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1、Chinese Rendering of Chinese Rendering of English Adverbial ClausesEnglish Adverbial Clauses 英語狀語從句的漢譯英語狀語從句的漢譯Adverbial Clause of TimeAdverbial Clause of Time1.1 There are adverbial of time both in Chinese and 1.1 There are adverbial of time both in Chinese and English, sometimes, adverbial of time

2、 in English can be English, sometimes, adverbial of time in English can be rendered into Chinese onerendered into Chinese oneThe iron should be stricken The iron should be stricken while while it is hotit is hot趁趁熱打鐵熱打鐵I found him much older I found him much older when when we met each other for we

3、met each other for the secondthe second time time當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)诙我娒娴诙我娒鏁r時,我發(fā)現(xiàn)他老了很多。,我發(fā)現(xiàn)他老了很多。直到直到黃昏黃昏時時, 他的小孩他的小孩才才回家?;丶?。His child did not come back His child did not come back until until dusk set indusk set in when they approached trenton when they approached trenton, , lights were still burning lights were

4、 still burning in many of the houses and the Christmas parties were in many of the houses and the Christmas parties were going on.going on.當(dāng)他們逼近屈蘭敦時,當(dāng)他們逼近屈蘭敦時,房子里仍然燈火通明,圣誕晚房子里仍然燈火通明,圣誕晚會還沒有結(jié)束。會還沒有結(jié)束。We shall discuss the problem fullyWe shall discuss the problem fully before we make the before we mak

5、e the decision.decision.在我們做出決定之前,在我們做出決定之前,將討論這個問題。將討論這個問題。 When When they analyzed these rocksthey analyzed these rocks,they found “shocked” they found “shocked” quartz grainsquartz grainsslivers with a particular arrangement of slivers with a particular arrangement of micro cracks believed to rep

6、resent the relic left by an micro cracks believed to represent the relic left by an extraterrestrial impact.extraterrestrial impact. 在在分析這些巖芯分析這些巖芯時時,他們發(fā)現(xiàn),他們發(fā)現(xiàn)“沖擊沖擊”石英顆粒石英顆粒帶有特殊帶有特殊排列的微裂縫的薄片,科學(xué)家認(rèn)為他們是外層空間來的物體與排列的微裂縫的薄片,科學(xué)家認(rèn)為他們是外層空間來的物體與地球碰撞留下來的遺跡地球碰撞留下來的遺跡。 AsAs land developed land developed,rain wat

7、er and rivers rain water and rivers dissolved salts and other substances from rocks and dissolved salts and other substances from rocks and carried them to the oceanscarried them to the oceans,making the ocean salty.making the ocean salty. 在在陸地形成陸地形成時時,雨水和河水溶解了巖石中的鹽和其他物質(zhì),雨水和河水溶解了巖石中的鹽和其他物質(zhì)并把它們帶入海洋,使

8、海水變咸。并把它們帶入海洋,使海水變咸。 1.2 Adverbial should be translated according to context1.2 Adverbial should be translated according to context The story dated back to one night in MarchThe story dated back to one night in March,19931993 when when Mr. and Mrs. Shoemakers went to an observatory Mr. and Mrs. Shoe

9、makers went to an observatory near San Diegonear San Diego,California to observe heavenly bodies California to observe heavenly bodies till dawn.till dawn. 故事發(fā)生在故事發(fā)生在19931993年年3 3月的一個夜晚。蘇梅克夫婦到加利福尼月的一個夜晚。蘇梅克夫婦到加利福尼亞圣迭戈附近的一座天文臺去觀測天體,直到黎明亞圣迭戈附近的一座天文臺去觀測天體,直到黎明。 Something further must be done to the amp

10、lified signalsSomething further must be done to the amplified signals before before they can be sent to the transmitting antenna.they can be sent to the transmitting antenna. 對于放大了的信號,必須作進(jìn)一步的處理后,對于放大了的信號,必須作進(jìn)一步的處理后,才能才能把它們饋送到發(fā)射把它們饋送到發(fā)射天線上去。天線上去。1.3 English adverbial clause of time can be translated

11、into adv of 1.3 English adverbial clause of time can be translated into adv of condition in Chinesecondition in ChineseTurn off the switch Turn off the switch when when anything goes wrong with the anything goes wrong with the machine.machine.如果如果機(jī)器發(fā)生故障,就把電門關(guān)上。機(jī)器發(fā)生故障,就把電門關(guān)上。A body at rest will not m

12、ove A body at rest will not move till till a force is exerted on it.a force is exerted on it.若若無外力的作用,靜止的物體不會移動。無外力的作用,靜止的物體不會移動。 We cant start the job We cant start the job until until we have the approval from we have the approval from the authority concerned.the authority concerned.如果如果沒有有關(guān)當(dāng)局的批準(zhǔn),

13、我們不能開始這項工作。沒有有關(guān)當(dāng)局的批準(zhǔn),我們不能開始這項工作。1.4 Some adverbial clauses of time in English can be 1.4 Some adverbial clauses of time in English can be translated into coordinate sentence in Chinese.translated into coordinate sentence in Chinese.He came here in 1985, He came here in 1985, when when he was only a

14、little boy.he was only a little boy.他于他于1985 1985 年來到這里,年來到這里,那時那時, , 他還只是一個小男孩。(并列句)他還只是一個小男孩。(并列句)The earth turns around its axisThe earth turns around its axis as itas it travel about the suntravel about the sun 地球地球一面一面圍繞太陽旋轉(zhuǎn),圍繞太陽旋轉(zhuǎn),一面一面圍繞地軸旋轉(zhuǎn)。圍繞地軸旋轉(zhuǎn)。I was going home I was going home when when I

15、 met Mary.I met Mary.我正要回家我正要回家,在這個時候,在這個時候,遇到了瑪麗。遇到了瑪麗。1.4 1.4 Some adverbial clauses of time in English can be translated Some adverbial clauses of time in English can be translated into coordinate sentence in Co coordinate sentence in Chinese.I had been puzzling over the problem for ove

16、r an hour I had been puzzling over the problem for over an hour without any result, without any result, when when suddenly solution flashed across suddenly solution flashed across my mind.my mind.這個問題把我難住了一個多小時,這個問題把我難住了一個多小時,后來后來我突然開竅了,找到我突然開竅了,找到了答案。了答案。When When I try to understand what it is tha

17、t prevents so I try to understand what it is that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might many Americans from being as happy as one might expectexpect,it seems to me that there are two causesit seems to me that there are two causes,of of which one goes much deeper than the other.

18、which one goes much deeper than the other.我想弄清為什么那么多美國人不像人們料想的那樣快樂,我想弄清為什么那么多美國人不像人們料想的那樣快樂,覺得似乎有兩個原因,其中一個比另一個深刻得多。覺得似乎有兩個原因,其中一個比另一個深刻得多。 1.5 1.5 Adverbials clauses of time in English can be translated into Adverbials clauses of time in English can be translated into adverbials of reason, condition

19、 and others.adverbials of reason, condition and others. One must sowOne must sow before before he can reaphe can reap只有只有耕耘,耕耘, 才才有收獲。有收獲。WhenWhen wind blows particle against a larger rock for a wind blows particle against a larger rock for a longer time, the softer layers of the rock are slowly wor

20、n longer time, the softer layers of the rock are slowly worn away .away .由于風(fēng)把沙粒刮起來,由于風(fēng)把沙粒刮起來,碰撞大巖石,久而久之,較松軟的巖石碰撞大巖石,久而久之,較松軟的巖石表層就會被慢慢地磨損。表層就會被慢慢地磨損。 Before manned spacecraft could be sent to spaceBefore manned spacecraft could be sent to space, the problem , the problem of getting the spacecraft sa

21、fely back to the earth had to of getting the spacecraft safely back to the earth had to solved.solved.為了把載人的宇宙飛船送到太空中去,為了把載人的宇宙飛船送到太空中去,就必須解決使飛船安全返就必須解決使飛船安全返回的問題?;氐膯栴}。Not untilNot until we have detailed studies of the present movement of traffic we have detailed studies of the present movement of t

22、raffic and have a clear idea of how many people wish to travel , where they and have a clear idea of how many people wish to travel , where they want to go, at what time of day and how quickly-want to go, at what time of day and how quickly-Not untilNot until then, then, can we begin to plan a prope

23、r transportation system for the future.can we begin to plan a proper transportation system for the future. 只有只有詳細(xì)地研究當(dāng)前的交通流量,比較清楚地了解多少人想出行,詳細(xì)地研究當(dāng)前的交通流量,比較清楚地了解多少人想出行,要到哪兒去,在一天中的什么時候上路,希望以多快的速度旅行,要到哪兒去,在一天中的什么時候上路,希望以多快的速度旅行,只有只有到那時,我們到那時,我們才能才能開始對未來的運(yùn)輸系統(tǒng)進(jìn)行合理的規(guī)劃開始對未來的運(yùn)輸系統(tǒng)進(jìn)行合理的規(guī)劃. .More examplesMore ex

24、amplesWhenWhenthelevelsreached6percentthecrewmemberswoulthelevelsreached6percentthecrewmemberswouldbecomementallyconfused,unabletotakemeasurestopdbecomementallyconfused,unabletotakemeasurestopreservetheirlivesreservetheirlives. .當(dāng)當(dāng)含量達(dá)到含量達(dá)到6%6%時時, ,飛船上的人員將會神經(jīng)錯亂飛船上的人員將會神經(jīng)錯亂, ,無法采取保護(hù)自無法采取保護(hù)自己生命的措施己生命的措

25、施 WhenWhencensorshiplawsarerelaxed,dishonestpeoplearegicensorshiplawsarerelaxed,dishonestpeoplearegivenachancetoproducevirtuallyanythinginthenameovenachancetoproducevirtuallyanythinginthenameof“art”.f“art”.當(dāng)當(dāng)審查放寬審查放寬時時, , 招搖撞騙之徒就會有機(jī)可乘招搖撞騙之徒就會有機(jī)可乘, ,在在“藝術(shù)藝術(shù)”的幌子的幌子下炮制出形形色色的東西來下炮制出形形色色的東西來WhenWhentable

26、sandothermaterialsareincluded,theyshouldtablesandothermaterialsareincluded,theyshouldbeconvenientlyplaced,sothatastudentcanconsultthembeconvenientlyplaced,sothatastudentcanconsultthemwithoutturningovertoomanypages.withoutturningovertoomanypages.當(dāng)當(dāng)書中列有表格或其他參考資料時書中列有表格或其他參考資料時, ,應(yīng)當(dāng)將這些內(nèi)容編排在適當(dāng)應(yīng)當(dāng)將這些內(nèi)容編排在

27、適當(dāng)?shù)奈恢玫奈恢? ,以便以便 使學(xué)生在查閱時使學(xué)生在查閱時, ,不必翻太多的書頁不必翻太多的書頁ThishappensThishappenswhenwhenafactisdiscoveredwhichseemstocontafactisdiscoveredwhichseemstocontradictwhatthe“l(fā)aw”wouldleadonetoexpect.radictwhatthe“l(fā)aw”wouldleadonetoexpect.每當(dāng)每當(dāng)發(fā)現(xiàn)一個事實使人感到與該定律應(yīng)得出的預(yù)期結(jié)論相矛盾發(fā)現(xiàn)一個事實使人感到與該定律應(yīng)得出的預(yù)期結(jié)論相矛盾的時候的時候, ,就發(fā)生這種情況就發(fā)生這種情況

28、. .Adverbial clause of conditionAdverbial clause of condition2.1 Adverbial clauses of condition in English, which implies 2.1 Adverbial clauses of condition in English, which implies supposition, can be translated into adverbial clauses of condition supposition, can be translated into adverbial clau

29、ses of condition in Chinesein ChineseSometimes this fallSometimes this fall,if all goes wellif all goes well,a revolutionarya revolutionarynew undersea vessel will be lowered gently into the waters new undersea vessel will be lowered gently into the waters of Monterey Bay for its maiden voyage.of Mo

30、nterey Bay for its maiden voyage.今年秋天,今年秋天,如果一切順利的話,如果一切順利的話,一只革命性新潛艇將輕輕一只革命性新潛艇將輕輕在蒙特利海灣下水,進(jìn)行它的第一次航行。在蒙特利海灣下水,進(jìn)行它的第一次航行。 If a free society cannotIf a free society cannot help the many who are poor help the many who are poor,it it cannot save the few who are rich.cannot save the few who are rich.自由社

31、會自由社會要是不能幫助眾多的窮人,要是不能幫助眾多的窮人,也就無法挽救少數(shù)富人也就無法挽救少數(shù)富人The amount of deformation is directly proportional to The amount of deformation is directly proportional to the applied stress the applied stress provided provided the force does not exceed a the force does not exceed a certain limit.certain limit. 如果

32、外力不超過某一限度的話如果外力不超過某一限度的話,那么形變量與外力成正比,那么形變量與外力成正比。If winter is here, can spring be far away?If winter is here, can spring be far away? 冬天來了,冬天來了, 春天還會遠(yuǎn)嗎?春天還會遠(yuǎn)嗎?It was better It was better in casein case they were captured. they were captured.要是要是把他們捉到了,把他們捉到了,那那就更好了。就更好了。If If you tell me about it, y

33、ou tell me about it, then then I shall be able to decideI shall be able to decide. .假如假如你把一切都告訴我,你把一切都告訴我,那么那么我就能夠作出決定。我就能夠作出決定。You can drive tonight You can drive tonight if if you are ready you are ready你今晚就可以出車,如果你愿意的話你今晚就可以出車,如果你愿意的話No doubt I could earned somethingNo doubt I could earned someth

34、ing if if I had really meant I had really meant to.to.毫無疑問,本來可以賺到一點的,毫無疑問,本來可以賺到一點的,如果如果我真有那樣打算的話。我真有那樣打算的話。 ThefirsttwomustbeequalforallwhoarebeingcompareThefirsttwomustbeequalforallwhoarebeingcompared,d,if ifanycomparisonintermsofintelligenceistobemadeanycomparisonintermsofintelligenceistobemade如果

35、如果要從智力方面進(jìn)行任何比較的話要從智力方面進(jìn)行任何比較的話, ,那么我們對所有被比較那么我們對所有被比較者來說者來說, ,前兩個因素必須是一致的(條件狀語從句前兩個因素必須是一致的(條件狀語從句 ) ) 如果如果固體內(nèi)的分子達(dá)到一定的運(yùn)動速度,固體固體內(nèi)的分子達(dá)到一定的運(yùn)動速度,固體就就融化為液體。融化為液體。When When the molecules of a solid move fast enough, the solid the molecules of a solid move fast enough, the solid melts and becomes a liquid.

36、melts and becomes a liquid.(時間狀語從句)時間狀語從句)如果如果有聲音,有聲音,就就一定有聲波一定有聲波. .Where thereWhere there is sound, is sound, there there must be sound waves.must be sound waves.不管不管你們這些人今天提出什么意見,從現(xiàn)在起,你們將有一你們這些人今天提出什么意見,從現(xiàn)在起,你們將有一 個星期的日子是難過的個星期的日子是難過的. .WhateverWhatever you fellows are recommending today, you wil

37、l you fellows are recommending today, you will be sorry about a week from now.be sorry about a week from now. 只要只要我們堅持改革開放政策,我們堅持改革開放政策,就就一定能把我國建設(shè)成為強(qiáng)大一定能把我國建設(shè)成為強(qiáng)大的社會主義強(qiáng)國。的社會主義強(qiáng)國。As long asAs long as we stick to the reform and opening-up policy, we stick to the reform and opening-up policy, we shall

38、surely be able to build China into a powerful we shall surely be able to build China into a powerful socialist country.socialist country.盡管盡管她能言善辯,她能言善辯,卻卻輸了這場演講比賽。輸了這場演講比賽。Eloquent Eloquent as as she was, she was losing the speech contest. she was, she was losing the speech contest.如果如果管理得好一些,這塊地的小

39、麥管理得好一些,這塊地的小麥還還可以長得更好一點??梢蚤L得更好一點。Given better attention, the wheat in the plot could have grown Given better attention, the wheat in the plot could have grown better.better.由于由于他們的幫助,我們他們的幫助,我們才才提前完成了自己的工作。提前完成了自己的工作。Thanks to their help, we finished our work ahead of time.Thanks to their help, we

40、finished our work ahead of time.為了交學(xué)費(fèi)為了交學(xué)費(fèi),他不得不在課余時間打工。,他不得不在課余時間打工。To pay for his tuition,To pay for his tuition, he has to find something to do in his spare time he has to find something to do in his spare time.前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。WhileWhile the prospects are bright, the road has twists an

41、d the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.turns.打腫臉充胖子,吃虧是自己。打腫臉充胖子,吃虧是自己。If If you get beyond your depth, you will suffer.you get beyond your depth, you will suffer.狼披羊皮還是狼。狼披羊皮還是狼。A wolf remains a wolf A wolf remains a wolf even thougheven though it is in sheeps clothing. it is in

42、sheeps clothing. When When this question is answered, even better and cheaper this question is answered, even better and cheaper magnetic materials can be developedmagnetic materials can be developed。 如果如果這一問題得到解決,就能研制出更好、更便宜的磁性材料這一問題得到解決,就能研制出更好、更便宜的磁性材料 Plugged into the intercommunication system,

43、the man can Plugged into the intercommunication system, the man can now communicate with the rest of the crewnow communicate with the rest of the crew no matter no matter whatwhat noise is going on aboutnoise is going on about himhim. .不管不管周圍是多么喧鬧,插頭一接上機(jī)內(nèi)通話系統(tǒng),他就能和同周圍是多么喧鬧,插頭一接上機(jī)內(nèi)通話系統(tǒng),他就能和同機(jī)其余的人通話。機(jī)其

44、余的人通話。 If If developing countries developing countries feel feel that industrialized that industrialized countries are trying to divert attention from their countries are trying to divert attention from their problems by focusing on the problems of poorer countriesproblems by focusing on the problem

45、s of poorer countries,then we risk wrestling endlessly over these issues rather then we risk wrestling endlessly over these issues rather than solving our common problems.than solving our common problems. 工業(yè)化國家正試圖通過強(qiáng)調(diào)貧困國家的問題來轉(zhuǎn)移人們對工業(yè)化國家正試圖通過強(qiáng)調(diào)貧困國家的問題來轉(zhuǎn)移人們對他們的問題的注意力;他們的問題的注意力;如果發(fā)展中國家意識到這一點,如果發(fā)展中國家意識到這

46、一點,那我那我們就會冒險把這些問題無休止地爭論下去,而沒有解決我們們就會冒險把這些問題無休止地爭論下去,而沒有解決我們共同的問題。共同的問題。 AsAs the electronic cash is downloaded the electronic cash is downloaded,the the customers bank accounts are debitedcustomers bank accounts are debited,just as they just as they would be after an ATM withdrawal.would be after an

47、 ATM withdrawal.在電子現(xiàn)金下載后,客戶的銀行存款就記入賬戶的借方,在電子現(xiàn)金下載后,客戶的銀行存款就記入賬戶的借方,就像在自動取款機(jī)取款后那樣。就像在自動取款機(jī)取款后那樣。 If If you melt two or more metals together, you can get a you melt two or more metals together, you can get a new metal.new metal. 一一起熔化兩種以上金屬,起熔化兩種以上金屬,就就可產(chǎn)生一種新金屬。(緊縮句)可產(chǎn)生一種新金屬。(緊縮句)In essenceIn essence,p

48、rovided provided a company is permitted to do so by a company is permitted to do so by its Memorandum and Articles of Associationits Memorandum and Articles of Association,any company any company can now acquire its own sharescan now acquire its own shares(subject to theresubject to there being at b

49、eing at least one leftleast one left)實際上實際上,如果,如果一個公司的組織章程和(聯(lián)營)公司章程允許這一個公司的組織章程和(聯(lián)營)公司章程允許這樣做,那么任何公司現(xiàn)在都能購買自身股份(樣做,那么任何公司現(xiàn)在都能購買自身股份(條件是條件是至少剩下一至少剩下一位股東)。位股東)。 只要只要我們堅持改革開放政策,就一定能把我國建設(shè)成為強(qiáng)大的我們堅持改革開放政策,就一定能把我國建設(shè)成為強(qiáng)大的社會主義強(qiáng)國社會主義強(qiáng)國。As long asAs long as we stick to the reform and opening-up policy, we stick

50、 to the reform and opening-up policy, we shall surely be able to build China into a powerful we shall surely be able to build China into a powerful socialist country.socialist country.Adverbial Clause of ReasonAdverbial Clause of ReasonIt can be translated into clause of reason in ChineseIt can be t

51、ranslated into clause of reason in Chinese It doesnt boil It doesnt boil, , despite temperatures reaching up to 400 despite temperatures reaching up to 400 degrees Cdegrees C,because because it is under terrific pressureit is under terrific pressure. . 盡管溫度可高達(dá)攝氏盡管溫度可高達(dá)攝氏400400度,水卻度,水卻因為因為處于高壓之下而不會沸騰


53、dministrativecontrol.econtrol. 由于貧窮國家的經(jīng)濟(jì)對形勢變化的適應(yīng)能力差一些由于貧窮國家的經(jīng)濟(jì)對形勢變化的適應(yīng)能力差一些, 政府對這政府對這種經(jīng)濟(jì)的控制作種經(jīng)濟(jì)的控制作 用也小一些用也小一些, 所以所以發(fā)展中國家所能采取的政發(fā)展中國家所能采取的政策比起工業(yè)化國家來就更有局限性策比起工業(yè)化國家來就更有局限性.ItalsoplaysanimportantroleinmakingtheearthmorehaItalsoplaysanimportantroleinmakingtheearthmorehabitable,bitable,asaswarmoceancurren

54、tsbringmildertemperaturestwarmoceancurrentsbringmildertemperaturestoplacesthatwouldotherwisebequitecold.oplacesthatwouldotherwisebequitecold. 由于由于溫暖的洋流能把溫暖的氣候帶給那些本來十分寒冷的地區(qū)溫暖的洋流能把溫暖的氣候帶給那些本來十分寒冷的地區(qū)并使之變暖并使之變暖, ,因此因此, ,海洋在使我們這個地球更適合人類居住方面海洋在使我們這個地球更適合人類居住方面也扮也扮演一個重要的角色演一個重要的角色. .Peter never cares for o

55、ther peoples interest Peter never cares for other peoples interest because because he is he is extremely selfishextremely selfish. 彼得極端自私,他不會關(guān)心別人的利益。(并列句)彼得極端自私,他不會關(guān)心別人的利益。(并列句)It can be translated into coordinate clause without It can be translated into coordinate clause without relativesrelativesA

56、s As families move away from their stable community, the families move away from their stable community, the friends of many years, their extended family relationship, friends of many years, their extended family relationship, the formal flow of information is cut off.the formal flow of information

57、is cut off.眾多家庭搬出原來穩(wěn)定的社區(qū)之后,離開交往多年的朋友,遠(yuǎn)眾多家庭搬出原來穩(wěn)定的社區(qū)之后,離開交往多年的朋友,遠(yuǎn)離大家庭的其他成員,日常信息來源說此切斷。離大家庭的其他成員,日常信息來源說此切斷。Adverbial of resultAdverbial of result You “jump on the bandwagon” You “jump on the bandwagon” when you decide to when you decide to support a candidatesupport a candidate because public opinio

58、n studies show because public opinion studies show he is likely to win.he is likely to win. 如果民意調(diào)查顯示某個侯選人很可能會取勝,如果民意調(diào)查顯示某個侯選人很可能會取勝,因此你決定因此你決定支持他,支持他,你就你就“跳上了宣傳車跳上了宣傳車”。. . Forexample,theydonotcompensateforgrosssocialineqForexample,theydonotcompensateforgrosssocialinequality,anduality,andthusthusdon

59、ottellhowableanunderprivilegedydonottellhowableanunderprivilegedyoungstermighthavebeenhadhegrownupundermorefaoungstermighthavebeenhadhegrownupundermorefavorablecircumstances.vorablecircumstances. 例如例如, ,他們他們( (測試測試) )并不對社會總的不平等作出補(bǔ)償并不對社會總的不平等作出補(bǔ)償, , 因此因此, ,測測試不能告訴我們試不能告訴我們, ,一個社會地位低下的年輕人如果生活在較為一個社會地位

60、低下的年輕人如果生活在較為優(yōu)越的條件下優(yōu)越的條件下, ,會有多大的才能會有多大的才能Adv of result appears at the end of the sentence in Eng and Adv of result appears at the end of the sentence in Eng and Chinese.Chinese.1 譯成表結(jié)果的分句譯成表結(jié)果的分句 他睡過頭了,結(jié)果上班遲到了結(jié)果上班遲到了。He had overslept, He had overslept, so that he was late for work.so that he was la


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