pletely attracted by the scenery. There were all kinds of
29、 flowers and trees here and there. The air was also very clear. Walking through the city made me fortable. The people there were also very kind and helpful, and I madefriends with a little French girl. The most wonderful thing in France, however, was the wine. You can drink tasty wine at a very low
30、price. And you will soon fall in love with it. The feeling is so great!All in all, Paris is a quite fabulous city and the memory of this trip will keep in my mind forever.(5)After having a busy time studying, travelling somewhere interesting is always a good way to relax myself. Last vacation, I had
31、 a great time in Hainan.Hainan is a warmplace in Southern China. So whenit is really cold in Bei _g, the weather there can be pleasant. Because of this, I swam and even ate ice cream there. Swimming in the sea with beautiful sunshine was such a relaxing thing that I forgot all my problems. The fruit
32、s there tasted delicious! I especially liked the mango, for the simple reason that it was really tasty.In general, Hainan is really a wonderful place, I think it might be the most relaxing place that I have ever been to!(6) 旅游建議:The Travel Spotlight Bei _gAre you considering visiting somewhereon vac
33、ation? I advise you to e to Bei _g where every year thousands of people pay a visit. It really has something worth visiting.First, there are many famous sights in Bei _g. One of them is the Great Wall where you must have heard of. If you visit such a place, not only will you be attracted by the scen
34、ery, but you will see the whole Chinese history. And these places are always highly praised by the visitors.Then, Bei _g snacks are also plentiful. They will meet the needs of nearly all the visitors requirement. You must have never tasted such delicious and special snacks that you maycan t help eat
35、ing much.Moreover, I want to tell you that the traffic in Bei _g is not easy for a visitor to understand. But you can turn to the people for help, they are patient and friendly. Or you can have a map with you in case of losing your way.In conclusion, it s a pity if you don t e here. I mlooking forwa
36、rd to your arriving!xx 年 第一節(jié) 情景作文 (20 分 )假設(shè)你是李華,要給英國筆友Harry 寫封信,介紹你班兩位同學(xué)競選班長的過程。請按下圖順序描述。提示詞:競選班長monitorelection 注意: 1.信的開頭已為你寫好。 2.詞數(shù)不少于 60。Dear Harry,How are things going?Last Mondayour class held a monitor election. This was our first election, so everyone was excited.Two of my classmates took pa
37、rt in the race: Liu Dongand Wang Hong. They each gave a speech telling us what they would do when they were elected.Then we voted for the monitor. The result was 28 to 15in Wang Hong s favor. Wang Hong became our new monitor.The whole class cheered for her, and she promised to do the best she could
38、for us all.1 / 6xx 年第一節(jié) 情景作文( 20 分)假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高三一班的學(xué)生李華,為??⒄Z園地寫一篇題為“ Our Spring Outing ” 的英文稿件。 請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序,敘述上周你們班從準(zhǔn)備春游到春游結(jié)束的完整過程。注意:詞數(shù)不少于 60.提示詞: 游樂園 amusement park 垃圾箱 binLast Thursday, we to discuss where to go for our spring outing. We such as going boating,The next day, we the warm sunshine an
39、d a beautiful view.However,bottles and banana peels. Then we started to pick up thelitter. Afterwards, weput the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and non-recycling bin We were tired but happy.xx 年第一節(jié) 情景作文( 20 分)假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高三一班的學(xué)生李華, 為響應(yīng)綠化祖國的號召,你班四月十二日去郊區(qū)植樹, 請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序, 介紹植樹活動的全過程, 給某英文雜志的 “綠色行動
40、” 專欄寫一篇以 “ GreenAction in Our Class ”為題的英文稿件。注意:詞數(shù)不少于 60 提示詞:郊區(qū)suburbsGreen Action in Our ClassIn the morning, we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees, talking and digging holes. Some were carrying and planting young trees. Others were watering them. up a board remindingprotect and beautify our en
41、vironment.2 / 6xx 年第一節(jié)情景作文(20 分 )假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高二(1) 班的學(xué)生李華, 利用上周末的時間幫助祖父母安排了去北戴河的旅行。 請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序, 寫一 篇英文周記,敘述你從準(zhǔn)備到送行的全過程。注意: 1 周記的開頭已為你寫好。 2 詞數(shù)不少于60。Last weekend, I helped my grandparents prepare their trip to Beidaihe.clothes, glasses, an umbrella, and a map.xx 年第一節(jié) 情景作文( 20 分)假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高二( 1)班的學(xué)生李華。下面四
42、幅圖表述了近期發(fā)生在你們班的一個真實故事, 請根據(jù)圖片的先后順序, 為???“英語園地”寫一篇短文,詞數(shù)不少于60。xx 年第一節(jié) 情景作文( 20 分)假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高三( 1)班的學(xué)生李華,校報英文版正在開展“續(xù)寫雷鋒日記”活動。請根據(jù)以下四幅圖的先后順序,將你所做的一件好事以日記形式記述下來,向校報Last Monday, we our Chinese teacher suddenly slipped and fell.soon.This Thursday, she returned to the class on a wheelchair to give us lessons .We
43、 and proud of having3 / 6投稿。Saturday, June 2 Fine【】Saturday, June 2 FineThis morning, when I was walking on the street, I saw that two travelers them and asked how I could help. They told methey were looking for thexx 年第一節(jié) 情景作文( 20 分)假設(shè)你是紅星中學(xué)高三( 1)班的學(xué)生李華,請按照以下四幅圖的 先后順序,用英文寫一篇周記。記述爸爸出 差期間,媽媽生病,你照顧她的過
44、程。 注意: 1. 周記的開頭已經(jīng)為你寫好。【】 1a business trip. He would be away for three days.Just the next morning I found mymother wasn t feeling well. She had a cold. I immediately went to get her somemedicine and then prepared somenoodles for her. mymother recovered quickly.When my father came back home, my mother
45、 told him what had happened. He I feel very happy that I have done something for my mother.4 / 6【】 2Last Monday, my father would my promise of being great at home and taking care of my mother, he rest assured and put his luggage into the trunk of his car. Seeing my father s drivingaway, my mother an
46、d I waved our hands and said goodbye to him. For a moment, I began to miss my father, wishing that he would be safe and well the next days.anxiety. However, I told myself that I had to calm down and look after my mum, as I promised to my dad. The moment I got my mum to sleep, I put cold towel on her forehead, found pills in the medicine box, and made some noodles for she woke up and felt better, after taking the pills and the no
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