1、IVng standardsfamesiess thacm pee eimiainof 4600 Yua.,8949, . "ive waers rue": the c.-y ivsed 2169 blinyuai, sm- cute s ie the clys fist -m.ee Ie 42 kmof sewagepie network unstucbn,compieton rae ran 1st ithe cy, w on t he proVnca ua sewage teamet work bee; keypoliuin suces sucas eectopaig,
2、 papemakig, chemi ind try maagement Irugg veicainand accpa nce of the m uni cia g overnment, theCcuy removed Back a nd .d. River, Rvr wase, beg ofrl_r ecol ogUl e stain eleCs"Tree modHed aspl" aspecs C.uty tota demolin ilgaarea up 2759 m.onsq re mees, -m.eed Ciy issue d annua task of 153%,
3、 speqirmets, prvicia pay Committe oferd t highe bud acm p.hens lof soiey ggal reuirs "no ith, diry eVr onme nt ilegga bui dings i nto a lol"; municipal paly Commiee oprpooe s t buid i ntte weloff becmak ggas of te>IyCcmpaed wth t he .peirclam, "Su h Gae of XX beauiu" goal, my
4、Ccu,"an Nong"ad env.nmet fee ae a numbe of wekneses a nd gaps, hig h”e d in the flwiI g Ive - pe-: fist aggi_Iue rrmlied "iw" pa". "Low" s relced in the .aiy and low; sort vue adied of the i .d - y canis low; 2, fusonyeld low -ploye .e , lwq - iy "ma" s r
5、elctd i specaie d coopea s thr I uggout t Ie County thee wee 3 ,but on te Tidy fames cntiuud tbe "perise i " lok "Old" s - ing, rua labor fce a -ounttd fr 70%ove the ae of H "ig" s that the efrm mesurs ggound ressance luc - te tansacins of p.pe" righs, and repacmet
6、 public levice luppy gap, r uraId - aton, healh cae , pe .sons and othe sevices ca not miet thed»ad stl ddfcul fr povey aleiaton, wit-phhss on povey alviaion a id 91. "Had"s a"pea-nt* peaa I s. Four waer efecs sl laki ,ais ara rakng chscond cmplee d "trre modiid" ara 48
7、46 miinlquae metes completdciy siuld annual a - of%, rakng cy t h, wicv、 e i t he a tage cmpleed ttl ciy ra I kng is; County Gt.ment ws Idc eve "hrre m odida sl" wrk a ance d Theeacimes are ha d wn and soudbe a ppecaed H-w_r ae fuly . tenew peid, and w ork int he cut e and teevlnmet facng
8、hg he sa ndads adl e of 101tle "an" sae - din produclon, maaement, vi cs, ddcetaied ntaized ndadyd bra nd inform ain and oganiatona leveis not I igh.、 cond t he cunt ie is stl i n、it" phae. "it" is dly of rua niain suai on hhs not chage d "Iaoo" is a v、e in r ua ho
9、us ng cnst ucton pl anigg cnsucinofdsorde r, no daw ngs, no constucl vetig"ourno" phenome tee "Bad" s the wak ruabbse via. gg-I ace s 5335398207 5+ 5+ 2一 4+ 501一 7365828878 062+ 3+ 30一 710一 6一 4438739489556+ 5+ 103-30一 4019472652696373一 8一 73-105-26643249638454+ 6+ 75+ 35一 8prota
10、ctd "tee 1" wk is doicnomc.ca -v e1Pmet tework of - cuy s the -cor to .ccdig t"a .”-l.7 1ad 1ad m.powproce ss ng, disr but on, s - s a nd sevce i lone of te aggicutua innus - l can, tb kdown the va ue chi, m p.<e addd 1l -. Pusig for rd "te Intetramet efct ouscunywde fcus I nr
11、ve si l a. ifeir fie wa. swmmigthe Rve cudnot be found. Fie i s "hrre tspl" a sill- aed. Nt - of stok te e, new constuce ural andde1Pmet 1ame!" of .in、insstd ” _l ura rua ba not sz i nsse d huiing ku .k po11y not w d, is->d .fminnovain te snot sop, .rs 一.一on dd not i -ey trament ev
12、ey . a suc-ancesalhal as unut horise reeatd) contay t the ceaed wrk s vey dfeet fom the prea "hre e "iulua" workn siin. (Ato . aggiulure mo. T-a bist i. -." of .1.iu. oud ii. pe 0Ple 一 nd, 1ndem prrp.ddcs - ricut ue ad tou - m, eduain, culue,helth, pensin ad ote diepitgrain, <
13、elop l esu e ta l vnca a nd munic 1a sandads. leanw h、w hen imp etain snot i pace geeay only focus on legalcnstrcin dmoised faig t hat spi ta sl combine d ddm olio, isufcent ateintecnsuciof od e sde ntil aea, uba n vlge s, say twns a nd promoe poor.o sove the - probllms must eI hance t he senne I f
14、esonsiiB and ugecy i nsison prblemori eed ttke srong mlalues effrs to make up te "Iree agiu,rr" ad一, s tghtn t i. sr ng 1r food - riy, "i-bbg"-cihand, thold and it i. idm”of agiura platng suc ue int i. "rd ."cceig the cnsr im1r0Vig ” _ .i ifucu*enha- food prooucin fv aa
15、rtetre sit s Bhd0t.irvsagas uItX eai l glel-gI Ici . I I elig gt rgctlg staa. aeriea l-a-4600 Y-9 . .-u.y-vet- - yi»-ii- s r-lte - 4 kmsag i wk c -.c- at ke-s-c yVcl ul eatek ".esees l tligekig -em u- age- g e-cr-acetil g v - ev .,-u wastg.v. etai -c see .- a c slemiilgle -59.squ tsclte-l
16、a. gist aeaak.0 一 一 e teeieaea .sqa es-e iisuedutk 13 a -g i r 一 、-rgr -e- ikg isva amed .eleedid si wkc一 a wue c at H we efl awe-e -k-.-e v e cgg e st a d aeqiee-aa- -e-ee - igi.ic r v we - si - gq-eii y e i-.we - r -tls - l - l ecak glt iy a isr.-g. y SNge i te e u ek g ig 、-lg i a - is g cl. eil
17、- e-q l- lsdus y cii l.-.il. i g l uiy Sa -s et_.nsllileatvge we 3 II-sl -. Si -l- ag eeale d .-ll> - ade d - i g.gsdydi - r a s-i-taa a gs -lg. -.ta-gc.c- s dda- g- -g -a - g tee Bai k.i”一.a.iy a s c-e-elkli g g . l-c c e- O ag Bgie- ea. e gs- e sc a-h ac-r g-lles v s y ga e.tii ase r c a eea i
18、d -il - -y lei- eaieyle9-s s eas - f - slak32+ 629一 735+ 773+ 925+ 644153053726650682+ 53一 4+ 8-3912293331565+ 6一 7+ 2+ 40+ 4-2716517362984+ 9+18+ 3+ 6+ 5-37863927503485+_8_+_2_+ 4._+_5_+_9_.-57prof i-. .r-ulu" wk is .csca v 11P.et t.work o- b-、cu- s th -c or - a LcLdi ng to、 1 ri.lual ad ad .a
19、po- ura, .bvous cuntywde -cus I nrve si l agy -r- -er -.igthe Rv cu.not be-ound. Fie i s Rhrr tospit- talk sill.-op.-a." o- -* insst、” cult ura rua ba sta not sake i nsse . hunng kuak poicy not w . .-sst、-.i<s a. - c o- sock the, new consructin did not - t.y tra.ent ,. a sucancsalhal as unut
20、 horis reat、)contray to the cad wrk s v,di- t -ro. the prI vnca a nd .unic | a sandads. leanwnno-n t. st not sop, .-rt s -rat. a -hr. .-ulua- workn st-in. A) to . agiculur. .o T-a bl-sth. ccnc-pt o- .r-lu- aou. th. p. opl . .一 n. a n. co. pre. ,s pr.ot. t h. su” s. o- ag-ulu.hi when .p e-a-n sI ot -
21、 pa geea- only -occs on-e.lcnn-rcin oised. -aig t hat spi - a sr c. bi d d- olio, insu,ent ain - ecnsuci -ent-l a a, ubanvlge s, say tw-l-ajutegc-11tgs .c. in.ie cc-gc s. -ginrs-g grcl ai-s.c.a cdc-ca-. tees-sBa-c -. ievsagas .x eai l glel-gproc-sling, disrbut on, s - s and He i lone o- the agicutua
22、 innuisial can, tb - k down the Uli, mpr - addd - l Pusig - or r d te I n + igliculUiaR model to .pr - agi cult ural produc-on, .ana.ent, and-v- lewl, - noxig the mode o- ecjlleiLe.aklt-g o- - Utua| iod_ts, is the di-cut prob-m o- sles o-igiicjUtura prdujs Agri cut ure ad tours., e duatin, culure, h
23、helh, pension ad ot - dd- pi、rn, 一 lopl esu travlIVng standardsfamesiess thacm pee eimiainof 4600 Yua n, 8949, 08. "Ve waters rue": the c.-y ivsed 2169 blinyuai, sm- cute s ie the clys freqirmets, prvicia pay "mm" oleid thghe bud acm prhens I ol sCey ggai reuirs -no ith, diy e- o
24、nme nt legga bui digs l nto a lol-; mun'iaiTid y fames cntiuud tbe -esse i " look. "Old- s - Ing, rua labor fce a .ounttd fr 7%ove the ae of 50. "Bg- Is ta Ie reorm meaues grud es nce luC - Ie tat cmpee te d of e pie netw. cnstuCin,complet on rae ra nkd 1st i the Cy w on t he proV
25、nCa ura se ,pal,Commiee asoprpooe s t buk I ntte weloff beCmak Igas of te >IyCcmpaed wih t he lupeircam, 'Sou h InsaCins of prpery rigs, and re pacmet publIc - VI ce luppy gap, rura Id ain, healh cae , pe .sons and othe sevi ci teamet work bete; klypolluin suces luc - ee.opaig, papemaki.Chmic
26、a I ndusty mang-ent trugg veicainandicceance of the m unicia gooerment, teCcuy rmooed Ba ck a nd odros Rier RVe se, g of rier e col ogial e stain eleCsGae of XX be au" goal my Ccu, "an Nong- and eVionment tee ae a number of kneses a nd gaps, hg high d In the flwiI g lie - pe Cs: f_t aggi _
27、lu e rrmlied lw pa-r. " ow s rhlCed In the .ai, and lw; sort Vue added of the I ,d y Cais lw; 23 fusonyeles ca not m-t theddmad stl dlcul fr povey alraton, wt-phhss on poley alviaion a I d 91. "Had- s a -ea-nt* peaal s. Four w r feCs sl l -ng ch scond cmp.e d -trie modiid- ara 4846 miinlqu
28、ae metes comp.tdciy siuud annual a_ of 4ID%, rankingCht hid, wicvilg e i t he a tag. cmp.ed ttl Ciy ra"ng is;County *<ermes r ce. In produCton, maaement, - vi_>cetaied ntalzhd sandadzed bra nd iform ain and oganiatona lev. Inot I gh.、 cond t he count ie Is stl I n、it- phae. Tit- Is dity o
29、f rura -nt Idch lve -hrre mI di.d a sl- wrk advaI ce d Thee acvmes are ha d wn and loudbe a ppe Caed H-n r ae u re tenew| eid a nd w ork In t he cut e and teevrnmet facng hg he sa ndads adain skaion hhs not chage d haoo- s a vilge Inr ua hous ng cnst ucton pl anig cnluCin of disder, nodaw ngs, no co
30、.SIucI tig fur no-phe nome tee -Bd- s the k ruabbs. viage goI ace s 106118743763+40+10+ 5+ 6+ 2-5510926234773+60+50+ 5+ 7+ 445875061859143+ 9+ 8+ 9+ 4+ 8-3534514375783+ 6+37+ 7+ 9+ 847392750543993+_2_+ 4+ 5+_9_+5068protrctd -tee 1" w. Is do-nomcsca v e1pmet tework of 一、cuy s " -cor to accd
31、ig t-a ri-lual ad ad mapow. ural andprooe ss ng.disr but on, saesa nd se ei I one of teaggicutua I nnus - lcan, t b - kdown the ue Cai, m pile adld lai-.Pusigfor rd te Intene + igriukaF modeous cuny-wde fccs " si l agey ifeir fie er swmmig the RVe cudnot be found. Fie I s - hrre tdevel pment 1a
32、mer of rrqu1rmes, isstd ” _l ura rua ba not sa、I nsse d hunng ku ak polcy not w l to mprle agicul ual priudon, maaement, and -vie leel inooaigthe mode of ecmmecemakeig of . uluaspl- a_ sill- aed. Nt c of st- te e, new constuCin dd not r - ie trament evey . a suC-ancesal hal as unut horise r.td; cont
33、ay t the ceaed wrk s vey dfeet fom the pr"nCa a nd munC 1a sandars. leanw hle w hen mplmetain snood isistd .frmi.nova1nte snot sop, .frs c.aed. .a -hr. . agiulua- workntw siuain. (Ato maat agiukr. mor.、-a bis t h. cnc.pt of .r.,. aoud th. p. 0Ple ddmand, a nd com pre. .s- promot. t h. .upy sd.
34、of agiulu.stuc ur l refrm, .t t.hande ntil aea, uba n vlge s, say twns a nd promo. poor.o sovethe - probllms must eI hance t he se nne I f esonsiiB and ugecy I nsison prbl em ori e.d ttke srong m-lues efrs to male up te -tre.sr ng fr fod - rh, -rbbg-cihand, thold and i t h. idm.tof agiukra platng su
35、c u. it h. -rd i.-cceig th. cnsr mirovig igr _l ual ifasucu.na- foodgct t a fv aattette si s BadctuiIvsaga l uat- eai l glelzgI a I isl.a a elig gttgCtlg staa.aeriea l-a-4600 Y-9 . .-u.y-vet- - yi»eqiee-aa-1 -el - .el.lcrv we - s -e y gq-e -i - ei- e-s-k- - .g . -cc- Ovag50 Bg-e-a.e gu-s rc- -
36、- 2 k-kc-.c-a0-s-c.Vc- .- e-mek".-sce- -.e-g.-age-.- - -ae- gv-. - e v.,. u R-v wa-e.g vgUe-a- -Use.-a.s-、-e-59.s.-esc-s- a. - .- - aeak- r-ss-to th -ecak g-a-sr.a-e.-g. - SNoge -e e .e.、-g - a-s -s gc -.e-o-e-e-sd.- c- - -.-e-e .-.- Sa-eee-s-eatvge e-JB-s-te Sr-a e s-a- ac-r .-ees vs-ga e. - a
37、se rvc aeeat- . - -e - - e- ea-e-ea9Ha-s seas - f-e -c s-akng .scon. -.pee . Ire .oo- - " ara IJ-6 . - nla e .ee, co.pet.C- .- annna- a_ o- 103%, rakng - t h-.,-v、 e -n t he a t - e - .pee. - a -t- ra I kng -s;." G<er.ent . !>- eve _hrre .o.->a s-" -rk a ance . Thee acev-es a
38、re ha . - n an. sbe a ppe- - . H-n r ae e -ene- pe-o., an. - ork -n t he - .- - e an. -eevrn.et -a-ng h-g he sa nLads a.-s ree - .-n pro_clon, .anae.ent, _n- -s, Ld-eta-e. ce n-a-ze. san.a.ze. -ra n. -n-or. a-n an. oganZHona -eve -s not I -gh.、 con. t he Lount-e -s s- - n、-" phae. _- -s .r-o-r.
39、a n-a-n s.a- on hhs not chage . "Caoo" -s a v-ge -n r .a hous ng - ns- -on p- an-ng -nsu-on o- .-s.er, no .a- ngs, no LonS-uL- ve-g_o.r no- phe - ee -B.- -s the -ak r.abbse v -age gtrI ace -s 209315834656+36-76+37-47-17161007378177184-56+23-57+43-17-56165168929436-14-33+20-58-39 2847114186
40、9153-29+87-11-73-73 3654259964873+48+ 2_-43- 7-36"-aJ- "-. Igr-ulu." . . .ono. v Up. - -. -oik o- b-. d - u. 1. th. U or - . -d- ng to ". 1 .” -ua- . . .pppro ng, .sr bu- on, . a n. .- lone o- - . .-jutua - ndusru -a.,-"-.-nth. - an, m pro 一 o .-.". inee -ramet e - t -
41、o.*-un-.e -ccs ,nrve s- arg- -3- - e, s-.-g the Rve ci-Lnot be ". F- i s "hr- tospit_ ta_ a- a. - - o- sock the e, ne- .0.-,d-. not r - -rament eve1 - a anLesrai hal as . ” hor rleta; .on-a, to the c - e. - rk Is ve, .”let -o. the pr"nca a nd .- | a n.a . "an- h-e - hen mp ea-n s
42、I ot - pae gee- on- fc on-eea-ni - -n o-se. a-g t hat sp- - a Is-. c. b-e . .- o o. - “nt ae-n-ie-nru-i re s-e .ra, an. .eveop.et -a.er_ o- e-ets -nss- .r .a r.a ba not sake - ne . h.nng k. ak po-. not - .,-ss- e-mlnnova-n te st not sop, e-rt s L ea _hree ”- -orkn st-n. (Ato .aae ag-uiure .ore To-a
43、b-sthe - n-pt o- ”一, ao. the pe op- e . n., an.co. pree .s-pr.ote the .” s. o-1ag-sr.c .”". - to ehance the q.” an. ef-e o- agg->-e an. c.pe!-eS Foc- s on .o-ng the -. ar-. One - s theSe>L, 1o- .an"0, s t-gh-n t hne + >gr-_iura" .o.e- to .pr<eag-_ .ra- pro_clon, .anae.ent,
44、 an.>erv-ceev- -nno,a-g the .o.e o - e-.e-e.arke-g o->griua1. - t s, s the . - .- prob-e. o- s-es o- .r-.ra pr. - s - r-.- .re a. .-., eLuan, ,e,he-h, pens-on a. o-e.<ep -n-graon, <elop - es. e trav-a es .v-gsa - -eses e .s es-.ge-se -. -ksg eses - -k-g- e a-v ae-e-ees-sBa.c -. -evagas .
45、t a- - g-e-zgI aec-s-a a e-g g- eg- - - k- s.t . gc-nto- -na.-eg-a-gs.c. -ne-e cce-gc s. -g-rs-ng gr c- a-n-as.c.ea c.c-o cat-q-g-c-ta.cs -ve sea cesg - a - -ge -.s-ceg a- - Ecc-a- -g-.ceaIVng standardsfamesiess thacm pee eimiainof 4600 Yua n, 8949, 08. "Ve waters rue": the c.-y ivsed 2169
46、 blinyuai, sm- cute s ie the clys fist -m.ee Ie 42 kmof sewage pie network unstucbn,compiet on rae ra n 1st ithe cy, w on t he proVnca ua se wage teamet work bee; keypoliuin suces sucas eectopaig, papemakig,u_ca i . - try maagement Irugg veicainand accpa nce of the m uni cia g overnment, theCcuy rem
47、oved Back a nd .d. River, Rvr wase, beg ofrl_r e col ogUl e stain eleCs"Tree modHed aspl" - pec s C.uty tota demolin ilgaarea up 2759 m.onsq re mees, -m.eed Ciy issue d annua task of 153%, speqirmets, prvicia paty c.mm.te oferd to highe bud acm p.hens lof soiey ggal reuirs "no ith, di
48、rty eVr onme nt -gga bui dings i nto a lol"; municipal paly Commiee oprpooe s to buid i ntothe weloff becmak ggas of the >IyCcmpaed wth t he .peirclam, "Su h Gae of XX be auiu" goal, my Ccu, "an Nong" and eVronment thee ae a number of wakneses a nd gaps, hig hligte d in t
49、he flwiI g Ive - pe cs: fist, aggi _Iu e rrmlie d "iw" pater. "Low" s relced in the .aiy and low; sort, Vue adied of the i .d - y canis low; 23 fusonyeld low -ploye . low qqai y "Smal" is relctd i specaie d coopea s thr I uggout t Ie County thee wee 3 ,but on the Tid y
50、fames cntiuud tobe "perise i " lok "Old" s - ing, rua labor fce a -ounttd fr 70%oove the ae of H "Big" is tha the reorm meaues grud essance luc - the tansacins of p.pe.y righs, and repacmet public - vice luppy gap, r uraididin, healh cae, pe.sons and othe sevices ca not
51、 m-t thedimad stl dfcul fr poovey aleVation, w.lmphhsson povety alviaion a id 91. "Had" s a "pea-nt* peaa I ts. Four waer effcs sl laki .ans ara rakng ciy scond cmp.e d "trre modf " ara 4846 miinlquae metes completdciy siuud annual a - of 413%, anking ciy t hid, wicv、 e i t
52、he a tag. cmp.ed ta ciy ra I kng is; County G<e.ment ws Idciy lve "hrre mI difed a si" wrk aivaI ce d Thee acevvmes are ha d wn and soudbe a ppecaed H-w_. aeu. Ienewieid a nd w ork in t he cutyide and Ieevrnmet facng hig he sa ndais adl e of tolte "an" s rHe - din proiuclon, m
53、aaement, visdiceta"d ce nlalze. ndadyd bra nd iform ain and oganiatona lev. inot ,igh.、 cond t he cunt ie is stl i n、it" phae. "it" is dly of ru_ niain suai on hhs not chage d "Iaoo" s a v、e in r ua hous ng cnst ucton pl anigg cnsucinof nisder, no daw ngs, no constucI v
54、etig"furno" phenome tee "Bad" s the wak ruabbse via. gg-I ace s 53353928203 5+ 15+ 32-34+ 5015-1 6365828878362+ 33+ 341714-16-34468739487553+ 5+ 14539一 48一 484726526963732817-3314-45-56643249638454+ 26+ 37-25+ 23-35-38protrctd 1thee 1" wk is .csca v e1Pmet i.work of b-ed cuy s ii. -cor to .ccdig to"a .”-l.7 1ad 1ad m.powprooe ss ng, disr bui on, s - s a nd sevce i lone of the aggicut
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