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1、2016年25 Bags of LoveLast year,I was assigned to work at an office near my mothers house,so I stayed with her for a monthDuring that time,I helped out with the housework and contributed to the groceriesAfter less than a week,I started noticing that the groceries were running out pretty quicklywe were

2、 always suddenly out of something(25)(wonder) how my mum could consume them so quickly,I began observing her daily routine for two weeksTo my surprise,I found that she would pack a paper bag full of canned goods and head out every morning at about nineEventually,I decided to follow her and (26) happ

3、ened truly amazed meShe was taking the food to the refugee camp,in (27) she distributed it to childrenI asked around and found out that my mum was very well known in the areaThe kids were very friendly with her and even looked up to her as if she were their own motherThen it hit meshy would she mot

4、want to tell me about what she (28)(do)Was she worried about how I would react or that I would stop (29)(buy) the groceries if I found out?When she got home,I told her about my discovery(30) she could react,I gave her a big hug and told her she didnt need to keep it a secret (31) meShe told me that

5、some of the children lived with an older lady in a shelter while others slept on the streetsFor years,my mum has been helping out by giving them whatever food she could spareI was so impressed by (32) selfless she was33(8分)(2016上海)Stress:Good or Bad?Stress used to be an almost unknown word,but now t

6、hat we are used to talking about it,I have found that people are beginning to get stressed about being stressedIn recent years,stress(33)(regard) as a cause of a whole range of medical problems,from high blood pressure to mental illnessBut like so many other things,it is only too much stress(34) doe

7、s you harmIt is time you considered that if there were no stress in your life,you would achieve a littleIf you are stuck at home with no stress,then your level of performance will be lowUp to a certain point,the more stress you are under,the (35)(good) your performance will beBeyond a certain point,

8、though,further stress will only lead to exhaustion,illness and finally a breakdownYou can tell when you are over the top and on the downward slope,by asking yourself (36) number of questionsDo you,for instance,feel that too much is being expected of (37),and yet find it impossible to say no?Do you f

9、ind yourself getting impatient of (38)(annoy) with people over unimportant thingsIf the answer to all those questions is yes,you had better(39)(control ) your stress,as you probably are under more stress than is good for youTo some extent you can control the amount of stress in your lifeDoctors have

10、 worked out a chart showing how much stress is involved in various eventsGetting married is 50,pregnancy 40,moving house 20,Christmas 12,etcIf the total stress in your life is over 150,you are twice as likely (40) (get)ill41Aaccount Badjustable Cappliances Dcapture Edecorations FdirectGexperiment Hi

11、ntended Ioperated Jsoulless KsqueezeGolden Rules of Good DesignWhat makes good design?Over the years,designers and artists have been trying to (41) the essentials of good designThey have found that some sayings can help people understand the ideas of good designThere are four as followsLess is moreT

12、his saying is associated with the Germanborn architect Mies van der RoheIn his Modernist view,beauty lies in simplicity and elegance,and the aim of the designer is to create solutions to problems through the most efficient meansDesign should avoid unnecessary (42)More is not a boreThe Americanborn a

13、rchitect Robert Venturi concluded that if simplicity is done badly,the result is (43)designPostModernist designers began to (44) with decoration and color againProduct design was heavily influenced by this view and can be seen in kitchen (45) such as ovens and kettlesFitness for purposeSuccessful pr

14、oduct design takes into consideration a products function,purpose,shape,form,color,and so onThe most important result for the user is that the product does what is (46)For example,think of a(n) (47) desk lampIt needs to be constructed from materials that will stand the heat of the lamp and regular a

15、djustments by the userIt also needs to be stableMost importantly,it needs to (48)light where it is neededFrom follows emotionThis phrase is associated with the German designer Hartmut EsslingerHe believes design must take into(49)the sensory side of our naturesight,smell,touch and tasteThese are as

16、important as rational(理性的) thinkingWhen choosing everyday products such as toothpaste,we appreciate a coollooking device that allows us to easily(50)the toothpaste onto our brush51 In the 1960s,Douglas McGregor,one of the key thinkers in the art of management,developed the mow famous Theory X and Th

17、eory YTheory X is the idea that people instinctively (51) work and will do anything to avoid itTheory Y is the view that everyone has the potential to find satisfaction in workIn any case,despite so much evidence to the (52),many managers still agree to Theory XThey believe,(53),that their employees

18、 need constant supervision if they are to work effectively,or that decisions must be imposed from (54) without consultationThis,of course,makes for authoritarian (專制的) managersDifferent cultures have different ways of (55) peopleUnlike authoritarian management,some cultures,particularly in Asia,are

19、well known for the consultative nature of decisionmakingall members of the department or work group are asked to (56) to this processThis is management by the collective opinionMany western companies have tried to imitate such Asian ways of doing things,which are based on general (57)Some experts sa

20、y that women will become more effective managers than men because they have the power to reach common goals in a way that traditional (58) managers cannotA recent trend has been to encourage employees to use their own initiative,to make decisions on their own without(59) managers firstThis empowerme

21、nt (授權(quán)) has been part of the trend towards downsizing:(60) the number of management layers in companiesAfter delayering in this way,a company may be (61) with just a top level of senior managers,frontline managers and employees with direct contact with the publicEmpowerment takes the idea of delegat

22、ion (委托) much further than has (62)been the caseEmpowerment and delegation mean new forms of management control to (63) that the overall business plan is being followed,and that operations become more profitable under the new organization,rather than lessAnother trend is offsite or (64) management,w

23、here teams of people linked by email and the Internet work on projects from their own housesProject managers evaluate the (65) of the team members in terms of what they produce for projects,rather than the amount of time they spend on them51Adesire Bseek Close Ddislike52Acontrary Bexpectation Cdegre

24、e Dextreme53Avice versa Bfor example Chowever Dotherwise54Aoutside Binside Cbelow Dabove55Areplacing Bassessing Cmanaging Dencouraging56Arefer Bcontribute Cobject Dapply57Aagreement Bpractice Celection Dimpression58Abossy Bexperienced Cwestern Dmale59Aasking Btraining Cwarning Dfiring60Adoubling Bma

25、intaining Creducing Destimating61Ahonoured Bleft Ccrowded Dcompared62Aeconomically Btraditionally Cinadequately Doccasionally63Adeny Badmit Cassume Densure64Avirtual Bineffective Cdaytoday Donthescene65Aopinion Brisk Cperformance Dattractiveness66One early morning,I went into the living room to find

26、 my mother reading a thick book called Best Loved Poems to Read Again and AgainMy interest was aroused only by the fact that the word“Poems”appeared in big,hot pink letters“Is it good”I asked her“Yeah,”she answered“Theres one I really like and youll like it,too”I leaned forward“Patty Poem,”she read

27、the titleWho is Patty?I wonderedThe poem began:She never puts her toys away,Just leaves them scatteredwhere they lay,散亂的The poem was just three short sectionsThe final one came quickly:When she grows and gathers poise,穩(wěn)重Ill miss her harumscarum noise,莽撞的And look in vain for scattered toys徒勞地And Ill

28、be sad A terrible sorrow washed over meWhoever Patty was,she was a mean girlThen,the shock “Its you,honey,”My mother said sadly To my mother,the poem revealed a parents affection when her child grows up and leavesTo me,the“she”in the poem was horrorIt was my mama who would be sadIt was so terrible I

29、 burst out crying “Whats wrong”my mother asked “Oh Mama,”I cried“I dont want to grow up ever!” She smiled“Honey,its okayYoure not growing up anytime soonAnd when you do,Ill still love you,okay” “Okay,”I was still weepingMy panic has goneBut I could not help thinking about that silly poemAfter what s

30、eemed like a safe amount of time,I read the poem again and was confusedIt all fit so well together,like a puzzleThe language was simple,so simple I could plainly understand its meaning,yet it was still beautifulI was now fascinated by the idea of poetry,words that had the power to make or break a pe

31、rsons world I have since fallen in love with other poems,but“Patty Poem”remains my poemAfter all,“Patty Poem”gave me my love for poetry not because it was the poem that lifted my spirits,but because it was the one that hurt me the most66Why was the writer attracted by the book Best Loved Poems to Re

32、ad Again and Again?AIt was a thick enough bookBSomething on its cover caught her eyeCHer mother was reading it with interestDIt has a meaningful title67After her mother read the poem to her,the writer felt at firstAsad Bexcited Chorrified Dconfused68The writers mother liked to read“Patty Poem”probab

33、ly becauseAit reflected her own childhoodBit was written in simple languageCit was composed by a famous poetDit gave her a hint of what would happen69It can be concluded from the passage that“Patty Poem”leads the writer toAdiscover the power of poetryBrecognize her love for puzzlesCfind her eagernes

34、s to grow upDexperience great homesickness70 Is there link between humans and climate change or not?This question was first studied in the early 1900sSince then,many scientists have thought that our actions do make a differenceIn 1997,the Kyoto Protocol explained our role in the Earths changing atmo

35、sphere and set international limits for gas emissions(排放) from 2008 to 2012Some countries have decided to continue these reductions until 2020More recently,the Paris Agreement,stuck by nearly 200 countries,also aims to limit global warmingBut just now how much warmer it will get depends on how deepl

36、y countries cut carbon emissions70It can be concluded from paragraph 1thatAthe problem of global warming will have been quite solved by 2020Bgas emissions have been effectively reduced in developed countriesCthe Paris Agreements is more influential than the Kyoto ProtocolDhumans have made continuous

37、 efforts to slow down global warming71If nations could only keep the initial promises of the Paris Agreement,what would happen by the year 2100?AThe human population would increase by one thirdBLittle over 50% of all species would still existCNations would not need to tighten their emissions targets

38、DThe Agreements minimum goal would not be reached72If those island nations not far above sea level are to survive,the maximum temperature rise,since the start of the industrial age,should beA.0.8 B.1.5 C.2 D.3.573 Enough“meaningless drivel”Thats the message from a group of members of the UK governme

39、nt who have been examining how social media firms like LinkedIn gather and use social media dataThe House of Commons Science and Technology Committees report,released last week,has blamed firms for making people sign up to long incomprehensible legal contracts and calls for an international standard

40、 or kitemark (認(rèn)證標(biāo)記) to identify sites that have clear terms and conditions“The term and conditions statement that we all carelessly agree to is meaningless drivel to anyone,”says Andrew Miller,the chair of the committeeInstead,he says,firms should provide a plainEnglish version of their termsThe sim

41、plified version would be checked by a third party and awarded a kitemark if it is an accurate reflection of the originalIt is not yet clear who would administer the scheme,but the UK government is looking at introducing it on a voluntary basis“we need to think through how we make that work in practi

42、ce,”says MillerWould we pay any more attention to a kitemark“I think if you went and did the survey,people would like to think they would,”says Nigel Shadbolt at the University of Southampton,UK,who studies open data“We do know people worry a lot about the inappropriate use of their information”But

43、what would happen in practice is another matter,he saysOther organisations such as banks ask customers to sign long contracts they may not read or understand,but Miller believes social media requires special attention because it is so new“We still dont know how significant the longterm impact is goi

44、ng to be of unwise things that kids put on social media that come back and bite them in 20yearstime,”he saysShadbolt,who gave evidence to the committee,says the problem is that we dont know how companies will use our data because their business models and uses of data are still evolvingLarge collect

45、ions of personal information have become valuable only recently,he saysThe shock and anger when a social media firm does something with data that people dont expect,even if users have apparently permission,show that the current situation isnt workingIf properly administered,a kitemark on terms and c

46、onditions could help people know what exactly they are signing up toAlthough they would still have to actually read them73What does the phrase“meaningless drivel”in paragraphs 1and 3 refer to?ALegal contracts that social media firms make people sign up toBWarnings from the UK government against unsa

47、fe websitesCGuidelines on how to use social media websites properlyDInsignificant data collected by social media firms74It can be inferred from the passage that Nigel Shadbolt doubts whetherAsocial media firms would conduct a survey on the kitemark schemeBpeople would pay as much attention to a kite

48、mark as they thinkCa kitemark scheme would be workable on a nationwide scaleDthe kitemark would help companies develop their business models75Andrew Miller thinks social media needs more attention than banks mainly becauseAtheir users consist largely of kids under 20years oldBthe language in their c

49、ontracts is usually harder to understandCthe information they collected could become more valuable in futureDit remains unknown how users data will be taken advantage of76The writer advises users of social media toAthink carefully before posting anything onto such websitesBread the terms and conditi

50、ons even if there is a kitemarkCtake no further action if they can find a kitemarkDavoid providing too much personal information77Which of the following is the best title of the passage?ASay no to social media?BNew security rules in operation?CAccept without reading?DAdministration matters!Section C

51、 Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.78(8分)(2016上海)Walking will be banned on escalators as part of a trail designed to reduce congestion(擁堵) at some of the countrys busiest stations In the first move of its kind,al

52、l travelers will be forced to stand on both sides of escalators on the London Underground as part of a plan to increase capacity(容量) at the height of the rush hour A sixmonth trial will be introduced at Holborn station from midApril,eliminating the rule of standing on the right and walking on the le

53、ftThe move,imitating a similar structure in Far Eastern cities such as Hong Kong,is designed to increase the number of people using long escalators at the busiest timesit could be expanded across the Tube network in coming years According to London Underground,only 40percent of travelers walk the fu

54、ll length of long escalators,leaving the majority at the bottom as they wait to get on to the“standing“sideA threeweek trial at Holborn last year found that the number of people using escalators at any one time of could be raised by almost a thirdPeter McNaught,operations director at London Undergro

55、und,said:“It may not seem right that you can go quicker by standing still,but our experiments at Holborn have proved that it can be trueThis new sixmonth trial will help us find out if we can influence customers to stand on both sides in the long term” Holborn has one of the longest sets of escalators on the Underground network at 23.4highTube bosses claim that capacity was limited because so few people wanted to walk upmeaning only one side was used at all timesResearch ha


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