1、這是一只雪豹A snow leopard.這是一只雪豹A snow leopard.它已經(jīng)幾天沒有進食了He hasnt eaten in days.這可能是它的最后一次機會This may be his last chance.水深火熱的星球我現(xiàn)在位于海拔3200米的高度Im two miles above sea level here,這里的環(huán)境十分惡劣And it is brutal.天寒地凍 荒無人煙 呼吸困難Cold, desolate, hard to breathe.但對許多動物來說 這里就是家園But, for some, this is home.高山是地球上最為惡劣的Mou
2、ntains are one of the most hostile environments生存環(huán)境On our planet.由于全球氣溫變暖Now, with the rise in global temperatures,它們的生活變得愈加艱難Life is even tougher.它們必須不停地尋找食物The relentless search for food.面對劍拔弩張的爭斗Intense competition.應對變幻莫測的天氣Unpredictable weather.生活在高山的動物們不得不挑戰(zhàn)生存極限Mountain animals are pushed to th
3、e edge of existence.南極圈The arctic circle.這里是全球變暖影響最顯著的地方Nowhere is the planet warming faster.春天早早地到來了Spring has arrived here early.對于在山地繁殖的白頰黑雁來說And thats bad news for the barnacle geese這是個槽糕的消息That breed in these mountains.很多鳥巢毀于一旦Many nests have failed.但這一家幸免于難But not this one.巢中一共三只雛鳥Three chicks
4、.成功地破殼而出Theyre lucky to have made it.由于春天來得太早Forced by the early spring,白頰黑雁父母急急忙忙完成了遷徙The parents rush to their migration.它們抵達時已經(jīng)筋疲力盡了They arrived exhausted.雌鳥又連續(xù)25天時間孵卵The female sat on the eggs for 25 days.它的體重現(xiàn)在減少了30Shes lost 30% of her body weight.但還有一個更為艱難的挑戰(zhàn)But for this family,在等待著這個家庭The gre
5、atest challenge is still to come.白頰黑雁父母選擇在高達400尺的峰柱頂上筑巢The parents chose to nest on this 400 foot pinnacle.只有這樣才能避開掠食者Its the only way to evade predators.但這也存在一個難題Just one problem.它們要前往1.6公里外的河邊The grass they eat is a mile away,才能吃到青草By the river.這樣白頰黑雁父母就很難飛回喂養(yǎng)巢中的雛鳥And barnacle geese cant feed thei
6、r young in the nest.雛鳥如果36小時沒有進食If the chicks dont feed within 36 hours,就會餓死Theyll starve.而這些雛鳥還要再過一個月才能學會飛行And these chicks wont be able to fly for another month.它們的父母既然能活著 就證明雛鳥們會有出路The parents are living proof there is a solution.只是并不輕松Just not an easy one.爸爸首先示范Dad leads the way.但雛鳥們本能地和媽媽更加親近Bu
7、t the chicks are instinctively bonded to mum.媽媽去哪里 它們也會跟上Where she goes they follow.不可思議的是 它活下來了Incredibly, it survived.但它不知所措But its stunned.隨即陷入了危險之中And now dangerously exposed.一只雛鳥被叼走了One chick gone.希望寄托在剩下的兩只雛鳥身上Now hope rests with the other two.山峰的背側(cè)距離下方地面更近The back of the spire is a shorter dr
8、op.但是更難避開巖石But its much harder to avoid the rocks.這只雛鳥無處逃脫For this chick, there will be no escape.只有一只雛鳥還活著The third and last surviving chick.積雪為它提供了緩沖 但是并沒有讓它停下來The snow cushions the impact, but offers no grip.在懸崖上出生的雛鳥只有大約一半Only around 50% of chicks hatched on these cliffs能成功存活到足月Make it through t
9、he first month.這里的季節(jié)變化越發(fā)難測With the seasons increasingly unpredictable,能幸存下來的雛鳥就更少了Fewer chicks will survive.但是至少這只雛鳥 爭取到了一線生機But this chick, at least, has defied the odds.世界各地的高山動物都受到了A changing climate is affecting life in mountains氣候變化的影響Across the world.冬季即將結(jié)束Late winter.這里的平均氣溫每過十年就會上升一度The aver
10、age temperature here is rising a degree every decade.對一只雪豹來說這是個壞消息Bad news for a snow leopard.它身上厚厚的皮毛可以抵御Thick fur enables him to withstand temperatures零下29攝氏度的低溫Of -20 fahrenheit.然而今天的氣溫卻是19攝氏度But today, its 66.為了覓食它必須搜尋面♥積♥約為To find enough food, he must patrol a territory200平方公里的領地O
11、f 80 square miles.這里的山坡干旱而荒蕪 很少有獵物出沒Dry barren slopes dont support much prey.可能要一周時間它才能吃上一頓飽飯It can be more than a week between meals.今天它必須得手He must make a kill,否則就會餓死Or starve.在喜馬拉雅山海拔4800米的地方16,000 feet up in the himalayas,一只極度饑餓的雪豹正在潛行A desperately hungry snow leopard.數(shù)天以來它最好的狩獵機會近在眼前His best opp
12、ortunity in days is within sight.巖羊Blue sheep.在如此炎熱的天氣下 雪豹跑不了很遠In this heat, he cant run far.它需要縮小和獵物之間的距離He needs to close the gap.它的偽裝派上了用場His camouflage helps.但是這里的掩蔽物太少了 雪豹很難靠近But with so little cover, its hard to get close enough.它起跑得太早了He ran too early.氣溫太高 它很難展開追逐And its too hot to give chase
13、.和山區(qū)的很多動物一樣Like all who live here,這只雪豹的命運和氣候息息相關His fortunes are linked to the mountain climate.即使氣候發(fā)生了很小的改變 也會造成嚴重的影響And even small changes can have dramatic consequences.在非洲 氣溫的上升使高山動物Here in africa, rising temperatures被迫前往海拔更高的地方生活Are forcing mountain life ever higher.獅尾狒成群結(jié)隊地行動起來An army of gelad
14、a monkeys is gathering.它們在尋找同一個目標Theyre all after one thing.為此它們需要攀爬到海拔更高的地方But to find it, they must climb higher and higher.這些獅尾狒的數(shù)量達到了1200多只Their numbers grow to 1200 strong.堪稱靈長類動物中規(guī)模最大的集♥會♥之一One of the largest gatherings of monkeys on the planet.在海拔3048米的地方 它們找到了自己想要的東西At 10,000 f
15、eet, this is what theyre after.草獅尾狒們Grass.幾乎只以青草為食Its almost all they eat.小小一片草地要為這么多狒狒提供食物 沖突在所難免But so many monkeys in such a small area means trouble.這只年邁的公狒狒不敢怠慢Especially for this old male.它需要竭盡全力才能保護自己的家庭He needs a lot of energy to defend his family.包括10只母狒狒和12只小狒狒Ten females and 12 youngsters
16、.但青草所供的能量不多But you dont get much from grass.它們每天不得不花費10個小時覓食He has to spend ten hours a day feeding.而今天它必須積蓄能量 全力以赴And today hes gonna need all the energy he can get.單身漢們闖過來了Bachelor males.這些被放逐者Outcasts.一般只允許在群體邊緣活動Forced to the edge of society.它們之中的任何一員都想戰(zhàn)勝老狒狒Any one of them would be happy to take
17、 down the old male and成為新的家族首領Become the new family leader.為了保住自己的權(quán)力 老狒狒必須證明自己To hold onto power, the old male must prove his strength,在年輕對手和自己的家人面前一展身手Both to the bachelors and his females.它向年輕狒狒挑釁He challenges them to chase him.沒有狒狒敢于向它發(fā)動攻擊But no one dares to attack.它的示♥威♥奏效了His show
18、 of force has worked.至少目前如此For now.老狒狒幾乎沒有時間恢復體力The old male has little time to refuel就要跟隨狒狒群離開Before the herd moves on.單身漢們又再卷土重來The bachelors are back.在高海拔地區(qū)At this high altitude,像這樣的對峙將會耗費更多的體力Each confrontation takes more energy.行進覓食和搏斗 這似乎是無休止的循環(huán)A relentless cycle of moving, feeding and fightin
19、g.行進 覓食 搏斗Moving, feeding, fighting.傍晚將至 老狒狒已經(jīng)筋疲力盡了By late afternoon, the old male is exhausted.最強壯的年輕狒狒 擁有20公斤的肌肉The strongest bachelor, 45 pounds of muscle,體力充沛With energy to burn.它是目前為止最強大的挑戰(zhàn)者Hes the most serious challenger yet,這一點老狒狒心知肚明And the old male knows it.兩只公獅尾狒為至高權(quán)力展開爭奪Two male gelada mo
20、nkeys fight for supremacy.只是狒狒群的首領 一只是年輕的單身漢A dominant male and a younger bachelor.在一對一搏斗中 年輕狒狒更為強勢One against one the bachelor is stronger.老狒狒堅恃不了多久The old male wont last much longer.但它并非孤立無援At least not alone.它的配偶們表現(xiàn)得非常忠城His females are loyal.不會輕易拋棄自己的保護者They wont give up on their protector yet.團結(jié)
21、的力量是驚人的This united force is overwhelming.老狒狒勝利了The old male is victorious.維持統(tǒng)治并非易事But its tough at the top.隨著氣溫變暖 它們食用的青草在更高海拔的地區(qū)才有As the climate warms and the grass they depend on retreats higher,屆時這里的生存戰(zhàn)斗勢必更加激烈Their battle for survival will only intensify.在盛夏的高溫中 雪羊徘徊在高高的山脊止In the heat of mid-summ
22、er, mountain goats seek out尋找盛暑的好地方Cooler temperatures on the high ridges.這只母雪羊是天生的攀爬能手This female is a natural mountaineer.即使帶著一只羊羔She can easily access the best grazing,它也能輕松抵達最好的草場Even with a kid in tow.但是它們需要的另一種資源But theres one thing they both need thats卻遙遠得多Far harder to reach.今天它們必須離開山脊Today,
23、 they must leave the ridge and descend下山進入炎熱的山谷Into the heat of the valley.對小羊羔來說 這是一段危險的旅程For the little one, this is a dangerous journey.這是有史以來最炎熱的夏天With the mercury hitting 100 degrees fahrenheit,氣溫達到了37攝氏度This is the hottest summer on record.這里的冬天下了很大的雪After a winter of heavy snow,因此冰雪融水比以往更加充沛T
24、his means more meltwater than ever.雪羊媽媽之前走過這段路程Mums made this journey before,但是途中一些河流的水位達到了近百年來的最高水平But some rivers are at their highest level in 100 years.它們的目標近在眼前Their goal is in sight.只要再趟過一條河就成功了Just one more river to cross.但這條河的水位最深 河面最寬But its the deepest and widest yet.水流湍急 小羊羔很難站穩(wěn)The curren
25、t is too strong for little legs.它們的冒險得到了回報And this is what theyve risked their lives for.鹽塊A salt lick.這些雪羊需要攝取鈉 它們的日常飲食中These goats crave sodium, an essential mineral lacking缺乏這種必不可少的礦物質(zhì)In their mountain diet.山區(qū)的夏天非常短暫Summer in the mountains is short.更艱難的時期即將到來Harder times are coming.氣溫驟降Temperatur
26、es plummet.白晝縮短Days shorten.冬天來了Winter is here.但是尋找食物的腳步還在繼續(xù)But the hunt for food must continue.高山上厚厚的積雪迫使這群北山羊Heavy snow on higher ridges has forced these ibex回到山谷Down into the valley.寒泠的冬天或許能給這只饑餓的雪豹A cold winter can be a blessing for帶來轉(zhuǎn)機A hungry snow leopard.這時它的體溫不會過高Hes less likely to overheat.
27、但是在白茫茫的雪地中 它格外顯眼But against the white, hes visible for miles.它必須想方設法隱蔽起來He must rely on stealth.厚厚的積雪阻礙了它的行動Not easy in such deep snow.距離太遠了The distance was too great.北山羊很快逃走了The ibex too fast.現(xiàn)在山谷里的所有動物都知道它在這里Now all the animals in the valley know hes here.它消耗了寶貴的體力And hes burnt precious energy.這只雪
28、豹山窮水盡These are desperate times.如果它想熬過這個冬天If hes to see winter through,只有孤注一擲He may have to take bigger risks.在北半球的山區(qū)Throughout the mountains of the northern hemisphere,凈冽的寒風顯示出它的威力Winters grip is tightening.惡劣的天氣迫使動物們尋找藏身之處 但在此之前Animals must make the most of any last opportunity before它們必須抓住最后的機會填飽肚
29、子Conditions drive them to take shelter.在遙遠的上空 自然力量正在碰撞交鋒Far above, planetary forces are on a collision course.一股噴射氣流 洶涌強勁A river of air, the jet stream,環(huán)繞在北極周圍Flows around the north pole.它的中心正是一大團極地冷空氣At its center, sits a mass of cold arctic air.但現(xiàn)在溫暖的高空大氣減慢了噴射氣流的速度But now a warming upper atmospher
30、e is slowing the jet stream.冷空氣得以逃離And the cold air can escape.等到冷空氣席卷落基山脈時By the time it hits the rockies,已經(jīng)升級為一場巨大的暴風雪Its grown into a mega storm.所到之處冰封雪凍Freezing everything in its path.隆冬時節(jié) 強勁的暴風雪在加拿大In the depths of winter, extreme storms rage across和美國肆虐Canada and the USA.周圍天寒地凍Freezing tempera
31、tures,風速可達每小時240公里Wind speeds of up to 150 miles per hour.現(xiàn)在即使是最為頑強的動物 也面臨著死亡的考驗Now, even the toughest animals are at their limit of survival.暴風雪可能已經(jīng)過去了 但冰天雪地中The storms may have passed, but there is hidden danger依然危機四伏In this landscape.呼嘯的寒風將不列顛哥倫比亞省的這片地區(qū)Winter storms have buried this area of briti
32、sh columbia埋在近12米深的積雪中Under nearly 40 feet of snow.如果氣溫升高到零度以上But if temperatures rise above freezing,可能會引發(fā)致命的后果It can have lethal consequences.高高的山脊上 狂風挾卷的積雪On the high ridges, wind driven snow has created形成了一個巨大的雪壁 大約有7米厚Huge overhangs, some 25 feet thick.氣溫在零度以上的時間越長The longer the temperatures st
33、ay above freezing,雪壁就越發(fā)搖搖欲墜The more the snow pack weakens.很快 成千上萬噸♥的積雪以每小時120公里的速度Soon, tens of thousands of tons of snow are traveling呼嘯而下Up to 80 miles an hour.隨著世界各地氣候模式的變化 雪崩的規(guī)模As weather patterns change, avalanches across the world也越來越大Are growing bigger.山區(qū)冬季的氣候越不穩(wěn)定The more erratic and s
34、evere mountain winters become,波及到的受害者就越多The more victims theyll claim.但在這個殘酷的世界中 仍然有動物能夠生存But some are still succeeding in this harsh world.金雕幾乎出沒于北半球的Golden eagles live in almost every mountain range in the每一座高山中Northern hemisphere.它們充分利用惡劣的天氣They endure the alpine winter by using the brutal condit
35、ions度過山區(qū)的寒冬To their advantage.和所有的金雕樣 這只雌性金雕有一個特殊的感應器官Like all golden eagles, this female has a special sensory可以檢測氣壓的變化Organ that detects change in air pressure,定位山脊的上升氣流Allowing her to locate air currents rising off ridges.它的翼展超過兩米 可以飛到超過3300米的高空With her seven foot wingspan, she can climb to over
36、11,000 feet.然后 為了抵達下一座山峰 它收攏翅膀 向下俯沖Then, to get to the next peak, she folds her wings and dives.它的最高時速為每小時240公里With a top speed of 150 miles per hour,是地球上速度最快的動物之一Shes one of the fastest animals on the planet.它的飛行毫不費力 只有這樣它才能存活It looks effortless, and it needs to be.一只金雕每天可以飛行160公里A golden eagle may
37、 cover 100 miles a day scouring在山坡上搜尋覓食的機會The slopes for any opportunity.一群烏鴉是一個好兆頭A flock of ravens is a good sign.在冬季 金雕90的食物During winter, golden eagles are forced to scavenge來自于腐肉90% of their food.要發(fā)現(xiàn)食物已經(jīng)很難了 但保護食物更難If finding food is hard, keeping it is even harder.像這樣的一具腐尸 吸引了很多動物的注意A carcass l
38、ike this attracts a lot of attention.這只雄性金雕身強力壯This male is powerful.這樣的猛禽是不愿分享美食的And eagles dont share.又一場殘酷的暴風雪襲來Another brutal storm.未來幾天里 它們可能只有這一次大快朵頤的機會This could be the last chance to feed for days.饑餓嚴重威脅著金雕的生命Starvation is a serious threat.只有四分之一的雛鳥能活到成年Only a quarter of young eagles will su
39、rvive to reach maturity.笑到最后的是這只雄性 還是這只雌性呢?Will it be him or her?雌鳥從空中發(fā)起進攻 占據(jù)了優(yōu)勢Attacking from the air gives her the advantage.然而好景不長But her victory is short lived.現(xiàn)在兩只金雕都要為生命而戰(zhàn)了Now both eagles may be fighting for their lives.在挪威的山峰上 兩只金雕為爭奪食物In the peaks of norway, two golden eagles are fighting展開殊
40、死一搏For a chance to feed.雙方都已破釜沉舟Both are desperate.雌性金雕毫不退縮The female stands her ground.雄性金雕同樣不會善罷甘休But the male is not done.雙方都有著5厘米長的爪子Each eagle is armed with two inch talons.這樣的打斗很可能是生死較量These fights can be deadly.雌性金雕的一記飛踹鎖定勝局Her kick was decisive.余下的腐肉也只是夠它Whats left of the frozen flesh may be just enough維生而已To keep her alive.在這個嚴峻的冬天 還有很多動物為了生存不惜一切代價But this harsh winter will drive others to even greater extremes.這只雪豹仍在執(zhí)著地尋覓獵物This snow leopards relentless search for food continues.獵物的氣味將它引向Following the scent of prey
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