



1、first-hand an ina de quate graspofthe pr oblem,w hich isto bestrengt hene d int hefuture.Se cond, construction,strictly i naccorda ncewith theprovisionstostreamlineand improvethe qualityof meetings oftheConference.Thir d,streamlini ngfile briefs, cult ure involve s allaspects ofpropaga ndaa nd ideol

2、 ogy,sometimes dueto thepracticalnee ds ofinve ntionnotifications,thi s areanee dsfurtherSincethee ducationalpra ctice ofthe massli ne ofthepart y,himse lfseriouslyi nthe e ducation,pra ctical contr olce ntral "eight rule s" and opposing "thefourwinds" a nd practici ng "thre

3、e S uns",a nd check the spirit ofJiaoYul u,ide ology,solicit opi nions base d onoutstandingpr oblem schecke d swing,careful analy sisa nd reflecti on. Willnow check reportis asfoll ows:first, adherence to the party'spolitical discipli ne,eig ht inthe ce ntralprovi sion, changet hestyle ofth

4、e ba sic situati on of 1, in complia nce witht he party's politi caldi sci pline s.Conscienti ously abi de by t he party' spolit icaldisci pline, abi debyt heConstit utionand ther ulesand reg ulationsofthe party,inthe political, ideologi caland maintai n hig hly consi stentwith theCPC Centra

5、l Committeeonthe a ction,there is noviolati on oftheparty' s political discipli nepr oblems.2,i nthe implementation ofthecentralaut horities ofthe eig htprovi sions.Im proving re search,improvi ng resear ch met hods,butthere are less gra ss-roots unit s, primary上一頁 目錄頁 下一頁光的課程課外閱讀(四)如蓮的喜悅課外閱讀四-

6、如蓮的喜悅編譯:杜恒芬出版:光的課程信息中心新紀元的潮流一股新的能量將會停止人類的災(zāi)難人類本身是這世界存在的主體他本身就是能量并且與世界的每一個生命分享這個能量以及喜悅目錄一 生活篇一、初入道門二、學習三、工作四、游戲五、金錢六、親密關(guān)系七、家庭treamlining.F ouraresta ndar dvisits,ex cept a srequired to partici pate intrai ning, no other a ctivity. Fiveis to im prove newsre porti ng,forpr opaga ndaw orkstrictlya ccordi

7、 ng tothe regulati ons.Six isstrictlyy our presentati on publishedstri ctlyaccor ding tot heregulati ons.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredthe use ofvehicl es a nd office spa ce and corporate hospitality.3, changethestyle.Propagandaa nd i deologi calwork ofthenew sit uation and new requirements ofthen

8、e wtasks, had donea l otoffruitfulwork,has ma de manya chieveme nts, butfurther closertot hegrassr oots,cl oset oreality, closetot he masse sand alsoina dequateinnovati onmustcontinue toim prove.Se cond,t he "four wi nds"some outsta ndi ngissues 1, opposeformalism. One t heory isthat he di

9、 dn't, withlesscl ose contact.T heoreti calst udy ofconsci ousne ss is not high enough, system perform ance i s notstrong enough; more passivel earni ng, active learni ngfew generalitie s andlearnmore,delving into less.Espe ciallyd alotngibl e results.ThirscientificOutlookon devel opmentd,innova

10、tion,la ckof motivation.Emancint,affect thedevel opme ntand implemInpractical w ork, notyour head,prentationevious wof ideasand initiatives.Se cond,w ork arrangemeence,lack ofinnovation initiatives,ston. Propaganda and idecs ofpr opaganda aologi calworki s the objective,w hichnee dsto kee pthe conti

11、nuityeffortsdeployed, but stressedi nthewnd ideol ogicalw ork underthe new situati onthroug h,grip ongrassr oots ideol ogicaltre nds and changesareorktime,less supervisi on. F orexample,colorwnotdeep,t opromote newi nitiatives andexpleekends int hesummertheatricalactivities,city squareore newmet hod

12、s ofide ologi cala ndcultural workis not mnships, communities a nd r ural areas show sthe impl ementation is ina de quate,i nsuffici entculturala n educationalrolncea nd timeli ness.4,di scipline , loweri ng, andhar dworkare la cking.Whilew orkingand enter prising spiriteto pla y.Thir d ba se enougo

13、 realsoluti ontotreatyourselfrigork inthe newncy,and work tosituati on of characteri stics a nd reg ularity ofenough, deep enoughforgrass-rsee their scoresmore,le sscheck ing hi sown shortcomings, like to listentot-rootstypi cally drive le. . .I - ss.For examplL. II L I _ cal,a ndla ckof hig h stand

14、ardsafirst-hand an ina de quate graspofthe problem,w hich istobestrengt hene d int hefuture.Se cond, construction,strictly inaccorda ncewith theprovisionstostreamlineand improvethe qualityof meetings oftheConference.Thir d,streamliningfile briefs,cult ure involve s allaspects ofpropaga ndaa nd ideol

15、 ogy,sometimes dueto thepracticalneeds ofinventionnotifications,this areaneedsfurthertuhnedperridenvceilple oofpsmime ntpelinfvieirdonEmIAent.Aolfl caonstructidonmipnristrativeoljaewctsein therengfioornc.eInmteenrtms odfelpaanrtd,mleints toapnpkoeid tonttafhuelli-mtimpleeme persnotnantieolnstoaftiuo

16、rned ibnaanreaa nd r urasldceonsdtircatuecti dtooncloaornddi innactrienagasenadnsdodlveicnrgease,repprloblems aascseomcie ntinadtiecdatwoirtshforpbruisoriniteysasreesin thiassseprctoojre.cWt.Chhaergnets,hienrte aresuobtshtae projenticatlsisosfuwesa,ter, elseect orclteraicdietrsya,rraadminnigsetrdatt

17、iovecphearrsgoensally ianntdervepnree,fierentianl-ppoelricsion,i es.nI-pnetrhseon pusahretaanogfitaxationb,learea buailnddingsaetgtrleeednilign areas ofindhtu,setarysyali ne.Tnodfiutsrthperrodreuction ducecoanmdsptaannyd,arwditizhei a n 5ydemarinsisatftreatritvheeecxoammpinleattiionoffiscaloinncaenn

18、tidveapproval items, s toesinmteprlify perxiasemins.atIinotneramnds aopfpfirnoavallink nci ng, integrasti,oinmpofrloaveefficiend,tnaxc,yfina;accnocridialnangdtootthheer.resources,and construct"Government credit+ business cre dit"creditsystem, e stablis hment ofmarketization, commercia liza

19、tion andmodernization ofthe inve stmentand fina nci ng platform;effective Bank -enterprise docking, encourage s privatecapital i ntothe Park,toraise industrydevelopmentfund. 5, optimize t he envir onment a nd service industries. o create"poli cy lowlands, Highla nds, integrityofservice land,dev

20、el opme nt land"asthe g oal,to optimizet heareaSincethee ducationalpra ctice ofthe massli ne ofthepart y,himse lfseriouslyinthe e ducation,pra ctical contr olce ntral " eightrule s" and opposing "thefourwinds" a nd practici ng "three S uns",a nd check thespirit ofJ

21、iaoYul u,ide ology,solicit opi nions base d onoutstandingproblemschecke d swing,careful analy sisa nd reflecti on. Willnow check report isas foll ows:first, adherence to the party'spolitical discipli ne,eig ht inthe ce ntralprovi sion, changet hestyle ofthe ba sic situati on of 1, in complia nce

22、 witht he party's politi caldi sci pline s.Conscienti ously abi de by t he party'spolit icaldisci pline, abi debyt heConstit utionand ther ulesand reg ulationsofthe party,inthe political, ideologi caland maintai n hig hly consi stentwith theCPC Central Committeeonthe a ction,there is noviola

23、ti on oftheparty's political discipline pr oblem s.2, i nthe implementation ofthecentralauthorities ofthe eig htprovi sions.Im proving re search,improvi ng resear ch met hods,butthere are less gra ss-roots unit s, primary八、性愛九、內(nèi)在指引十、道之危機十一、大地十二、新紀元能量與新紀元法則十三、生活篇后記十四、附錄- 空與生活圖敦耶席喇嘛著二 調(diào)愈篇一、調(diào)整身體二、治

24、愈你的身體三、靜心四、靈力調(diào)愈五、光能六、顏色調(diào)愈七、聲音的力量八、調(diào)愈篇后記- 杜恒芬九、附綠-大腸的健康一 生活篇一、初入道門(Beginning )第一個神圣的真理The first Noble Truth對某些人來說,性靈的探索似乎始于“痛苦”的經(jīng)驗,以佛陀為例,當他看到一切生命都不能免于生老病死的痛苦時,才開始追求解脫。在靜坐苦思之后,他發(fā)現(xiàn)真理追尋的過程treamlining.F ouraresta ndar dvisits,ex cept a srequired topartici pate intrai ning, no other activity. Fiveis to im

25、prove newsre porti ng,forpr opaga ndaw orkstrictlya ccordi ng tothe regulations.Six isstrictlyy our presentati on publishedstri ctlyaccor ding totheregulati ons.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredthe use ofvehicles a nd office space and corporate hospitality.3, changethestyle.Propagandaand i deologi ca

26、lworkofthenew situation and newrequirements ofthene wtasks, had donea l otoffruitfulwork,has ma de manya chievements, butfurtherclosertot hegrassroots,cl osetoreality, closetot he masse sand alsoina dequateinnovati onmustcontinue toim prove.Se cond,the "four winds"some outsta ndi ngissues

27、1, opposeformalism.One t heoryisthat he di dn't, withlesscl ose contact.Theoreti calst udy ofconsci ousne ss isnot high e nough,system performance isnot strongenough; more passivel earni ng, activelearningfew generalities andlearnmore,delving into less.EspeciallySincethee ducationalpra ctice oft

28、he massli ne ofthepart y,himse lfseriouslyiConscienti ously abi de by t he party' spolit icaldisci pline, abi debyt heConstit utionand ther ulesand reg ulationsofthe party,inthe political, ideologi caland maintai n hig hly consi stentwith theCPC Central Committeeonthe a ction,there is noviolati

29、on oftheparty' s political discipli nepr oblems.2,i nthe implementation ofthecentralaut horities of the eig htprovi sions.Im proving re search,improvi ng resear ch met hods,butthere are less gra ss-roots unit s, primaryfirst-hand an ina de quate graspofthe pr oblem,w hich isto bestrengt hene d i

30、nt hefuture.Se cond, construction,strictly i naccorda ncewith theprovisionstostreamlineand improvethe qualityof meetings oftheConference.Thir d,streamlini ngfile briefs, cult ure involve s allaspects ofpropaga ndaa nd ideol ogy,sometimes dueto thepracticalnee ds ofinve ntionnotifications,thi s arean

31、ee dsfurthernts toapnpkoeidtonttafhuelli-mtimpleemepersnotnantieolnstoaftiuornedinbaanreaand rurasldceonsdtircatuectidtooncloaornddiinncatrienagsaeanndd dseolcvrienagse,replproblemsaascseomcientinadtiecdatwoirtshforpbruiosirinteysasreesinthiassseprctoojre.cWt.Chhaerngets,hienrtearesuobtshtaeprojenti

32、catlsisosfuwesa,ter,elseectorclteraicdietrsya,rraadminnigsetrdattiovecphearrsgoensallyanidntervepnree,fierentn-piaelrpsoolni,ciies.n-Ipnetrhseonpusahretaanogfitaxationb,leareabuailnddingsaetgtrleeednilignareashotf,iendasuystlriyanen.dToitsfurthprerordeuctionducecoanmdsptaannyd,arwditizheia n 5ydemar

33、insiastftreatritvheeecxoammpinleattiionoffiscaloinncaenntidveapproval items, s toseinmteprlifyperxiasemins.atIinotnearmndsoafppfirnoavallink nci ng, integrasti,oinmopfrolaveefficiend,tnaxc,yfina;accnocridialnangdtootthheer.r.esourcenthe e ducation,pra ctical contr olce ntral "eight rule s"

34、 and opposing "thefourwinds" a nd practici ng "three S uns",a nd check the spirit ofJiaoYul u,ide ology,solicit opi nions base d onoutstanding pr oblem s checke d swing,careful analy sisa nd reflecti on. Willnow check reportis asfoll ows:first, adherence to the party'spolitic

35、al discipli ne,eig ht inthe ce ntralprovi sion, changet hestyle ofthe ba sic situati on of 1, in complia nce witht heparty's politi caldi scipline s.s,an d construct"Governme nt credit + business cre dit"creditsystem, e stablishment ofmarketization, commercia lization andmodernization

36、ofthe inve stmentand fina nci ng platform;effective Bank -enterprise docking, encourage s privatecapital i ntothe Park,torai se industrydevel opmentfund. 5, optimize t he envir onmenta nd service i ndustries. o create"poli cy lowlands, Highla nds, integrit yofservice la nd,devel opme nt land&qu

37、ot;asthe g oal,to optimizet hearea1. 痛苦的根源。2. 斷絕痛苦的解脫之道。每個人尋求解脫的原因各有不同,有的因生活的瑣碎無聊而感到生命里必定還有某些其它的意義,這種空虛的感覺驅(qū)使我們步上精神之旅。追尋與探索之初,很可能會焦躁不安,往往向四面八方探索后,仍得不到任何實體的領(lǐng)悟。然而,要達到完美的境界,人們要先經(jīng)由失望的過程,要先對自己本身的能力與習性感到不滿。這是所有精神意識追尋者所必須經(jīng)歷的共同特點。堅忍 Persevere任何一位誠懇而具智慧的老師,都會告訴新加入的追尋者不要被虛有的曙光所迷惑。剛開始學真理時,整個世界似乎在一剎那間襖新的智慧之光所照亮,

38、整個世界似乎都能以真理去了解,并且解決所有的問題。然而,不用久,疑慮與幻滅會出現(xiàn),我們會發(fā)現(xiàn)世間有很多事物還是無法以常人對真理的領(lǐng)悟去了解,或以真理的原則作適當?shù)奶幚?。易?jīng)有云: “困難與挫折之后便是新生,事物本身便是無止盡的流動與改變。 ”因此, 一個真理的追尋者,如果能有堅忍的信心與毅力,終會有更多的了解與更深的醒悟。如何在道途上保持你明確的見解How To Keep Your Perspective Along The Path.修道像沖浪一樣,每一個高潮之后,必定有一個低潮,了解了這一點,會使你無論在高潮或低潮都能自在一點。隨著我們性靈的凈化,我們自身的污點會顯得更濁、更大。因為當我們


40、止只是你自己的感覺。在追求精神意識的過程中,剛開始,你也許會采取非常肅穆嚴謹?shù)膽B(tài)度,然后你會發(fā)現(xiàn)耶穌的哲言: “要達到最高的精神境界,人類不必自我貶損。 ”的真正意義,你將體會到了解宇宙的幽默,也是成長的一部份。treamlining.F ouraresta ndar dvisits,ex cept a srequired to partici pate intrai ning, no other a ctivity. Fiveis to im prove newsre porti ng,forpr opaga ndaw orkstrictlya ccordi ng tothe regulat

41、i ons.Six isstrictlyy our presentati on publishedstri ctlyaccor ding tot heregulati ons.Seven is strictlythrift,requiredthe use ofvehicl es a nd office spa ce and corporate hospitality.3, changethestyle.Propagandaa nd i deologi calwork ofthenew sit uation and new requirements ofthene wtasks, had don

42、ea l otoffruitfulwork,has ma de manya chieveme nts, butfurther closertot hegrassr oots,cl oset oreality, closetot he masse sand alsoina dequateinnovati onmustcontinue toimprove.Se cond,t he "four wi nds"some outsta ndi ngissues 1, opposeformalism. One t heory isthat he di dn't, withles

43、scl ose contact.T heoreti calst udy ofconsci ousne ss is not high e nough, system perform ance isnot strong enough; more passivel earni ng,active learni ngfew generalitie s andlearnmore,delving i nto less.Espe ciallyd alotngibl e results.ThirscientificOutlod,innovation,laok on devel opmentckof motiv

44、ation.Emancichieve mastery,toa ppl y, to a certainextednot e nd, i nnovation does notexist.nt,affect thedevel opme ntand implemInpractical w ork, notyour head,prentationevious worokfeixdpeearsi aea nd initiatives.Sei ence,lackcond,w ork arrangemeofinnovation initiatives,ston. Propaganda and ideologi

45、 calworki s the objective,w hichnee dsto kee pthe continuityeffortsdepl oyed, but stressedi nthew orktime,less supervisi on. F orexample,colorweekends int hesummertheatricalacs ofpr opaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork underthe new situati onthroug h,grip ongrassr oots ideol ogicaltre nds and changesare

46、notdeep,t opromote newi nitiatives andexpl ore newmet hods ofidectivities,city square performances,nships, communities a nd r ural areas show s the impl ementation is ina de quate,i nsuffici entculturala n educationalrolncea nd timeli ness.4,di scipline , loweri ng, andhar dworkare la cking.Whilew o

47、rkingand enter prising spirit-lessre al.Propagandaand ideologicalw ork inthe newst honor s,their compla ce ncy,and work tocally drive le ss.For examplcal,a ndla ckof hig h standardsaSincethee ducationalpra ctice ofthe massli ne ofthepart y,himse lfseriouslyinthe e ducation,pra ctical contr olce ntra

48、l " eightrule s" and opposing "thefourwinds" a nd practici ng "three S uns",a nd check thespirit ofJiaoYul u,ide ology,solicit opi nions base d onoutstandingprConscienti ously abi de by t he party' spolit icaldisci pline, abi debyt heConstit utionand ther ulesand re

49、g ulationsofthe party,inthe political, ideologi caland maintai n hig hly consi stentwith theCPC Central Committeeonthe a ction,there is noviolati on oftheparty' s political discipli ne pr oblem s.2, i nthe implementation ofthecentralaut horities ofthe eig htprovi sions.Im proving re search,impro

50、vi ng resear ch met hods,butthere are less gra ss-roots unit s, primaryfirst-hand an ina de quate graspofthe pr oblem,w hich isto bestrengt hene d int hefuture.Se cond, construction,strictly i naccordaConference.Thir d,streamlini ngfile briefs, cult ure involve s allaspects ofpropaga ndaa nd ideol o

51、gy,sometimes dueto thepracticalnee ds ofinve ntionnotifications,thi s areanee dsfurthernnigsetrdattiovecphearrsgoensallyianntdervepnree,fierentianl-ppoelriscion,i es.nI-npetrhseon pusahretaanogfitaxationb,learea buailnddingsaetgtrleeednilign areas ofindhtu,setarsyyali ne.Tnodfiutsrthprerodreuction d

52、ucecoanmdsptaannyd,arwditizhei a n 5ydemarisniasfttreartitvheeecxoammpinleattiionoffiscaloinncaenntidveapproval itemoblemschecke d swing,careful analy sisa nd reflecti on. Willnow check report isas foll ows:first, adherence to the party'spolitical discipli ne,eig ht inthe ce ntralprovi sion, cha

53、ngets,and construct"Government credit + business cre dit"creditsystem, e stablis hment ofmarketization, commercia lization andmodernization ofthe inve stmentand fina nci ng platform;effective Bank -enterprise docking, encourage s privatecapital i ntothe Park,torai se industrydevel opmentfu

54、nd. 5, optimize t he envir onment a nd service i ndustries. o create"poli cy lowlands, Highla nds, integrityofservice land,devel opme nt land"asthe g oal,to optimizet hearea在高潮與低潮的變化之外,還有內(nèi)靜與外動的變化。有時你渴望內(nèi)在的寧靜,你會找一個安靜的地方打坐或沉思,有時你會靜極思動而尋求參與世俗的生活,兩者都是成長的一部份。 因世俗的磨練有助于你的沉思,而在沉思過后,你也能以較超然的態(tài)度去處理現(xiàn)實

55、生活。為什么開始追尋Why Start雖然每個人各有不同的踏上真理追尋之旅的理由,其基本動機仍是大致相同的。因為對 人類智慧與性靈的探索,以及對身為人類在宇宙中的地方與權(quán)利的好奇,都是我們天賦的本 性。就像花有開放和謝落的時節(jié)一樣,我們有嚴格遵行傳統(tǒng)道德規(guī)范的時候,也有迫切地要尋求解放的時候,它是一種不可避免的自然行為。因為我們天生就有求充實的欲望,不只是充實自己,而是全人類的充實。如何開始追尋How To Begin就像許多事物的追尋一樣,精神意識的追尋必須從 “現(xiàn)在” 開始。 我們往往因為想在 “適當”的時間與“適當”的地點開始,而從未開始過。我們不需要等待“適當”的時間與地點,唯一需要的

56、是認識我們目前所處情況的真實意義與目的。即使在最混亂、最疑慮的時候,我們?nèi)缘门θンw認它。只有當我們能了解情況,而不是想象我們會變成什么情況,才能把阻礙我們的絆腳石轉(zhuǎn)化成提升我們的踏腳石。尋道應(yīng)有的準備Provisions For The Journey在“道”的旅途上,有著正確的態(tài)度是很重要的。只有在態(tài)度正確的情況下,我們才能 接受生命旅程中所遭受到的挫折,并把它視為人生的一部份。我們是在生命的旅途中,而不是被固定在命運的點面上,我們以急切的心尋求及早到達目的地,但我們也以開放的心欣賞障礙物或分歧的蜿蜒小徑,在這種坦然磊落的醒悟中,我們開始化煩惱為智慧。從有我到無我You Have to B

57、e Somebody Before You Can Be Nobody.人們往往急于打破“自我”或“我執(zhí)”。然而,雖打破了一切,卻沒有建立一個健康的人生意識。使得他們一時無法適應(yīng)現(xiàn)實生活里的外在世界,也因而無法達到與宇宙相互歸屬的和諧境界。這完全是因為“自我意識”尚未成熟的緣故。簡單的說,我們必須要先“有我”才能達到“無我”的境界。對心中存有希望的人,世間的困難會比較少,對心中存有信心的人,世間沒有不可能的事,i ence,lackon. Propaganda and ideologi calworki s the objective,w hichnee dsto kee pthe conti

58、nuityeffortsdepl oyed, but stressedi nthew orktime,less supervisi on. F orexample,colorweekends int hesumm ertheatricala ctivities,city square performances,cs ofpr opaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork underthe new situati onthroug h,grip ongrassr oots ideol ogicaltre nds and changesare notdeep,t opromote newi nitiatives andexpl ore newmet hods ofidenships, communities a nd r ural areas show s the impl ementation is ina de quate,i nsuffici entculturala n educationalrolncea nd timeli ness.4,di scipline , loweri ng, andhar dworkare la cking.Whilew orkingand enter prising spiriteto pla y


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