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1、 $ $Fast Fashion Chic and stylish with a reasonable priceIssues Facing CeeCeeIssues Facing CeeCee- by 5Wings- by 5WingsBackgroundIssue PrioritizationAnalysis & Recommendation ConclusionAGENDA Part Backgroundl Market overviewFast FashionBackgroundShort product life cycleMimic the newest designFas

2、t Supply chainEfficient IT systeml Market overviewFast FashionBackground1990201920192019Market Value ($billion)l CeeCee overviewBackgroundAIMFocusing on up to the minute fashion styles for women at affordable prices.Leading edge of current trend and style of its ownReliant on a good outsourced distr

3、ibutor Reliant on its sophisticated IT system Limited numbers of each design in order to create an air of exclusivityl CeeCee overviewBackgroundGreat Growth PotentialSome operation issuesInternational expansionPart Issues Prioritization1. Distributors strike2. IT failure3. Expansion into jewellery r

4、ange4. Celebrity marketing5. Ethical issuesIssues prioritizationPart Analysis & Recommendation Issue 1 Issue 1l Supply chainDistributors strikeDistributors strikeDesignMarketing & SalesDistribution & StorageProduction l Current statusDistributors strikeShopsDistribution CenterEITLost pro

5、fit 189,228,553.7Lost customer loyaltyDistributors strike l How to minimize the losses?MethodsAdvantagesDisadvantagesMaintain current distributorSet up own distribution teamEmploy other distributors Continue enjoying high efficiency Maintain long term cooperation Quick recovery Diversified risk Easy

6、 to control High utilizationLarge expensesTime-consuming Difficulty to cooperate High cost Risk of similar collapse Difficult to recover immediatelyDistributors strike l How to improve distribution?Resolve current collapseOptimize logistics structure Issue 2 Issue 2IT failure l Current statusSignifi

7、cant DiscrepancyReceipt problemHow to collect ? IT failure 20,000 differenceMethodsTotal lossPercentage recoveredAdditional chargesNet amount recoveredl Which way to collect payments?CeeCees overstretched staffs 6,000,000Outside agency14 per customer 5% success fee60%2,720,0002,700,0006,000,000Finan

8、ce departmentNone45%IT failure l What causes this IT failure?Programing error3 months before detectionInefficient internal controlStricter error detectionMore frequent internal auditTimely internal controlIT failure l How to improve internal control?IT failure l Current outsourcing policyIT system C

9、eeCees IT staff Outsourced IT companyIT failure l How much work to be outsourced?Core design workSome update workIn-houseOutsourceClear segregation of duties Issue 3 Issue 3l Current statusInvest or not?Recession resistantLow thresholdSynergy Expansion of jewellery rangel Whether to expand into jewe

10、llery range?Expansion of jewellery rangeNPV: 239,266-25,000.00-20,000.00-15,000.00-10,000.00-5,000.00-5,000.0010,000.0015,000.0020,000.0025,000.0030,000.00012345Incremental Cash FlowExpansion of jewellery rangel Whether to expand into jewellery range?JewelleryCurrent productsLack of experienceErosio

11、n effectsLow turnoverRejectExpansion of jewellery rangel Whether to expand into jewellery range?Unsatisfied profitExpansion of jewellery rangel Comparison of key statisticsExpansion of jewellery rangel Comparison of key statisticsShop ExpansionShop expansion Issue 4 Issue 4Celebrity marketingl Whether to use the celebrity ?Celebrity marketingl Diversify marketing methodsShop advertisingCelebrityDirect mediaDesignerOn-line Issue 5 Issue 5Ethic issuesl Current statusREPUTATIONCONFIDENCEMORALEl What to do?Ethic issuesSupplier ManagementSupplierl What to do?Ethic issuesSupplierEnvironme


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